Newmarket Era, 25 Jul 1919, p. 7

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I J f 9 yi v iV lr r v- -v- -oV- Lamb- valued at donated Patrick Murphy won by Mrs Jos Guile Newmarket Doll won by Mr Daley a returned soldier of Newmarket V A Summer Said The Monthly Meeting of Newmarket Branch will be held in the Club Rooms on Tuesday July 29th at p Business very important All members are re quested to attend Bee Bradford China pieces China- Tea Sets Fine Quality of Very Nice Decoration f6W Mts left To Clear and DINNER SETS mist Quality of English 2SSnT Ver Cholc SV of for Pieces TEA POTS urge Assortment In a of Styles and Decorations from up to are Reduoing You Save Money by buying while Our Stock lasts The Referendum A Public Meeting of air those interested in the Temperance Campaign will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday the at p m to receive the Report of the Nominating Com mittee- and other business Meeting open to all Incipient Fire At yesterday morning an alarm was sent in from the Mili tary Hospital Fire in some way was started in the ground floor The firemen responded at once but the fire was out by the time of their arrival The damage was Dr and Mrs ton of market visited in town over the week-end- Miss Moss of New market was the guest of Mrs Stoddart over the weekend Miss West of Toronto was a guest at the home of Mr S Gardner for a few days Mr and and family of Newmarket were the weekend visitors in town Mr Wood by Mr John and Mr Jr of Newmarket and Mr Long of Toronto on a motor trip to Buffalo on Saturday re turning on Sunday Miss C Wesley of Newmarket who was successful in obtaining a firstclass certificate at the reconl examination at the Fac ulty of Education Toronto is making a visit with her aunt Mrs S Martin Witness and Mrs Patrick- v -i- ougraluUtedcatRearrivaloriH peace day- Geo Treacey passed away on A July at her home era SI I I A IS 1 lJ A Staple and Fancy China IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK RESTAURANT AND TEA ROOM THE PLACE FOR A QUICK LUNCH ICE CREAM AND CANDY is ford CO I O St the Market Police Court Constables McMullin Thomp son and Duncan paid a visit to Queensville on Wednesday night and recovered some booty that had been extracted from store Two arrests were made and they were to P here yes terday A Ravenshoe Row Report has it that a onesided scrap took place at on Tuesday night Frank Fare- got pretty well battered up Dr worked with him for more than an hour before leaving him Constable Duncan brought in the aggressor Bert and the affair will Do aired in court here shortly The Temperance Referendum Organization Meetings in con nection with the Referendum on Prohibition will be held as fol lows Monday evening King City Tuesday evening Kettleby Wednesday evening Thursday evening Rev W Kettlewell of Toronto expects to attend all these meet ings R Mrs Hearty Ap petite ft high time got acquainted with the nourishing pure food qual ities of our bread Its the proper sort of food for child ren and will become a slogan of your happy times If you remember to order this breed by name A Place to Stop Off At Motorists are finding the Pio neers Temple at Sharon a fine place for a rest on their way from Toronto to the Lake More than visitors registered at the Temple already this month Mr John Graham of the old Sharon Band is the very obliging and entertaining curator and he is always on the job Call and see the curioes The League held an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday evening last which was a grand success The receipts amount ing to over A football game played between Glen- ville and Kettleby resulting in a tie The Young Mens Class held a social evening at the home of Mr J last Thursday evening is getting on the map as a summer resort Rest seekers arriving daily The Mayor is having a busy time entertaining his boarders There seems to be lots of at traction here for young fellows from and Aurora Trips are made regular The few drops of rain which fell about oclock on Sunday evening found a young couple a few miles away from home The homeward journey was made in jig lime One Sunday evening a cqjiple of weeks ago a lady heard some one with a masculine voice call ing Bessie Bessie Ill throw a pea pod at you I some body must have been in some bodys pea patch a few miles from home It was a fine night for motor ing on Tuesday night So said a couple of young ladies after an hours ride Miss of Au rora in this Miss Jessie Anning and Mrs W of Toronto spent Sun day the home of Mr J thereby making a big Improvement to his show room Mr and Mrs patriot are to be ci bod on J Mrs Geoi Treacey passed away on Sunday July at her home on line King in her year She leaves to mourn her loss a husband two son and one daughter all at heme STREET Miss Beatrice Proctor and Mr Eugene Proctor both of Toronto j spent over the holiday at their home here Mr Joseph Cody had a valuable horse die on Sunday last Mr Harold Orser of Glenville spent Sunday visiting friends in this vicinity Mr Fred Mills of Aurora spent Tuesday with his son Mr Harry Mills- of the 2nd line King Everybody is busy working while the sun shines Mr Emmerson MadiU of Brad ford spent Sunday at his broth ers Mr S S MadiU Miss Nellie Dick of visited at Mr over Sunday Mr and MrsAb of were at Mr Harry Mills on Sunday last Mr and Mrs Edward Goodwin and friends motored to orTSunday to Mr Will Robinsons I wonder how the Holland Landing reporter gels all the- news Why not mention the couple who said they talked an hour after they went to bed I hen got up early next morning and went to a picnic School Reports Report Following is the report of Promotions Examinations held on June 26th and 27th IV Marks possible Roy MadiU Hanna Goode Recommended Ed Sr Ill Marks possible 330- West Berlha Buckles 342 Recommended Clarence Hardy Jr Ill Marks possible 300 Fred Morning Harry Buckles Dewart French 395 Ruby Lane 327 Sr Marks possible 300 Violet French 432 Ha Sisler 423 I Cooke Evelyn Morning Ethel French Jr I Ruth Sr Pr Dorothy French Gor don Morning Jr Harry Robert Smith T teacher I t r A to Scooter Given Suit of Boys for a FREE Scooter Away with Every Extra Special in Mens Straw Hats 100 Styled Boaters of the medium type have Black Bands and Leather Sweat Sizes 58ths to 7 38th s PRICE 100 1 t 1 fflSP ir N Japanese Manufactured Panama Hats In Many Smart Shapes Prices 300 and Im It i tK Schomberg- Postponed The Girl Guide Garden Parly which was previously announced for tonight July has owing to unforeseen circumstances been postponed until Tuesday July Ice cream and cake sandwiches and coffee will be served on the lawn of Mr Bert Cane A small admission will be charged at the gale The pro ceeds for parlially financing the girls camp Aurora Band Come and encourage Ihe Guides Com SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STORE In enveloping lhoa chicks of do not forget our line of for they the best If your seeds are not all pur chased try us before going In mind our full stock of and stock feed We handle plants green and other garden J C Prompt Delivery Phone House Miss Owen Dead Sad Indeed was the news which circulated on Tuesday morning that Miss Gwendolyn Prosser had passed away at Ihe residence of her sister Mrs Verne Cane She had been ill only a few days with Deceased was the youngest daughter of Elder I exPresident of the Christian Conference and for a number of years a resident of this Town She was a bright active young lady and for two seasons conducted the Class in Millinery at Newmarket Night School with much success She will he greatly missed by her companions and the bereaved family have the sympathy of the Community PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR PRICES R ASHT0Nl HARDWARE NEWMARKET FREIGHT TORONTO TO Daily Freight Service will be from door to door as requlr- JJ Will handle long moving No trip too long to service and all work J MURPHY Newmarket P Phone i A Great Garden Party It takes the people of the Church to rake in the money at a Garden Party The one on the Separate School Grounds here on Wednesday night was the best they have had for The net proceeds were in the neigh borhood of The grounds were lavishly dec- and electrically illuminat ed and were crowded with a busy throng The Aurora Brass Band put up a good program of music and continued to entertain the people until oclock As usual the eatables were abundant and excellent the ladles de serve great credit The booths were liberally patronized The swings were never still and the tickets for the drawing were bought by everybody The win ners vere as follows Bag of Flour donated by Mr Patrick Kenny won by Mr J I Willis Aurora lbs- Granulated do nated by Mr I Casey by Mrs John Howard Calf valued at donated by Mr McDonald by Miss of Bradford bags Potatoes donated by Mr J Camber won by Miss of Sutton 5 lbs Tea by Mr Jan won by Mr Art Simp son Newmarket yds Towelling do nated by Mr Michael Hurley by Mr Ward Clark V Mrs and son of Aurora Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs and daughter are spending a fortnight with relatives at Forest Miss Clarice of Toronto Is visiting her aunt Kiel Mrs Flavin and son nee Miss Bel la of Sudbury arc spending a month with her brothers the Mes- I Mr ami MrsThos and children also Miss M mo tored to Midland for the holiday Mr and Mrs Duncan and son spent Sunday with the latlers parents Mr and Mrs Mr Leonard Black of Midland was visiting his sister Mrs Lyon on Saturday Mr Frank and motor ed Bradford on Saturday Mr Armstrong and Coffey spent a couple of days on a fishing trip to Walkerton They report a good catch Mrs Thompson of Toronto Is spending a week with her yarenls Mr and Mrs Smart Mrs and son are vlsltng their cousins Mr and Mrs Harvey Mrs Alfred Walker and son of To ronto are visiting her father Mr Leonard Some of our young folks spent an enjoyable day Saturday at K Blarney Beach Mr and Mrs Thornton and spent the week with the tatters par ents Mr and Mrs Thompson to Brad ford Miss Veda of Is visiting the Mlssesa Somrnervillc Mr and Mrs Smart of To ronto are visiting the formers par ents Mr and Mra A Smart Mrs Ceo Skinner Is visiting her son Herbert Skinner In for a couple of months Mr Thos Sheardpwn has sold his house and lot to Mr Williamson Mr w hear Is moving to Thornton It will be more central for his work Mr Walter Davis Davis B Skinner Terry Lyons and other attended the sports at on Peace Day Mr and Mrs MeOIrr spent the end with friends In To ronto Mrs Thompson and children of Toronto was renewing acquaint ances In town Friday and Mrs and farrnly returned home Sunday after spend ing a weeks vacation In Toronto and Tottenham Ve are sorry lo report that Master Leslie Is very sick with Fever The family have sympathy as they have all had It but Mr Mr and Mrs J Lrelghton son Earl motored to Cuelph on Mrs and daughter turned home from Toronto on Mr Oldham spent the week end with friends In Mrs- Lloyd of Noble ton spent a days with her father Mr Jos gltchen Master Harold Skinner I his grandpa Skinner M Fred Skinner an addition shop to be No 16 West Sr Lucy Clark Doris Norman Plant Etta Jr III to Sr Ill Thomas Juniper Hon John Hon Ritchie Florence Gibbons Norman Graham Sawyer lo Jr Ill Hon Hughes Helen Kneeshaw Blanche Plant Jr to Hughes Helen Graham Mary Gibbons Leo I lo Jr II Margaret Earl Dales Evelyn Graham I to Alma West Sawyer Bruce Sawyer Donald Kneeshaw Sr I- Juniper Kath leen Steele George Doolitllc A Florence Monteal Louie Jarnes Bell Lome West Arthur Bell Gibbons Claude Thompson teacher Full Line I Tennis Shoes For Men ij Boys to Mm Summer Underwear at SPECIAL Prices fill Em THE VERSATILE CHINAflAFJ In commenting upon the mar velous adaptability of the Chi nese Mr Ernest in his book China from Within quotes Bishop Fowlers piclur- tribue to our Oriental neighbor The Chinaman as Bishop Fowler says crosses all seas burrows all continents He excels the Saxon in ability to toil in all climates he matches the Russian in enduring Arctic Storms he surpasses the Negro in laboring in tropics He is the one cosmopolilan at home everywhere as if he owned Farm Tractor Plows for Sale TENDER- The Ontario Department of Agriculture offers for sale by tender the following equipment 2 COCKS HUTT 10 in Ploughs 1 COCKSHUTT 12 In 1 VERITY 12 In Plough 1 OLIVER 12 In Plough- This equipment has been in use for a limited lime but has been the world Silent gentle sub- overhauled and put in good condition where necessary j Industry is In the North of because of miners strikes and coal lias advanced 9150 per ton Why is there no kick in the milk when there is so much in the cow Up to the 1st June Canada had expended on pensions not including con tingencies and salaries Cobalt July Sharp at noon today the mine workers in the Cobalt district responded to the call to strike and this afternoon not a wheel is turning em ployes to a man appear to have walked out Fort William Out July A lone robber entered the east end ranch of the Imperial Hank of Can ada here at oclock this afternoon held up Miss Devlin the teller and the Manager P w Curnmings at the point of a rcolver and secured about The man was not masked Gueiph July This years rural conference commenced at A this morning and promises lo be an other affaM It Is at tended by from to school In spector and others and is accounted one of the most Important events of Summer the our now and Sat- re- spending the summer vacation with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Ceo baa om- his furniture a stock room QUALIFICATIONS FOR HIGHEST SERVICE An American admiral tells the story of a Japanese waiter who served him on board the warvessel New York He was a good waiter courteous prompt and quick to learn The ad miral took notice of him and often told things about ships and sailors One day the man disappeared the lost sight of him Some years later- the American was in Europe and made a call on a Japanese lying In a harbor of France The captain met on the gangway and escorted him to his cabin As they were seated the Japanese suddenly turned threw off his hat and threw a napkin over his arm The captain would he said in a tone hot ad miral remembered great Japanese commander vas none other than the admirals old ser vant In a lowly position ho had learned and obtained qualifica tions forhfghoBt service missive industrious economical temperate enduring he thrives everywhere on mountains in the deserts on the plains on the is lands of the sea As the serpent with his one ability to crawl competes in all realms without fins swims with the fish without hands monkey without feet runs with the panther so the Chinaman with his supreme gift of adaptability competes succes sfully with the sailor on the sea with frontiersman in the wilderness with miner in earth with exile in his wan derings He never asks for a fair chance and never gets it He takes a chance beneath notice of anyone elses and succeeds Once landed abides The individual changes hut the kind continues Alt governments that let him alone suit him He never breeds or joins revolutions abroad He Is versatile and all industries that have a possible margin attract Like a mongoose he can run through any Although fond of a palace he can live in a hut although fond of space he can live in a sewer pipe and be at home everywhere Tenders must be made in writing accompanied by a marked cheque for 5 of price offered and must be addressed to the On tario Department of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto Terms cash shipping point Ploughs stored at Newmarket Persons whose lender not accented will have their cheques returned The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted All tenders must be in by August Immediate delivery can bo made after acceptance of lender For further particulars apply to J C Agricultural Representative Department of Agriculture Newmarket eft til it THE VERSATILE HAIR PIN Dullards wijl you that women arent so as men that they dont lake out so many patents as men They dont have to With a hairpin all that is doable can bo done With a hairpin a woman can pick a lock pull a cork peel an ap ple draw out a noil heat an egg sec if a Joint of meat is done do up a baby sharpen a pencil dig out a sliver fasten a door hang up a plate or picture open a can take up a carpel repair a baby carriage clean a lamp chimney put up a curtain rako a grate fire cut a pie make a fork a fishhook an awl a gimlet or a chisel a paper cutter a clothes pin regulate a range linker a sewing stop a leak in a roof turn a flapjack caulk a a pair of pania stir baiter whip cream rodipafl pressure in the gas meter keep bills and receipts on file spread butter cut patterns lighten win dows clean watches untie a knot varnish floors do practical plumbing reduce the asthma of Siv IF IT8 Then you mow Made In 2 Hi A8K ABOUT THIS fc iS No 1 forms If You With TORONTO OFPIOE 18 Adelaide Wet Looal Era Office Newmarket FT tobacco pipes pry shirt studs mobile In short she can do Into button too small for what she wants to she no them fix a horses harness re- other instrument New York store damaged mechanical toys Sun wrestle with refractory bottle stoppers improvise suspenders hovel bonbons inspect saw cake Jab tramps produce artificial hooks and eyes sew knit and darn button gloves and awnings and doctor an auto- sing Ho couldnt mm urn A man looked in the muzzle to see if tho gun was loaded It was A man speeded up to see if ho shoes put on could beat the Irain to the ARCHIVES OF ONTARr

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