Newmarket Era, 22 Aug 1919, p. 1

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m v ft Fast filled en in is each piece up in- after J are in ti ll Id TO f China and Cut Glass BUTTER DI8HE8 PEPPER SALT SETS cR SUGAR 5100 TO WATSONS Store i The Leading County Paper as Well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance I ll JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET O NT iI SliiUIlMrK Great Fun Gardening THE owner of even a small or front yard will find that the hours of the day are those spent in cultivating flowert For a surprisingly you can plant a little gem of a garden cost next to nothing and we can supply the necessary Gardening Too for a few dollar WiL A PRACTICAL JOKE sage in he barn floor he stopped short and beat a retreat For he had caught sight of that old OUR DISAPPOINTMENTS The Canadian Baptist tells of a preachers wife who was dis covered to be crying- and when RUSH TO CANADA FROM BRITISH Isles London Aug Reports from be tween four and five hundred agents in j Paints Enamels STAINS VARNISHE8 FOR EVERY PURPOSE Will You Accept Our Advice on Furniture Polishing Practical jokes all belong the same somewhat family they have a way of j Rushing back into the l- England Scotland Ireland and Wales real when you he came Upstairs for our in matter something quite different from 0 army musket It Was the them The old squire used to noise he made on the stairs that our the and you will ui I to il OCwiir Result It wy A cloth few drops OCcd on it rubbing and off t ton and grime Soon you will as Of Then rub with DRY you a a A of so hard Au will do fee i if you do your i- i a cloch in u- you AM COLLECTING of IIiniiKlimiTfllblHiltlllMIIIIUIliU HARDWARE AUTO A Phone SO I Newmarket BANK ESTABUSnED YEARS Board of Directors Sift OTIFDITH ftft t CHAILU VkrrWlaL ft LORD C ft DftUHHOHD Ik- En Cm GE0SGI I COLOIttL HOftY V HATTY ft say that it was better to avoid them altogether and we agreed witih them after a certain inci dent that occurred in March Addison and I were getting out birdseye maple lumber from one of the forest lots of the old farm to defray school expenses The lot was five miles from the farm house and we camped out there in the woods for ten days with one heiper a young man named Asa A younger brother named was working for the old squire on the This Abner hen about twenty ytfars old and very bright in his own concert had been much given playing on Addison and me as well as on his older brother Asa While we were up there at the lot we killed an old bear that just emerged from her winter den and when we left camp we the carcass home- on a sled It was after dark that evening when we reached the farm the barn chores for the night were done and the folks all in the house through the lighted win dows we could see them in the sitting room Theodora reading a story and the rest listening among them Shall we call them out to see he bear Addison asked Asa with a glance inside I know something a on Ab with it He has to go out early morning to feed the cattle you know Lets put this hear in the barn where Ab will run on to him in the dark Addison and J had no objection and so quietly through the yard we opened the barn dour waked Addison and me Something is wrong below Addison said for we plainly heard the sound of a ramrod driving down a ball cartridge With that we rose in haste and going down came upon the old gentleman in the act of capping the gun what is the matter we asked at once Boys theres a bear in the barn he exclaimed in consid erable excitement gave a siramefaced look at me and then of course we made a clean breast of it As a rule the old squire was very patient with all our youth ful pranks but this time he was angry His faded blue eyes snapped For a moment he said nothing then set musket carefully away and remarked If studying Latin and going to school are you noth ing better than to play pranks on your grandmother at dead of night you had out on a farm And now one of you hitch up tfnd go get Dr am afraid your grandmother is seriously hurt Fortunately for our peace of the old ladys injuries did not prove serious And that Abner slept through the whole thing and came down smil ing the next morning A Stevens confessed that she weeping because she was disappointed in her whom she had mar ried only a short time before She said thatwhen his meals were not ready on time lie seemed to lose his temper and said things which were unbecoming a preacher of the gospel She thought that when she married a preacher she was marrying a saint and she was disappointed at the way he was turning out We feel almost sure that this must have been a preach er for our Methodist brethren seem singularly fortunate in se curing wives who cart- get up a good dinner and serve it on lime And we are inclined to think that if hid looked up her husband she would have found that he too was just a little dis appointed He also doubtless thought he was marrying perfec tion and when the meals began to go wrong the very first thing possibly he also was just a little disappointed that his good wasnt a better manager No doubt the preacher was to blame for saying things but possibly are convincing him that the rush to Canada will be something enormous as soon as shipping becomes available SANITARY t A small boy had a had cold and snuffed abominably to the great annoyance of the other pas sengers in tbe car in which he was riding Finally says the Manchester Guardian one of the suffering men turned on the of fending youngster and said Have you a handkerchief Yes sir said the hoy but mother dont like me to lend it to strangers YEARS AGO I Our Toronto Letter By way of warning motorists that men found operating cars while under influence of liquor might ex- peel severe punishment In future Magistrate at Saturdays the wife might have moved little more swiftly and not sup plied him with any excuse for saying what he did But when We sift the matter to Ihe bottom we find thai there are no perfect men even amongst preaohers and there are very few perfect women even among preachers wives The discovery of this fact early in life will save one a lot of trouble The RECOVER MILLIONS FROM THE LAURENTIG Ireland Aug ingots to the value of sterling have been recovered by salvagers from the wreck of the former White Star Dominion liner which was sunk January off Fasad Light The a vessel tons which was acting as a British auxiliary cruiser struck a mine off the north coast of Ire land and later sank Of a per sonnel of 470 only were saved KILLED BY LIGHTNING From Era Aug 27th The of the Royal Bank at Newmarket is to be Mr Albert one of the young men who left place for California ha3 returned on account of ill health It only took six days to come from Sacramento City while a short time ago it took two months to travel the same distance Mr Geo A MoMaster has accepted a position in a wholesale at Montreal The Prize List of the North Agriculture Society has been Issued pamphlet form this year for the first time Mr Dennis eldest son of Mr John Dennis while unloading grain with his new elevator was thrown about feet breaking his arm In two places The A passed an order at its forbidding boys under years of age from occupying the rooms unless recommended by a mem- as the conduct of some boys ha not been according His Royal Highness Prince Arthur arrived at Halifax on Aug on a visit to Canada Mrs Baylys Private School will re open on Sept 1st on Mill Street Messrs William Spencc Co have bought out the Millinery business of Mrs Stead KW an Jit it 25 I CwstJ CtpHal Paid Up Rett ProBU Total April 30 1919 throughout Canada and Newfoundland in London England New York Chicago Spokane and Mexico alwinSanPrancttco BritishAmerican Bank owned and controlled by Bank of Montreal 2000000000 easily and a or Police Court made an example of the e J hou whom he 50 and Place tile narrow JSSSiS from the house to the barn we propped up the old bear so that she be standing on her It was not G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD and Inch Til PEARSON Cor and Carters Giles John Murphy ACCOUNT The complete banking facilities provided at all our branches enable this Bank to give Accounts the care and attention they need and deserve The Merchant and the Manufacturer will find the services rendered by Bank of the great est assistance in conducting their business Newmarket Branch Aurora Branch f THE DOUBLE ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT CHICAGO Dining Cor cars on Trains Parlor- on principal Day Ilains information from any Grand Trunk Ticket C Horning Passenger Agent Toronto J Phone CANADA Reynolds Manager A O Murray Manager It Aug Navigation went aground on Island in the smoke and fog at clock this rnorpfng and on the rocks Two left to her and the I left to take off the who are Bald 16 bo in no danger ihe was bound from Arthur from appeared on her hind legs very light in the pas- sap at any lime of day Thai done we went in to greet the folks as usual had our sup per and after chatting for an hour retired to bed leaving things nicely fixed as we sup posed for Hut as we might have mis trusted the cattle in the barn soon the hear and about twelve or one oclock two or three of the Jersey cows that Wad calve in a pen from which they were separated began a low distressed lowing The plaintive sounds roused grandmother and listening for a she waked the old squire and told him she feared Something was wrong at barn The old gentleman was now getting a little deaf and being tired from the days toil persisted in falling asleep again Grandmother however grew anxious for her Jerseys wxd at last rising quietly lighted bur bedroom caudle and went the kitchen to get he lantern lint as it chanced the oil the lantern had burned out and SO she went on in her slippers with her caudle picking her way out through the wood house and Wagon house to the passage that led to the barn floor There was a slight draft here her candle shield the she placed her hand in front of and that of course prevented the faint light from shining ahead hut she knew the way well In consequence the dear phi lady ran squarely Against that bear before she aw the black object there in the dark I frightened her to death for she felt the creatures shaggy hair on her hand and arm in fact she stumbled against it I screamed and turned to run back dropping her candle which fortunately went out in the dark house she run into a thai stood there herself severely aad bumped her forehad against one of supporting posts- floor large that showed black and for a month afterwards Finally she got back into the house and had just strength enough left to wake the old squire agViin and say Joseph theres a bear III your barn when down she fell in somclhing quite like a faint from which the old gentleman I ttle ado to revive her with the camphor hot- Is The moment she bar regained her wits she exclaimed again that there was a bear among the tattle You must he mistaken the old squire said to Youve bad the nightmare I guess You have been walking in your sleep No I havent Joseph frtic cried You must go out but take Urn gun and you will have fill lanterns incredulous the old filled the lantern and went en days In addition to seven days at en days at the Prison Farm Arthur former president of the district trades council has While lighting the lamp at the harbour on Saturday tight Hoar the harbor- master was struck by lightning and instantly killed A number of who delays getting married until people saw the strike she meets an ideal man will pro- lighthouse and rushing out be single a long while and fount Mr Hoar dead about half will wish she had remained down the stairs with Our very virtues carry their clothes burned nearly off his feels with them The good bro ther who has never been known to say a cross word will probably he so easy going that he will hardly know enough to turn up promptly at a good dinner will be spoiled and his wife reduced to the verge I action at against of hysteria while wail tore James Simpson claiming damage for libel when the Labor header as being traitors to the cause of organized labor and that they had Accepted money for their paper from members of the Manufacturers Association is doubtful If King Street has ever received amount of lavish decoral- Is being planned by the men of the street AH the office buildings and retail merchants are viewing with one another to make the occasion of the visit of Prince of Wales a memorable evenl In so far as the street Is concerned the severe electrical storm which swept over the city Saturday evening and several buildings were by lightning and a con siderable amount of minor damage was done hi many localities The man John Milieu aged 51 Crawford Street was bo badly burned by the boll that be died Sunday morning in the en era I Hospital to he was rushed immediately following the acci dent When struck Mr was standing In of the More In Which he was employed walchlnK storm As the outcome of Coroner 1 on the body of who died In St Ml- Hospital on August as the Indirect result of injuries received on the night of July Welling ton Kennedy who was with La vol on that night had been placed under ar- rcHl on a Charge of manslaughter The Jury found I hat Injuries were result of kicks and blows which he received in a fight with Kennedy While happy In the expectation of going away on his holidays the life of 14yearold Clifford Wiles of pan Queen Sheet fast was tragically by a bullet from a revolver In of his mother Saturday goodnatured man The hu man pepperpot has at least this virtue that there is usually plen ty of snap in him and he does get a move on And the saint who never told a lie will possibly find il impossible to make a joke and next to impossible to take one and in some cases he will be so candid in telling people their faults living with him will be something like living with a porcupine The porcupine is a animal bill he has all too many quills and are loo easily transferred Ami as we go through the cate gory of virtues we shall find a mans strength Is often his Weakness Generosity is some times altogether too careless of the future economy is often al together loo careless of the pres ent ability lo speak oflen means also unwillingness to keep qulftt and a musician body The was on Tire but was out pails of water Where it was struck the house was smashed from lop to bottom solid posts being splintered to kindling wood PRICE OF WHEAT FIXED THE GOVERNMENT Winnipeg Man Aug The in itial price of wheat he paid by the Government the fanner at the time Ait sale Is expected to be announc ed from Ottawa some time tomorrow This was learned from members of rived at what Ihey believe will be a Canadian Wheat Board today who price both to produc er and the Government at their sess ion on Saturday morning which was forwarded at once to the Government was learned that Ihe price decided on will In all probability he from to the latter perhaps being the nearest figure A ROYAL RECEPTION has often candidly and not Who throws away of thorn on lis who refuses to a its skin is Ml far be son loo the rose ba ntam potato The less of beauty its lim- sweetest no- and grandest universe and our earlhly unceasing Joy that ev- ian and Clifford were engaged in packing a grip Clifford entered the room from a rear a leather holster containing a 12callbre revolver in bis band ami asked his mother to It In the grip Mrs Wiles laugh ingly If the gun were a real or a and was about to drop II in lln- grijt Thci the mother says I rigger caught somehow and the weap on was The bullet entered the and forward RAIN8 IN THE NORTH Saull Marie Aug The first rains that have visited this district In the mist three mouths are now fall ing Hush fires that have been raging are checked Mid practically extinguish ed Now that the smoke Is lifted the damage thai the fires have caused is clearly Miles upon of land have been reduced to a barren debris Here and there a farm has been destroyed but damage in this was astonish ingly small No towns were hurl There Is scarcely a of life within A fiftymile radius all the animals being driven to places of safely Some of opinion thai the recent fires will of ultimate good lo tin in that cleared up much hush land which will attract more settlers the may but is a thing And so humanity despite Hal Ions is still lh blest In all we Should rejoice in friendships with even while we friend is 9 WISE SAYINGS BY MEN watch and and pray The neer give it boldly day by day And help divine implore Heath Life is not so bul that is always lime for courtesy Mariners are but the of loynl nature and of noble mind Tennyson If you complain fit lack of yop will have EIGHT TO BE K ON It CANADIAN BATTLEFIELDS St Aug delighltMl was the of- lleial expression of His Highness the Prince of Wales re the reception given him by the citizens of St John to day Before rcembarkinK this evening his royal highness auth orized Col- Henderson military secretary to life to make the announcement that he had greatly pleased wiith features of the tiftys program and had enjoyed It to the full Nearly 2000 invited were at the garden parly and all were presented lo the prince for Amateurs you ft commemoration of Canadian is now occupying the at tention of the Dominion It has been proposed to creel eight memorials commemorating probably the Canadian battlefields at St Hill CO nidge St Amlfns and Is understood Hie has already selected 9 Solo for Amateurs Canadian National Exhibition under auspices of the Music In the Horticultural Building Two partial Scholarships offered value of aoo to he divided between two competitors one male and one female these Scholar ships lake the form of a vo cal study with a teacher of the Con testants own choice This contest will commence Thurs day Aug 28th and will Friday Sept and be held each afternoon from two adjudicate each afternoon during contest is allowed Reject his or her own song contestant will ex tra copy of for Judges a Kadi will his op own musl he prepared compete III the finals on tail day name song If be or her Is chorion by the Judges from a group in which he or she sing- ft musl he twentyfive years of age or under and must amateur singer fi The verdict of Ihe adjudicators will be final Aft applications made for this con- will be addressed to Miss Mae From Era Aug The If Co has a special announcement of School Clothing Mr J Davidson announces special Suits and Dress Goods Mr in old stand announces special sales of Sheeting and Flannels Montgomery have sale of Boots and Shoes Mr Starr advertises School Books September 3rd will be- the first ob servance of Labor Day as a Statuary holiday In Canada The Misses visited relatives In the city Miss Ada Proctor of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Millard Mrs Manning and Miss tattle visited In last week lss Pyhus and Miss Nash ore visiting at Buffalo and Niagara Falls Mrs Clark of Denver Col orado has been here for two months left for home on Monday Messrs Harvey and Houghton of Lindsay wheeled bore last Tuesday night to witness the bicycle races Mrs 1 of Perth who has been visiting the Bowery for a month returned home Monday Mr T P Belfry and Rev J Odery spent over Sunday at Crlmsby Mr Chapel le Is here from Quebec on a vacation- The Misses Wright of called at The Bowery this week on way home after spending four weeks at Lake Simeon Miss Simpson left for Calgary on Tuesday evening and Mr Slew- art for Manitoba on the same train Mr Will Montgomery of Ontario Bank spent his holidays at home Mr John A of New York City Is spending a few days al The Bowery Following are Society Repre sentatives who were elected to this Quarterly Board of Methodist Church Mrs Mrs Jackson Mrs Hughes 1 Green 1 McKay an J The Bicycle Club had a big day hero on Wednesday people on grounds The Lacrosse Match between ami Newmarket was won four straights followed by eight bicycle races Mrs Bay lay private will open on Aug III Tomb In Newmarket Aug Martha beloved wife of Mr Hughes aged years In King Aug John in his year i Hi Mi mm I- of as y il r it a on Lot I Mm 1 M LEMON JUICE IS REMOVER tile for the tent West Toronto Wellington St Ford sued the Chicago Tri- dollars Tor libel and A British dump at Cologne exploded killing fourteen Henry for a received Children Cry FLETCHERS Girls I this beauty Lotion to and whlton your skin the of two into a bottle containing thro ounces of orchard whlto shako well and you have a pint of the best freckle and tan lotion- and complexion at vory small cost Your grocer has the lemons and Any drug store or counter will supply three ounces of or chard white for a few cents Mas- sago this sweetly fragrant lotion into faco neck arms and hands each day and seo how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear soft and white the skin Yes It la harmless OLD For Sale at this tea J r j I hut Irlcl J TORONTO 35

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