fTt fr ffiS The Adlet Column r fc fc words or under for end 1b for each additional word Oho cent per word for each subsequent Insert If not when ordered extra will be charged for booking- HI Wanted to Rent A comforlable house rooms Apply to box Newmarket For Sale Acre of land 3rd con cession Section East GwJUimbury Sharon C Osborne Houe for Sale Corner of Queen and Niagara AH moaern conveniences In good repair Zurbrlgg New market 30 For Six Octave pianocased Excellent condition Twenty five dollars Apply Montrose Ave Toronto Notes INDUSTRIAL REFORMS IN ENGLAND Daylight Saving will be a London- 18 In a three thing of the past after the last hours in House of Sunday in October The United Commons which he dealt Stales representatives and sen- with great Britain domestic ators have voted it out and of affairs generally David OUR SOCIETY COLUMN course Canada will be governed by this action The farmers nave carried the day MIss Byrant of Toronto Is spending a few days With Miss Lily- Hart- Mr T Miller Toronto was the of Mr arid Mrs Geo on Sunday Miss May Is visiting rel- alfves and friends in Toronto for the r mm Seed Wheat for Sal Dawsons Gold en Chaff extra clean seed per bush Edgar Dennis For Desirable Building Lot at Keswick Adjacent to Lake Slmcoe Size feet Apply A Mor ton Keswick 3w28 a Chevrolet Touring Car for sale has Just run one thousand miles Phone Newmarket f the British Minist er lodaydisclosed three import ant decisions of the Government Two of these had been widely The criminal code has been amended and it now provides thai purpose with regard to thorn was Sask is visiting Mrs H S Cane for any person found guilty of steal- anxiously awaited a few days Miss Margaret of To ronto spent Sunday with her sister weekend discussed and the Governments Mrs Grace Chappell of Fleming ing a shall be liable I One of the decisions was that to imprisonment for any term the postwarplan of ultra exceeding two years and not lection under which were I Mrs Geo Walker less than one year This should limited to those granted special Miss of Port Arthur put a slop to this growing evil L J Mr Mrs a Bur frent jfn Tow l I Farm Wanted From to 150 acres to rent for one or two years with the option of buying John Draper Ring- wood Phone 203 Stouffvillle 3w28 Farm Wanted From to acres rent for a term of years Box SI Vivian Phone 3w28 One of the chief necessities for the development of industry is cheap power and no country in the world is better provided by nature than Canada with its abundant water supply The transformation of power over the electric wires solves the fuel problem so far as manufactures is concerned and climates the un certain supply of coal with its ever inceasing cost in labor and transportation Water power is never- failing and inexhaustible and under proper provincial con trol should bring prosperity to our people The legislative should see that private enter prise of this important service of power licenses by the Board of Trade 1 and the putting into effect- of measures to prevent dumping The second decision was the re- spent jection of the majority report of J Justice coal commisT was the guest of Mrs Willis for a day or two last week Miss Beta MacFadden of Toronto the weekend with her sister Mrs Geo Walker Mrs H Wright of Saskatoon which provided for the is visiting her parents Mr and For Sale Brick house All modern conveniences West side of Town Urge lot and Stable Apply Miss Millard Park Ave Acres for Sale- water small house Newmarket Cheap market Wood pasture and barn near Box 350 gradual nationalization of coal mines and in its stead a plan for partial Government control by which the Govern ment will buy out- the owners of coal land who receive royalties from mining companies give the miners a share in the control of the miner organize the mines into districts and establish a fund for improving the living condit ions of miners 48Hour Week Under the third decision the Government will embody in a bill recommendations for a joint iri- United farmers are getting council of employers and Found If the parly who a Ten nis Racket on Met car leaving To ronto at pm Wed Aug will prove property and pay for this notice it can be had at the Era Office House tot Sale on Botsford St New market Price terms and possession can be arranged with Mr Gibson at lhG J is SO by to down business in the prov ince They have now about candidates in the field and with in the next week six more con ventions are announced to be held Mr Morrison general secretary of the movements says that they are looking for the Elections the 1st week in Oct If they are held at the same date as the Referendum on Prohibition this may be the case but some people think the elec tion of candidates to the Legis lative will not be held till On- first week in November Should the United Farmers of York bring out a Liberal 1 and Vegetables Fresh from our Gardens and Orchards Ask for our weekly price lists FARMS ONTARIO NIAGARA DISTRICT i 100 Acres for Sale Lot in rear of of King Brick house frame stable barn hard and soft water pasture 10 acres plowed for wheat acres seeded Apply on premises Col Lennox MM Home Builders Write for our Free Book of House plans and information telling how to save from Two to Four Hundred Dollars on your new home Address Company Box Jackson St Hamilton iir A I Phonograph Repairs And Accessories fiver Toronto Jobbing House Phone ring I North York Reform Association In the course of a stirring speech at Chatham on Saturday Mr H Leader of the Opposition in the Ontario House referring lo the apathy of the present Ontario administration to take steps to alleviate the cost of living he said We propose to regulate the cold storage business the stockyards and the abattoirs so that as far as these necessities arc concern ed you will get fresh supplies fit for consumption The Hearst ad ministration has failed to do this In Toronto five companies control and sell all the cattle which are brought there The butchers do not receive anything but the car casses of the animals The con trolling companies get the the hides and the profits The control of the hides in such that if the attorneygeneral were Co take the trouble lo investigate he would find that there is a fine of for selling these the carcasses of the animals It looks as if the one Leader will make the Hearst Government wake up i r i A special meeting will bC of the Executive eld p Monday Aug At the All int ill 230 p King i Hall market d ding the If Sod Klng Belgiums Gift to Canada The of high living is the way the Lindsay Warder puts it touching he worries of every day life and then- is a deal of truth in it It says Come easy go easy seems be the rule with all classes of workers old and young alike In our boyhood days a young farm hand received from to a month and the hired man who received a month was tin extraordinary worker or possessed of unusual skill in some department or as sumed unusual responsibilities About tip- only holidays we form ers got were Queens Birthday and Dominion Day after and a day at the circus if one came Thousands of boys and girls who are now aged men and women spent not more money than or a year it takes that much a week for the modern young man The fact of the matter is that the vouch of employers and a 48hour week and a living wage applying to nearly all industries During the address the Premier placed responsibility for the de lay in making peace Turk ey upon the United States Great Britain he said desired to know- how far the United States was prepared to assume her share in the guarantxiein of the protect ion of people under the former Turkish yoke and while await ing information Great Brit ain had occupied Turkish terri tory League of Nations Mr Lloyd George used strung words in dealing the necess ity for the promoters of the Lea gue of Nations lo show good faith by reducing armaments He said that those who believe most in League of Nations must trust it most and the remainder would follow them Great Britain was ready to reduce armaments as a first condition of real econmony in world armaments and if all other countries also were ready economy would result If the na tions increased their the Premier declared the League of Nations would be a mere sham and a scrap of paper The premier dealt al length with the economic situation The war he said had cost Great Brit ain and an nut- standing fact present si tuation was an alarming adverse trade balance of The National debt he pointed out had grown from 1000000 to We cannot prosper said Mr Lloyd George we cannot even without recognizing and mains laining our international trade We must bring up the trade balance adding to our ex ports and lessening our imports In every we are spend ing more and are earning less We are consuming more and we are producing less These fact cannot last Tho premier declared Great Britain would never im prove economic mailers until there came an increase in pro duction There is no other he exolawmod Mrs Fred Spraguo Mr C Hughes was a guest for two or three days at the Bacon cottage on Lake Simcoe last week Miss Bessie Jones is spending her holidays with her cousin Mrs J Marrow Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Burton of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs A Shane Mr and Mrs Willis arc spending a week at Island Grore It is his first vacation in sis years Mr and Mrs p J Dickson of Toronto spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs Joe Gould street The Girl Guides re- turned yesterday after spending a couple of weeks in camp at Kennedy Point Miss Enid Ridge of Schomberg has returned home after visiting for a couple of weeks with Newmarket friends Miss Margaret Scott of Ingle- wood of Mrs w L if Law rence visited here on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week Mr John C English leaves to morrow to visit his brother Mr English at He Is going by way of Buffalo Spr late of the University Corps and a friend from the city visited his mother Mrs Andrew St for a couple of days Congratulations to Miss Kathleen daughter of Mr W Widdifield who has obtained the degree of A at the Conserva tory of Music in Toronto Mrs William Lawrence and Miss Lillian Lawrence of Ottawa aunt and counsln of Rev Lawrence and Rev Lieut Percy Daniels of Toronto spent the weekend at the Parsonage Mr Geo Wiley of writes around are fair men scarce and wages high They are asking 750 per day Wheal cutting will be done around here in a lay or two Mrs Lang of Chicago a couple of days here this week the guest of Mrs- Ah She had hem visiting her son at Hull Que and was on her way to sec another son at Port Huron A Boyd brother of Boyd of Newmarket returned from Prance on Tuesday evening He came over on the His wife and children have been staying with Mr and Mrs Boyd for some time- Mrs Allen Toronto formerly of Newmarket announces he engagement of her youngest daughter Gladys Mr Garnet W Saunders son of Mr and J Saunders he marriage to take place quietly early in September Our Toronto Letter Two span of horses crossing the bridge the foot of Ave were electrocuted at the same time last Tuesday after noon The storm was at its pi I height and the bridge Was charged quitting the country for which we fought for four years GLKJfYJbLE The Old Boys Reunion which was held on the School Lawn on Saturday last wan a hugh success In spile of the weather very unfavourable there a large crowd of teachers and pupils who attended the school in past years and en joyed themselves conversing with old friends A large program of Fuel like our kind of fuel helped win the war Nukol machinery It row tn Cndt to help yoo eolve your fuel problem See this wonderful fuel at the Hi- llonel Exhibition TOR Aug to Sept may be at the London and Ottawa falra Visit the Fair tee burn longer pttUr and cheaper than coal Mo Clink er little more heat leu FREE Write today for free of Toronto Exhibition showing location of NUKOL ex hibition get free at the fair Write today for and folder Canada running too much after I sports was arranged for be afler- sports and to having a good regardless of cost instead of im proving their minds and fitting themselves for a life of useful ness and acquiring a competence for marriage and old HOLLAND LANDING Addison or sister it Mrs Geo The Fuel Co LIMITED Office Bay Toronto Office In Hamilton London and Kitchener is Stevenson Berg Jack Bell who was over seas four yearn ban returned home bringing with bride Miss Doris Thompson of Harry Wales Bell went over with the Han from Toronto but was latter lo the Cameron Highlanders lie was wounded three times and is now a patient in Hospital Mr and Mrs of To ronto are spending a few days with Mr J I Dell Miss is spending her vacation here Harry is spending a month in the West The Power House will be closed now Mr Davidson and Mr and Mrs D Bell are leaving for Louis Mich where they reading Thompson andMrs are viniliii friends in On Holiday afternoon last Mr Thompsons house was Struck by lightning knocking the chimney off and damage the roof A large tree In Mrs Chapmans noon but owing lo the inclement weather very little of it could be indulged in The foot ball tournament between Kettleby and caused great interest lo all it being a very close game score was to in favour of Kettleby There was a lug between the married and single and although it only lasted a few minutes it was very ex citing the young generation win ing the honors A few very in- resting addresses were riven during the afternoon one being by Mr 3 Stephens of Toronto a former teacher who taught the school for sixteen years which was by all who heard it Mr al so gave a appropriate speech While Mr Luke ablev as chairman The valuable prizes young ladies who secured the greafesl number of voles were as follows Miss Dora Dearie 2nd Miss Web ster The prize for lie oldest est child Norman present was given Mr John to the ynumfr- Ihe who came the Mrs the West after noon one of I lie season Was experienced which made unpleasant for Ptich a ill every one wen away well with be renewal of iuridnonft repast of hart wires The hors es were valued at and respectively Judge presiding over the Voters Court at he Hall expressed his intention to ask the Govern ment to Investigate the lists fur nished by official enumerators in some of the subdivisions and to find out why so many names had been left off the list Over 1000 appeals are made in North West Toronto alone The sum of has been distributed to 75000 men in Toronto military district in war service gratuities disbursed to Canadian of this district who were discharged since the sighing of the All who were discharged prior to Novem ber whether or not I hey reached a theatre war arc now entitled lo but all money Is paid from he PaymasterGenerals office at Ottawa and none of It is in cluded in these figures The Willing Workers of Wes ley Church Intend an IceCream Social on the lawn of Mr John Walker next week Proceeds in aid of parsonage fund Every body welcome Winnipeg 4 Masked with revolvers held up Ihi cashier Of Winnipeg attractions Wednesday night taxing a bos contain ing about Two suspects were Most of the money I Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA S J FurnitureAUndertaking Mala 8t North i Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers Clean to handle Sold by everywhere THE Furniture and Undertaking House You buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY MOTOR HEAR8E IF DESIRED i Night calls attended to at JHMILLARD Phones and The Cradle Holllngshead At Kettleby Aug to Mr and Mrs Ed a daughter At Sharon on Aug to Mr and Mrs Ross a daughter The Altar BrooksStephens Aug at the residence of Mr and Mrs Morley Andrews Aurora by the Rev J Simpson of Toronto Adete daughter of the late Stephens to Wesley elder son of Brooks of Newmarket At the home of he brides parents Clinton St To ronto Aug Miss Flora Isabella Spence lo Mr Ernest Byron Kayd Rev McKay of Clinton St Presbyterian Church officiated The Tomb Tuesday Aug In Quebec hospital of St Catharines formerly in his ye Wiley On August 1919 residence of his daughter Mrs Street ronlo father Mr Wiley of his eightyseventh year Funeral to Thursday Cemetery Stlckwood Al Quccnsvllle on Friday Aug Margaret Stick- wood aged years and months Van Every At Newmarket on Aug Samuel M beloved husband of Sarah Van Every and father of Mrs Stanley James Funeral from the residence Huron on Saturday conducted Lawrence At the Hospital St Catharines Friday August Car rie beloved wife of J Interment at Terry In North on Mon day Aug Terry son of Frank Terry aged yearn Interment on Thursday id Cemetery by motors CLEANUP SALE New Fail are arriving dally and we have for them hence this GREAT CLEARING SALE Mens Panama In and Fedora Styles Reg and Clearing Mens In Fedora Reg for Mens Shirts with open neck or lay down collar Reg and Clearing at Mens Wash Ties Reg 75c Clearing at Mens Combination Underwear- Mesh and Nainsook ah and Knee length Reg Clearing at Mens Silk Caps In one piece shape Reg and Clearing at Si Mens Silk Hose In Colors Reg Clearing at Mens Arrow 8hlrts In Newest Patterns all Colors Fast Reg 250 and Clearing at Mens In Neat Reg Clearing at in New Fall Goods we are showing a Line of advance Fall Slater Shoes at Prices that the same cannot be today for at the Factory All the New Shapes in Fall and Winter Caps and COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER IT a J I a Mens Outfitter Drug Sundries Stationery Huylers Chocolates Cameras Photo Supplies VICTROLAS Masters Voice Records Druggist MAIN STREET House Phone No and Chemist NEWMARKET Store Phono He fc in tin If you prefer not to pay cash for a New Edi son at this time tell us what terms would be convenient Ah My In wills must ho content Ho will lake sorrow by will That must hear This way By ills request Sine Ho has willed II ho must he host heart surges witli sorrow Ah I tread on another year Hut find shall our two souls unite When I am there I In loving memory of my beloved husband George Hull who died August the Mrs Hull Morton In memory of Alfred who riled Aug Just one year ago today Our father dear passed away Away from sorrow pain and euro the Joys we hope to share Wife and family a Cook In loving memory of John Cook who passed away Aug 21st He Is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hour of thinking Thoughts of him arc always near Yet again we hope to meet him When the day of life Is fled And hi Heaven to meet him Where no farewell tears shed Wife and family In loving memory of Pie Kler killed in action somewhere In Prance Aug Though his loving voice Is silent And bis true ceased to beat Yet his wellknown footsteps And the faco we used And In the quite of night When sleep forsakes my eyes My thoughts far away In France Where that ileac boy now lies We miss him yes wo him And mourn In silence unseen And in fond memory Of the days have been J The Phonograph with a Soul We believe In the New Edison No mere Talking Machine ft Is a beautiful Instru ment that ReCreates the living voice And we believe in you for the sort of man or woman who appreciates the New Edison Is the sort of man or woman the world be lieves In the moderately priced Period Cabinets hear the New Edison at our store- And tell us what Is In your mind about terms Y BROUGHTON Newmarket ALI 200 ACRE8 MILE8 FROM NEWMARKET acres crop balance pasture and bush Frame house and barns Flowing well Price 210 ACRES FIVE MILE8 FROM NEWMARKET Average Buildings ACRE8 FROM 8UTTON acres In crop Price 181 ACRE8 1 FROM NEWMARKET First class soil Buildings extra good In every respect Price 150 ACRE8 1 MILE FROM NEWMARKET Frame house Average barn Price 100 ACRES 1 MILES FROM RAVEN8HOE miles to electric Firstclass nice soli Price 9000 and FROM NEWMARKET lies of soil All new buildings acres crop Balance pasture bush Price soil 100 ACRE8 12 FROM NEWMARKET mile from to schools buildings Best ACRES MILE8 FROM BRADFORD acres tillable Balance pasture Running water Price 100 ACRE81 MILE FROM Firstclass soil and buildings Running water Price 100 1 MILE FROM Good building soil and orchard Running water Price I 100 A0RE8 1 MILE FROM tiouso good barn and outbuildings Price 8000 asm 100 ACRfe81 MILE FROM soil buildings Producing the very best crops Price BO A CHOICE BLOCK Good barn Averago liousc miles from shipping point school and at price CHOICE FARM IN GOOD LOCALITIES FOR SALE AT WRITE FOB tiiwe8 8WITZtR