Newmarket Era, 22 Aug 1919, p. 3

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28 18 Iht ie l n id frit fc 000 Sal news THREE meeting of Ihe -New- in UK Club Rooms on Monday A large attendance samp of Second Street sample of Tomatoes which laktog Jrom measures In in ami weighs 17 This shows Arm Cut Off Wesley Vi Enterprise says Mr of Newmarket had his an accident at J arm cut off in l a Hydro truck wire when another iruck from behind and crashed felOil 0 lhe with result- fixing Your Gun Ready The hooin on closes on Dee 15th is not likely there will be such hunting nis season regulations which com into give one per hun- w f two The season opens awl closes Nov TO CLEAR OUT THE STOCK and Hats for and 175 for 200 and for 100 Mens Shoes for 300 Hens Collars Stand Op Bo- Mens Linen Collars Turn Down 10c Mens 8ults Mens Overalls 175 Mens Underwear Mens Sox and Mens Braces Mens 100 and 125 Mens White Shirts Mens Evening Dress 100 Mens Handkerchiefs 15c Mens Ties Mens Shoes Laces Nov Town Property Changing Hands Mr Simpson of was in Town Monday and closed the sale Main Street adjoin ing lie residence of Or Scott to Mr who has been occupying premises for some time only way for a tenant to keep a Newmarket Is to Sale of Farm Properties There seems to be considerable in farm properly- On Monday Mr cjosed the deal for lhe of the Ross Evans in to Mr of Mr through Mr C five acres on Gorham filreel to Mr Hugh Wood of Rial last week ROCHE CO Up Stairs over Youngs Fair expend t condition a like The- bylaw the sproQd of weeds was appointing Geo Forester Wm Leathers Hall and Jos Martin as inspectors lo carry out il provisions in their respective polling subdivisions were passed providing for the levy of general lownstiip and trustees school rates and for levy of for county general and highway improvement pur poses and the sum of for general township purposes Council adjourned to Vandorf Hall at oclock Wednesday Sept FOR PATTERNS at am HOUSE BURNISH ALL GOOD USE BRUNTOH3 BAKING POWDER i i We carry a Large of AND OILCLOTHS CONQOLEUM CAPPET AND RUGS V JAPANESE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES Many of these Lines Bought at old prices at less than they can be bought wholesale BASEBALL I Fridays baseball game between the Town and Office Specialty teams was full of thrills for the from start to finish The town won out by two runs but it was until the last ball was pitched struck out eight and five and both pitchers were in fine form The at tendance was large an indication that the interest is growing in Hie sport Below is given the box score Town Gordon 3rd Corbet Parks 1st b Doyle 2nd Gordon Thompson po a 5 4 4 A 4 3 3 Doyle o 4 0 2 1 3 3 0 0 Co R PO A 2nd 3 i 3 3 p 3 1st 3rd p Kirby 3rd A f 3 3 3 0 i i 0 3 0 0 2 0 E i 0 0 Mfg Co Smlifi f Hugo p 1st Hammond 3rd Doyle 2nd Burnet r 25 3 PO A 2 3 3 3 0 1 i 0 6 1 0 Boy Scouts troop lMt yester day in of Haw kins for camp Kennedy Point near Point Lake Senilis also been Invited to lake in Review before the of Wales Exhibition Grounds on Monday and Metropolitan Office Specialty LeGoode Galbraith p Smith 1st Doyle 2nd Scott Hail- Hammond 3rd way kind to promise car from Roachs Point to Toronto and return free of charge hoysare anticipating a fine time 21 ab rh a 20073 3 3 3 4 I 0 Hugo Robinson McCaffrey 4 1 1 3 0 8 Co Left on 3 0 0 Bases Davis 0 0 1 Leather Police Court Mrs Clayton of Aurora having been Charged a few days ago in the County Court with using abusive guas John slick of Mine village sin- retaliated by a charge against at the Police Court last Monday of a gun her and threat ening Lewis Relnharl also i of being drunk Lusllck The charge of was investigated first anil was Surprised learn that alleged of- ai said to have taken place in February So he went on to the next charge Mrs alleged thai had frightened her so much mat it had a used her physical injury I iter evidence showed that the gun a toy and hat complainant knew If was a joy The patience of the court was severely- f rained llils tiirif- and complainants received j a reprimand Major i expressed the opinion that they ought I to pay Die courts costs hut did not Order so cases were dismissed Kindly Citizens Ihe gold threads that occur even In the of life were shown at end of case a gain si Albert a boy with obtaining board lodging fraud from Mrs of The boy had arranged to pay tier 6a week and had obtained Work a local factory at the rate of i having discharged working a day and a half be had no money to pay Mm- levies The magistrate gave the boy a kindly lecture and Mrs promptly forgave him tie debt woman In whose be wan aliened it have been boisterous also forgive him a good fellow Dave Hartford got up a collec tion for boy outside the court nd sfa him again with a mail coital The magistrate lei the fcojr on npended sentence Negligent return and give nam rind address after hiK flUlO- collided with and damaged ri mall one Bl week fldlti vvas fined and 5 4 Stolen bases McCaffrey 2 Corbet Park ins Thompson Two base hits Par kins Hammond Hit by pitcher by Thompson by Mcllale Struck out by by McHale Base on balls off off Passed ball and Office Specially 3 Base on Balls Off Galbraith off Presli off Struck out- By Gajbralth by Presl by Double Play Doyle to Scott lb Base Hits Base Hits Hammond Stolen Piercy Hammond Sac Hit Piercy Umpire LEAGUE Lawrence STANDING Won Lost and Tannery Town Specialty Hospital game 7 Tie game Ox 3 4 PO 177 625 555 Whitchurch Council The most exciting game of the sea son was played Tuesday night Aug between The Office Specially Mfg Co and Davis Leather Co Ltd before Ihe largest crowd to witness I any of the former games Kvery- body was kept on edge by the fine I class of ball played at the first of lhe game but in lite third Innings the S found weak spot and tallied runs which looked like a sure win and caused the Tannery to replace with Davis Leather In the fourth and fifth innings secured six runs due an error by Hugo and a misjudged fly by Smith Everybody tightened up after the disaster and no more runs were scored Owing to dark- it was decided to rail the game at Die end of the sixth innings ami Davis Leather CO could not be in fluenced play another inning to break the lie The features of game were three base hit Willi three men on bases sensa tional catch of foul which landed about one foot from tin Specially bench and caused Billy to turn a pretty over bench corning right side up with the ball K Doyles assisted In the second Innings with Klrbys liner re sulted in a double play which would have- made the Biff step to duplicate The large crowd helped the players a lot and we hope that the same In terest will be kept Up for all future games East GwiHimbury Council The regular meeting of the Munici pal Council of the Township of East Gwillimbury was held on the above date All lhe members present the Reeve in the chair Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications read from ML- Al bert School Board Department of Education re attendance officer ana from lhe Ontario Land Co ProctorRichardson That the Reeve and Clerk be instructed to order Medals for returned soldiers and to issue invitations to all the soldiers and their friends to attend the presenta tion Sharon Carried Moved by Mr Haines seconded by Mr Richardson and resolved that the Reeve issue his order on the Treasurer for payment as follows viz William Tate grading on the South Line gravel Canada Ingot Iron Co cul verts Arthur Knights work con Albert Watson grading A equalizing Union School seels Prank West work lots 116 west Henry Foster work lots 115- Yonge West William Foster work Con ft on Printing Acct 1919 Newmarket Era advertising Dr proff attendance on Smith family Arthur Cryderman work on Town Line East Grant Cryderman work on Town Line East Silas Phoenix work on Town Line East work on Town Line Orvll Rose work on Town Line East Gordon work on Town Line East Thompson work on gravel on Town Line East gravel on Town Line East work Con work Con work Con 5 John Wilkinson gravel Harper work con 8 Geo King work Con 7 Mat wire fence bonus A Case cutting weeds Joel work on Town Line East Fred Thompson work on Town Line East Geo Lletch work on Town Line East on Town Line East ROSS work on Town Line East John work on Town Line John work Con Arthur Arnold gravel Win gravel Peter gravel Dan gravel P Morrison gravel CURTAIN DRAPERIES BUNGALOW MADRAS MUSLIN MARQUISETTES ART ART DEN MS CRETONNES 8ILKALENE J I Aurora Returned soldiers in this dis trict including- or who served in the officers own regiment provided a Surprise party for Col Herb Lennox at bis residence here Tuesday night The party brought its own orchestra en gaged from Toronto for the Occasion the evening Some tables of cards were played and ladies of the party served light 325 3U0 A lucrative trade in moss for the use of nurserymen and flor ists has sprung up In the district around Wis Aug One man was killed night were shot one of them probably mortally wounded scores of other persons cut and bruised in a riot of strikers from the packing plant at Cudahy near here late today Montreal Aug Montreal nearly had a race riot early his morning when following an at tack upon a watchman by negro burglars at the Queens Hotel a large crowd of whiles and the adjacent ne gro quarter engaged in a pitched battle in the street in which re volver shots were freely fired Thomas White one of the ne- sro was shot in head while fleeing in an automo bile anI is now under arrest in hospital while Patrick the watchman suffered a fract ured jawn the melee Police re serves quailed the riot -NsSSHr- K f E W A T i 10 pieces only Good Heavy Print Reg 33o yd Silk Dimity 36 In wide shades Rose Pink Qrey Taupe Navy Green Reg si 50 8ale Price Good Quality Fine Weave In wide suit able for Separate Skirt Reg 3 pieces only Figured Silk In wide Reg 150 Price Black Cotton Hose good value 28c pair Table Remnants Including Voile Prints Towelling and many other useful ends JL 1001 for Hie witfon and produced vorc Hint it had The -I- wan In itle lhe of court The mall and Knife vvtohn charged with on her niece Piorenej The fte hat Mr hear- In Milt tor had reflarics concerning had ttMrij the remonstrate Mrs grasped a And ordered out of mwip while Mrs vih Piling words had arisen and her nose hilt a a potato paring knife The wound about twolnchea long but Would have no had effect except according to evidence of who attended The magistrate took a lenient of h- case altered lhe charge W assault and a fine of and costs or seven M Many people have learned to consider such and such a Watch an Ideal Timepiece When they buy thoy want that particular Watoh We dont blame them be cause wo have Watoh Ideals too and Ideal Watohos They are Waltham Watohea and the Elgin Watch and the Hamilton Watoh and one or two other These we have learned to depend upon theee we buy and In greater quantities And fore you make a pur chase we would like to talk to you these Move ments May we Atkinson Co I It Tloket Agent Whitchurch Township Council at Bond Lake Park Saturday August 2nd with members present and the in chair A from Mr ley Agricultural a request for a small I Ben work grant for Rural School In be lifld at Vandorf another for lb Assistant Provincial Ireaauror showed of Hail way Tax paid township treasurer lo be I Lewis presenteil claim for bonus for dcHtroyinj a dog worrying sheep The treasurer was to paybills presented as folio material and big guard rail on con rims Hall rods fence Wilson hauling gravel Penrose bridge lol con W Kven lumber for bridge lol con Stiver Bros coal for engine on grader Oliver half ton I coal W II Even lumber for tem porary bridges on con lines I and 1 Oldham ft limber Pearson lumber for leiniorary A Maker yds clay Conner yds gravel Graham yds gravel Percy gravel 1 Wall work 1 AKV2 yds gravel J Graham reps bridge filling con i A part over time statute labor Harrison yds gravel j v Iain work on roads and gravel lard temporary bridge between lots and Cedar Valley bridges In W bridge- lot con A Bridge Co on metal culverts Banner Press notices Bert drawing cedar las Gibson work on sideline between lots and 10 Con W filling washout i3ro AM 510 3300 3300 1500 885 4300 VISIT Heises Upstairs MUSIC STORE Over Toronto Jobbing House and hear the PHONOGRAPH PHONOGRAPH also the very latest in RECORDS in Music THE TAILOR DRESSED MAN IS HAVING HIS DAY To look well and be well dressed you 3hould consult us Examine our Guaranteed Indigo Blue also some Extra Nice and Wood Mixtures in Fancy Suiting WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor main NEWMARKET gravel l 045 I he Hid hit J- MUM ICO I5M Geo Cop gravel A Mitchell gravel Amos Lapp gravel 1 A Hopkins gravel Waiter Mali one grave Wm Miner rep bridge con 4 Brown work Sharon Burying Ground And Unit the Corporate hereto attached Carried A ByLaw was Introduced for the purpose of levlng and collecting the Taxes for Hie year and read a firs time Moved and seconded that rule 32 be suspended and thai the bylaw he read a second and third lime Car ried Council in Committee the whole Ihe Reeve in was read a third time and passed That Council adjourn to meet Lot at P on 20th of August eon- shier the Ontario Land Pro posal Carried Sale Register Wednesday 3 Auction Sale of Farm Stork implements on the weal half of lot Con Whli- lhe property of Sale without re serve as the farm has been One oclock old time Terms 12 months Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid in Toronto this Choice Export Steer And Heifers A fi if LUMBER LATH LIME SHINGLES and CEMENT youre buying a house for your landlord are you Well thats sweet of you making sure that he can pass his declining years in peace and comfort Stop it I Quit it Desist 1 up I Come I Pace the facts I Well show you how the rent money will buy your own home FOR On Court 8t Frame House rooms furnace bath and town water flood Price on easy terms On Park Ave Brick All conveniences A fine borne Price 83200 I HAMILTON SON Heal Instate Newmarket COAL and WOOD All Kinds of Building Material A j Phone Newmarket iJ m Newmarket Markets Butler do Oats bush 55 50 It nomination as Liberal candidate at next elec tion Ontario Legislature wis at a convention for Kent at Oil nth am iny Toronto Markets hill pp lot 17 con on Bonus of Si to Lewis for destroying dog caught worrying sheep also grant of for Rural School Fair Councillor Crawford was tfpnoint- Choice Butcher Medium Steers and Heifers- Medium Butcher Cows Common Cows Choice Milkers t Choice Springers Medium Choice Veal Calves Medium Common Spring rauibs Yearlings Sheep Hogs off cirs soo Eggs do Chickens lb Barley Oats bush Mixed Hay ton Timothy Hay ton Hay 9 t I 05 40 07 Baking Always In Sight THEcharglassdoorisonlyoneofthe modern features of this dependable range Its baking qualities you know The cookinj top will take the boiler either across or lengthwise making it easy to cook the regular dinner on washday Orate work smoothly Hot water re and may be removed for cleaning A dependable ther mometer takes all guesswork out of baking No other range will quite satisfy you once you see the Pandora EWi it rrfc fen i Sold by Q A V tsw pi mm

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