fr ft ft I JSi Si as ft ifl The Adlet Column words or under for and additional word cent per word for each lner- If not paid when ordered will charged for bookin or shop Safe for Sale For Office Apply Box EraXfnce A lav- l It i r i Mil Mis i feiH I- j it a I p f Ml lr Opening of New Fall Stock over Store MOO worth of goods See them Mrs A Davidson Bricklayer Bricklayers Immediately for hour Apply Construc tion Co Limited Oshawa roomed Mi The Roachs Point last week in these days of so much travel shows the necessity of every Township having a man between every conces sion and sideline to put or lights wherever anything that makes travel danger ous An this is especially neces sary of Provincial Highways and leading Township roads Comfortable seven Mrs S VanEvery Huron St in Newmarket and Aurora The various local printing of fices around us Orillia Oxbridge and periaps others are busy just now getting out the voters lists for the Bel- How is it that the suit married minutes walk to Rent- couple or ladles from Holland Landing station Box Holland Landing For 5 young registered Tain- worth Sows All have been bred P No Newmarket Phone- for of Queen and Ave All modern conveniences In good repair New market 30 Wheat for Sale Dawson Gold- Chaff extra clean seed per Edgar Dennis en bush Chevrolet iust run one Touring Car for salehas thousand miles w- Newmarket For Sale Brick house- All modern lot Millard Park Ave Ladies Black Tailored Coat on Aug between Holland and Lot 2nd Con of Notify Tate Holland Landing King for sale ford St pOSSesSlon with Mr Gibson at Morton Mont- market Price can be arranged the house of H rose Toronto our and Vegeublea Fresh from and orchards As weekly price lists FARMS DISTRICT ONTARIO NIAGARA Free Home Builders Tor our Book of House Plans and information felling how to save from Two to Pour Hundred Dollars on your new Address Company Jackson St Hamilton home Box CAFE Main street South Six from King George Hotel OPEN DAY AND d will convince you lliat the ser vice is right have been overlooked They are just as well equipped for Ibis- work as other Towns a convention of Liberals held at Alexandria on Tuesday Ho Mackenzie King was chosen unani mously as a candidate for the Federal House to represent Stormont and Gten- but after his letter to the as sociation had been read it was agreed that no candidate be chosen for the present Mr King declined to con test the seal against a farmer can didate Following Is a part of the letter The policy of the Liberal parly as laid down at the National Convention just concluded is so akin in essentials to the policy of the United Farmers as set forth in their platform that a contest this time between a Liberal candidate and a Farmers candidate could not in my humble judgment prove than detrimental to the interests of both Its only effect so far as I am able to would be to create such a division in the which are naturally op posed to tin reactionary policy of the Government in power as to afford the Government just the opportunity it would like to have at the present moment As leader of the Liberal party I should feel that I was placing both myself and the party in a false position were I to consider accepting any nomination which would have the effect at this time of placing me in an altitude of apparent antagonism to the Farmers of our Province position would be as unjust to my own feelings as it would be unfair to the aim and ptiroos of the Liberal parly as expressed in the platform adopted at the recent I hope therefore thai in any mention which may made of my name at the con vention of Liberals on August ac count will be taken of this consideration Exchanges Govt Too Closely Allied Uncle Sam is going after the profiteers with out gloves on Jack Cannuck showed himself as courageous as any soldier on the field Sure ly he will be as brave in dealing with the of his country home The Busy Bee Wilson Star Sail may be as a commentary on hu man nature the fact remains very interest would be taken in he busy beoif were not for the honey he stores while thus busy But with Hie high prices of sugar and the occasion al difficulty in getting it inter est bee is becoming great er A Waste of Time Wilson Star Why waste your time in studying for a learned profession whose re wards are so inadequate by con- Drivers of retail milk wagons in New York have made demands for a week and a sixhour day They also will ask for a two per cent commission on sales lime and a half for over time on Sundays The wholesale drivers will ask a week A Good Test Smiths Falls- Record In the trial it has had prohibition has made for the peace of homes prosperity of the town and welfare of the people ano these things cannot be denied If these things weigh us and we have regard for the rising generation as a community we will vote No to every one of the four ques tions on the referendum ballot The Free Press Packet l4 ever thus Since childhoods Ive seen my fondest hope iss Stella vacation the the cay is the song of the editor of the Forest Free Press Recent ly accounts were out to sub scribers in arrears and the prompt and immediate responses came from three supposed de linquents who had already paid and billed again in error perhaps the others were asking Why call the paper the Free if a fellow has to pay Press for A trial FARM FOR SALE acres east hall lot 28 Oxbridge house Barn 10x60 with cement stabling Good water supply Small orchard miles to Goodwood to There are also A of bush Apply Mrs John Wallace on lot con or It REWARD Strayed from lots and in the Con of about July and Lambs Far tag marked W and daub of red paint on shoulder of each ewe Above reward paid for information that will lead to recovery Frank field Valley DR S Successor to late Dr Physician ami Newmarket Ontario Graduate University of Toronto Late senior resident physician Union Hospital Fall River me Office Moms Eight byeelections to the Dominion Parliament are to be pulled off on Oct The Rid ings are as follows Prance Ed- ward Island vacated by the death of Joseph during the last session of Parliament leton whose member Hon Frank Carvell has boon ap pointed Chief of the Dominion Railway Board Quebec Fast represented by the late Sir Wilfred for more than forty years Kingston whose member w re cently resigned North Ontario which was vacated by the death of Glen garry and which has been since death of John McMarlin the Liberal- Unionist in ember early in rendered vacant by the appointment of J Turriff to the Senate and Vic- where Hon has In seek reelection as Minister of Agriculture It seem practically certain nearly every one of the vacant seats will be contested and on he result will he based predict ion- for Federal elect ion- There is one man which anxious to Hon I Mackenzie King the new Liberal header Where he will cm has not been made known hut It quite like ly that it will he in Prince Edward Island MRS ANDERSON CALLED HOME Phonograph Repairs And Accessories AT Over Toronto Jobbing House Phone ring CANADIAN SOLDIERS TO GET PER DAY Winning Aug Canada- in to have Hie highestpaid standing army In the world according to a military headquarter announcement last night The pay to private soldlera Is to be Increased from day to it Is stated The reason a- thai officers recruiting in Winnipeg and elsewhere for the permanent force have found it practl- to wen of good character and to scrye Ilia army for day whan Ihcy ran make from a day In other vocations Nearly five months of recruiting the the Princess Patricias to be stationed here has resulted In the f only fourteen men Other Units have fared even A higher rale of pay for the bars of all permanent forces in Wuntry has expected for sev eral moriths but military of tills district have received no official of the ChanKO Seattle Aug A named ago an trustee handle Salvage properly from the wrecked which in Alaska watery air on la yesterday turned over to the tj MilialV office here jewelry valued at The valuable and currency taken from the bodies thoee tout on the when wreck was salvaged the Children FOR FLETCHERS OAST OR I A Resident of Decatur Over Quarter Century Succumbs to an Attack of Heart Failure Hi Herald News of the death of Isabella An derson widow of the late Ander son at the home of her Bister Miss ft Sharon early Tuesday morning after a weeks ill ness came to the people of lids com munity as a Shock Although in her Clli year when she last visited her many Decatur friends she seemed lo be in the very best Of health Isabella daughter of Mr and Mrs was born May In the province of Ontario and there spent her girlhood days On October she was married Mr las Anderson After marriage the couple lived at Sharon for five years moving from I here lo the State of Iowa where they resided for five years on file shore of Lake From here they moved to Lincoln Township Monona County Iowa where they lived for twenty years Mr Anderson pursuing the vocation of farming and stockraising in March they moved again Ibis lime to Decatur where they afterward made home and where celebrated their golden wedding October They resided here until Mr An- on March after which Mrs AnOerson went to Canada lo make her home with her sister Iho she visited her friends here several times since going to The entire community mourns the passing of Isabella Anderson as the loss of a genuine friend quarter of a century of her life spent In Decatur she endeared herself to her acquaintance in such a way that her sudden departure Into he boundless realms of eternity strike their hearts with grief joins in ex tending sympathy to the sorfow- relatives The funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon her old home iron with Interment at Newmarket Cemetery rnem- demons the it- Party Patronage Among the transactions of the Ontario Gov ernment to which exception is taken by Opposition none is more susceptible to criticism among thinking men of both parties than that alleged to be true by Mr Dewaro recently reference to the Government favoring- 1 he Chief Justice of the Province With fees for service otherwise dun him in bis official capacity annually amounting to If true It- may well be regarded as a mis take because sure to be found out and found fault with from a party standpoint Pluck and Perseverance will Toll Reformer Prom twentyfive cents lo a day whs the in in come lire late Andrew made time he started work in a cotton mill as bobbin hoy ill be became the head of largest steel corporation in Ihe United States which was nil accomplished in twentyfive years And still some people seem Ihmk here is no chance for financial or other wise unless you have a pull and influential friends lo help you What pull or influential friends help you What pull or influential friends eould a bobbin hoy have more he was able to win by pluck industry and perseverance A ten milliondollar silk breaking all records wan brought from Yokohama to Vic toria by Ihc press of Asia rank of St Cath arines was nominated by Ihe In dependent Labor party of Lin coln county at and the United Fanners of Ontario re presented by Harrison St Clare Pledged him their united support New planks in the I I platform were announced Brown is spending a at iiMr and Mrs- Russell Collins are to Town from Toronto this week Miss Eleanor Stark has been spending two weeks friends Mr Geo Vale and family have re lumed from Jacksons Point after a weeks vacation and Mrs J Collins spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Col lins at Orchard Beach Misses Lulu Collins and Frances are spending holidays at the White House Longford Mr and Mrs Will and daughter of Burkes Falls are here on a visit for I wo weeks Miss Mary of Buffalo is spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs John Collins Mr Frank Stewart and family re turned home on after summering at Island prove Alderman John McCaffrey and son have returned home after camping at Kennedy Point for a few days Mr and Mrs have re turned from Muskoka where they spent a portion of the holidays The Inspector for Workmens Compensation Board visited our various Industries on Wednesday Mr and Mrs J attended the Convention at Bos ton week and had a fine time Mr and Mrs E H Adams and son left for York on Sunday the to spend vacation there with friends Mr Art Richardson who has been laid up for some weeks with fever is to be around- Town again but looks rather weak Mr and Mrs Cornell returned home on Tuesday evening after spend ing the greater portion of holidays with relatives near Lindsay Tottenham Sentinel Mr Ed of Newmarket was among those who attended the funeral of the late Earl yesterday Mrs Rood formerly of Holland Landing but who has been a- resident of Toronto for the past five years was calling friends in Town last Friday Mr Walt of the Civil Ser vice at Ottawa with his wife are spending a vacation of- two weeks with her parents Mr and J Ander son Mr mother lo Whitby last week where she expects to spend a friends He end Mr and Mrs A Brooks Miss Alice Brooks Mr and Mrs Wesley Brooks and Mr motored to Scott Township on Sunday and spent the day with Mr Thomas Brooks Word has been received from Mr Geo of Ids arrival in New- York his wife and son They motored with friends from Detroit and visited his sister Mrs A Haines of Street and other friends They left here for New York by way of Ni agara Falls and Buffalo The accompanied his reek month with remained for the week- Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catcher Clean Sold by and Grocers everywhere NOT An old viewing some tallies Standing by one of the largest was a porter Going up to him the old gentleman said Thats a massive statue porter Porter Yes sir The hand is just eleven inches across Old man Is that so- I wonder why they didnt make it twelve Porter Och it woul h boo a foot THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A IF DESIRED Night calls attended to at residence J H MILLARD Plump IM I The Cradle Pcgg In Sunday Aug h to Wesley a son Mr and Mrs Cowleson At Que ens villi on Aug to Mr and Mrs twin boys grandsons of Mrs John of Newmarket Miss Cora and lyah all on Sunday Misses Phyllis Ken- and Mr While- who were visilmg old friends hen On Wednesday of gathering of Brooks Place at Brooks Millard were present and last week a family took ice of Mr A Ave About forty spent a very happy Races ami games were n- in followed supper on the lawn Mrs Frank Robinson of Cooks- town and Lewis of on of Toronto A who Frank and Mrs art a few days with Mrs Root Belfry and at Toronto Mrs Lewis son and daughter expert to leave for their home in Karnloops If Tuesday night Miss May daughter of late J was Postmaster In Newmarket for a number of years and a very active and highly respected citizen has been honored by the Royal Red Cross for valuable as Red Cross Nurse She was a Newmarket girl Mr McMillan Dak writes We are all well and very We are Just aboul start ing to thresh a light nrop In Slate Our grain has Many fields trleft The Altar the home of the brides parents Clinton- St To ronto Aug Miss Flora Isabella Spcnee to Mr Ernest Byron formerly of Holland Landing Rev McKay St Presby terian Church officiated EvansQlassford In Toronto on Thursday It Miss of Toronto and Mr David Selby Evans elder son of Mr and Mrs Waller Evans of Beaton The Tomb Please AH Possession is of j Premier William ftpeaWn at a Conservative rally in declared bis ympaibies and personal to be on of the in the issue i W COMFORT Ask Hamilton It lias been said that the land lord more for Uib rent in bis pocket than he does for the bole in the roof Just think for a minute what a hole hi your In come that rent makes If a pen cil and a piece of paper cant con vince you in five that you should take advantage of easy payment method owing a home can Call upon us New Brick House on Ontario Street electric lights town water largo lot Prices and forms right 8Roomed House on Water electric lights Lot Brick House on Grace Hi seven rooms all conveniences Oarage Lot Price thirtyeight hundred HON Real KfllaUo Newmarket numerous other In this rusted badly imcilt The high cost of has found us oil hoping for n heller Top next year to Mr T Rowland Of Gall writes following encouraging letter our for your courtesy in Bending your valuable paper without Interruption as we simply do without Of all the papers that come to here- Is no oilier that is as heartily welcomed as Era with lis home news and It emu of interest The following visitors were at for the week end Mr and Mrs Scott of father and mother of Mrs Mr and Mrs A Rothwell of Alberta grandparents of Mr Lawrence Margaret Scott of arid Mrs A Scdge- wiek and children of Toronto The latter fire sisters of Mrs Law rence Toronto World The nmr- of Rhela the well to William who has been tenor soloist in promin ent churches here for some time unites two young people who have a large number of friends in Info city Miss has studied Willi Marie Strong for several years and has ap peared with groat success many recitals and concerts and until her marriage was soloist In St Pauls Pres byterian Church Admirers of her voice will be glad to know I hat she will continue to In- public The young couple pave returned from a ten days trip and arc comfortably settled in beautiful home road Brick Al Jacksons Point Au gust Daisy May infant daugh ter of John and Brick aged years and 3 months Morrison Suddenly at on Monday August 25th- 1919 Mary MacCrimmon wife of the laic Morrison In her year Service at her late residence Park street on Wednesday evening Fun eral on Thursday to Newmarket Ceme tery by motors Clark At Zephyr on Tuesday Aug 1919 Clark beloved husband of Sarah Elisabeth Roach In his year Died her Idle residence on Friday Aug Nancy Maclean beloved wife of late I in her year On Tuesday Aug at his late resilience Strange Archibald 1 McCallum in his year Funeral on Thursday to King City Cemetery Rogers Inny on Aug Rogers in his Interment on the fifth of Gwllllm- John year Cemetery on STRICKEN BY DIPHTHERIA Jacksons Point Aug Little Daisy May two yen daughter of Mr and Mrs John Broadview avenue Toronto died yesterday at Jack sons Pont of diphtheria What might almost he termed an epi demic of a very bad form of the disease has broken out among the children Three were brought to Toronto and placed in the Iso lation Hospital last week Daisy was taken ill on Friday last but although everything possible was done save the little she died her fathers cottage The funeral will Tie strictly private from the borne On In In loving memory of Pte Clarence Myers of Zephyr killed hi France August at De Vert One year has past our hearts still sore As time goes on we miss more One of the Dearest of the best We miss him who loved Oft times sit and think of him When we are all alone For memory Is the only Thai grief can call Its own v Some day we hope to meet him Koine day we know not when We shall clasp his hand a better hind And never part again Father Mother and Brothers Brock In loving remembrance of our dear son and brother Pte Sherman lunders of Canada who was killed In Ihe Riittle of VIsrnArtois neir Arras on the day of August 9 1 ofir son aim Croix No Rati Cameron Hi one year has Dear Sherman Just passed Since you were called away You dont know how our hearts have bled For you Dial sad day My Hero Son I you arc sleeping Your earthly toil oer Hut we hope to meet In Ihc Great He yon 1 When Ihe rest of us go oer Father Mother Brothers and Sisters S J Fornitore Undertaking GOOD CLOTHES ARE YOUR HOBBY this the place to buy them are showing the finest Range of HandTailored Suits and Over coats for Young Lien for Fall and Winter Advance Styles that town ever seen Young Wens Waist lino Models Braid trim med are the Newest our Range of Fall Mate and Caps all up to the minute in Style Shoes We handle the Slater Shoe and the styles we are show for Fall will make you sit up and take notice and at Last Spring Prices Too GIVE OUR WINDOWS THE ONCE OVER Mens Outfitter Drug Sundries Stationery Chocolates Cameras Photo Supplies His V I CT RO L A S Masters Voice Records Druggist and Chemist MAIN STREET NEWMARKET House Phone No Store Phone No If you prefer not to pay cash for a New Ed con at this tlmo tell us what terms would be convenient The Phonograph with a We believe In the New Edison No mere Talking Machine It Is a beautiful instru ment that the living voice And we believe In you for the sort of man or woman who appreciates the New Edison is the sort of man or woman the world be- Sieves in See the moderately priced Period Cabinets hear the New Edison at our store And tell us what Is In your mind about terms J Y Newmarket 200 ACRES SEVEN MILES FROM NEWMARKET acres crop Balance pasture and hush Frame house anil barns Flowing well Price 12000 FIVE FROM NEWMARKET Average Buildings Price 210 ACRE8 4 FROM SUTTON acres in crop Price ACRES 1 FROM NEWMARKET First soil Buildings good in every respect Price 30000 160 ACRES 1 MILE FROM NEWMARKET Frame house Average barn Price 100 ACRES 1 FROM RAVEN8HOE to buildings nice soil Price 200 ACRES 1 FROM NEWMARKET Best of soil new buildings acres crop Balance bush Price and soil a 100 ACRES 12 FROM NEWMARKET mile from Close to schools Firstclass buildings Price Best 340 ACRES MILES FROM BRADFORD tillable Balance pasture Running water Average ings Price 100 ACRES 1 MILE FROM Firstclass soil and buildings Running water Price bulla- 100 ACRES 1 MILE FROM Good building Good soil and orchard Running water Price 100 ACRE8 1 MILE FROM Cement house good born and outbuildings Price North Newmarket All Careful Attention Close to 100 ACRE8 1 MILE FROM Good soil buildings Producing the very best orops Price ACRE FARM A BLOCK Good barn Average house miles from shipping point school and church A snap at price CHOICE IN LOCALITIES FOR AT WRITE FOR PARTICULARS R Box ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO