Newmarket Era, 29 Aug 1919, p. 6

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jfV i- j rf y SlSH -n- v I f IS mi on rfi Miss Mr 1 r J I ss i I tilHi ft sis I X vZ mm Cleaning Pressing DEPARTMENT in Our Basement v I 3 g L i r i ia ffS w Velvet Collar On Coats a Specialty In Our Cleaning Yemeni Department In E A A Was never Stronger than In These Offerings for Friday and Saturday The Dunlop supremacy of was more than In this WEEKS SPECIAL OFFERINGS This ad and our windows ae devoted to the burning question of the Living Offerings such as these Is Our Answer A MOW fir FOR A Big Reduction In All Lines of Neckwear Pure Silk Neckwear Selling all over the Coun try at 00 and 50 CleanUp Sale Prices 25c and 75c Last Call on Outing and Shirts Sport Regular Sale Regular Sale 129 Regular 200 Sale Our windows answer the Question more fully Special Prices in Work Shirts Overalls Smocks Sox Etc Overalls and all sizes Reg for 1 Overalls and Smocks all sizes Reg for Work Shirts Regular 150 for Work Shirts Regular for Work Shirts Regular 250 for Mens Work Sox Reg for Mens Work Sox Reg or 35c dozen Mens Fine Sox in Tan Brown all Sizes Worth to 50c for Li ia Hundreds of the Very Newest and Over coats for Men and Young Men just passed to bought long before the recent Advance Clothing possessing every detail of workmanship Finish Material desired by the Best Dressed Men of the day Come Early and Make Your Selection Every Suit or Overcoat carried over from last season will be Cleared regardless of former Price or Value Suits 1350 Up Overcoats Up Prices in Most Cases Less Than Wholesale BOYS BLOOMERS i In Khaki Mixed Tweeds and Serges Sale Prices to 295 NEW FALL HATS In Every New fchapa and Color Very at most Moderate Prices Soft Hats to 800 Hard Hats to 500 200 Caps to Clear All Good Materials toDate Shapes And In the Collection are All Sizes Reqular Values 150 to ONLY KANT COLLARS Sizes 13y 16 iey and 17 Worth 30c for 15c each moment to Keep Down the High Cost of Make it a point to Inspect Them Special Soft Collars Very Newest Shapes Sold Everywhere 50c to 75c CleanUp Sale Prices 25c and Mens Lisle and Silk l In Plain Fancy Stripes Palm Beach an Black- Regular to 150 Sale Prices to 98c LONG RIBBED STOCKINGS Sizes to Worth 45c for EXTRA Youths Sweater Coats 350 Value for Youths Sweater Coats 400 Value for 5249 Mens Fine Wool Coats Reg 750 for Mens Extra Heavy Sweater Coats in Grey All Worth 400 for Manufacturers Samples Mens Scotch Knit Shirts and Drawers Value for 50 each Combinations 400 Value for i i TO OUR 0UT0FT0WN CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE WELL OUR ADDRESS OLD IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING NORTH YORKS FOREMOST CLOTHIER Newmarket AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Those who Lower School from our School are MiMrd Marion Stokes ami Brooks Middle School Stewart Rowland Gordon Kenneth Sliver and Cain STREET NORTH our school Our and in this Schools will reopen on Tuesday Sept I Mr rani Mrs Walter 2nd The Continuation teachers arc home week Miss Mae Gardiner principal and Miss Ihelr vacation visiting Neva Both come In SI Brown Hill Beatrice Proctor spent Sunday with her parents here Mr Alfred Lewis and lady friend of called on Nor man Goodwin on Sunday after- noon via motor day to hear Rev SJinger- Miss Alice Curtis of Newmarket mils farewell sermon spending a weeks holiday with is the order of the day Mrs Mills Mrs 1 Kane of who has Wedding hells an- ringing in this her Mr quite happy over his that arrived jisl week Quite number from her look in service at Hum Swamp last Sun I after spend- the past their sun wllh Sarah Millard is much improved in heal 111 to us highly recommended and have Mr Geo reiteh expects sell out Freda Ralyhon of Toronto had several years successful hl farm and farming effects this fall who linen her lence in other schools Miss Ida with Intension of living in Toronto J Pollard Is the Public The service next Ml School and Miss Robertson and Miss I taken by other help owing to he fact much Fisher assistants soldiers A grand concert ami reimioi of re turned hoys will be held in the Skat ing Rink Mount Albert this Friday evening The program will he given by Lieut 1 Hunter and party of alx of the Soldiers Civil This company given en tertainments near this vicinity and are very highly spoken of hy those who have heard them As the proceeds are to be applied the presentation fund it should be liberally attended PERSONA Mrs I Robertson was In the on Monday attending the funeral of her aunt Misses Viola and Kirk of spent a few days at the home of Mr Geo Walker Mr of Pinch motored P lo spend bis holidays at his home her- with him Mrs from Toronto Mrs of and Mrs Harper of Mich were op friend- In own on Wednesday List MM Ungual and Mauler Donald Mho have spent some months with her sister MrV Russell have returned their home in Nova roll a Miss Ross and Mrs Sister left this week visit friends In Mid land Miss Lapp and Miss Paisley of Grove were their aunt Mis last Miss of Toronto in at the home of her Mrs Mr Floyd and Mr Bar rel were In own over Sunday There will it- no service in the Presbyterian Church Sunday even as Mr Dyer will preach in Queens- ville Mr and Mm were visiting friends in Toronto tills week Misses Stokes and Ross went to city last week upend a few days with Miss flora Klghtley Sale Register Auction Hal- of Farm on the WCSl half of lot 31 Con i Rogarllown the property of Rile without re serve as farm has been sold One oclock old lime Terms months v Rev call to conference at Kingston Miss was home last week spending her vacation with parents here We understand that Mr a has purchased the properly here Mrs Win Smart and expects to move near future Hello I there some class Wal ter now with his newlymodelled cab mi fcaxon speedwell lie says Tin him reada follows had a Lamb And her fleece was white as snow Wherever Walter went This Lamb was sure to go Mr John Morton is on the sic list again but at lime of writing he was improving Mr Hose of a vfaR horn- Week See friends here Paper is full press is walling Sleeping the of one young man Miss Sarah Lewis is spending la few ho I mays in the city Mr J Miller of Toronto and his niece Miss Martin of Ni agara falls called at Mr IM ward flood wins on Monday on way from Mr Miller is lo new neighbours next spring ISLAND GROVE The residents of North Gwillhnbury had a time here on Wednesday when picnic was in connection a Reception to the Returned Boys of the Township- Addresses were delivered by Cupt Hyde Col Williams Revs Dr Grant S sir wm and Mayor Eves of Newmar ket Reeve made the presentation of Watches and Medals to soldiers who were- afterwards the ladies Proceed ing closed with a Concert in the even ing which was a great success Mr J Davidson was chairman of the committee WHAT IS A KILOWATT i This Story Excels the Biggest Hah Story Keswick Sutton West Mrs Win of California also Mrs Floury of Toronto were guests of Mrs at Willow Bank and also other relatives about own for the Miss Doris a couple weeks iter aunt at Sharon Sorry to hear that Mr and Mrs Dixon are leaving town I hey I have been rood citizens Mrs Win Belfry and children I have heard Mr of Newmarket spent Tuesday j Mrs from Winnipeg A waft is a- unit of measure for electricity just as the quart is a unit of measure for milk arid the liushol as a unit of measure for corn Kilo is a- Greek word meaning t000 ami a kilowatt is watts The -watt- Suites its name from Watt the fam ous arc a few things a Kilo- watt of will do It will lijrhl cigars It will run an electric clock for years The biggest fire Ive ever seen was at New York said the American it was a very high building and Ihe ladders were not I fill enough to reach window at which a girl wife stand ing he went on we were just- beginning to despair when a lucky thought seemed to strike one- of the firemen hold of a hose he took it along- aide no house and turned STRAYED Prom LoU cod of Cast on Of Aug Yearling Steer- and of Heifers Send lo PKHT SCOTT will heat a curling iron three nozzle upwards so that a in year Orchard Beach Zephyr Villa It is so cold Ibis week l bat and they Weal ho are enjoying heir trip far those slaying Keswick are Aim Allen f Toronto Mrs and ulster of hi Hon Toronto Miss Allen returns J Toronto on resume icacdiiiiic d Toronto on ltd The Christian Church people have making some at the Parsonage a very successful Lawn Party was hold on the parsonage grounds in July the music the Button Orchestra was greatly enjoyed About were realized A event look place the home of Mr Morton on the August was even inore successful Judg ing hy attendance The entire proceeds will he used In the Im provement fund The pastor Rev Fockler is very po pular with the people of the Church and surrounding vicinity There was a motor accident on the between Keswick and Monday morning A lad on a bicycle holding on car thus gelling over Ihe ground without exertion had a narrow escape for his life T have made ft fur a Harden al residence and grounds of Mr Marritt on Friday evening next week A good program will be provided refreshments In abundance weather will be favorable a big crowd Ik expected people are closing their i8 has and leaving for home Three away on a couple weeks vaen- of the collates will closed next week ftov and Mrs arc The aristocratic part of a days in fro wan illuminated on night ami commanded much Friday evening la and admiration Molor traffic fell ff consider ably last Mr and Mrs of Tor onto were guests of Mr and Mrs w Thomson for the weekend her Mrs Brook who has siding at the organ in sum- I HOPE church the evening -ser- vices has written a poem in Orchard We expect give il next issue was at home of J molor will Was Florence vri l ll McKay A- very spent by many of friends We oil in wishing minute every day Sunday included will heal a for an hour in the winter or keep flic room cool for hours the summer if a small ventilating fan is used II will propel an automobile lluee miles knead eight sacks of I flour into dough or operate an electric piano for hours will light an old candle power Kill son lamp for hours a 5- watt Tungsten lamp for iO hours Or a Jungslen lamp for hours Or a lamp fin- If hours Hun a 0inch electric fan for hours The energy produced a watt hour of electricity keep a small motorcycle top I speed for an hour The energy produced by a kilo- wall hour of electricity running raise in an hour Kx of shot along continuously window Summoning up the girl stepped from the letfge- anil pulling he arms anil about jet of water Co the bottom and was saved Oh tliuls- said the Englishman v saw an even more ban that A large furious ly when at top storey of the building a girl appeared I started the fireman stared the policeman in fact we all stared so hard 111 at last girl walkeil down the stares I I THE ONE WORD No service can tie successful without a certain word prosperity will prove per manent unless this one word is part of the plan Perplexing details unpleasant are all avoided to report death f Mr Rogers Albert Rogers id whs kicked by s Oll last Friday evening 1 mi I known- Fire broke out about unlock skin was lived this one word in the south Ice house Belle twentyfour hours Much sympathy a man is considered Monday afternoon lis lH wife una Utile seriously for partnership this one was with fttt SLR mi mam fthn foretnan of a- construction gang was walking his sect ion of railway one day when hi came upon a fast asleep in the shade- of a fence the man lyitlla stern smile he said Slape on ye on long as ye slape yevegot a job but when ye wake up ye re out or worrk Children dry FOR FLETCHERS ASTO R I A NOTftftf is hereby given that of Hip Village rf Woodbrfoe- in County of York and of Ontario Salesman will Apply to of it the session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from lUs Harris of he City of Toronto Cowlf of York on grmind Of adultery desertion Toronto in ft this of a 1 p King SI J 1rmoo solicitor for the vppftMi MAIL CONTRACT adUrewe Post master General will lie Ottawa unlit peon on Friday 3rd of October for veyance of Ills Mails on propose contract for four per week on route West IT 2 via in Virginia from the Pleasure Printed containing further Information as t posed may he Mini forms of Tender Ihe Post Office- of Jacksons Point and an the Office of the specter Toronto A Post Office Inspector I Aug Wl I Interest on this side of the it night the scene would havebean very spectacular The was a very large ine feet mi tin latest appliances A dwelling lien by was destroyed What caused fire we have not learned loss There are only guests left tin- Hoarding It will Close for ihe Monday Orchard Beach Office will close a week from Mon day and hls at homo as John purl of both farnlUi ladles Aid at Mrs Friends from Detroit motored well Attended The papers given hone on Wednesday ami your School next 0 r aU of Ml Albert is the new j l0 you to go home Sir- and Mrs Hold WKW with less wirry Mr and Mrs Hani vlhltid at is one word that will last J crease the employees pay is flpendJng low days j sure employers profit ft Is Indispensable virtue You Need ore Than A To correct constipation organs of digestion and elimination should be Try and see how much better you feel Today Keeps the Doctor- Mrs A v h0 I of finds method and this one word is System Hikes fast Friday Collins spent weekend with Mrs Mrs has away for a couple of wciks hud the 1 iiia honor of seeing the Primal he CARD OF Spelling a day or two Willi Mr and Mrs In On I in loe Lake Huron has secured acres of land in and Intend to spend In by Hall and Mr wen- Indies iteeidod decorate the church when hold Home Parti- A few from htr took In Mr Arnolds Mr family arc out of now to neighbors and menus who as he fire which destroyed hi- barn and also for the o shown since that event l To llvft your muni properly digest food all tho nourishment its It and promptly throw off the that la lft la accomplished by work of fitomoch liver and of any of vital to do Ha work properly to of all A bowel movement J tip It only re- for a few tho con- Itlon that constipation about Now if you to taking genuine lasting benefit to and Humiliation pood hearty appetite reguUlc and tone tlon and give your a good cleaning out Mature RnUoNR harsh it la mild easy no griping or VT tig oil like you know got to bo Ihem all time for the towns the rear of Wh It church on or the Hill of Aug a -year- old llolstelh llclfer small lump under right Jaw whllo legs find body mark- Mi Kinder will plcasn notify Cedar Valley Albert nd tho like you know mighty well got to bo taking them all the me Moreover If you to one laxative youve got to be Increas ing dose all the time That can do you a lot of harm dosing yourself with just long to give Natures Rem dy Tablet a trial let difference Tab- not mere bowel movers their purpose la to correct tho condition that constipation and you real Ion no griping or use but It la thorough nn which moans extraction your ft By action on organs It promote which means nourishment from ana thereby given you bile Into the intMtin- i- teatlnal encouraging more vigorous kidney action out of and cleans up body and how much In avery way Get a box and take one each night for ft SS never fall la by your drugs ing a Tin- farmers In had make i 1 6t This in of PusUncji their happened In several Ontario mi J PATTERSON DRUGGIST NEWMARKET ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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