Newmarket Era, 5 Sep 1919, p. 3

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S3 lip Wr I I i 1 too ltd- soft to v KM OUR LOCAL OUT FRIDAY I THREE flKS Tire pupils enrolled a Public Schools of Ihe Town and me Separate School i jiall will meet In the I evening next J are urgently requested to be lake note of the change of fine of meeting Very Fall Thursday of last week Mr second son fell a dis- Of 8 fe JflM assistance was given but he vet recovered consciousness not inquest Adjourned The jur to find out Ihe accident at Roachs Point on Lake Shore on Aug 28th when Ivan Startup was killed in a motor accident was adjourned on ac- of the absence of the chief Mice Bertha Thompson As in the roadway showed in the occupants of the fast motor Miss Thompson with ffij of mind ducked to tin floor while crushed struck and saved her life companion was Instantly death when the motor p tree DANF0RD ROCHE CO OVER Y0UWG8 FAIR V THE LATEST TOUCH Reeve William J Wells of the town ship of King was brought si rate Love la the Police Court at Aurora on Aug charged with committing an assault on Cornelius Mo- Cabe Mr Wells pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined by the Magis trate and ordered to pay all costs The assault occurred at a picnic on Sir Henry Pellafs farm When Mr Mc- extended his hand to greet Mr Wells he received a blow in the face PINE ORCHARD- Pelch Evangelist of the Church of Christ- will preach at Pine- Orchard on Sept 7th at p m on Christ Message to the Church a Smyrna AGENTS FOR BUTTEfUCK PATTERN iV GOOD HOUSE FURNISHINGS In spare I S Students taking advantage of study How about your Methodist Church Good Sunday and Intfrcstlng senices practice of Choir at Oclock in the church tonight I Aid Meeting in the Church Parlor I Friday at oclock special importance and very member urged to be present A Join meeting of the Womens Mis sionary Society and the Mission Circle will be held n the Methodist Church Tuesday evening Sept at oclock illustrated report of the held in Columbus Ohio will ivn by Mrs Wilkinson members of the MS are rtquetd to mefl for Ihe business Millinery Ladles Dresses In Silk and Gingham Ladles Waists Ladles Pull Over Ladles Silk Skirts Ladles Hosiery Gloves and Underwear Fancy Silks by the yard for 8klrU and Dresses Ladles Shoes 3 for OVER YOUNGS FAIR if Christian Church Will friends of the Christian Church please notice that vacation is pastor Rev C Hall is and thai he desires to see every member of the Church and of the Congregation present next Sunday 11 a in and p it high we all should get down to our Mask of building Up the church The Sunday School will go bark to m on Sunday Sept Which llm Rousing Rally Will he held splendid being prepared and we appeal to every church mem ber to be present anil to have all their Children there and all they can In gel others not elsewhere engaged to corn alone loo AVe want all our Old scholars back and as many new ftr can get who belong no else So friends now for a push steady push long push and push elf This must he a Rally 1 The Inrgrj in lie world I High School The formal opening of the School for the Tenn took place In the Assembly al last Tuesday in presence Of the entire over students and a number of visitors Jt was an occasion of more than Interest Including the m- of pictures of sixteen form- students who made the supreme sacrifice behalf and The Chairman of the Board Mr presided and having briefly introduced tin- subject lie called upon Mrs Robertson to do the unveil ing This was in recognition of the Ion and faithful service of her bind who served the Board for the period of years and whose n was on- of the fallen heroes A ihe reqnesl of the Chairman delivered a Rassell Collins Or tic eft ion We carry a Largo of AND OILCLOTH CARPET SQUARES AND RUG8 JAPANESE SQUARES WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLE8 Many of these Lines Bought at old pflces at less than they can be bought wholesale on- 0 s A jetit 1 i ff69t til ft ft J it A tele STREET NORTH Mr and Mrs Fred Hill spent Sun day at Mrs Rachpl Clelands Miss Sarah Lewis who hss been visiting In Toronto returned home on Tuesday accompanied by Miss Eleanor Standly who is also spending a few days with Miss Elizabeth Lewis Mr Norman Goodwin spent over the weekend Toronto and Niagara Falls returning home on Tuesday Wednesday seemed a favorite day for the people of our burg to visit the Ex Those who attended were Mr and Mrs S Mr ami Mrs Sister Messrs Eric and Ivan Albert Buckles Charlie West John Barker and Stanley Barker Misses and Mary to- turned home on Friday evening after spending a few days In the city Miss left on Monda for her new school In Mr Eugene Proctor and Miss Beat rice Proctor were home over the holi day COUNCIL The above council offer- law on Saturday Aug pm Members ail present Minnies of former meeting read and adopted Requisitions were received from clerk asking council raise for county taxes and from trustees of tin various school sections re special taxes re by them for school purposes A communication was received from asking council appoint some one to hoard of management- of Briar Hill Cemetery in place of John who has moved away A number of accounts were or- tiered paid- A bylaw was parsed levying following rates for tax I purposes mills on Hie dollar Township lax mills on the dol lar Bridge debenture mill on do tar Seiteral school mills on lie dol lar Also the special rales llio trustees ill dif ferent school sections Win Angus Ego was appointed a member of the Briar Hill Cemetery CURTAIN DRAPERIES 4 BUNGALOW NET8 MADRAS MUSLIN MARQUISETTES ART 8ATEEN8 ART DENIMS CRETONNE8 8ILKALENE 1 tf KING CITY A quiet wedding was solem nized at the home of Mr and Mrs Crossley King City on Saturday evening August when their eldest daughter Mildred was United in the bonds of holy matrimony to George Stone formerly only son of Mr and Mrs Stone also or King City ceremony was performed by Rev assited by Hey P Richardson- of Creek brotherinlaw of the groom The bride looked charming in a suit of navy blue jersey cloth with hat to match The wedding march was played by Mrs Richardson sisle of the groom The happy- couple left for a short rip and on their return will leave for Calgary where they will take up their re silience iR MB NEWMARKET THE BUSY toughing THE TAILOR DRESSED MAN IS HAVING HIS DAY To look well and be well dressed you 3hould consult us Examine our Guaranteed Indigo Blue Serges also some Extra Nice Silk and Wood Mixtures in Fancy Suiting WILLIS Gentlemens and Ladles Tailor Main Street NEWMARKET Hoard Council pm adjourned on Saturday to i Oct at If you want to get a favor done By some obliging friend And want a promise safe and sure On which you can depend Dont go to him who always has Much leisure time to plan But if you want your favor done Just ask busy man The man with leisure never has A moment he can spare Hes busy putting off until His friends are in despair But he whose every walking hour Is crowded full of work Forgets the art of wasting time He cannot stop to shirk So when you want a favor done And want it right away Go the man who constantly Works twenty hours- a day Hell find a moment sure some- where That has no other use And fix you while the die man Is framing an excuse Selected IN Heavy Shaker Flannel Fancy Stripes 1 yd wide Reg Price Heavy Cord Velvet in All Shades inches wide Sale Price k wt Heavy Silk Lisle Hose Mercury Brand Grey only Reg 75o Price Heavy Cotton Ribbed Hose good school Hose 7V to SaJe Price Heavy Cotton Hose to Sale Price Orchard Beach manly principles which prompted the boys for and hardship In defence of Hi and their of to discipline and tender of home when wounded on the fields or suffering In the H lie urged pupils to pure and noble life Mr the rt Staff was then called some remarks all the iliteen young men having tuition v Wedlock a member of Ih was the next speaker and dlivrrVd oral Ion followed by other of the Hoard J Harvey and J addiflori to the Staff i returned soldier was then In- and bin address telling ex- of he War made a very IrnprKsIon as his ability Principal Mr John If feelingly lb- boys who Mr live and Hint wan only Minorial that the Board Mojfinir Already about 200 have to erect a War Me in enlrance the grounds WW 1500 all to be privil An wan extended to visitors hi drop in Mutiny leaching period and c work of School mi explanation were made lo the divisions with their teach jvjio for follow- In day and was dismissed II for rest of the day at least will he in attendance Week are the names of the wtft were unveiled Morrison Tree i Irvine I House filrn Miliary Robertson Ranald Rninfon Ml Crti lrnr6 A Ralston Henry Penrose Jt Vfllfam J Jobn Morgan PJ V YORK COUNTY FAIRS IN T tieorgfnn Sept Township Markham Vaughan Township King Township Whitchurch Township Township North Township York and Townships Oct York Township nd 1st 2nd Pefferluw at Heights at ut Vellorc at KclUeby Vandorf at Sharon at Del haven at at Midland Sept A fatal accident shortly after Veterans parade here yesterday was riding a horse borrowed from Hugh a young boy who had ridden it the procession She hail not gone more than 100 yards from her home when she fell off breaking her peck and dying Instantly Many people have learned to consider uoh and a Watch as an Ideal When they buy they want that Watoh We dont blame them be cause we have Watch Ideala too and Ideal Watches They Waltham Watches and the Elgin Watch and Hamilton Watoh and or two other we learned to upon we buy and call greater quantities And be fore you make a Watch pur chase we would like to talk to you about these Move ments Way Atkinson Co P Tloket Agent HAD VERYTHIMQ Mary had a little Iamb Persian oh her coat also had a mink or two About her throat A bird of paradise a fern And ermine blade the hat That perched at Jaunty angle On her coiffure largely Hut- tiny boots were sable topped Her gloves were too muff had heads and tails of half The in the zoo And when she walked abroad ween She feared wintry wind keeping warm twas plain She had all nature skinned VISIT Upstairs MUSIC STORE Over Toronto Jobbing and hear the STAR very latent In REOORD8 in Music Mr editor of the lowell Banner who with his bride were on their wedding trip spent Saturday with his cousin Mies Louie Fisher We were misinformed who went with Miss Thomson to the Hospital It was faithful Or Graham We are pleased to know that she is doing fine and expects to be out of the Hospital in six weeks A quiet wedding look place at Orchard Beach On Saturday when youngest daughter of the Stewart Walker of Aurora was married lo Charles Norman of Maple at JJuncrani Cottage The ceremony was performed by Cover ing of cousin of the groom The bride who was un attended was given away by her cousin Or Brock Walker of To ronto She wore a navy tailored suit with black velvet hat Mr and Mrs Norman by for their home in Maple Mi Thomson had hick on Labor Day Ho went to Snake Island for a days fishing and brought home the largest bass we ever saw caught On his shore with a book and line It weighed OK lbs Miss Bertha of Toron to spent the weekend with Mrs Bishop of Toronto preached the closing sermons last Sunday lo loir congregations The Newmarket Boy who were camping at Kennedy Point attended in the evening in a body and were on llioir best be haviour Mr Win Wallace and his daughter Miss Maud Wallace of Lindsay spent a part of Labor Day the of Cottage A lady on the Beach said quite indignantly thai the aristocratic part was confined to th north end cottages In the centre of the Beach have signed up for current he in stalled as soon as possible so as to be ready for service next spring Mr ami Mrs Marshall of Ni-w- wen of Mr Mrs A mi Mr and Mrs VVllsOli Of Sharon spent Wednesday with Mr and Mis MisrtBernice Cane spent Wed nesday with Mrs Lovely On the water again MAKING THINGS EASY Having an easy time in synony mous with being useless- If thai is your ambition weed it out of your heart No one eyer suc ceeded in having an easy time and being helpful You cannot strengthen the weak and encour age the disheartened and do your share of the work that stands waiting be done in this busy world and at the same time take it easy not be am bitions lo escape Strive instead to be strong LUMBER LATH LIME SHINGLES and CEMENT l COAL and WOOD CSV sVtiB enough for all you to do OF THE GREAT LAKES If placed in a straight line Ihe five lakes would total a length of miles Lake On tario the smallest of the number is miles long and has a greater area than Hint of Con necticut and Island com bined Lake Superior the largest freshwater lake in Ihe world is vhi miles long and wide and alone is larger than entire stale of Carolina Lake Michigan is about miles long and fifty miles wide while Lake Huron whose waters join those of Lake Michi gan is Lake Erie the most shallow of all is slightly larger than the slate of Vermont length is miles and it also carries the great steam known as Niagara with its famous rapids and falls on to Lake Ontario Live Stock Markets All Kinds of Building Material I I Phone Newmarket T A Tap Top vestment Foresight is the greatest factor in saving yourself time money and annoyance Dont continue sending good money af ter bad by buying to patch and rcpateh your old roofs Invest in prices week Choice Rxport Steers anil paid In Toronto Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA Heifers 9H00 Choice Butcher Cattle Medium Steers and Heifers Choice Choice Springers ICO Choice Veal Calves Medium Common calves Spring Lambs YrurlliiKs off ears Newmarket Mar Butter Hi keta 58 do 60 Oats bush 00 i and obtain lusting satisfaction durability and economy Once Neponset Parotd is laid it forms an ideal roof either on new Sidings or over old shingles It can bo put on quickly without litter or fuss Costs half the price of shingles and pays for itself by wearing for years Roofing can be used on any building no matter how largo or small Its firo end weatherrcsistiog properties give it first place among roofings Roofing is In three colors red green and slate Binns Hardware Newmarket A Toronto Butter lb dot Chickens lb bush Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton- mm ARCHIVES

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