ft Wilkinson Main and Sis Newmarket LOCAL NEWS oft Successor lo late Dr and Surgeon Ontario rfuate University of Toronto senior resident physician Rural Canada Knows where on Union Pall River OfficeHours 3 Dr S J Boyd B Of Toronto licentiate of the Royal and- member of i of Surgeons of assistant in Hospital and Ear Nose and tf London MM tested Glasses Supplied no iiO 8 AND JEWELLER Park Avenue Adjoining Post Office GREEN PAIVTEB AND PAPER HANGER 2nd house from ft Si Newmarket OF WALL PAPER Hew Stor to open will He observed- by our ad vertising columns that Mr Russell Collins will his new store next Saturday He will be pleased to see his old and many new ones We trust Ins business venture may be a groat success Methodist Church CHOICE STOCK hand Box RATCLIFF Teacher of Singing- Studio of Music Newmarket on Wed CANADA CO p GILMAN District Representative for Co of York of Toronto Build injr SI opposite Market Ph 108 Sunday Sept a in Love Feast in the School Room it a public Recep tion of new members Holy Commu nion p Sunday School p Fruits of Living Lawrence pastor Bowling Three of our teams have been up to Bradford this season to try lo bring back the Cup but they failed to succeed On Thurs day of last week Rev picked up a scrap team composed of Messrs Bos worth Lister and him self and came home the proud pos sessors of the coveted prize How long can they Keep it St Pauls Church Sunday after Trinity Sept a Litany Holy Com ana Sermon p Evensong and Sermon The Sunday School will open asain after the holidays at Ar rangements of classes will take place and the Rector will lake a class for special study of those above years of ago or thereabouts Harvest Thanksgiving on Oct R A Newmarket Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning Went for Columbia and Records Complete Slock Prompt Is Your Name on the List The Provincial voters lists for North York prepared for the Referen dum have been posted up for inspec tion at the places mentioned in vert I semen in this issue man and woman of and upwards should and see that his or her name is cor rectly entered Appeals against er rors or omissions may bo made form prescribed but action at Be name Is on he list Every years of age examine the list sure in the must be that your the second Barristers Solicitors NEWMARKET AND announces Law office in the CO Etc TORONTO Mr opening if of Toronto Building SI hit he will he in Newmarket follows tier Tuesday to p Saturday a to noon jisit expected arrangements iI made whereby a rt the firm will be in the office Thanksgiving Day In all probability in November will be Thanksgiving Day A bill is before Parliament which opened on Monday making the dale permanent Feeling of intense thankfulness filled the hearts of all Canadians in common with all the al lies on Armistice Day November It the second Monday of November In I918 and Mr insists that thr- associations of that- day would make it ideal for Thanksgiving By celebrating the day instead of date he claims that the disturbance Of business caused by a holiday in the middle Of the week would be avoided and that at the time II would large numbers of Canadians spend weekend with their families when away from home on business The hope is expressed thai the Am ericans hold Thanksgiving on the day irn Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Outfit Bathroom the Shop Upper School Exams Newmarket High School sent seven pupils to write on the Upper School Exams for Entrance into the Facul ties Education and five were suc cessful which Is a good showing The following passed Miss Alice Davidson in both Pari I and Part Sadie all of Part and Physics in Pari Miss Kathleen all Part I Elizabeth Hamilton and Miss Pearl Styles all Part The following pupils have passed their Honor Matriculation 1 A Latin III Chemistry in Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers Clean to handle Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere Another Version There seems to he another side to the episode stolen man who look them says he had permission from owner during absence from home to take what he wanted busy The York Pioneers meet at Sharon Temple next Saturday The York Radial had very time on Labor Day Two collided on ville fiats on Sunday night both were pretty badly wrecked Russell Collins new store opens on Saturday Education System Wants Shacking up Almonte Gazette Hon J Cody Ontario Minister of Educat ion has promised many reforms What wanted is a thorough shakingup of the whole educat ion system in Ontario While school boards are elected by the people work for the people and the people pay the bills the De partment at Toronto can curtly tell the Board that for any in formation as lo examination re sults they must apply lo the principal of the school as the Department refuses lo give the information BUILDS AND BINDS A NATION R ill LEADING Latin 11 French K It Pope Greek ill Physics ill Chemistry HI Biol I Pass Matriculation I a Complete Oral Hall James Hamilton Herman Rogers Partial Wallace Johnston Shir ley McCarly Alice Ma honey Joy Mar- TO GROCERY J rill Hazel S0NS Truly national in character Is the exhibit of the Canadian- National Rail ways in the Railway Building at the Canadian National Exhibition Toronto The ensemble is most tricking and the electric lighting of the dome com bined with most artistic draperies lends a spacious character to the whole exhibit while arrangement of the display in general in detail The frieze decorations show typical landscape views of the nine Provinces with the coat of arms of each the con necting link bearing the highly signi ficant reminder that this is an exhibit of a line that builds and binds a nation Three sides of the building are occupied by a huge topographical map of Hie Dominion on which are sHown in brilliant illumination the names of the principal points reached by the Canadian National Railways the great steel strand that threads the land being indicated by a broad band of red No or more comprehensive plan could have been adopted to de monstrate that miles of rail way are now under Canadian National management and that the Canadian Northern the Intercolonial and Trans continental railways have been amal gamated lnt9 vast system To fur ther demonstrate the fact that the system traverses every Province of the Dominion and reaches every Provin cial capital the by an ingen ious arrangement of flashing lights Is taken In fancy right across the con tinent from Halifax to Vacouverand Victoria stepping momentarily at the principal points en route and then brought back again The mop should prove of much educational value in telling Just what Canadian National Railways and Ihe I err lory reach PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE Get Thorn at Photographer In Your Tovn 0 ftoor Hi Office SITTING BY Coming to Newmarket The Returned Soldiers from Hospital are coming to Newmarket on Wednesday Sept a bowling Tournament is to take place commencing at o clock and the Hospital will pro bably put six rinks The laitien of the Red Cross and Field Comforts will provide refreshments At oclock a Game is to lakg place on the Fair Grounds Newmarket vs the At oclock the Hospital boys are give a Concert In the Town Hal and ItiaJ hey will put up a program that will sur prise everybody Thr days proceedings will he looked forward with pleasure THE ONWARD RUSH it was during the last American of fensive Certain troops had orders to advance cover afforded by rocks near lie Hun trenches and for strat egical reasons remain there in re serve The Yankee soldiers reached their stopping under heavy fire from the Huns and then disregarded all orders and kept straight on and took the Hun trenches Presently the colonel up in a furious rage because his orders had been disregarded Major your definite orders were to bold your men at those rocks didnt you doit Colonel he retorted hotly that pigfaced Crown Prince and all army couldnt stop how in thunder do you suppose could else Theres a good thing about a dog does not pretend to be any thing WIHAIHST The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM Ready In Quantity Order than Deliver Its the Methodist MassMeeting A gathering in connection with the Spiritual Campaign of the allied Church of Canada and the United Slate called The Great In ner Church Movement will lake place Methodist Church Newmarket on Thursday Sept This im portant movement in for the Bradford District every consecrated effort will be put forth to realize the of Jesus Chris I practically In our age and generation Two Meetings WW be held The at t New Time An Will be given by Rev Wesley Dean on Christ with for Consecration and Service Questions Answered opinion Ranted Discuss ion and settling of plans of campaign In order to help out not to make rnony supper will be in the by thclfidlet Aid from lo At a Prayer and Pralae Ser vice followed by address by Rev Capt Bums of Toronto All members of the District and ny other who WSh Invited to come to these meetings Prayers are asked thai this MassMeeting be a new LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesnt Lift any corn or callus off with fingers Dont suffer A tiny bottle of coats but a fev cents at any drug Store Apply a few drops on the corns dilutes and hard skin on bot tom of feet then them off When removes corns from toes or calluses from the bottom of feet the skin beneath Is left pink and Wealthy and never sore tender or Irritated Wad The mm STORING FOR WINTER After Bid Colds or Inflnenga- Look Kidneys and BUdderl Hints Fruits Owing to bad Be Stored for to to Be Sound after of Handled Wlthont Green Beam and Corn May and toxins Placing In Cans and Heating Three poisons are stored up in and rheumatic and stiff It is most that treatment be di rected towards prompt casting out of the poisons from the body which cause these pains and This means that the excretory the bowels and kidneys should be excited to their best Every one should clean houses internally and thus protect ones self from many germ diseases by taking castor oil or laxative such as Dr Pierces Pellets which are made of May- apple aloes and jalap Take these every other day This will excite efficient bowel action you suffer from backache irri tation of the bladder and the kidneys shown by the frequent calls to out of CANE SONS CO LIMITED 4 a Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto the storing of roots tubers cabbage- and celery It Is a simple matter if the materials are sound to begin with Although the decayproducing bacteria yeasts and molds are always on these they cannot do any- Injury until the materials are first damaged In some way as by bruising heating or freezing After such Injury has been done the decay bacteria and molds are able to feed on the dam aged tissue and as result of this action decay or rot takes place and gradually spreads until all is spoiled Therefore In storing roots tubers it at night considerable sediment in the water brickdust deposit ceiery headache in the morning you should obtain at the drug store anti- uric acid first put up by Dr Pierce To build up the strength and improve the blood take an iron tonic such as manufactured by Dr Pierce to be had in tablets at drug stores or some good herbal tome such as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery made from wild roots and barks without alcohol and put up in tablets or liquid ROUGH AND LUMBER LD I NO Such as Mouldingand Inside Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Saah Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ash or Oak at prices that will Interest you kindly give us atrial The Urn mm lions Co NEWMARKET THE WORLD SO FULL OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS A philosopher of olden time taught Iris pupils that they should learn lessons from their mistakes and then forget the error of their ways a wonderful thing lo remember said he if we re member the the true and the The ugly and Ihe gloomy anrj Ihe Iroublesome we must forget The story is lold of a book agent who once called upon Mark Twain to sell a hook that would after a few hours study teach him how not lo forget any- wouldnt give snap of my for such a book de clared humorist But will give a- thousand dollars for one that will as quickly leach me how lo forget some things I have no desire lo remember Like the American hum orist all of us can well forget a number of things The unkind words we spoke in hot baste the words of like nature spoken to us injuries done us by well- meaning friends and injuries of the same sort we have done to others These are but a few possibly of the things we should forget and in forgetting in be half others we also forgive few forgive in the same sincere openhearted measure that we would have them forgive us After all this world is so full of beau iff things there is so much of the happy and joyful about us hat it is foolish for us lo be ever recalling the things we should forget Hubert Hend erson QUO BUT SHE WAS WILLING At a recent gathering at Hie Lambs Hub George Cohan lold the following story When I was a youngster our town was thrown into frenzy of through the appearance of a chap known as Jack the Kisser lie used to jump out of dark places the girls kiss them and run away A friend of and a girl were discussing the kisser he de claring that a man could kiss- a girl whether she willed or not and she maintaining that it couldnt tie done linaily they decided thai the only way prove their contentions was lo try it They did And the man won after a brief struggle and kissed the girl ardently several minutes Then he released her Oh well said Ihe you really didnt win fair My foot slipped Lets try it again Ne York G THERE ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with Bayer Cross are Aspirin No others If If you dont see the Cross on the tablets refuse them they arc not Aspirin at all Your druggist gladly will give you the genuine Buyer Tablets of Aspirin because genuine As pirin now is made by Canadians and owned by a Canadian Com pany There is not a cents worth of German Interest in Aspirin all riglits being purchased from the Government During the war Imitations were sold as Aspirin in pill boxes and various other containers Hut now you can get genuine As pirin plainly stamped with the safety Cross Aspirin proved millions for Head ache Toothache Earache Lumbago Colds Neuri tis and generally Handy tin boxes of tablets also larger Bayer packages Aspirin is the trade mark registered in Canada of Bayed Manufacture of of 1st To have only sound healthy specimens 2nd To handle with care so as not to bruise or otherwise damage the tissues 3rd Store in a cool wellventilat ed place where there will be no dan ger of either overheating or freezing Overheating or freezing will usual ly kill the living tissue of vhicb tbe roots are composed after which they will readily decay as a result of Ihe rapid multiplication or bacteria and molds ln the dead tissues In the preservation of such vege tables as green peas beans aspara gus and green corn different meas ures are necessary These are green and juicy and if stored In the fresh condition they will either wilt or fer ment and rot This fermentation and rotting due to tbe development in the mass of the bacteria which are present on the vegetables There will be sufficient moisture present in the mass to enable the bacteria to multi ply acd feed on the material and thus induce rot So in order to preserve sflch tables in the fresh condition the bac teria present have to be all killed and all other bacteria prevented from getting on the material until it is to be used To get satisfactory re sults from canning vegetables it it necessary to have 1st Good sound vege tables 2nd clean sealers with tight- fitting tops and good rubbers 3rd Wash vegetables and oil into the sealers Cover with water salted to taste 5th Put on the tops and leave slightly loose 6th Place a steamer or boiler half with cold water and heat to the boiling point for half an hour Remove sealers from boiler or steamer and tighten down the tops Alter hours loosen the top3 and return to the boiler or steamer and give another half hours boiling Repeat this process after an other hours Then tighten down the tops and place away In the storing of such trulls as apples and pears which can be stored without canning we have to prevent the development of molds and yeasts These are always present on the sur face of the fruit Bacteria do not damage fruits as they do Vegetables or meats on account of the sugar and acid nature of fruits which is not satisfactory for bacterial develop ment but is just what needed for molds and easts lint even molds and yeaiits will not develop on sound apples and pears that are properly stored If however the fruit Is dam aged In he picking handling or pack ing then the bruised spots enable the mold spores or yeast cells that are on be surface lo germinate and grow and multiply ana when once they get a start they will continue to spread even through the sound healthy lissjo and from fruit to fruit until the whole pack may be Spoiled Therefore in the storing of such fruits as apples and pears it is essential 1st To have only hound sped mens 2nd To pack carefully without bruiting 3rd To in a cool place where they will neither overheated or frozen Such fruits as strawberries asp- berries plums peaches currants blueberries etc which are soft can not be kept any length of lime with out fermenting or moulding unless they are canned These fruits may be cooked In fruli kettle sugar added to taste and filled hot- from the kettle Into sterilized scalers removed dlicci from scalding water The covers rings and rubbers should bo put on at once direct from scalding water and screwed- down tightly Another way to preserve such fruits Is by ihe cold pack method In this the fruits are not cooked before pulling Into the scaler Sound fruit not overripe should be used This Is picked over and tilled direct ly Into clean sealers Stone fruit should be pitted A syrip of sugar and water sweet ened to table Is then filled Into seal ers so as lo completely cover the fruit lopa rubbers and rings are put on but not screwed down tightly Tho scalers ihen in a boiler containing cold water and this Is brought a boil and kept boiling for half an The sealers are then removed and the tops screw ed down tightly at Mice When cool ed store away Prof A College AGENTS FOR and Deering Repairs Newmarket wine Phone ten Your When you take a Policy in Canadas Only Mutual you own and share In the profits of a Life Ins Co In proportion to the amount of your Policy- WHY NOT The Correct FRED District Agent Newmarket Ont Representing York and Slmcoe Counties r i m BE SHARPENED HIS Tommy Just off train with considerable baggage Cabby how much it for rue to Cabby Two shillings sir Tommy How much for my Cabby Free sir Tommy Take the baggage Ill walk a package before the war gc a package during war Children FOR FLETCHERS A J ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO