J fcVi I AQENTJ Mount Albert WOMENS INSTITUTE The next regular meeting off the Mount Albert Branch of the North York- Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs on Thursday Sept programme will con sist of Roll Call answered by names of famous Canadians Vegetables food value use and methods of cooking by Mrs Rowland discussion led by Mrs John Moore AH ladies are in vited HEAVY LOSS BY FIRE A spark from the smokestack of a threshing engine set fire to the roof of Mr Archie Goodwins barn on the Concession south of Holt on Saturday last The dry roof quickly burned through and the fire caught the grain in the mow the flames spread so rapidly thai the men working the mow had time to es cape The high wind caus ed the fire to spread to the house which burned so rapidly that very little of contents was saved This is a very heavy loss for Mr Godwin it is- only covered insurance PRESENTATION A concert was held in rink on Friday evening last The program being given by Lieut Hunter and party of the Soldiers Civil Reestablishment Toronto Tlwy very pleas ing program which was greatly enjoyed by the large number pre sent The important event of the evening look place after the first par of the program and consist id of the presentation on behalf of the town of handsome wrist watches to the following return ed men of Mount Albert and vici nity Nursing Sister Thirsk Art Case deceased Garnet Car- ruthers Tom Frank Coon Percy Bruce Lapp Lome Mainprie Geo Price Price Guy K Frank Ramsden Ralph Kenneth Ross Donald Shield Douglass Shields Tom Silver tas Stokes de ceased Roy Rclge Wit- bee Guy Williamson Leslie Woodcock Mr J made a neat speech on behalf of the returned men and Mrs Robert Thirsk re sponded for his Miss Mag gie Mrs 1 Rowland read the following address a There it more energy in a pound good bread made in the home Royal Yeast Cakes than in a pound of meat Bread making is simple operation and requires no pre vious experience Full instructions in Royal Yeast Bake Book mailed free on request TORONTO Mrs and Miss Pegg attended a church wedding In Sutton on Tuesday What might have been a serious Mr and Mrs Jos of Oakvtlle happened on the culvert op- are the guests of Mr and Mrs- Smith Mr Baits farm about Mrs Winch and family arc three miles north of here last Sun- spending a few days In the city taking day evening appears that two in the autos were Agoing in opposite Mr Cecil accompanied when each driver slowed up Mr Rose and father and Mr presumably for Ihe purpose of not Carl Morion motored to Toronto on on culvert There each Wednesday and took in the Mr Frank had the mis fortune to break his arm while to fix the hayfork in Mr TO THE RETURNED MEN OF MOUNT AND VI CINITY When the females of wars was declared in August and the call Canada from our Molher Country for men help fig III for freedom and justice we are proud say thai our boys were not long in responding that call as duly to go ami help save Canada from the hand of the murder for what intended was we by I his lime would he under heir rule We are glad ami thankful lo Kay that right and not might hat prevail ed and thai the war is over and Germany is beaten our allies have conquered and you our are spared lo return to your nat ive place once more You no doubt have had varied experiences and many thrilling one too some that you will never and many perhaps you shudder when you think of them WO as citizens of this place should be and are proud of you in thai you sacrifice so much for us went from your homes not knowing whether you would see hern again lie number who went from tlie community Five went with the machine gun and we know how useful these were in helping win the war Four were signaller and their Work was often if not always in dangerous places Three were in the band who en tertained others but when they Were In a light pinch were called to the trench where they did good work One enHated in the Plying Corps and another one after upending a year or two with the machine guns went into the One was with Tanks which were Ihe dread of the enemy One was a doctor and we know the great need of such the battle field One spent most of the time in India helping guard things there Sister did ml go direct from here but her is here and we are proud her back too The sad pari of it all with UH concerned Is thai two on one will come back They have paid the supreme sacrifice This community wishes you to accept these watches as a small memento of the esteem in which you are held her sister at week Miss Olive returned on Monday from a few days visit Willi her friend Miss Blanche Keyes in Toronto Miss Ruby Holbourn of the Dominion Bank Staff spent part of her vacation in Toronto last week Mrs Terry is at of her parents Mr Ms- D Mrs Stoke ami Claremont week from a visit win friends In Mr Dyer has m into flip village as he intends lo remain here for the winter Mrs Harry Lapp of Cedar Grove was the guest of Mrs last week Mr Guy of Ottawa was at his old home in town for a few days Miss Nellie Shields of Toronto came up for the concert on Fri day evening Rev Roy and Mrs Gray have returned after their months holi days Mr and Mrs Baker and Mr and Mrs Tate of spent Sunday at the home Mr Win Hayes Miss Florence Pickering of Zephyr spent a week with her friend Mass Ruby Hayes Miss Alice Walker who has been visiting at Mr Geo Walk ers returned to her home in To ronto last week Will ladies he please remember the appeal for good second hand or new cloth ing for the people of the North Country made destitute by fires OF THANKS Mr and Mrs Case wish to thank many friends of Mt Albert for the beautiful Wrist Watch in memory of their son Arthur A Case driver spurted up quickly and met on Hie culvert with the result that one car had three wheels put out of business and the other had one wheel damaged as well as the axle The driver car was Master Calvin Weddel with their big Overland the others were strangers from Toronto with a Ford Miss Elizabeth Hughes from Han over cousin of Mfss Louise Miller is spending the weekend Mr Samuel Millers Miss Mabel Eves has been spend ing a few days with relatives In To- ronlo and look in the sights at the Ex Miss Roan is spending a week at Collingwood with her aunt Mrs Henry Clark formerly of New market Mr and Mrs Amos Crittenden from North spent a day last week with Mrs A Fair ViewFarm The Good Roads Commission pulling in two dandy cement culverts opposite Mr Win Grelgs farm south of here Mr Aaron has sold his farm to Mr John Smith Jack now has cage the next thing In order is to get some one to occupy it Eli lark Mr Henry Manning has sold his farm anil intends moving to Newmar ket A large number of our citizens are busy his week picking I heir plums Largest crop for years Miss Clark our School Principal has returned from her holidays in the West and has the Form in running order again We hope she will en- Joy and prosper as she was extra successful at the recent En trance having ft honors and pass out of candidates She is a worker Miss Terry our Junior Teacher re turned on Saturday from her visit In city where she attended a wedding and had a very pleasant time We extend our best wishes for her second years work with III lie folks A large number of our people are taking in Ex this week We are glad to see Mr Walter home from overseas arid we understand Mr Is on his way home barn last week and whilst con valescing has taken a motor trip to Muskoka Mr and Mrs H a business trip to Toronto on Tuesday HOVE A J An Inestimable Convenience iV Quite a numher are In the fashion with colds Sir and Mrs Tansley and family of Hamilton visited relatives here on Sun day and Monday Mr and Mrs Dike returned from Toronlo on Monday and report a fine time at the Exhibition Mrs and family visited at Mr- Tansleys on Sunday evening Mr A Cage and friend the Ex on Monday Mrs Cunningham and Miss Mildred Hall spent the weekend in Aurora Mr and Mrs Oscar Stickwood Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Ceo Pegs Mr and Mrs Hall spent Wednesday with Mrs A LISTER Manager Newmarket Branch a simple arrangement you can transfer to The Bank of Toronto the irksome task of paying your hold accounts Paying by cheque relieves you of carrying money about making change id obtaining receipts household transactions systematic basis Any Branch of this pleased to open a checking account for you It on puts your a dignified Bank will be Capital Reserve J I Concerning Your Fall Shoes CARD Mr and Mrs Frank Terry anil family to express their sincere thanks lo the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the illness death of Manford Terry I Ms and eon of From East on or about the til of Aug Yearling Stem and year old Heifers Send Information BRUT SCOTT 2wJi Qucensvllle Fred aim notice hereby given that Karris of the Village of In County of York ami Province of Ontario Salesman will apply the Parliament of Canada at the rfexl session thereof for a Hill of Divorce from his wife Lillian Harris Of the City of Toronto In the County of York on Hie of adultery and desertion Toronto in the Province of Ontario nineteenth day of August A J King SI West Toronto Solicitor for the Applicant MAIL CONTRACT addressed Postmaster General will received a I Ottawa until noon on Friday the 3rd of October for the con veyance of His Majestys Malls on o proposed contract for four years Unit per week on the route West via Point and Virginia from the Pleasure Printed notices containing further Information as to conditions of pro posed Contract may he seen and blank forms of Tender may he obtained at the Poet Offices of Sutton West Point and Virginia and at the Office Hie Post office In spector Toronto A Post Office Inspector Office inspector Office Toronto Aug 22nd Jw3i Mr Fred Milne of Port Arthur Mr and Mrs Milne and Mr and Mrs Watson of Aurora spent Sunday at Mr A J Mllnfs who are pleased see out again We were very sorry to hear of death of Mrs Frank Morton of Slip was third daughter of Hose of Sharon and lived here In Mr Mortons house for some lime when first mar ried many friends Besides husband she leaves two boys and four sisters mourn their loss A large number of scholars from around this community go down on car to High School Mrs Weddel left on Monday Us live In Toronto for Calvin and Mary attend Collegiate Mr Elmore of visited his Mrs A Mackenzie over Sunday Mr Percy Boa left on Tuesday to fr at three Fairs Mr Ceo Jr Wmslef in Western Provinces har vesting Mr Jack Lewis and Miss Florence and Miss Del Rraltfiwalle of toronlo holiday Mr J Lewis Mr and son lasl week for West Mrs w Huntley look a Niagara Falls week with Mr Mrs Miss Marie Thompson has gone hack to her school in Oil ford teach Miss Mabel Wright has also gone hack to her school near Georgetown Misses and Real rice Thompson Willi Mrs and da lighter motored to Manchester and vis ted friends in Whitby and hke Ontario Mrs W Lewis and Master Ken spent Wednesday in oily with her daughter Mrs Pal Ion Mrs Alvln of in visiting her parents Mrs Miss Roane of Keswick is spending a few days with her cousin A few friends met last Thursday evening up the Lake and gave a corn roast in honor of Miss and Miss Cameron former teachers of the public school All i report a good time Mr and Mrs Darius Yorke and daughter Veda of Keswick visited tier sister Mrs a Thompson Hope all the Leaguers are planning to attend the Garden Fete up at Mr Murritfs on Friday evening League topics for The League as Force I Timothy Lender Laura Thompson Reader Frank it Our West China Mission Vera Smith Reader Smith Brown Hill Run and sunshine is our weather motto Mr Miller took a flying trip to Toronto Ex this week We are glad to see Mrs Geo able to be out again after her severe epidemic attack Mr and Mrs Wilson returned home Monday night after their vaca tion Mrs John Miller has been feeling somewhat better lately trust our new lasle school leacher will make the kiddies line up make successful progress Rev has been promoted on this circuit fur another year Holt and Mr and Mrs John Sedore or Kes wick- were visiting relatives here on Sunday Mr Joe took a business trip Id on Wednesday Was he off the Ex Times up Sleeping Reality ZEPHYR Another old and respected resi dent has passed away in the per son of Mr Clark De ceased has been poorly for some time and was confined to his bed at last for three weeks wiih kid ney trouble Mr Clark worked faithfully for the Government for a good many carrying the Mail All who knew him knew of his good qualities and what an honest upright man he was He belonged lo the Order of foresters and will be missed greatly by his own family neighbors and all who know him He leaves his widow two sons J of and at home anil one daughter Mrs Richard of Zephyr mourn their loss They have the sympathy of the entire neigh borhood in their loss Sharon an I Cities of Cllles Leader Reader Levi Weddell Social Service Motive Paul The Acts it and Method Violet Malt Thompson Leader Reader Ross Belhaven Mrs Miss CARD OF THANKS Mr Archie Goodwin desires in extend his hearty thanks lo his many friends who made every assist him dur ing thO I Mr Frank Coon turned from overseas spent weekend In town Mrs Grove attended the- STRAYED From the rear of Lot Con of Whitchurch on or about the of Aug 2yearold Grade Heifer small lump under right Jaw white and body mark- Finder win please notify JOHN Cedar Valley Phone Albert i Terry of Keswick ami Williams of Newmarket have been spending few days with Mrs Miss of was of Mrs Walter Thompson The many friends of Rev are pleased that the con ference has relumed him to this cir cuit for another year Miss has been spending a few days with Mrs Arthur Arnold of Raveijshpe Mr and Mrs David and family Of LorVport ftW days Mr As Mm Huntley and daugh ter were driving to Reihaven on Tues day frightened throwing out of the buggy slightly Injuring the daughter i It sounds like fall to hear the hum of the threshing machine are glad to bear the sick is improving but all still in bed Mr and Mrs Fred and daughter spent over Sunday with relatives in King Miss Myrtle Terry spent last week with her niece Miss Annie We are to see Vera is bet ter again Mrs Fred and little daughter Vera left on Tuesday for a trip lo Meaford Dont forget the Illumination on Saturday the ttth A big time is expected Lunch will bo served in the Hall all the after noon by the Methodist Ladies Aid Come and bring your friends Quite a few from our burg have taken in the Exhibition Wo are glad to report Miss Mary Brown has a School Hope she gels along fine nice to see the child ren all marching hack to School Threshing is the- order of day Everyone is very busy watching the grain turn out Mr and Mrs Ham say and son are vf siting in Toronto Miss Dorothy has arrived home after a week in the city The Ladies Aid of the Church will serve lunch In the Municipal Hull on Saturday Sept The Monthly Meeting of the Aid will he held al the home of Mrs Fred Mackrfll Miss Mary Brown has gone to where she will lake up the work of her first year IF you would secure service and satisfaction from your shoes this Fall it is more than ever important that you should go to a reputable dealer in whom you have confidence and see that the makers trademark is on the shoes you buy This for the reason that leather is now scarcer than at any time during the war prices are higher and some grades of leather are today almost unobtainable at any price If Millions of pairs of shoes millions of feet of leather have been bought for the Nations of Europe whose stocks of footwear were entirely wiped out by the war This has more than offset the reduction in demand for army shoes And coming upon a supply of material which was already scarce it has resulted in a situation which for the time being is serious Therefore unless you have firsthand technical knowledge of shoes and leather you must rely more closely than ever this Fall upon the reputation of the maker and of the retailer The retailer who has a reputation to sustain will not endanger it for the sake of a little extra profit And no established manufacturer will stamp his trade mark upon goods which do not represent good value at a fair price The chances are that you do not feel any great interest in the leather market or in the conditions which govern the manufacture and distribution of shoes But you ARE interested vitally interested in securing for yourself and your reliable footwear at fair prices And the value which you receive for your hard- earned dollars is inexorably determined by those same conditions which govern what we call the shoetrade You cannot control them any more than we can But you CAN control your method of buying so as to get the greatest possible value for every dollar you spend So we think it only just and proper to tell you at the commencement of each season what the conditions really are so that you may base your buying judgment upon them To Buy Wisely This Fall I 1 FIRST Go to a reliable dealer whose reputation yon know whose judgment you can trust and sure Chat the trademark of a manufacturer whose standing is known upon the shoes you buy booklet to Buy Shoes Is gladly sent without charge to any address in Canada Please address Inquires to our head office at Montreal AMES McCREADY President Shoemakers to the Nation SI JOHN QUEBEC MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON vancoivj Sutton West It Norman manager or Hie Bam j Nova Scotia button applied of Hie Will of Mrs Margaret a widow residing In ton who died hi July leaving In household goods In promissory notes cash anil a lions and lot In Sutton valued a will executed May Jisl Mrs Pother Prance i of ton to provide a new vault in the Roman Catholic church- yard Virginia and for masses for repose of her soul The Is directed to spend G00 on NIC purchase Of a plot In Mount Hope Cemetery the erection of a headstone he funeral expenses of the testa- iiK To her sister she left her house and lo her brother Michael and her sisters and Julia each and to Mrs William her niece The residue In bo equally divided be- her brothers and sisters There are only two on Pes of Iberia Jacksons Point these arc Isolated and Well oared for No cause for alarm An astonishing rich find of gold has been made on the Montreal In New Ontario Vacation Model This portable Grafonola will enable you to take music you go this summer on Nothing makes a vacation as merry as merry music All the merry music of all the world is on Columbia Records Come in Hear some Aurora teaching cosh Wo all wish her reverts to standard lime Monday morning Hunter aged thirtytwo a of Smiths Kails fatally hurt when thrown from an automobile running board against a pole In Kemplvllle CARD OFTHANK8 Mrs John Rogers Wishes to thank Hie many and neighbors for heir help kindness during her sad bereavement of death of tier loving husband Boiler doesnt crowd Pandora on washdays You can set boiler cither or lengthwise of theW There is no guesswork baking either The J has a glass door which keeps the baking view The thermometer tells whether theo Is hot enough or not The oven as you must heard is very evenly heated This dependable ranee has easyworking grates enameled reservoir which may be removed for cleaning The Pandora Is the of range you have by B w- SMITH ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO