fc -Jir- l A w- J Vi- 1 A f I J NEWMARKET A fl Iha J I i v- S r IS China tea Fine Sets OUR LOCAL NEWS MarthmellowRbut Come Friday evening and have a good lime and splendid eats at the League Roast at Lewis Bush Meet at the at sharp A silver collection will be taken Mice Quality of Decoration Methodist School Will meet next Sunday at p m Now that we are back to our after noon session it Is urgently requested that all teachers officers and scholars rally once more to their places This is Missionary Sunday so dont forget your Missionary Collection To see the J C S display Id E Adams window Opportunities for ambitious young men and women Free catalogues and Information pieces eft To Clear at and DINNER SETS Finest Quality of English Several Very Choice I Methodist School Orations and at the Low Price of for Pieces TEA Large Assortment In a of Styles and from 20cts up to We are Reducing Stock You can Save Money by buying while The Berean Class will reopen at 230 next Sunday afternoon All young men of the Town are cordially invited Our Stock lasts A Importer Fancy of Staple China Imperial Cafe IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK Epworth League The League will reopen on Mon day evening A good program has been prepared You come and help the League a success Everybody is welcome to the Marsh- mellow Roast in Lewis Bush on Fri day night Leave the church at sharp Breezes FARMS MJRE VALUABLE r i Fell Down We regret to learn that Mrs who only Just moved to tier new home on Millard Ave about three weeks ago fell down the attic stairs on Saturday and received in juries that confined her to bed for or three days She Is slowly improving and no serious results are anticipated I Representation will be pleased to see you if you are interested in spare time study RESTAURANT AND TEA ROOM THE PLACE FOR A QUICK LUNCH ICE CREAM AND CANDY oxford CO W I St near the Market and Mrs Hearty Ap petite its high time you got acquainted with the nourishing pure food qual ities of our bread Its the proper sort food for child ren and pass-the-bread- will become a slogan of your happy meal times If remember to order this bread name- SOUTH FLOUR END AND Boy Scouts The Newmarket P Boy Scouts held their 2nd Annual Camp at Ken nedy Point under canvass leaving Newmarket Aug and returning Sept 1st Most of the time was spent in Camp and Scouting work Sundays 23 and 30 the Scouts at tended Church at Orchard Beach Sunday Mrs Lewis presented a number of Badges Wednesday Aug the Scouts went to the Exhibition to be inspected by the Prince of Wales Friday Aug Field Day The weather was perfect In the morn ing the Scouts were busy preparing for a great By p in everything was ready and the first event on the programme was Running Broad Jump Corp Davis 1st Corp 2nd P Hunter 3rd 3 miles running race over years P Belfry 1st A 2nd Corp W and T Smith tie foi 3rd place miles running race under years Drummer Parkins 1st Bugler Wat son 2nd P A 3rd High Jump Harvey Bugler Cane ft In P Belfry ft yds Dash 1st Bus ier 2nd Lewis 3rd yds Boat Race Bugler Watson Corp Davis 2nd P Hunter 3rd Swimming yds breast stroke P Hunter 1st J Young 2nd Drum mer Parkins 3rd yds Swimming with clothes on P Hunter 1st P Moffat 2nd yds Swimming back P Moffat 1st P Hunter 2nd After supper a game of fool ball was played Score Mrs R W Hunter lighted the Ifie Camp ami a very interesting pro gram was run off Including recitations songs gramophone selections etc Then lee Cream was served and a good display of fireworks brought the day to a happy end Patrol Lender Hunter gained polnfs for being the allaround Scout it Camp The following A Stevens Is taking- a hand in in threshing in our neighborhood He has a rousing outfit and his charges are moderate His engine Is a powerful affair of eighteen p Things must go backed up by such power merchant boasts he can boot the County of York He assorted from ihe best of Canadian I should say Is some rival along this line About the 0th of August Mrs Will Hose Taylor presented her with a wee pledge of affection a genuine rosebud If this one Is brought up correspondency well with rest of the family It will be an honor to Its parents Mrs Taylors family is a model one I wish I could this of every family about US Mrs Roy ana family visited parents Mr and Mrs Donald Kiddie last week Dora Darling also has a family worthy of remark for their proper bringing up Master Owen and returned from on Monday after a days visit at Mrs Grills Is always a welcome visitor here He knows how and acts on his know ledge to be a gentle boy Mr Alfred Moore Hallburton is the of Herman Pringle and Is going into thG employ of Willie auto repair shop- Once more we bid farewell to the summer visitors We have some royal good hearted folks and some too with pride for their boots I shall look forward to their coming next season The dear little ones especially Mr Hamilton the hoot and shoe man brought some dandy little kids to town but our town folks can show Just as nice as the Province of Canada ran produce The trioof lady cyclists from the Lake have a great affection for Bald win judging by Hie frequency of their visits What is the attraction The rubbertired buggy perhaps might toll if it had a tongue but unfortun ately It has only a shaft The fraternity are terrors on fishing They seem to prefer the small fry of the river to the whiles of Lake Slmcoe They resort to the Devils Elbow and have a whale of a time They cook their game and eat it on the field of battle I can give them pointers on cooking fish Little fishes in the brook Daddy catch them with a hook Mammy fry em in the pan Daddy eat em like a man was well exemplified A couple of beautiful beauties from Scott Township came to fish but soon wearied of such small fry and made tracks for Baldwin They were tog ged out in swell camp outfits and would indeed have been handsome had Ihey been modest A pair of our gay sinned up to them and soon their arms were about the damsels 40 inch waists perhaps taking meas urements for a new gown It taxed arms to the limit for the damsels a great amplitude and expansion of corporal And they liked they did Ill let you down easy my dears las A magnificent corn is now ready for harvesting It was too thick on the ground It failed to go beyond the height of feet It is us dense as a Brazilian Forest Ice- Cream will soon be laid aside until Mrs Owen has had a prosperous season Mrs John Miller is suffering ter ribly Morphine will soon be sary She has made her peace with the Great Spirit and is resigned to her fate An new blacksmith is doing a Irade plays he anvil chorus fine A nice sociable man he seems Wtn and Cliff paid a transient to our burg last week I slick up for else He has been unfor tunate bill Ids heart Is right Im sure When the Weil Witter Is Pore and Wholesome Pike of at Fall Litters of Cliooia the Strongest And Young Sows Should tie Farrowed Before Cold Weather I A Rflrft in it ah LI IS i till UM 1 T I A ft J I 11 Contributed by Ontario Department of Toronto 1 I FEED STORE How Ihose Winter Bulbs you V a tlt winter Bulbs and see us and Remember ill Imylrig all of Hen or We keep them J- Delivery Phone eft Phone tin Camp A Davis Messrs J Davis Watson C If Mortimer J If Davidson Chas Lewis Dll- W Cane also following ladlen Miw Cane Olrl Guides Mrs Lewis Mrs Aubrey Davis Mrs Cane Mrs Watson Mrs Wood head Mrs Bain and T Blnn The claim this Is the best amp He lived like ji prince in his palace as fine but it is no disgrace to be poor Win enquired after his Uncle Owl Mrs 1 1 Foster Virginia lust week gave a Ladles Aid for the Bald win Christian Church Many from here attended The financial returns were handsome Mrs 1 J Foster is popular as a hostess Mr J J Fosters crop brought him in the snug little amount of a I riffle less than six hundred and Inspected a successful farmer of Aug Aubrey PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR HARDWARE NEWMARKET PRIVATE SALE at Mrs residence hi be from and to p REWARD Hi Don lots and III Con of Whitchurch evrH and an- t marked K boulder of paint fewe Above Information that Prank Valley CORRECTIONS Kra I note in your paper you 1 ale Capt Davis paying all expenses wish to state the Scouts have- paid expenses Also you stale a Picture of Baden Powell It should have been a Picture Powell Rally Til en you state the Mel Hail- way arc us a special free car I beg to state lie Free Oar which the Scouts have paid for you will make this plain in your paper and oblige Hawk ens Seoul MILK There will be a meeting of the Milk and Cream Producers Association at of Agriculture Office on Satur day Sept at 10 A Sun time to discuss the price of Milk and Cream for the coming winter Everybody welcome J SMITH Sec Main Street South Six Door from King Qtargt Hotel OPEN DAY AMD trial will convince you that the ser vice Phonograph Repairs And Accessories AT Over Toronto Jobbing Phone Ola too barons are coming out of the little end of the horn this sea- Bon King Hester and King Homer are in a had corner Their crop is medium and small potatoes at that Egypt school reopened Tuesday and a welcome to Hie new teacher Mr Smith was given by kids We hope he will provide what Is needed a firm hand at the helm welcomes hack their popular teacher of last year Crittenden writes home that the crops in Saskatchewan North West of are nearly K I must close or eyes will strike for more pay and less work Three wedding on the topic The Owl WHEN YOUR One whose advice Is asked by an other should feel himself In a position of responsibility But do not answer as some are Inclined to do I cannot take the responsibility of annvering you Two heads are better than one St your friend Ik perplexed and troub led and unable to sec his way give him the benefit of your best judgment Help him out if your advice Is asked do not con tent yourself wiiii a snapshot judg ment You would not do that If your own interests were Involved Stop and think and think hard Advice hat is given promptly seldom carries any weight Never give advice simply because you think will please the person who has for opinion Some limes there Is a strong lempalion to do this for one who gets the advice Is likely hail the giver ah a model of Wisdom Say what you think even though It is unwelcome Belter re fuse to any advice than give which your own Judgment does not unqualifiedly endorse HE well Is the visual source of the farm water supply and a good well that Is one which supplies plenty of pure fresh and wholesome water the year round in certainly one of the most essential and valuable assets of the farm Without it no man could lire there for long to say nothing about bringing up a healthy family or building up an efficient dairy well inuBt be there flrst and last and all the time and we cannot con ceive of an Intelligent man buying a farm without a good well If he in- tended to live on It and make it par dividends Fortunately moot of Ontarios farms are well supplied with water in fact it Is a rare thing to find a farm where It could not be secured in sufficient quantities by drilling to reasonable The supply there fore will probably never cause us any serious worry but judging by a recent report on analysis of many well waters from this Province one justified in concluding that there la still need or education of the rural public in regard to the protection and care of the farm weU The following suggestions will be found helpful to any farmer deslr- oub of making Mb water supply safe against possible underground and surface contamination The flrst step in the solution of this problem of purer water supply Is the location of the well This should be by all means on ground higher than any source of contamin ation such as barnyard cesspool or outside If there be no choice in location and this cannot be done then the well should be kept a considerable distance from such contaminations at least feet In clay and feet or more In sandy soils and the cribbing and top of the well specially protected as detailed later against the entrance of any seepage and surface washings In the second place the cribbing for at least feet below the surface should be made impervious to water bo that any contamination In solu tion reaching the well would have to pass down through this extra depth of before getting into the well when in ill probability It would be taken up by the soil and never reach the well water This may be done In cane of an old well by put ting a wall of puddled clay foot thick and feet deep around the well cribbing and In case of a new lydug well or recribbing ifb old one by using large concrete tile for the cribbing and getting the joints thor oughly in rich cement Before the tile are placed La the well the out sider should be washed with pure cement plaster In order to Oil up all pores and make the tile absolutely impervious to soil waters Thirdly the cribbing should be extended at least one foot above the ground level and the soil banked up to the top of It to provide good surface drainage away from the well Fourthly the well should be provided with a strong and tightQUIng cover made of heavy plank concrete bo that It will al- ways be safe for man and beast and proof against the entrance of dirt small animal like etc better still the pump may be placed over a shallow dry well to one aide and the top of the real well made absolutely light by a concrete cover In this case the well be ven tilated by putting a Iron pipe with the exposed end turning down wards through the top or cover And fifthly the stock should not be al lowed- to tramp about close to the What has been said refers chiefly to wells but even the drilled or driven wells should be well drained and protected at the top for other wise contamination may work down along the well easing and reach the water especially If the casing is not tightly driven Into the rock below Attention to such matters of con struction and protection of the farm well as I have detailed and an occa sional pumping out and cleansing of the well with a little lime will assure a pure and water supply It O A Col lege AfterHarvest Cultivation A stitch in nine In case of weeds prompt and thorough afterharvest cultivation prevents many thousands of weeds from de veloping seeds and thus saves hours of tedious labor the succeeding Early afterharvcat cultivation is one of the beat ways to annual and winter annual weeds such as False Flax Corn Cockle Wild Buckwheat Pigweed Ball Mus tard Mustard and Annual Bow Plough shallow not more than three or four inches deep Immediately after harvest and har row and cultivate frequently By the shallow ploughing the weed seeds are kept near the surface and by the frequent stirring of soil they are made to sprout and having sprouted they are easily destroyed by further cultivation Dr C A A College If r I BUY YOU BOOTS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE It looks almost impossible to keep the price of Boots down much longer so we want to give our Customed Fair Warning to buy their Supply of Boots at once as we cannot guarantee the price for any length of time Our aim Is to Keep Down the Cost of Boots as long as we can fit present certainly have a wonderfulrange of Boots which we can still sell at the Old Price but they are going fast and unless you hurry you will have to pay the Advanced Cost whatever It may be THE ABOVE WARNING APPLIES TO THE PRICE OF CLOTHING AS WELL See Our Special Mens Range of Negligee Shirts at 150 nCtS 1 -V- p A a Is r i ft 1 la f il-tr- 1 1 trfi I S I fe 9 1 ii Si IS IB S fml if i J A 1 V a BMH W1 rlfl In if 1 it 1 rCrXerS IE BUSH J i t DECIDEDLY MATTER OF A teacher in a nearby town Is not ed for his patriotic fervor One day in class while in a particularly uplifted mood he turned to one of his pupils an average boy of twelve Now Tommy said he tell us what you would think if you saw the Union Jack waving proudly over the field of bat tle I would think replied Tom my that the wind was blowing Exchange CRE WEALTH in Gold the of credit know and are for to We vhloh pay to HO per dividend out mi blocked ad lht to ay at least for yry dollar upon apllratlon fc I fe7r Canadas Dead and Missing Canadas Wounded Canadas National Debt Soldiers Annual Pensions i 63038 35000000 ft l4 J i THE WORLD is staggering debt Some of the leading countries are verging on bankruptcy Five years ago Canada had never dreamed of the financial burden she carries today Canada entered the Great War with a National Debt of 337000000 or per head of population Canada emerges with a National Debt to date of 670263691 which is expected to approximate 000 by the end of the fiscal year or about for every man woman and child in the country Interest charges alone will eat up nearly one- half our present national revenue and soldiers pensions will have to be provided as well Ma i came women Era bring born to rule then out at Try A IN PUNCTUATION At fiChool one day the put Oil IhO blackboard for to punctuate what appeared lo tie a meaningless jumble of words At first glance it appeared to bo an unsolved riddle but aovoral thought and the proper jo marks made clear enough The sentence was as follows What that Is is that thai not thrtl it it Is When cor rected it read that in That hat Is riot is Is not It is to Spend Year Booze Can Ontario to the Ontario Temperance Act the drink bill of the Province approximated per year an amount about equal to Ontarios share of the Annual interest on our National Debt In the face of our financial responsibilities alone is this the time repeal the Temperance Act or relax a single one of its restric tions upon waste of money and man power To every question on the Referendum Ballot vote t I too vii I If- IT I- I v limes- No No Repeal No Government beer No Leer in Hotel No Govern ment beer and Be euro you are on the list Be you mark your ballot four timet in the column No a MACDONALD Committee A ANDREW SGRANT and Life a I iRfi ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO