Newmarket Era, 5 Sep 1919, p. 8

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DULY MEDICINE MADE FROM FRUIT Extraordinary Success which Fruitatives Has Achieved One reason why Fruitatirea 1 bo extraordinarily successful in firing relief to those suffering with Constipation Torpid Indiges- Hon Chronic Neuralgia Kidney and Bladder Troubles Rheumatism Pain in the Back Bctcma and other Skin Affections Is because it Is the only medicine in the world made from fruit juices It is composed of the principles found In apples oranges figs and prunes together with the I Dene tonics and antiseptics of proven repute a box for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa FARM FOR 8ALE acres half lot Con Good house Barn with stabling Good water supply orchard miles to Goodwood market to There are also of hush Apply Mrs John Wallace on lot con or 3 An- extra are loading the to pre vent It being wasted and on shipping It to Toronto In- Saturday night A- store was raldcdby some thieves Land a large quantity of cigarettes and chocolates stolen Lock your henhouses A number of people report the of their chickens lately Miss Erie Whan is spending a of weeks with her sister Mrs Ralph in Buffalo TV- Baker leaves- this week for his home in New York J Mis Tow ft HOUSES FOR SALE All con- 1 Brick House n Park Ave veniences BUSINESS FOR SALE Store dwelling stock mer chandise village of Investigate This is a money maker HOUSE FOR SALE in the Town of Bradford room Cement Block House Good Basement piped for furnace Well Cistern Stable acres Land on Main St of above town A Snap for a quick buyer For particulars and prices apply to I SWITZER Newmarket Phong Box i i Before deciding on your Hang ings it would pay yon to make a visit to Bert Greens Show Rooms There are some good Snaps of Room Lots Ceiling Side- wails and Border for St You can paper from if you wish to ban it yourself BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger 2 Blocks West of Niagara St flrden Ave Newmarket Life Around the Hub The annual -meeting- of Hie Bible Society will be held Sunday Sept A mass meeting in the evening in the Methodist Church will be addressed by Mrs MarthaSmith of Toronto and Mr Wm Smith of were he parsonage on Monday evening August 25 by Hie Rev Brown After the ceremony the couple were treated to a good old- fashioned charivari as a mark of ap preciation for- Mr Smith and his bride Tribune KINO The busy hum of the threshing ma- chine is more heard In this local- If Miss Gladys Wood Toronto spent a vacation at her home here fin her return the city she was ac- hy her sister Miss Wood A reception was held Monday even ing at the home of Mr and Mrs to son who has just returned from over seas Mr Cecil Atkinson leaves for Toroii- on Monday where he is beginning a lifrTelegraphy Mr and Mrs Sturgeon and Messrs Willie and Sturgeon visited friends in this vicinity on Sun day last On their return home to Gilford they accompanied by their daughter Mrs Atkinson Mrs Montreal and Mr Wells were visiting relatives in our midst Mr rind Mrs spent Sunday with Hie brother Mr Boh Scljomherg who is dan gerously ill MARKETING OLD HENS RIA Ere Production Falls Off After Month of May combination of latter that would I It was after years re search in the roots for a vegetable matter hare all the virtues of Castor Small Plant Both without disagreeable j and on Each j r Adds of the Family Hie Profits Essenttol of Go nstructl on K Pr f mew 1 I Schomber Mrs th sister spent ears j has proven Its worth Try it What Is A Is a harmless Agriculture Toronto for Castor Oil Drops and Soothing Syrups It almost every flock there Is a Is pleasant It contains neither percentage of hens who are poor Opium Morphine nor other I These hens lay so few Narcotic finbstance For more J ue than years it has been In that frequently do not constant use for the relief of pay for the feed they eat and there- Constipation Flatulency re the profits of the better and Diarrhoea allaying market Is for arising therefrom P and by regulating the Stomach old the birds are and Bowels aids the not good pro it- is a good plan tion of Food healthy early There and natural sleep The Child- I Mothers most flocks a number Friend I hens that were hatched In or for the Signature of earlier figures suggest that most hens fall back about twenty eggs annually in their production true that most of this occurs curing the winter months but one must consider that the number of eggs falls off considerably after the nioniii of May and moreover It Is not uncommon forJuly and Aug ust to be pool months price of old hens usually Is I during the fall of ivar no that In many cases it What Drink Has Done not One of saddest of the many soon ag sad that has done to jn frequently US is the it lias had Oil Ihfi than the profit made upon the mental and mora facilities of eyas from June to October many of our clever public men In a the hen that has bright Whether in the form of bocr arid beak at this season Wne or spirits alcohol I as is also usually those higher centres of lite EtU of I from troables which caused piercing pains like a faule through my back side I finally lost an my length so I had to go to bed- The dootor advised operation not to I thought of what I had read about E and triedit The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles hare entirely cured me All women who trouble of any try Vegetable Compound How Mr Boyd Avoided Operationu Canton Ohio i suffered from a female trouble caused me muoh suffering and two doctors decided tost I would have to go through an operation could get well My mother who had been helped by hams Vegetable Compound me to try it be fore submitting to an operation It relieved my bo I can do my bouse work without any difflcultT I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to give E Vege table Compound a trial and it will do as much for them Mrs Boyd St Canton Ohio I SIS In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR NOV YORK CITY ii 111 Column the bird lhat has a large amount of i fat or very full and hard iBi L J Before Submitting lb An Operation MEOICINE CO- LYNN MASS House Cleaning Lawn and Garden Supplies Have you repaired your fences yet which control the mora faculties end of The such as patience un- to a ious extent before the other fac ulties arc much affected We sec this exemplified in the Conduct of some of our public men who have attained to high positions by reason of nobNv helpful unselfishness but who have become indifferent lo the sufferings of women ami through the cruelty of drunk en husbands careless of their countrys welfare and and the tail A goo laying hen is active of he yellowlegged breeds her feet are usually faded is also Her toenails are shorter than her poorer laying mates She appears as if she had worked harder that is she Is not tleeh and fat Her skin is usually thin and She Is busy and not a loafer The nonlaying hen has a small dry vent whereas the laying has a large- moist vent- Builders Roofing Etc COME IN AND TELL US YOUR WANTS Mi I of the peace prosperity 81 A Mrrr i Enter Any Day In one of Shaws Business Schools Toronto for a course that Insures at a good salary Write for free Prospectus H Shaw President 395 St Toronto a John Culling of Mr and Mrs r spent Sunday with the formers mother on Church Mr and Mrs of ford spenl the weekend the formers mother Mrs J low Mr Shropshire and of Georgetown are spending a happiness brought We see the same litinirin lol- the pubjic pre Some of these letters arc by men Small Cold Storage for Kvery Farm Cold storage practice so far has been connected with the large pro duce warehouses in our towns and cities These establishments could not do successful business If their plants were not provided with large storage chambers kept cool and In other particulars for the Clever in ways long storage of perishable products apparency had some of the farm such as eggs butter meat cheese fruit and so forth faculties of their brains destroy- ta Oil I bar room lays come back with 8 well organized to few days with the formers sister heir horrors even j build and equip cold sparling Mr and Mrs I are spending a few days with I be formers sister Mrs of Mrs Or Kav and Mrs Joseph Kitchen Sunday and Mon day with parents Mr and Mitchell Kinu City Mr women and Children suffer age warehouses of their own aml letting country go 10 j they able to have One cannot imagine control over the products of any other reason for this autre of unless it be in some spots in the brain caused by constant- saturation with al cohol their own labor until they are dis- posed of the consuming- public 1 ll Personally believe the problem of cold storage on the farms should be handled coopeiatively own ed warehouses provided with example of was well wrilien in wilier he question mil Mrs Melton of Detroit the writer claimed thai men en- visiting Mr James listed to defend Ihidr a S ana Mrs ii motored Noble I on Sunday with Mrs Miss Mr If teacher vlllfl a number or year lias of berg public school r the farm as to drink above there the problem on IS i and Charles Sla Toronto Enjoys an excellent reputation for high grade business training and for placing graduates In good positions Enter any time Write for large WJ ELL To arouse a sluggish fiv to relieve a fjistrossed stomach to fortify your self against disease use Aurora A t THAT QOE3 FAR is a vast difference be con helpful and of 111 thus a band v the round by There l we Of those who need it but do not In sist on their affairs Be ready to counsel those who are troubled and perplexed hut do not fir your advice at fyour friends the moment come within range Mr and Mrs Joseph Holers of A I her la are friends in this vicinity Mr and Mrs Rogers before leaving for the West about twelve years ago resided on ho con of King and this is their first visit since leaving here Mr Rogers and his four sons present run- a large at To field borne of Mr and Mrs Harris of the second concession of Whitchurch was the scene of gay gathering on Monday after noon when a of friends of their daughter Miss gathered to celebrate bey A dainty lunch was served the taste fully decorated peas and phlox Aurora easily defeated here on Saturday in the semi finals or the a I A by Ihc no matter whether in injured or not lie as serted that Of the a A would vole against prohihil- ion and said my humble judgement prohibition lias done us more barm morally ami physically in the few years We bad it than the wide open bar every did To thai mans brill almost complete abolition of drunken ness the reduction in pro- veily and crime many em ply and jails and I be peace prosperity And wbieh has have no whatever lie would undo hat he might have bis fill of drink If this man correct would simply mean thai nearly sober men who marched away to defence of their country had relumed borne seriously fond of drink I do believe it Such are a slander upon soldiers aiinott m Department of Social Service Keep your Strong and Healthy fl ire Smart fflllfftTVJirC Burn if Sore Irritated lTlO Inflamed or Granulated Murine often Safe for Infant or Adult At all Vrite for Free Auk Voting en Pedlar of iifHiiloK to the town present ftlte for park purposes sum of 950000 Considerable Interest taken by ratepayers and a vh result The by- lav carried by J Bo majority over the twothirds only votes a- CAST They will play Brace bridge here on Saturday in an other round of the semifinals Cap and Mrs Taylor bad a very happy reunion of their family on Sunday August the occasion the an niversary of their wedding for the first lime in seven years were home at one time The reunion was held in built by Taylors rather old home-stead- was sixtyfive years ago an Where Hire generations have been born Quit Laxatives Purges Try Tonight Tomorrow Feet Right irtj ho- longwihdcd In your reports as you hVC been in ihe past said the manager of The Wild West railway lo his overseer report Ihe con dition of the track ye find It ami dont put in a lot of words thai aint the point Write a business letter not a loveletter A few day later the railway line was badly flooded and the overseer wrote report to the manager in one line Kir Where railway the river is Your faithfully Blighty It in a mistake with socsiled plus oil j ana force bowel it weakens the bowels liver makes ncoeandry Why dont you begin right to overcome your Jim cm your in In uoh that daily purlin will be unnecHRiry- You can do to If you got a box of Natures Remedy Nil Tablet and for a or no Nil Tab I tin do much than merely causo bowel ac tion This medicine acts upon digestive as well or organs promote good caunef llio body to get the from alt the food you cat gives you a good hearty strengthen liver overcomes regulates kidney and bowel action and gives the whole body a thorough cleaning out This accomplished you not have to every day An occasional Nit tablet will keep your body In condi tion and you can feel your best Try Natures Tablets and prove this If Is best bowel medicine that you can uno only per containing enough to twentynvo day Natures Rem edy Nit guaranteed and recommended by your druggUt J pwiv most every farm pertaining Hie storage for a few days of small of various foods used on the table from Jay to day such but ler meat milk etc 11 Is certainly a great of con venience to have on the farm a small cold storage chamber or refrigerator In which to keep these very perish able of food lrea good fresh and wholesome condition for use on the table during the warm season of the year This is made possible by the use Ice and as It is procur able In almost every district of this country at a reasonable cost there Is no excuse for not laying by In Winter season a few tons in some cheap form of Icehouse in summer lime this ice will be found mom useful tor cooling he milk and cream supplying an Icebox or refrigerator in the butter for example may be kept I lie milk and crcau ami the In good condition for the table by day With always so handy and the of cream available it Is possible for the house- wife to delicious deli cacies as Icecream and many and cool dunks all of which most refreshing and stimulating 10 the folks on the the hot ami busy season of the year in case of slikness loo Ice Is sometimes necessity There Is no doubt then fact that every farmer would a supply of good Ice a great advantage In many ways Whether it stored In some from which It Is removed as or some form of storage ft a small refrigerator room lee room are sev eral levcold suitable for use on the farm In using small storages mual be kept In mind al ways the temperature lower than about or degrees scale of course la low enungh lo keep perishable product like fresh meat longer than a fey and large riuaiultled of Articles must not n a small nor loo kinds at one lime In a jttllclv will dual a few of common and practicable forms of small Icecold Soiuffcs for the farm It It USA A College Finish that Endure ENAMELS and LACSHADES Like paint applied with a brush It keeps woodwork and floors bright and in sanitary condition It wears as though it were an actual part of the wood On floors and stairs it is the one finish that will wear on the job not off It gives an excellent gloss surface and unlimited service in hard wearing Lightens Housework A aplendid range of shades for furniture woodwork and floors in any room in home are shown on our complete color cord which we will send you free on request fiond for a made of for reaewUl colar HARDWARE and ELECTRICITY St Onposlte Post Phono 305 Farmers Buy Trucks Because 7 OWN TO YOUR MISTAKE Ik not so serious thing to make a mistake us Is to try to up to pretend that It was not a mis take at Some young popple show a foolish loyally to their blunders In stead of repudiating they make a pathetic effort to Bland by Ihein oh If having once committed them they were bound to declare them right And so the original mistake be comes a twin When you a acknowledge frankly Other wise you have mode two they save labor save time save money The Ford Truck is the most general- purpose implement on the farm The farmer can get his breakfast at home take his produce to market and be home again for dinner He can command the highest prices for his vegetables and fruit because he gets them to market while the dew is still on them He can take his hogs sheep and other stock to market as well as haul roots potatoes and apples from the field The Ford Truck brings the city to the farmers door It solves the problem of the shortage of labor A saving in horses a saving in men OneTon Truck Chassis only o Ford Ontario Buy only Genuine Ford Parts Canadian dealers and over 2000 Service Garages supply them if a A- a ajjrssnd to Absent

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