i- a 5 It Imperial Cafe IX THE MP BANK BLOOK AND TEA ROOM A QUICK LUNCH OUR LOCAL NEWS A Big The old Roc Homestead on the corner of Main and Water Streets has been purchased by Messrs Bros and they arc changing the entire appearance of the It Is to he used as a garage Reform Mooting of the members of Reform Association be held Winns Theatre on day Nov at p m for gen- oral business A poott represent- live- attendance is desired R SC near the Market tlue so cash HIGH fo strong ribbed elds Red to lo Tv LOAF of our bread is article of rood be tempted to WW a piece right out of It before the butter has a chance to meet It half way our bread Its full of food satisfaction Tell your what he already inows that he should our bread to your home Change In R Trains Mr B rough ton agent of the Grand Trunk reccved notice on Tuesday that owing to coal shortage there would in all proh- bo a change time with the passenger trains on Sunday Nov ami the travelling public arc advised to make enquiries St Pauls Church 1st Sunday In Advent Services a Corporate Communion for A 11 a Matins and Sermon p Sunday School be ginning of Christian year p Evensong and Sermon Division Court There was quite a crowd at Court on Wednesday morning but the only contested ease was from over a load of hay which was dis missed presided for first limp anil made a good Mr Button of viile Mr Davidson of Ml Albert and local lawyers wore present There were about a dozen suits altogether and the court was over before noon STORM Fori William Nov Cap When taken from pilot house of the steamer Myron who was rescued yesterday by freight- Prans after floating on I pilot house of his boat for twenty hours declared today that he he rtas the only of the sixteen men the Myron of sixteen men abroad the barge Mlxtcc the Jfyron wa blue Villi the cold his clothing and he was unable to revived with said it wsa early on Saturday that the storm was en countered and two hours later the Myron began to sink Pumps worked to their fullest capacity and the battered wreck broke to pieces leaving the master floating alone on Iho pilot house was unable to give more than a few details of the wreck being al most dead from the exposure to the cold water of taki- Superior and from shock Union in tho Church last night ht Home The Choir of St Johns Church announced an At Tlouic In Hall night re freshments and dancing- pub- lie invited A Splendid Line I Of Mitts and Cloves for Men and Govs In Pigskin and Mule At last years prices Hardware Christian Endeavor Splendid meeting last Tuesday evening Rev Thomas gave a most instructive address which was list ened to with much Interest by his hearers Consecration meeting next Tues day evening ami all members are ask ed to respond Mrs Russell Col lins will bring the paper There will be an Election of Officers meets at sharp- members be present Com and Rear Mr t Bell an4 Mr i weekend al an is of Toronto Mrs Harry old spent Sud- leading to received TAYLOR Baldwin P SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STOP LISTEN We re selling out our remaining lute cost I you wish to your home this winter BUY t We have very fine potatoes at prices for instant sale Dont wr Flour and Feed Its on the market and value Big Shipments our Specialty J Prompt Delivery Phono House Phono Stop the Cracks Around the doors and windows We have Pelt Wood and Spring Brass Weather Strip Easy to Hardware Christian Church Sunday Nov 301b Morning Sermon to the children and adults a m Sunday School p m Evening sermon p m Five Kinds of Conscience Is Conscience a Safe Guide Correction l The report in last weeks Era about Mr Ross Evans buying a farm in King was not correct He only bought a house and lot on Huron St belonging to Mrs Ingram and not the farm The properly is located Just outside of the Town limits on the Whitchurch side of the line WHATS THE USE Jimmy went with his Iher to stny with an mint in country ftftd his mother was very worried us to how ho would be have to her surprise he was during the whole visit always as toe was told an never As soon as home how ever he was natural again Oh Jimmy she said you were so while you wore away why dp behaving now Whats home for THE MENS STORE Now Is the Right Time to Buy an Overcoat at a SAVING tinllmltocl the Greatest Display You have ever seen In Newmarket WE HAVE ONE PRICE TO ALL I The Greatest Assortment of Guaranteed we have ever Shown ARE NOW THE JAMES WHIMSTER CO Jimmy in pained surprise asked I Methodist Church Sunday Nov 30 a The Class meets In the Board Room 1 a Public worship Second Sermon on Essentials The Essen tial Christian Creed- SO p m Sunday School p m Public worship Son on the Life of Moses W pastor The regular meeting of the Meth odist Ladies Union will be held in the School Room next Wednesday afternoon half past three All Hie of the church are re quested to be present Com Accident Mr Harvey Reynolds who delivers bread for Boltons Bakery met with a painful on Monday after noon While making a- call at the residence of Mr John Ouli on the horse started to run away Ho made a Jump to catch on to the delivery van but his hand went through the glass door and was very badly cut Mr Ough render ed first aid and Mr Reynolds con tinued the route till he reached the residence of a doctor when it re quired nine stitches to close the wound after which ho bravely stuck Id his job and finished the route iV rhdulh Rock imported bred- each HARRY East Albert P ID Of out the So its whereabout P Baseball League The Committee of the Newmarket League at King George Hotel on Wednes day evening November The Treasurer presented the fol lowing statements of and Expenditure for the season of RECEIPTS Collections at Games 28729 Membership tickets sold 3500 DISBURSEMENTS Old accounts owing since to diamond Printing 540 Expenses of A Team GO Water pall Baseballs 100 Town Band one half reecplts of one game Balance in Hank IMNjTOTOUOrHE ASK HAMILTONS We arc Id the business of buying celling property and we Unt our business Wo give good square business deal in- students of land values farm or close In town and our will be of great value to you if yourself of them Epworth League The meeting on Monday evening was a very Interesting one It was in the form of a christians railroad Next Monday there will be a de bate Resolved that the public would be benefited by the elimination of the Middleman The affirmative be taken by Miss Eleanor Stark and Gordon Hunter the negative by Miss Marjorte Taylor and Clifford This is a topic being discussed the country over Come Monday even ing and hear the points of discussion brought to light There will also be several splendid musical numbers Make it a rule to meet with the League on Monday evenings It is an well spent- Com Desperate financial straits need not overwhelm you while you have a Canada Life policy because What Better Gift For the man who uses Gtllett Safety Razor than a to keep the blades sharp Sec it Hardware 32229 Proceeds of benefit game for rammer collections and private subscriptions i270 All hough a fairly large amount was spent on repairs diamond It was still pretty rough The mem bers of Committee are of ipininu additional repairs will be needed next Spring and it was decid ed keep the Jialunee in hank until then The members of lie Committee wish tit oxpnss their appreciation of -Iho- support given by the players and citizens SALE lb Con of Bast some aero cord or Terms I aged Clover A SONS BAKERY Hie ye decide Feed arm stock on Specialty of I j Shorts e Prices FARMS FOR Acres in Whitchurch miles to Aurora All culti- Brick house Rank barn pen Implement shed drilled well of water Rural mail telephone Price right Acres in Whitchurch acres cultivated fi acres veil to sweet clover- Frame Bank barn Mi miles to Use miles to Aurora and Telephone Rural mall Price Acres in Bast of soil location New frame bouse Rank barn shed Poultry house Price Application Acres in North All cultivated mile to car line soil Roughcast house barn straw barn Plenty of Best of gravel roads Price Acres on Street North All cultivated Frame house Btable vl granary Small orchard Price 2800 We a long list of good farms ill Aw Call or write for FOR thick house on Prospect Street oil lot Priec Frame house on Joseph Street rooms Town water lot Price house on Park Ave room Nice Price house on Pearson Street Alt conveniences 3 lots for quick sale HAMILTON SON Real Estate Agents When You Buy Electrlo Bulbs Ask for Every lamp guaranteed for hour Stork in wall Hardware Board of Trade There was a fair attendance at- the meeting last Wednesday evening the President Mr W Hunter in the chair Mr Sterling Cody acted as secretary There was a lengthy discussion over the report of Committee re garding the securing of Club Rooms and the recommendation to rent rooms on Main Street over Grocery was finally adopted It was decided that in future the business meetings will he held once a month during the wjntcr Instead of once a quarter as formerly Several other matters of Import ance to the were discussed and a deputation was appointed to wait upon the Council at Its next meeting The policy provides a fund for emer gencies It also means independence in old age A NEWMARKET Street South Doors from King Hotel DAY AND A trial will convince you that the vice right Compllmentory Banquet and Concert Davis Leather Co entertained Section Winners of- the Victory Loan Competition at the plant and also he organizers of each section at a Banquet on Saturday evening last Hie King Hotel This was thoroughly enjoyed by those present the menu being excellent full Justice being done to same by the or present Outside of a vote of thanks pro posed by Mr Calvin Davis to the Firm for the provided no speeches were given duo to the fact that a Concert In progress In the Town Hall In addition to he ten dered to the Victors of- the Davis Leather Competition the firm pro vided an In tho Town Hall every employee In the who had Hie privilege of bring ing a friend along With him The doors were opined at and the Orchestra provided music front thou until when the rial runout proper commenced Under the management of Mr Claude Parker the program provided was excellent In every respect and thoroughly enjoyed by the large au dience present All the talent was so good that It Invidious to select any one artist an superior the Others hut without doubt the musician who gave the vteetlonson Hawaiian was favorite speeches were made by Hon J and Mr Acton of Acton Co Toronto The fortnncc concluded about and the unanimous opinion of all present wan that never had a better enter tainment been put on the stage at the Town Hall You will not find a Town In Cana da where the employees are treated belter In Newmarket Santa Claus Says that after all theroi nothing more acceptable fer your Christmasgiv ing than tho Gloves or Hosier that carries Accident or disease which may totally and permanently disable you need not mean that your income ceases because Indemnity Policy This policy issued by the Canada Life will pay you a Month or more during your lifetime if before you reach age 60 you should become totally and permanently disabled and will also pay Five Thousand Dollars or more to your family your death without any deduction whatever on account of the monthly payments made to you Consider This Total disability would be worse for your family and your business financially than loss of life because while your income would be reduced- or stopped altogether your expenses would go on just the same That is when a Special Indemnity Policy comes to your assistance If totally disabled you cannot earn premiums so the premiums will be waived The policy will give you financial aid through a Monthly Indemnity which will continue as long as you live The policy will continue in force- paying the monthly cheque earning dividends increasing in cash value and providing insurance of for protection of your home J The Premium Just a moderate premium equivalent to a small rate of interest will secure this policy with all that it guarantees Ask for particulars The Canada Life will pay you a monthly indemnity while you live P OILMAN The Wanner nulla mid DOW not twist and wear the clothes The price Is- only U O The of North York Union will hold a series of Meeting for Organisation purposes as Vandorf Deo Keltleby Deo Deo It Virginia Deo A musical program and suitable speaker will ho provided for each P J Sec J REPRESENTATIVE COUNTY OF YORK NEWMARKET ONTARIO r I Why not figure this out now while you are in good health 1 t I