Newmarket Era, 28 Nov 1919, p. 8

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JUT rrs m J Life Around the Hub Mrs ft I i iJill Si ii iv Years Of Suffering Ended By Frultaf St John It fa with pleasure that I to toll you of the groat benefit I received from the use of Fnittutives from fruit juices I was a great sufferer for many years from Nervous Headaches end Constipation I tried in consulted doctors but nothing seemed to help me until I tried FmitatiTesV After taking boxes I was completely relieved of troubles and have been unusually well ever ainee Miss ANNIE WARD a box for trial sire At all dealers or sent postpaid by Limited Ottawa Win la spending a few days with friends In- Toronto The hunters Messrs Hooks Harold Bert Snider and Daw have returned the north bringing each doer anil one of them a fox skin to hoot Mr J MHctggart has moved into Mr residence Mr Howard Mitchell of Toronto recently returned from a trip to he spool a week it I the ranch land Mr Snider was wllh him while here A number of the young people of flu- district attended the dance at the mi Friday evening The HendersonMitchell orchestra Is very popular LAKlX FOR SALE bans mile ce Acres on brick house Town Acres OH St from A ehoi ami an excellent locality Acres in East miles from A watered pasture lot with quite of wood Apply Owner 13 Newmarket Operating and win a good sal ary Shaws School Yonge Street Toronto has the flnsl set of modern ap paratus and best at small cost Write op facts Q W Crewson Sec A vir we tiding off at the homo father and mother Lake View Farm the resl- j doner Mr and Mrs Wesley Hill Mil Con on Wednesday Nov when Miss Arvilla Loivne Mill was married I Mr Albert Lehman of from The was J miles I of a farm the ln presence dioul fifty Invited guests under an and silver bolls Mrs A played the march and the bride appear ed leaning upon arm of her presented her at the marriage dlar After which happy I to a The he hi having won so amiable a young lady he liavluc been In I the Church Hill Christian and a in The week previous to her marriage he young turned well a lot I ami evening ELLIOTT and Charles Sts Toronto on excellent reputation for high grade business training and for placing graduates In good positions Enter any time Writ lc day for large catalogue ELLIOTT Principal TINSMITHING PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR PRICES I of the in large numb her a shower In the pair left by motor for Aurora where look train for Toronlo Western of interest On iheir return they will reside at The eertifieate was Hill the brides and of signed brother The Poplin and bride looked In Silk ndnrnmonls Aurora HARDWARE NEWMARKET fc OXYACETYLENE WELDING all broken pari can satisfactorily re paired at reasonable prices by this Process Try it not Kits Phone Residence East of Hank of Toronto under Shop Neil A alloy of Aumri died May SI It an of i29I0 Letters of administration are entered In Hip Churl by a nephew John ft McDonald The estate- com prises real palate a house and lot 5000 lots In Tuxedo Man itoba and a vacant lot in mortgages Vic tory bonds mobile and stocks The are sisters lane of and Ireland of three YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE Designs In Monuments and Headstones AH Kinds of Cemetery Wok Promptly Attended to Call and See us before Buying Elsewhere ALL KIND OF BUILDING STONE Cut to MEMORIAL TABLET8 FOR Kept In Stock JOHN MOSS Dealer in and Importer of Foreign and Domestic GRANITES AND MARBLES Phone Box Make no Mistake In Place Huron St Near QTR Depot mm SB TIME MONEY Time is money Picking pockets and wasting anothers time are very much alike from practical Stand point Tile one comes half hour late to an engagement or who drops in upon some overburdened worker and lakes up his time with aimless chatter is guilty of petty dishonesty that other people have found out Ihe value of the minutes evert If you have not When you have any transaction with people cone- to the point promptly their lime and earn their gratitude soldiers on Act afrqul land under tills nephews lames Cameron of Weston John ft MCOonald of Aurora and Milton McDonald of and five nieces Minnie Gibson of Van couver and Christina Cameron of Ten Ireland of Aurora and Gladys of Sister Mary Walker who has been three years overseas has made an Honorary Sta ler of lit- Order of John of Jeru salem in according to word reeeivd Iter His King ftenrtfe has approved selection The of Evelyn Of Mr and Mrs P Wood Oral son rtf Mr Kirch a and Ihe late Mr L Aurora was lhnKev We 1 1 wood al the home if tiii- brides parents ii Satur day The was by her Miss K alhrvn Wood and Ho- groom his Mr Allan the weihKn Mr and Mrs Birch an left on a whorl In rn Hie bride iraveHInff In brown with till In On will live In Au rora Stouffville A number of Smallpox cards were rvniuvrd from different houses in the week by of M If finer The many friends of Mr Gray will be sorry learn I bat he Is ill a home of his daughter at Ml Albert Portlier Keswick Is his parents Mr and Mrs and his Win A of A very quiet and pretty wedding was at home of the on Wednesday Nov 191 whoa Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs Am brose Lewis of township of Mark ham was united in marriage Mr Win Harper of happy couple on evening I rain for short honeymoon trip They will reside on farm near We In wishing them a long happy and prosperous wedded life Friends the number of over thirty gathered at the home of Mr Mrs J Madill on Monday evening show esteem and ihimI a social Willi Mr and I Mrs on the eve of their de parture for Toronto A time was spent by all those present who indulKCd in games and other amusements As the gathering broke up the departing gllCStS wished Mr and Mrs Madill every success In homo We received Idler from Mr I Avoid Operations I for Kidney Troubles ubt re fortheJL kidney the it to the heart of the licvinif pain ring and the up Kldocj the In the letleri come fa til every jreir eloquent to the of Gin Send for free sample or i a box from Your or dealer with guar- alee Th A Choice Co Ltd Terato lmc WiMciaSt DurfaJaNY iiiAjramt rivet looking up the farms of Mr of who owns about Of hiiul hi Dial country- Mr Brooks some fine claims close to the shore with fifty of which life was drowned Mr Brooks leaves ft and four small baby only months Tribune King Council placed on faring acres will iiiiUvalion that let nolnt out that York will roeoivo generously of lhb derive such j enterprises largo soldier population and I hill the money in It provides for n jorily of our laboring class and opens up positions of usefulness fur the more able of which the country would to keep them at an ex pense instead of deriving a from presence us North York would not benefit much friun the Land Act and Hint is due to the fart thai ho here is all jollied Only In case of those taking up the line of the government help in any respect bore under this particular act You ask what consider great benefit national or muni cipal of having become farmers apart from pro duction of food To Ihis 1 would reply that the great of above Council met at Arm strongs Hole King City on Saturday November all pres ent The following bills were presented and ordered paid John Edwards blacksmith hill Colin am reps to bridge Canada Iron Co culverts 15C30 James Fry remov ing culvert pipe and reps to road Boys plan and work 0 Gillies grant and re moving brush RESOLUTIONS TJiat the Clerk the Engineer to pro with the- Graham Ditch Award providing he Its to the best interest of all concerned proceed with it fall Thai A Harm an be paid sum of for care of Nash Indigent to 2nd of November That Clerk he Instineledslo notify Secretary f P P No and also the Secre tary of petition of ratepayers regarding the dividing of School Sections McCnicheonDolson Thai Hone A be final on 3rd Concession culvert To the Chairman of the Memorial that this Council legally un dertake to grant request re memorial That the following grants be given between Lois i0 and Con 1 Gould Smart Commissioners between 10 V Con Try Com to Hill between Lots Cons ByLaw No 31R determine the fur liolding for Office Of Council adjourned meet at Hotel Scbomberg on December GNi 9 tj m HOW VIOTOHY LOAN ILL Mollie Winner of Prize In a which if such imporlniiee as this one is us it is vivw it in a or less general way II means ye study of high finance j means becoming hotter acquainted with conditions it means in short thai WO milRl follow with more and Interesl ami Finance at Ottawa and of affairs In looking over the work of Hie Loan we find lie has pledged 1 1 He If and justly so ft iklliobil- atioji of Hie men overseas and f lb iindoinohilizi here including and wound ed who are still in hospitals and of course remain on be army pay roll discharged the up keep of hospitals ami medical ami nursing staffs I is estimated will to do this Now a number of these men are dciuobllixed in Toronto and a number of army hospitals in and area necessarily means that a groat deal of this money will be in ami Toronlo thus giving- a decided stimulus and stability the sad llfiWS r death of her son In law Harry wtiowas drowned on the 1st of October in Kenogaml lake along Willi his partner Percy Shields Neither of bodies of the men have been found although a gang of nun has searched every day days and Shields wllh two young bids were from long trip And wluui brisk In Toronto thore lenmml all kinds of agricultural Hid products These are supplied by farms factories of York and Nor III York will supply hot share rills Ihink goes without We therefore have a cl ami a very large one to York through lids sphere if activity Having so much money circulated freely In our vicinity keeps up our commercial activities and makes us a prosperous com ciiioe which was overloaded provision bedding etc when was threw everything out of bui wer unable make the The two boys slate that Up boat over anil horn and Sir lo and themselves in so both lik cramp and sank Just before help came from a ltr their for aved themselves hands over the Mr wan It ftid I rip of over ftO miles from Up the Te ll is limited tliol will be required to the of Soldiers Civil lie- including the work ing of Land Act Loans totalling 000000 have been approved fur door life and the resourcefulness of our soldier citizens are just the qualities to make successful fanners and upholders of the best Canadian traditions To show how benefits because largo number of such cases let mo lack before war was line man now he comes homo and is lischargcil with a wooden leg To how for hi sacrifices Ho is nun his former occupation but the Department of Soldiers Civil comes along ami with knowledge and experience points he way out After long discussion il was decided that the nearest Thing his old occupation that of a telegraph If Jack no longer string wires lib could send the messages over them so lack studied and perfected him self as an operator and got a posi tion t is all right now He istCOn- as only a man works can he contented He is earning more money than before He now ami prosperous After all it was for Canada and more particularly North York in lacks case that he fought This Victory Loan is doing just such work A disabled farmer is now a mechanic a carpenter who lost four fingers pn his right hand is a draughtsman at a good salary and so on through a long and in teresting record of men deprived of limb or impaired in health equipped with training and know ledge To do such work as this is one of the objects of the Vic tory Loan The benefit North York derives from the of such men as I hose cannot estimated in dollars and cents it is something that will grow and go on for remainder of cen tury This loan to lake il from another joint view keeps orders for our factories and provides employment or workers on these orders a very necessary and at the same time profitable situation from our point of view as partakers in I lay general prosperity We see thai the future repulalion of Canada ami thus York Is involved in two things She owes a of honor her soldiers and Yjr her own sake must work harder ban ever before The Victory Loan of 1019 will help in both or these endeavors If we buy bonds we are lending to government which will spend it fuc us We ourselves might spend it 1ml the government is in a position know far better Minn we can is the best way spend is the way most use ful Will York In closing ej me slate that lastly out by no means least the Loan opens up a splendid investment which will yield a good Interest with Ho greatest possible security and which will return Ihe inves tor many Mines in the continuation of Ihe prosperous times which are at hand during this most trying period of reconstruction which Canada has ever faced Tims by helping Canada we help ourselves most wisely The bridge from war to peace can only In made absolutely safe if we all do our part strengthen and support it Poor Widow Fortune Their- poverty transformed Over iiilii into wealth by provi sion of a minors will Mrs IIHtln a widow and her five children of longer need figure how make both moot on an income of month Neighbmcs who for two yours have tried force and food and money on t lie impoverished and who were gently fed offer of help are- almost as happy as the lucky family Mrs recounted hem in detail the acquisition of tier new wealth The will id her John Connors a bachelor miner of Colorado loaves her BOO This is first happy and contented day we have had since my husband Joe died years ago Since then we have lived Oil S50 a mouth allowed us by a veterans organization which belonged she said The wealth was so long coming she explained and her present for tune is such happy contrast to the dire distress of family in the Inst years that- she pro poses lake no chances of los- HID BOSKKCQVGKKS gelling back into thai dreadful rub Signing Mrs has decided move into more living as soon us her new homo bo found- Widow plan to send the young sters the oldest of whom Is ten to boarding school Era Ads bring Try The Refinement of Purity CAREFUL cooks know the value of purity In the making of cakes or pastry they use those ingredients which they believe to l pure and wholesome To apply this insistence on purity to sugar is no easy matter for nearly all sugars look alike to those- not ex pert in detecting variation The safe course is to use a sugar that comes from refineries in which purity is a boast In the Dominion Sugar refineries the boast is backed by a standing invitation to the public to visit and inspect the plants in which Dominion Crystal is made In Dominion Crystal Sugar the home wives of Canada have one Sugar that ran be depended upon for that Purity which is M to culinary effort This Is the only that may be rightly termed Canadian from the up We do the finest raw cane and refine It but our pride ia in the we make bum Canadian beets Dominion Sugar Company Kitchener Chatham WE ARE MANUFACTURING f FOR BURNING Buckwheat Coal is selling Toronto this week at per ton delivered in the City fines Sectional Steam Boilers Sectional Hot Water Boilers Tubular Vapour Boilers for Residences Schools i Churches Factories Our THE SPENCER HOT WATER FURNACE May be seen in Operation at the Residences of Dr Stephenson Aurora and Jackson Newmarket to HEATING CO Address all r communications SPENCER Adelaide Street East TORONTO ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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