i in stock Town customers will vr able rush of Saturday Commencing tomorrow mornings from the first swing of the hinges until last ditch Wednesday night these unparalleled bargains will prevail at this store Suits and J Our obit has been still is to ho Customers to us for Alines demand not only fit and style ami Overcoat In tills store Is chosen to give thn maximum service to look well to the lost An inspection of our stock Is very These arc items- worth Suits and Overcoats Christmas Suits and Overcoats regular WO Christmas Sale Suits and Overcoats regular Christinas Sale Suits and Overcoats 2000 Suits anil Overcoat to Christmas Sale MERRY Underwear f Young and Overcoats 180Q regular 2500 tftla Vutcttdo prepared the of tcpy now I and Silk Half Hose Cashmere Socks regular Christinas Sate KIne Cashmere Sacks regular Christmas Sale Pine Cashmere Socks Christmas Sale Fine Make AllWoo Christmas Sale i i I flu 22S0 a a 3500 III A ilercury Mils Socks White Cashmere worth Christmas Sale All worth Christmas Kate Suede Grey all best makes value for J5 A iird value or Washublo shades for 29 Lined Kid Gloves value for Kid and Mocha valus Lined Kid and Mocha j00 value 250 Hens Fine Cloves iciujlar 155 for AH for All for 10 goods aye at less cost of production Fleece Underwear lindenvcar Fine Scotch Knit Underwear Christinas ale Christmas Sale Christmas Suits These Suits are of a purchase recently made our Mr A of DownesDunlop Co Toronto and are actually being shown at less than cost of manufacture All tailored and trimmed In style and the patterns and colorinifs are all of the newest Worth from to for G05 750 a 111 Fine Skirts Mens Scarfs and Ties No store outside the large cities has such a magnificent of Neckwear and Scarfs Wo candidly admit that wo have more by half than even our trade warrants Wo do not want to carry over a single scarf and if price is any factor we certainly will not Mens Ties worth To jo at Mens Ties worth To go at Mens Ties worth To go at Mens Ties worth 150 To go at Neck Scarfs worth for Neck Scarfs worth Tor Neck Scarfs worth for Neck Scarfs worth for Neck Scarfs worth 00 for Neck worth 500 for WO Neck Scarfs worth for SI Alouni in J coady in the a AH in annual Methodist Church Doc of mining and late a A gift always in order and very much appreciated Is a SHIItT We have them in abundance In every shade sizes and pattern at prices not to be duplicated elsewhere Fine Dress for Fine Dress for Fine Dress Shirts for Fine worth for Odd fr and Mr were few this Mr Geo Ian in J of Mrs Geo evening IK on topic was road Hlfl Dike Vice- Next Sunday frllsl Choir wil I Might Pyjamas Young liens In Crepe Mercerized and Plain Gotten Christmas Sale 150 Christmas Sale Christmas Sale rt Young Mens Hate Blocks lu fV the very newest shapes and colors No house in Canada today you better values in Mens Styles and Including tweeds worsteds the latest shades in neat pin rffiptf checks and plain effects belt loops pocket lapels and cuffs welltailored and trimmed Trousers Christmas Sale Trousers Christina Kale Trousers i Sale Christmas Sale l- Trousers Christinas Sale A showing of all the new and uptodate Footwear for young men hi tans chocolate brown and black oak an soles absolutely new 0 695 and Mens Heavy Boots 2S9 and in Hens A full assortment of size colors and prices Values compare A useful as well as oil appropriate gift Sweaters worth for Sweater worth for Sweaters worth for Sweaters for Sweaters worth for Sweaters for for beyond Ml i 1 In this advertisement you are being are not the survival of too strongly emphasize our Clothing Values our Values our Magnificent Showing in Gloves and Neckwear- Hats and Footwear Bring this paper with you and compare our claims with the facts as you find them Our or Your Hack in invariablo motto j J4 Follow the crowd to this from now until night A Inter at Mount Albert on In to Mi Mount by A huff a Albert iJiy etc Mob v tho J i a Iho Win A last noon for P W A IL tl John of Lecturer Co ThOB fc J issues MavjrwairBtefc Da VfiidA IHi fitu cos fiupp ttossfat rw v J ARCHIVES OIF TORONTO I