Newmarket Era, 19 Dec 1919, p. 8

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i re A All- A 1MB ft DAMS LAMARAC Pierre my duty to tell von how your in mi done for yean I consulted doctors rind they do mo any good Then I used box of nod two boxes of my hands clear Is Kono been no return I think it Is a euro because no other medicine mo good and I tried oil Iho- I ever of without benefit until I used rind cooled blood and removed causo of disease and completed cure Dawfl Ob box for trial At all dealers or tent postpaid by Ottawa Out GALE at Mb homo on of MrJToM of pforiflor of- born on farm oo which ho died ago and life Ho was of and by Ho was a in a Ho survived by and seven children The- funorai took at Hill odmploryi ore rlhjjiniy wan for a few tiny last week A Clark opened rink on Saturday night Is reported ft law turned out to enjoy the first of the Mr sale and prices ob tained On Wednesday evening last Home- pour fellow thought hat Mr fruit In his cellar than was him no he carried off a dozen Jars May the culprit enjoy It Ho will If his conscience him or he choked eft ling proceeds of ma nude ring World of Klnf township home In of age abi apuraoryirion by fide ifmty fio knew I n0lB 2 Was Jrt town icmnot or too on iho vii- of cbDner- vlnff every pounil of coal possible from the outlook no inriro soft coal into Markham winter he council de cided lo the lights Mri stated Hurt the fuel situation In Canada was wore evor and that a great many manufacturing would have to close down very shortly for want of fuel Aurora ilO oh St hara house mile from Town on miles from Newnuirket A choice farm and locality 100 Acres in miles from Newmarket A well watered pasture lot with quite a lot of wood Apply Owner Newmarket Out TINSMITKINO PLUMBING and 1 Almost all broken parts of can satisfactorily re paired at reasonable prices by ibis Process Try it ROGERS Newmarket Monday December bo day for nnni- Mr J been of this town for a number of is retiring Oils year already names have men- Ho an llon so that have a con lost in town In King ahlp it Is understood that there wilPbo a contest for all Iraq po sitions on Hie council board- An meeting was hold In dob parlours last week for purpose of forming a hockoy town It was decided to enter a team In the Junior A The following officers were elected Pros I- Allen Sep Alcorn Manager A Mnriy I zKpiivn Christmas market will he held on Thursday To make It more Interesting visit from Santa has been promlBed Mr and Martin Cook of also Mr and Mrs lien Cook of Ml Albert were guests of Mr and Mrs on Sunday Rev A P rare of Toronto conducted two services Saturday and Sunday afternoons In the interest of he Methodist Campaign He v race Is a logical forcible speak er ami wan by a large congregation- Mrs J left on Saturday to visit friends in Mr our general has commenced to buy on market here a doe was paid for eggs last Tuesday Mrn Curl thinks that the long ex tended drought has been bis during the past bunting season While gelling straw from the stack Mr P Crosby fell off Hie handle of a inflicting a severe wound in his abdomen Jour nal Phone Bast of Bank of Toronto under P Bellingers Blacksmith Shop a All are not alike a carefully Vonoa and Toronto the patronage of all who de- tiro training act our Catalog u read our then EnUr now IV J fake Notice The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket Intends to construct as a local improvement sewers on the following Streets a On Street from a point distant fret east of the Corpora tion boundary to Water Street b On Water Street from Street to Main Street On Main Street from Water Street to Huron Street On Huron Street from Main Street to a point distant feet east of the Trunk Railway light of way On Timothy Street from Ma In Street to Cedar Street Short Bowers at Street Inter eolious On Main Street at Timothy Park Queen Ontario and Streets on Eagle at Water Street and Intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting on the work estimated cost of the work Is of which Is to he paid by the Corporation The esti mated rate per foot frontage la per foot The special as sessment Is 16 paid In equal annual Instalments A petition lie work will not avail to prevent this construction P J ALMK Oscar Grove has returned from months trip to Western Canada Frank is a few days with his brother Clarence the A Guelph Louis has gone to Toronto for the Winter J and Mrs of rfre spending a few days with at 1 II Johnsons Mr jon we are sorry to learn Is at pre sent in very poor health Mrs Bills nee Irene Pugh of To ronto spent a couple days with her aunt Mrs Martin Messrs J M Grove A Grove and Jacob Grove attended the Sunday School convention at on Monday and Tuesday Mr Mrs Jacob of Mon golia at present slaying with their and daughter Mr aim Mrs J Grove Arrangements are being made for the holding of live school entertain ment and XmM tree on the of closing day before There was service in the Christian Church last Sunday evening Mr Vague has purchased a touring ear Mr Win and family their new home Mrs Prank who has- been In poor health some lime underwent an examination hi- the Toronto Hospital this week to discover If her illness were caused by a growth We arc glad to announce the examination that this was The at Toronto General Hospital on Friday Dec of Henry Vanzant who underwent on operation there a few days pre vious The deceased who was In- his year for the greater part of Ids life lie was very Well known In this part of he province where he was a general agent of the Harris- Company for many years Ho Is survived by his widow one son of Winni peg and three iii- Mrs Hutchi son and May the latter two re- haling in West On Monday Dee the Methodist Sunday School have something In teresting amusing In More will lie good All smallpox cards have been re moved with the exception of one from houses In the village so with care we hope to bo rid of all con- ItiKlon now The proposal to secure light power from the Metropoli tan Hallway is meeting with strong support in our village ami the senti ment In favor of It is being strehgth- by tho frequent breakdowns of our present plant which is Inade quate to fill the demands for light From n casual survey of plan there appears to be little doubt that ran secure adequate and satisfactory service such as New market and Aurora now enjoy and a rate much below the estimates giver he Commission The estimated rate Is approximately onehalf of thai of Hydro Tribune On the first Monday in January the ratepayers of will vote on a bylaw granting exemption from municipal taxation except school rales nut local Improvements rales and the of free light and water to the Canadian lice Supply and Honey Company Limited for a period of five veaVs in re urn for which the Co to five mechanics for month- in the year A fire Friday which com menced In the- hay loft completely destroyed lite- store barn dwell ing bonce of A Lehman It It I How It originate is un known All the live slock were got ten out safely except one sheep which was jmrned to death The loss is covered by Insurance V oration We spent for it a busy winter to Keswick and- seb Our stores Sorry bear lind to up I Morton Is her A Manci to tit city for Wo will miss their people are to hear on Mr our seeing of in Keswick decided to build and mariago oho our hockey boys lo in formed- your patronage Mr Jesse will soon have bis bouse wired for the alec light It ia A- J 1 IK it- it I 4 enter your system through If the mucous membrane of the mouth sore and Inflamed it may beginning of Trench Mouth Soft spongy are the of is Caused by tartar de posits and germs Mouth Wash relieves soreness hardens soft spongy and hills the germs that atfack the mucous mpnsMoutl Wash penetrates into the tiny of the around the tooth baseband leaves a clean vholesome refreshingtastelnthemouth WWW tomenl fit at thereof for a i Of Of County of SlmcoB BATED at Toronto A usy 8tpt St C p WCf 1 to Reports Monthly of church for December An asterisk is placed after names of those absent for one or more ex aminations Class Max well Johnson Charlie Mills Donald May Hose Sarah Waltenbcrg Skljuier Class III hemic Annie Skinned and Walter equal Johnson Andy Skinner Mack Kornar Gordon Smith Norman Sheri dan Sheridan Frank Class II Walter Hopper and Eva equal Minnie Fred Held Viola Johnson Alma Poole Clara Hull Frank Hopper Stanley Poole Oakley Carmen Sheridan Bruce M teacher A FAMILY The best gift for ones family one well thought of during a whole year is a years subscription to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal It costs only if remitted for In December and with it you get he very best portrait of the Prince of Wales ever taken The portrait la inches It is said the Family Herald Is overwhelmed with orders this season and no wonder for ft is the best value to be had It 1s a great family and farm paper roof in a sheltered lane Arid a group Wicrein The winds may bellow with main And may clash its Christmas Fattier of his kin Outside a traveller in snow Ami a glad I once more fire all aglow And a dear at door ml its Christmas Falser Christmas 1 and oer circles wonderful circles wOiero are gathered today Hiie kindness beautiful there And the welcome words they say For Christmas Father Christinas Turn no prodigal away a few days cn he London Dec In the House Of 0010100118 today Wilson announced up to Dec- there had been delivered to the Alliens 5 vessels of a gross of of vessels of tons were in Jiritlsli Mr D Frith moved to Newmarket on Monday Mrs Sloan of spent a day last week with Mrs P Skinner A few from here attended the service at Hill on Sun day night Mr Win Courtney has purchased the farm on which Mr Fred Leonard is living to the north of the town Mr Sidney of purchased a fine new car lie made his first trip Willi to Ham Hon We ere pleased to report thai mis who in Toronto ago Is recoveriuK as well in the hall on Tuesday proved a great succegs Goods sold well and the supper pro vlded was excellent The and the beanguessing contest 10 young men of have entered a Hockey team in the biter medial A They wish for backing and loyal support of whole town surrounding On Friday December a school and Christinas win in of HP will be wet come o come along and with Hi- ti1ls Keswick- Too late for last week Win young people are smiling again Jack Frost has returned after his I wo days holiday The skating on lake was wonder ful week and the perfect made it complete A number from the Sunday School Convention in on Thursday Mr Win Henry Win Marri1 end attended Winter Fair in Ibis week and brought borne a good report Mrs Ernie Mortons friends are sorry to hear she is Apt improv ing and has have an opera tion- We hope may soon bo restored The bold their reg ular monthly masting on Wed nesday at home of tbe Ideni Mrs After meeting reception of new members was I he three were by tine ters Mrs- Marrilt assisted by Miss rpfresli- and a very pleasant after noon was to and Hit- AT Ho dark the stables by lantern That I cannot toil who is here to night I do not mind for I need not see Hhe people I love who are here with me know road to And the Star ami the singing have them of the press of horror and pain They have the promise of peaeeagain They have hastened in by door And have knelt with us on the floor I do not to put out my To clasp in theirs for they understand I do need lo greet aloud For our silence speaks in the kneeling crowd And kneeling before Son Our hearts and our lives are made one made oooi Were you to ask one million What most they long to say To be a child again so simple happy free Wed up all wealth and fame the work oil us doth shower Could we but our childhood back if only for an hour Hut could we yet so guide our thoughts control our hopes and fears And bear buoyancy of youth into years bar away the unclean thought admit the one of health- And feel again youths harmony so find the g relates wealth blessed blessed days of youth Ob golden fiuelcss days I we are neither gad nor Worn nor versed in worldly ways What would give could wo but turn the hands of time until We again that Subtle joy and fell youths thrill p Swaden- Your i McCRIMMOFrS CHEMICALS LIMITED TORONTO CANADA tend taea bottle of McCRIMMONS MOUTH WASH postage paid for which I enclose 50 cents Name a a a a ataatiaattft a a Name of DmggJjt THIS OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY J the Parliament of Canada Session thereof ft Divorce from his Donnelly formerly Cily u WALLACE for the St Notice of Application of cannd at session fc a bin f Divorce from Beatrice Eleanor Owen now In thn City of New ground of adulleryTn at Toronto this Third rti November A I tf John Albert Green AND Street Weil of Application County of York mi the Ontario Trucking WRIGHT of the In the Province of apply to the Parliament of Can next session thereof for a I Divorce from his Elsie It Toronto in of York on the ground of foro of November A m ceo it worth your vhllo to buy any of now havo oil overhauled and for road prices era from to dollars cheaper than thoy cm had routing Rom to 1018Uodol3 flliD man ROBERTSON triL Good fiohoola Ideal of a Rural was of an Albert of Manual Training and Household Science the public Section this morn ing The own is dependent country for its brain and brawn land per cent prominent in education medicine and church were born and in count taid Mr Leake MANUFACTURERS AND DEAIjERS IN s Such as Siding Moulding and Inside Trim Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Doors and Window Frames Boors In Pino PIp or Oak at prices lliit will you Kindly fllvo us a ill III tie A yjifi iMiM SUN IU the wells are dry the could only watch he home of Clark near burp to ground iiaSIi TORONTO pm DAILY W4T iQWUSiir n I hi is in thii mm ill a fero p- DATED at Toronto ihls Eleventh A HARRY gARNEST WRIGHT by his solitHAv Solicitor for th of Application for NOTICE IS HEREBY given Kara fed of lire City of Toronto the County of Yorli In the Ontario the of Ararj will apply to p of Canada at the Session thereof for a bill of dhow from hit wife Mary Karafel of It City of Toronto in the County of on the ground of adultery and desert Dated at Toronto this A 919 OBLB GODFREY AND Adelaide St West OP NOTICE Is hereby given fell Ernest of the City In the County of York a the Province of Ontario will apply to the Parliament Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from Ernest of the City of Toronto In the Couaty of York on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto this of November A Robert Ernest Beadle by his solicitors Godfrey Phcbn A Adelaide Street West Toronto v t of for NOTICE Is given that GRAhAM City of ronto In the County of York and Pro vince of Ontario Chauffeur wit ply to the Parliament of J next session thereof for a Bill of di vorce from his wife Ida the said City of Toronto to County of York on the adulter i DATED at Toronto IhU day of November A ALBtSRT GRAHAM By GODFREY A Solicitor for the Feb- NOTICE Is hereby given that DAVIS of the City of Toronto County of and Province of tario Returned Soldier will the Parliament of Canada at Session for a Dill of from his Margaret Davis i City of Toronto County York vince of Ontario on the adultery and desertion DATED at the City of Ton the County of York and Proline Ontario this lithe day of A J Solicitor for the Applicant Richmond St Toronto THE CHI Hut dont a Santa in a fur cc and a Spirit of pet a saint legends but childroa we a til have and am wards I Looked out By ghosl light And glimpse and iiid k90r bo lis ci Clung- to fait I Of Application for at To- is hereby given CORE now St East in the City of in the County of York vine- of Ontario Mechanic w ply to the of the next session thereof for a t from his wife now reading at the Mid City of Toronto on Ihe adultery desertion DATED AT Toronto this on November FEDORIN COPE GODFREY A St West PolUitors Sale i ARCHIVES OF I 33

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