We have Judt One Month left of Our Stock and Everything Regardless of Cost Regular Regular 5500 for I Regular for J Regular for Regular for Regular to Regular 2500 for J Regular 700 for Regular for Regular 800 for Regular 700 for Regular for Regular for Regular for Regular for r Buy Your Supplies Early as Our Stock is going fast in the Store Everything MEN em i s J Comments of Exchanges irresponsible senators Farmers Sun Three of Premier Cabinet are riot responsible to the people In any manner shape or form as they arc In Iho Sena tor Minister of Labor never faced an In his Sena tor Postmaster General could not dozen in a Quebec Sir Minister of Interior never was responsive to the popular will The idea of Citizenship Almonte Gazelle Movement In wards ideal conditions of life 1s confined to Russia and IB not likely to follow the methods but It is amongst all civilized peoples thai was only rec ognized such quite recently To direct movement along constitu tional channels is the part of statesmanship lo accept the changes it produces brotherly spirit Is surely equally wise citizen- ship Nothing can stop progress towards higher civilization but we need to hove patience Clear the flush Land London Advertiser One means of solving the problem of unemployment is for the governments of Canada to begin the long overdue task of pre paring the bush lands for settlement in the clay belts of the north Owing to summer farming of northern day lands has largely been a waste of time money Only by clearing whole areas will this barrier to settle ment ever be overcome Farming under present conditions whereby SeUiop clears a small patch Is putting lite before the horse and wholly unwarranted At least per of each lot In carefully selected townships should be cleared by means of large gangs living In community Herein Hob one solution of unemployment Work could thus provided particularly in the fall and winter months as well as during special periods of unemployment Deo J Of three trustees for 1 for two are women and these two hold all official positions on the board Mrs Ball Is Chairmen- of the hoard and Mrs Secretary J the mere man la member is school In the Province tit a majority of women on the School founded in 181 was the school by In what is now county The irlglneJ log feutlfting li aUU not la use J PAYS DAMAGES Damages of and full costs have awarded Fleming of Windsor against Rev J O wrongful entry on tiffs y neb I on September nth last The judgment also contains an award of damages each against If Hal Jam and Stanley M officer vylio accompanied In bis capacity as a license Inspector in his search for liquor on Mr Flem ings yacht Ihe Jus tice holds that a boat is not a vehicle upon Ihe public high way as defined in the Tem perance Act Such ruling may have a serious effect in regard to right of officers of the law searching all boats in frontier water The search was made while Mr Flemings two sons were having a cruise In company with some ladles and gentlemen and the allegation of the plaintiff was also that the officers were armed The defence was that the search was made under Section of the TA which gives the officers right to search vehicles on the highway Offensive Trespass In any view of bis case says the Judgment the defendant had not llje right to do what he did and his action was trespass committed In a way that was of necessity most offen sive for It implied an of a most serious character it meant op officer law had reason to fiuppose end did believe that Mr Fleming was permitting his boat to be used for rumrunning When an apology was demanded none was forthcoming but on the contrary an assertion of right Though there was noting upon the record to justify such a course counsel for SpracWIn asked Fleming whether as a matter of fact his boat was carofngljmior and after Mr Flemings denial he cross- examined his son and one of the guests upon the host upon the same topic Had taken the position that he had made a mistake but had acted in good faith I should have thought nominal damages a sufficient Indication- Of plaintiffs right but when the whole course of the Irarv- section Indicates a spirit of defiance and an Intention to give offence even conduct of the that damages should be awarded THE NEW YEAR RIGHT There Is a time to do right thing and man who does the right thing is always conscious of having his duly New Years is a good lime to start so before you renew your subscription lo any paper think a moment of The Farmers Sun and what it means to yourself and the fanners of this Province The paper Is owned by Ihe fanners and publish solely in Interest No other paper donates energy to the farmers cause sending In your subscription gel your neighbour to subscribe then you will both be doing the right thing at the right time of price issues for only There is no other paper just like The Sun The Farmers Sun Toronto I Arm motor do equally WELL ON KINGSTON ROAD Deo 31 Farmers who strenuously opposed the proposal of the Provincial Highways Department to keep the Kingston road clear of snow during the winter and who went so far as to succeed In getting the township of East Whllby to pass a resolution In protest are today de lighted the condition of the road after being cleared of nights snowfall The- farmers were afraid no snow would left for sleighing but their fears were groundless The snow was cleared off a road grader for a width of feet but enough snow was to make ex cellent sleighing Sleighs and auto mobiles passed other along the highway today and the drivers- of both forms of vehicles were smiling twelve months ending Nov Im ports from United Kingdom were to the value of as com pared with in Im ports from Cuba Jumped from10 mil lion lo Hi million dollars Jn value year Importation from Ihe United States Apparently shows no sign of decreas ing If the figures In the summary may he taken as a fair criterion During the period under review imports from that country made as great Advance in value the figures standing The value of Canadian produce ex ported to the United Kingdom in the twelve months ending Nov was approximately millions less than I In the preceding twelve months In the period covered by the summary goods to the value of S352 were exported to the iJnitctt Kingdom from Canada In the corresponding period ending Nov goods to the total value of were exported Exports to France show a decline of some millions and to the United States an Increase of somewhat over millions OVER IN CANADAS TRADE IN A YEAH With Britain Growing In Jt rn Ottawa nee increase of approximately four hundred and sixty- four millions hi the total trade of twelve ending 30 last as compared with twelvemonth period Immediately fi shown by the monthly sum mary prepared issued by the Bureau of Statistics The feature of Is the great increase In the value goods imported into Canada For the Iwelvo months covered by the seminary porta Into Canada totalled approxi mately in- crease of million J the Import figures shows that- tha Dominion Is Increasing It Imposition from- the Country with great rapidity i In the A FATHERS TRIBUTE TO HIS Edward Pell Jr firstborn son of Dr Edward Leigh fell of mond Va a of brilliant mind and rare promise died on September His father confined to his bed by sickness dedicated the following tribute which was read at the funeral by the officiating minister I The world has no room for a boy Ho Is too rough for Its taste and in his awkwardness he often rubs it the wrong way We treasure our men and our girls but we only tolerate our boys tolerate them with the hope that they will soon cease to bo I But a boy is like a to us fresh from the tree enveloped in shaggy covering The good ness is all and you must crack Its very heart to find You never know what Is In the heart Of a boy It has been by some hard vicissitude of life When taken ray boy tiiatrajl to bear his burdens Day after day he went to the- office and tried to take Ids place and when they gave him business worries Id home ho would often In and meet bis father a face Father should not worried One day he came home la pain and laid down bis work When they wer about lo away to hos pital to him and said Hi boy you know have always loved you with all ray heart And 1 have loved you all my liearl loo lie replied but papa dont worry I dont mind the am only afraid you will worry and It will make you worse Dont worry papa And day there came message of love from the hospital wilhj lis not to When at last he began realize he must go he sent for me God has been good to us I said him and we can trust am trusting said had lols of good times to gether my hoy and we arc going to have many more for I coming you and we shall live together- for ever And he gave my baud a squeeze thai broke my head At the last moment while to his mother his clear ds It had ever been In all his life he looked up suddenly and exclaimed They are coming Who are coming my asked the O the angels the angels I see them l And won you come for me my boy asked the mother Yes yes And he passed within veil as peacefully as a babe drops to sleep On its mothers breast This Is what I found in the heart of my hoy Perhaps you will find it the heart of your boy too when it lias been cracked talking brilliant mind as HIE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between ftl T T A I A Q l Unexcelled Dining Car Service cars on night Trains Parlor Cars on principal Day furlher apply any Ticket Agent or Horning District Passenger Agent onto J Town Agent Properties for Sale farm good soil Three milts to On good gravel road Price rigrl and terms to suit acres in North barns clad ah a good repair The of i for all kind of mixed farming 2000 Cash d Or of Application for liTvliy ikA of the City of Toronto in County of York in llie Psnc Ontario will apply the of Canada the for a hill of divorce from her band Henry said City of Toronto on llic adultery Dated at Toronto liii- December A Lily by Iter solicitor Bay St of flppIlcaUon ict NOTICE hereby given th3t Walls of the City of In County of York and of Ontario Tailors Operator will ply to the Parliament of al next session thereof for a Divorce from his wife Mar Wells of the said City of the County of York on of adultery Dalcd at Toronto lvcllnra day of November A Alfred William for A3 AS OFT WITS work but when equipped with these paddles it is is easy a falling off a and lhata easy- The open and offer no idUje water hereby glwn im of the Toronto In County of Provinoe of Ontario Return will apply to of at next Session there if f tits wife Maria Morrison a the of ground of adultery DATED at Toronto September A 167 y far Iho AH