Newmarket Era , January 14, 1921, p. 2

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I i iuiiiid tfkughicrK0W8f Tower In good Alfalfa Seek Exit Onion- ArthiirKriltfliW Jot too ihoee Ihcrri and WV fading to MM ftl Toronto- BTKBraniforJ Whil Iron pump pipe wood lanfe lot- W 70 Ave Toronto Private Household Piano Parlor Suite Sideboard Carl and various Mrs Joseph Ave Newmarket thin and man a uid Brokerage right man whom drifted for municipal government- i one with awl bonds preferred Toronto J Town Draught Homes will sell Iw CO ltaOfla1ntoft Toronto Oat Rev Thomas Baker Of Church of of Utter pay Batata will lecture Hall Bungay ftt Sulijecl- way SaJnl p 1i1 a Latter Day at p by WIL80 Subject Alt i file annual Ihp will lie held in the rid bigger queatjoii lb Oma4at6day or wllKUaplQSam coal to but lUero ore many other ihiDfjabal lie bought in Canada Kor the only in the been home Hundred Mllilotv Dollars J The way jo Canadian dollar per llie United Slates la abHoiiiieiy ihe purchase of qiwl in that that wo cab without If very Canadian lp dp Canadian would noon look siatCH eye know lijal Put Oaic the Wiadjaij aconfiorpuencsbOf What can and- tell your Hoped Town yooV ft piece of property to add to jpJay of Newmarket The first thing we know the vacant properly for a park will be held at a prohibition price to Iho what that town up again and la likely ground Tho fiaya The town would a flHo for a memorial park They had their eye on lost their when told the price There la a trifle oyer feet of frontage In the land with a depth of feat was from late A McKcnto previous to his for the aurn of no improvements were made upon the properly but If the town airas to the property the ow ner will considerately fielt to the or for the modcet RPOrriKD dicta- lor of who hedri wounded Sri fighting forced and Iho Italian rcgiilars now ihe nhoio sUoWs blip in front of bis in l aye Jli riiryVn Orand in lrandMra Douglaa of spent with J Simpson Toronto WaacnUIpg on friends in Town Monday pradford VUnos9i Mrs daughtpr Mr week teacher of Continuation Sutton la home buffering typhoid fever max the between bouaeibeper Mail i on tvonlno Jan at oclock for the election of Of- transaction at A full of hot Owners rc- qucalcd to at tend annual meeting may obtain blanks- for proxy voting by applying to the Proa K Scoy PEtEhaono fiqhy NOTICE is hereby given that the AIIIIUAL Of llifi above will be held in Plro nail on JAM At p Ior purpose of receiving the Election of Officers etc A general attendance Is requested J If Secretary for WHY When Wnimcnl will burc your Goitre or llilok neck When ap plied it allays the pain and dfetreus In tiling and tho enlargement gradu ally disappears neither blisters or colors the skin It has proved to bo of the greatest Goitre remedies known Read one of the Put up and sold by J A Main Newmarket and by nail to any address in Canada pre paid on receipt of price per Address New market Out Testimonial This is to certify that have suf fered having a thick nock for thirty years During that time tried different kinds of treatment but had io effect Having beard of Mr got a and aftrr using it a short lime the pain ceased and the enlargement began to disappear After using two bottles joy neck become Us natural I feel than thankful to Mr for his remedy and would cheerfully recommend It to anyone suffering with the same troubte Mrs Albert Stork Queen St Newmarket Out DO Qlilropriaotor If you arc sick or ailing call arid ta- the new dtsiglesa It costs you nothing for spinal analysis and consultation fioUfor4 St 1 feurtt a to pi mi me largest held in since the Inception of the West byelcotlon campaign was held here In the A hah under Liberal auspices The unanimous choice of the con vention was Mr Gordon a local barrister Air It Hall presented the nomination which seconded by Mr President- of the local branch of the A Mr J President of the Liberal Association Mr declared that was facing one of the important elections over held Jn this constituency lie said here wore honest oldtime Conservatives and modern Con servatives to was a light but the present aggrega tion at Ottawa bad sought to change Its name and was now known as the Nfl Transcontinental parly Mr Gordon blamed the present high cost of living on inc prof iteera who be said centred In Montreal He referred to the shipping combine be had raised the cost of carrying- Canadas crop to England from two million dollars- to over forty million dollars This one of the why Country was suffering from higher prices Nine million dollars hadbeen spent on the new Parliament Buildings in Ottawa and the Government still going strong Premier had raised the old ghost of protection said Mr Gordon I am willing to meet him in on that Issue at any time Mr Gordon said- The candidate favored protection that wfluld Wheels of industry turning in Canada and he also favored for the and the people as a whole Mr in Hall P said the Government- was trying to make appear that the tariff Issue was the only question at take hi the He said the MeJgben principle of protection waa designed for the benefit of the few The Liberal principle of protection would reverse ibis order Mr produced a list of the profits by of the Industrie of the war w profits ranged all the way from over percent M said Hail waa due to the afforded by the of reasons for the coat Ill in thi tf- of lib Was profit of per oanli Toronto Itxtteil fjake has failed us yet declared a Toronto ica dcocr aaked If AH mild weather might result an famine next summer Men and for the of tons next month to lido city over the Hot wave Edward Little engineer of power plant dale instantly killed and Waller Salisbury a manager of the Hydro was seriously Injured vhen they fell feet from the flnmo to the cement floor of the house tunnel Friday They were attempting to open the floodgate at the north end of the with iron bar When the bar slipped both were precipitated to the floor below head a cross beam In descent and he was killed Salisburys- fall was broken by the water in the bottom of the tun- AttorneyGeneral to Chief Arthur Jukes Johnfcon to Institute coronerd Into the circumstances touch ing the deaths Emily Bond and Miss Monica Kenny the two young ladies who died suddenly after medical treatment on Saturday Afternoon foreigner was killed bis wife and brotherinlaw wounded in a which terminated a beer party Centre avenue on Sunday morning Even members of Provincial are not exempt from the de ns of the bandits Hon Grant Minister of Education being held up In Queens Park about Monday night by two ruffians both of whom he put rout with directed blows from the filout be carried As a result of the encounter the Minister is nurs ing an injured eye but bis pocket is still Intact The bandits escaped leaving behind them cap and a re volver ami cartridges as evidence of their visfl Hon Newton Wesley one of the three Canadian delegates the assembly of the League of Nations at Geneva Switzerland returned to To ronto on Sunday In an interview referred to the par ticipation by the United States in the League of Nations and stated that this bad had no effect upon the formation and functioning of the assembly Geneva wag some in some quarters over the re fusal of the United States to partici pate said Hon but the first meeting of changed all that The correspondents for the United States astonished at the success of league conference Jornes who was superan nuated just a fcw weeks ago under the Ontario servants superannua tion act after a number of years ser vice as provincial auditor died at home here this morning was years old Mr Clancy was the first civil servant to be superannuated after years In provincial auditors chair years in which his colleagues claim not of the Governments money was handed out without the strictest some said too strict super vision Many limes have been held up relentlessly while a single Hem has been sent back to Eng land or further for verification por ing years of his office as- pro vincial auditor the auditing staff grew from two to its present strength of Mr and Mrs J of To- rontb and Mrs ftyo of Kea4 wick visiting friends in Town on Saturday who has been spending a couple of months at brothers Mr J left week for California THOSE who- have tie tboy wllj highest de gree service and faction Woara equipped to- sails faction in thorough- man- tfer vices are depend able and polite af Province of I of Invostment got back from Montreal ob- Monday Having flpent weeks at homo in the of Canada Sic of iiunlops Newmarket la in conducting a sale in both stores of Co Ave and ban- forth and broad view WATSON FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEWMARKET 1 DAY -orj- Mra Barker of Winnipeg in renewing for the desires pa to re member them to Us many friends hi Newmarket wishing a Happy and Prosperous New Year- Miss Laura Morton who has been residing In the for some time went into the General Hospital last week for an operation which proved successful and she is doing nicely i j Mrs iTcasdalo left on Friday morning for her borne Jn New Ontario after spending a couple of weeks here Her mother Mrs J accompanied her on a visit Dr Dales moved to Fergus lids week where he lias engaged as of a private Hospital He seems to be eminently qualified for the posi tion and we wish him every success Mr J Mi of North Por tal We have no snow yet this winter and no real cold weather baa been such- lovely weather that can hardly believe Is January again Alpin in Newmarket on Dec AMQ to Mr and Mrs a daughter it At Pavilion Toronto Hospital to Dr and Mrs S Ball nee Ida M Oldham of Slouffvllle on Jon a daughter both doing well In East Jan to Mr and Mrs A a Bon Maurice Wo ffop to tho Public a largo Quantity and Variety cf WALL PAPER AY ABSOLUTELY I J I I m m mW F I i m f Show Rooms on the Market Square Id a Opfondld Opportunity to LOW Comments of Kiay Whan Public Sun We are getting very In province I Ordinary ood enough for with a art Our mansion a ftttdadi UmMh w V lortaoo TWO on way mm SCHOOL Hamilton Jan and John children of fames lover from here were drowned I his l and of Coslello was ploying a ice at Spring on her way home from school according to the rttoryof a lad named who saw drowning and the ice gave way and she went in a bole about feet deep Hon Brothers Bravery Iter brother who was on the ice at another spot bravely rushed to her and while attempting lo haul her the ice where he was standing way ho Wad into the water- Young rushed lo tell his father and when Ho arrived he saw the lifeless bodies of the two was called and he re moved them from the water Sev eral brothers and sisters survive Both children attended the Jr Class at Hunters Corners and allowed to go at oclock as they bad a Ion way to and thought they should be home be fore dark Instead of going home they stopped to play on the ice on the way a partic ularly sad one- family has lived in for many years and the sympathy of many friends will be extended to the parents ARHtavui AT 0AKVILL1 George and Frank fiarijcr and John Atkins all living on street west Toronto were taken into custody on- Wed afternoon at on charges of shopbreaking is under stood that charges of receiving will be preferred against Barber and Atkins when they ap pear in the police court it being alleged that they received stolen Victor Bonds from Frank Berber The three young men were ar rested while trying to dispose of a Victory at Oakville They are alleged lo have broken Into a store run by Mrs Ross at Hum- Ave and stolen a safe containing Victor Bonds to the value and in Frank the police say admits stealing the safe and a Rood and some money He hurried una Bond cashed The theft occurred on while Mrs Tito Jan at Iho St Church by Rev Win A Cameron daughter of Ihe lale fr- Mrs Alexander Kean of Toronto to A Hoy Mor ton of Toronto son of Mr or Keswick On an at Howard Park Toronto by He v iincle of Ihe bride Lillian daughter of the late Ceo and Mr lo Mr Sask On Wednesday Jan at the Metropolitan Jiaak Avl- officiating Blanche Peter youngest daughter of Mr and J Peters to Howard Weal of Mr and Mra West Of wise Tomb Forest Lansing on Saturday Jan J Forest formerly of Oxford Funeral from the residence of bis i Lansing Monday Jan Tarry Sharon on Jan i92t Terry in his year funeral took place on Jan fllli Interment at Cemetery r Newmarket In his year The took place on Jan 9lh from of Verity In terment at Pine Orchard Burying J round- Dont put off the of a New for moneyjeasons Though we are no an instalment house we are ready to me t you half way We are to arrange payments to suit your convenience THE PHONOGRAPH WlTtl A art of the New Edison is much too important to you to M In Hootch In sacred memory of our dear mother Elizabeth died at Jan At rest In her grave shes calmly sleeping Her spirit shines above safe Jn the Saviour keeping Waiting for she loved I think of you dear mother Bui not with outward show For the heart that mourns sincerely Mourns end low Ever remembered by her daughter Lena In loving memory of our dar ling Cyril dearly beloved fnfant son of and Vera Nixon who fell asleep In Jesus Jan 1S20 aged months and days One year ago today our deepest 1 row came Wo almost fell beneath it so bitter was strain No one knows the heart ache No one but God tell grief wo have suffered At the loss of our babe we loved so well but and Thy t Cod that gave baa taken Heaven our darling won Although our hearts are broken will Lord be done A fathers pride a Came la this world Our Joys to share He was not to remain Till Wm home and Brother S J and to ourselves to allow money matters to interfere with your en joyment of it in and tell us what on your mind about terms Newmarket

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