Newmarket Era , January 14, 1921, p. 3

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W repotted In Town that nam of butcher Mft Mr in to In on tor Ad mild apel liW given WptlinT easy term on the coat supply Farmers who are accounting System arc financing to jark Oct them- at the Era- Office- Mr Uriah Marsh haft bought the residence Oft afreet belong J Child A lit held in the King School on Saturday afternoon from oclock cjmcotlon with the work town by bod provincial Purses ladles arc to and child ren under Id the Church Sunday Jan IGth a Class Meeting board a Public worship theme Prayer Price of InteroQKRtoo p Sunday Softool Public worship theme Prayer I Lawrence pastor The Feed in the Market and chickens Ik Corn We have Just received a car of first Com Union About ladies were present at Ihc last Friday In connec tion with the Womens Missionary 1taycr Service for At denominations occupied the chair The service waa entirely devotional except an appropriate reading by Miss Morion Tim collodion oil of the Chinese famine Fund amounted lo attended t night fit week- Mr week- 1 how i imf piMhgaift ALL BROTHERS Newmarket Photographers Tito first bltho anil Went poultry the pronators- of jt had birds the show coming front No Aurora and from the town and i t i AKIa I j i i r- O J p The young people been making good of the skating this week in air IVOULO TILL Alberta Pftvoro Pi League An cxclth game was played Oil Tuesday night between Aurora and the team befoie a largo ami en- got the lead ami II looked as If II was going be all oneHided The stood In favor of Wewinarkei Juut a few before time waft when Urn Aurora team managed gel two referee wan ifjiiare all through The gives Newmarket a gooil lead fur he Metropolitan Trophy The lads stuck hoc key all the way and there was a and around In the narrow forgot that the way la win a game was to put the puck In while the Aurora lads a lot of time after the man They drew down plenty of whib lie new goal- a real while McCaf frey Hugo an 1 ltovilr looked like real hockey They will never be real hockey players us long they have to play shinny on such a small rink once penalties olearcd out the excess I Hey showed up as good stick handlers and skaters I T- fit Pauls Church Sunday Jan a in Holy and iM p iu Sunday School p Evensong and Sermon The School will be held on Friday si Tea at or Ihi members by members at oclock Archdeacon Davidson will visit the Parish on the continue the Spiritual aide of the Forward Move men for JO days or Hie Lord Bishop will hold a con firmative on Feb Sunday even- lag All wishing to he confirmed Will please confer with Ihc Canon Hector A Treat The best jjuocy of the season will be held in the 10 Hall Jan Dancing from oclock until oclock Jack hi attend ance Dont miss It- Lavn The annual meeting of the Club will be held In the Hoard of on Tuesday the at p sharp All members arc be present and a hearty Jnvllutlon to given lo all those who desire to Join the Club will be elected and other business will bo brought the After the business meeting there will bo a Of euchre and file winner will receive a handsome prize thin meeting big success by your attend- show the of our climate Mr J two rinks of to a Itic green last Monday Jlroughlon Harvey and played Marshall Pearson and Bos worth both rinks claim a lory but- tie referee decided that the must lie a draw so the karoo till- the next Suitable A photo of the two rinks was so Ih at a record be kept fof the earliest game of the sea- Wo Have r It A Car of Ebony Cube has Just arrived Coal ftlnhitfire The regular monthly meeting of the Minister of the Bradford District of he Methodist Church was held at Newmarket on Monday last the district Sale Register Thursday Jan Mr Andy Tall west half lot con Scott will hold an- extensive sale of hogs and sheep at one oclock months 1 Hester Jan Doughty JO eon will hold an extensive farm alc at oclock months credit- J Pcb 2nd Mr J Wood will have an auction sale on Con j North north of Keswick Crossing Sale at oclock Kavanagb Pcb Auction sale of Jan Approval of a Federal ban on immigration until the labor market becomes atonic close in- of all lexl hooks to subjects workers and amendments to the jury Act so as to make more selection pos sible were expressed resolutions which marked Die morning session of the Alberta Federation Of A recommendation from Dig in favor of the day and A hour week Went through vJlhout opposition as well as resolutions hi favor of representation free hospitals and medi cal I refitment for and he estahllslimenl of a Canadian of Iksearch On the the eon Weill OH favor ing a Provincial conference of Mayors other representatives of officio find private bodies to arrange relief A On behalf of the Teachers lis nee which lias recently been criticized by the Provincial Mini ster of Kducation was Secretary of I iVuinetl If were scarce die stated war only by paying higher salaries thai profession be in nil efficient slate A resolution asking that the natural resources be returned to the Province was submitted but was to the to outline a policy private mid ownership passed favored a national syslem of compulsory Insur ance for unemployment J abolition of in mining camps regula tion of rents and a cooperative move as a of protection for the workers ftgalnst the depredations of profiteers l The Wonkas Institute expect to visit Newmarket Thursday Jan at the home of the Toole further notice of the play to be presented by the at the Meeting House on Jan- the date Come and enjoy a laugh and cam How lo lliuivnl Damage to Hie wan caused to a gasoline tank belong- to Waiter of Richmond Hill garage when It was struck by an auto driven by Strong l basement of the Church at ho hero held member of the Mens a banquet Tuesday The speakers were Major and A crowd of spent two on flats on Thursday Friday night We hope that It will stilt continue The party thai was visiting on the 3rd from has returned home Some of young people from here- had a pleasant evening at Aurora Inst Friday Mr and Mrs of Christmas ami New Years at the home of their parents Miss and Mrs it spent a few days In Toronto visiting their friends A few from here spent a very happy evening on Saturday In Aurora rink YEAR Immodest oca and Scored by Woman Speaker at Windsor j white slave 1 Montreal Wants Fed eral Government to Doubt Monti pal Jan The marriage laws of Quebec Province formed the subject of a report which was pre sented to Montreal Presbytery at Its meeting by a which had been considering the legal position raised by various recent decisions of the courts annulling mixed The report cited thai part of the farm stock implements etc on lotj XT Whitchurch the property oi K Sale at Credit until Oct 1st Smith auctioneer minister of nay Jan 12111 McLean commercial I A indent of Missions It J others had narrow es capes from death when Glace Hay Hotel here was destroyed by fire an early hour this morn ing at a loss of Simpson a former minister of The was one of great spiritual presence helpfulness This tone was to the by opening vises A I of Au rora Chairman of District II was further added to by the helpful lljblr given of Sharon The of the morning was given by of King on In the Work of a Mini ster Discussion following brought us to the hour bytes Secretary of JheY M A was a fw la matters of Interest to the AWd Ctiurch life was fully enjoyed and was continued mat- leis of Interest and value was occupied in a systematic survey of the whole and adjacent seeking of Windsor Jan fliirt traffic ami lis sister lh evils of the dance were the subjects discussed Mrs IioJdiHon at a- of the women of held today In the Lincoln Road Methodist Church The speaker stated thai over women in America are over life of shame year these girls from of best homes the count who are In- trapped Into a of Mrs warned young girls not lo pick up with strangers on Hie streets and to value the purity of von I nod body above everything else CO htUST PROVIDE If to bo Increased TO it a race seldom will talk for am fought out on iho dark ness of last between the scouts of contingent here to meet the American and GlarenonfthD Cochrane lande who went down the trail Tuesday night to meet Hudson Bay with lis passenger i Work Down River Tim Clarke fire Hanger two picked men had worked dowu the- river almost- to twenty out At point the diverge and while Clarke re mained at their base Honey was sent up a and runner and Of advanced three he river for a speed per formance when the word should be to him Dado Connection It was Clarke whojearhed through native breaker hat the packet has been caught and would make night camp at Skunk inland All seemed well sold but the going was heavy Clarke rushed the word to who got at jump white his chief slowed up to be picked up by their clog team thai Honey had In a hurry on breaking camp The gruelling pace made by will a record performance for speed grit and a lamina Fighting flying snow circling broken water by Instinct sense and hearing for half distance never dropping from the lers mans jog he forged through the eighteen odd tulles of heavy going wllh never a a lop Quick hours did- the tick from ten to iwejvo Is a fair ravelling Tot a weileulplid outfit and while making his also was ploying the game taking alarm as his camp was passed returned gamely lo the fight lie had been making camp a womoui team and the poorest for comfort in advance Whipping his usedup he urged Horn on forging ahead gave hip the advantage of a broken trail off est which however scout for the emptied a sack of as he sped night content to believe that Clare dogs would be delayed Ihem up as I hey moved The left New York over three weeks ago and got slranded near Hudson Hay They arrived here after a very hard trail under Hie guide of Indians iqoOs 9 In Jewelry Is be found lt King Rtooeh Bracelet article is a work work might or might not the geiter4foUrvBti pronouncement was -i- ii in a much- a ihf Meeting is in this only an advisory body A better understand ing of the worfe and Its needs fid nest meeting will be in Au rora on second Monday in Feb We shall Up glad to show our to all who appreciate beauty end Genuine Value Atkinson Co add Oof of the Dominion which slates that No foreign Prhieis per son pretale Slate or potentate spiritual or temporal shall exercise or enjoy any manner of powerrspirllual or concluded there- on decree of any ecclesiasti cal authority can have any force In this country The report added that the General Assembly should be memorialized to urge on- the Federal the parsing of a lav which shall remove any on subject of mixed marriages The Presbytery further Instructed its to warn members sod adherents of Its churches against perils of mixed marriages the risks Involved of tic betrayal of the Innocent the repudiation of the mar riage vows the breaking up of homes and proselytizing of children CITY HALL AT COLUMBUS OHIO Ohio Ian The City one a in Pity be si reel from the Stole ousts was destroyed by ire In- nighL Nearby al by the flanie saved for sifhl roofs The blaze started on he gymnasium from an unkiiowti cause Ilia floor iyiMnasium and iho Oily Council in session ill I life also were Dam use No on- the S Ottawa Jan As the hell Tele phone Co claims that Jt heeds of revenue to prevent a deficit expected because of the high percentage of operating cost reason ably and necessarily by 11 In the conduct of Us business Chairman J McLean of the Halt- way Commission passed an interim Judgment this afternoon the effect that to prove lis case must secure information of Ihc most definite and accurate character from the books of the Northern Electric Co concerning cost of material supplied under the contract made between the two companies on May Counsel opposing the application of the company for a new schedule of measured rates Informed Ihe board last week that while they hud been fthlc to get certain Information and from the records and books of the Northern Co access to the records and books had denied them they were not able to produce the which they believed would support heir conten tion that the Northern Electric Co being practically a prut of Ihe Bell Telephone Co was able to- get ex cessively high prices for material sup plied to the Hell Telephone Co and so to make the operating cost of the tetter company ear larger than It should be to great benefit Of he No hern shareholders NSW MARKET JANUARY I GOODS In wide Pied Hand TowMilng- Sale yd In Heavy Cotton Reg fop Inches Reg each Table sis 2 Inch Pillow fln Pillow Reg Bale if IUTRODUOIKQ THE BROADWAY Bird the worlds premier wire is the first of the folk to the Broadway Taloo designed and executed by Mil- lard of poster fame The photo shows Millard the design on Mlllmus buck Newmarket Markets Toronto Markets tlouso Caught Jar Mr Archi bald McCorthick aged TO badly burned hCi hero while working stove that she died a few hours Shi was reaching to a niter having lifted lid and the flames fire to her rfleeve Her husband Iraetpd by her went to her assistance and hep out the yard her pump and out blames Pall Wheal Spring Wheal Oats bush Barley 05 f 8 Hay per ton per lb per doz 80 Xprlnif David Auckland a farmer of Choice Calves Live Stock Markets Highest pricea paid iu Toronto this week Extra Choice and Heifers Choice Butcher Cow Choice Milkers Yearling Lambs son near Milton died exactly a Sheep week his wife each being Hogs off cars years of age Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Wheat flats Hay mixed Hay No If Gutter per Eggs fresh per Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb 57 5 100 lff 70 A3 The of Mr and Mm Hunter of died Of suffocation when It pulled coverlets of Its crib over Its ilto Era to friends Jan French dPatroysr UoftSl flag and fa said in a despatch received here en counter occurred ten miififl weal of Iho transport de spite tho fact thai it peron were drowned hi rtlmwi iie8room of the turned out her duel

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