Newmarket Era , January 14, 1921, p. 7

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flww off ft i MR JOHN p fit yea having it so badly ft times I to get up without assistance I tried different I ssyr advertised and was trcatcohy doctors in Amherst also In my town but In la that mould step and took on and got relief then I look them right along for about six months and tho iwaUsm was all gone and I have felt it since who would as regards would bo glad to tell them what Uvea did for mo JOHN Contractor and 0c a box for trial aire dealer or sent postpaid by- Oat Of Application for Divorce IS John Hum of the City of Toronto the County of York In Province Laborer will apply to Die Parliament of Canada at the next Ses sion thereof for a Hill of Divorce from his wife May Hurst of Ilia City Of Toronto In the of York afore said on the ground of adultery desertion bated at Toronto his lot clay of A CO Victoria Street Toronto So Mo I tors for of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given thai of city of Toronto in two County of York In the of On tario Watchman will apply to the parliament of at the next ses sion thereof for a hill of divorce from wife Mae Dorothy of the said City of Toronto on the ground of adultery Doted at Toronto in Hie of Ontario this Ilia day of I Member A A Solicitor for I he Applied Confederation Life lied Aldefnten rtt ftr4Vis5oror Mayor Was to smoke on or last of Council and the KindriBWerftlidn ex- under the soothing of feats of My Lady only kind perfect the proceed- Alderman toward Canoa liho only absentee and Iho following W il Adonw McCaffrey t brcd A and clerk of last and on motion were The Council he Whole with Mr chair id Ihoj and loF J v Hardware Dominion Co wed ifiK don to A Com National Iron 209t Office Co Co Hydro Cum 112 id Geo freight Co Selling 13203 John Murphy Bell A Smiths Itonlware mm ititj ww light virci was and Jas A Kelson A Junp Con Co Pay Sheet No t 2H r Pay Shoot No P Jill 1 it Application for of lor is hereby given llial Henry of the of Toronto In tin- County of York in the Province of On tario will apply to the Par- liament of Canada at next session thereof for a bill of divorce from his wife tulle of the City of Toronto in the County of York on the ground of adultery and Dated this day of November A Henry Esquire GRAHAM solicitors of Application for Divorce hereby given that Annie of the city In thy County of York and of Ontario Married Woman wlU apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next seriston thereof for a Bill of from Her- husband Prodcrick Henry of lhe said City of Toronto In the or York on ground of adultery Doted at Toronto this Mih day A Annie Hello by J CM for the Application for NOTICE JS the City of Toronto In the County of and Province of Ontario will apply Iim Ontario office wrote the council asking for a mi otiargo for rental of on Now aid reqnesl lie result of luck of appreciation by people this The company the were not and only empty acuta awaited talent There was lo have been a dance after the per formance and as this also did not materialise ilia council saw fit rebate the sum of which amount the the company for the extra Toronto vnted sum of 50000 lok after Us in- this drawn to confines I he unemployed from other towns and cities and resent ing I his places look after I heir own Unemployed Newmarket received of citys and Clerk slated he replied to the conveying thb information that Newmarket has no unemployed nor was the town dumping any such on Ilift Toronto The clerks reply was lo Hie and no action was taken The Toronto York Radial wrote the council asking it to check over frontage of the companys pro perly in Newmarket to see if the number of feci of property agreed the assessment roll Let- tor waft referred lo Clerk A from II was read re cost of flowering his sewer connection Mayor Kves wilt final with this matter Tim report of- of whole by ami he was iysue his warrant on the treasurer for of the above ac counts lwrrtagainf itawnlaUuj council lefi- only thej fcglliiga foi apd lUe -wU- that now conn As shall also rolling arid for hdd Mr declaim ed any such for roalg- from the voiced their of council and lno Hey hml at he of tiers lyhig u Mr Mr Keilh thai his that in linto the citizens would he grateful to the council for the Mustek of the and licit to ho fin due season There was always- bound lobo criticism of any public ttklngvunlthe Aim wiimti not hope to iihb THe council Mr Keith said would to regrat MrTiundy had advocated many improvements in IouncU and while tin Mr did always support hem it was not because he did not con- hem needed improvements but because state of the towns would not warrant ex- same iiike any private must he kept within means Mayor fives added his irihule of praise to the members of council New always additional- Work for the members until such limb as hey become with council procedure Had it not been Hat lift had felt it his duty see public under takings through which iuatigu rated in his regime he would have retired year but this year would he his last in the council Clerk Anderson closed the pro ceedings by reading the minutes in his best pulpit styte and the coun cil hen adjourned sine die Report jcoaibuua I Ctiu WITH t Hie people who behove that lliitf world- Is a unsatisfactory dace generally those who are living sel fishly Hut oh is one pel out tills world good for someone else his dissatisfaction with ids own location speedily less Cheer Up someone who Is sick and pressed and you will discover that the sky Is bluer than you ever thought It Comfort a grieved child and you Ifeet a novel warmth in the fildno Make this a world for somebody and your persona rea sons for will gradually tif of Co of Op lfi greatest dur- j lug fee year baa- of live Stock yearaago no Life Stock Shipping M tho tiDio throe four hundred ate Parmer aWp the of the United Co- which handled about per the going through yards Present indica tions to the years the larger pro portion tho of Ontario shipped second important inlboprovlnco that In connection with Marketing year pre vious to this there were about fifty active Egg Circles in the marketing and poultry to the value- of about of Circles has Increased until there ore now some sixty In oper ation and well as Egg Circles are how taking up this most development In grouping of Circles various districts for tjie of establishing candling and grading stations and already somo three districts are so organized each consisting of or more local circles United Farmers Company has recently opened a department for eggs and poultry and will doubtless have the same offset as In connection with Shipping A development In connection with Marketing Is move ment on foot the year to com bine under one centra company manufacturing and marketing of tho cheese from local factories This company has opened an auction market in Montreal a successful and Increasing business ir The cOOperatlvtf marketing of wool was continued year through the Ontario Breeders Association previously- The Canadian Co- oporativo Wool Growers marketed a total of about pounds and of this amount Ontario supplied pounds It la esti mated that Ontarios total production about pounds Thus per cent of Ontarios wool was marketed cooperatively last year A large proportion of the cooper ative work In the province carried on through unincorporated local farmers clubs which there are twelve or thirteen hundred in the province The great majority of these are affiliated with the United Farmers Cooperative Company which acts as a wholesale house for these clubs The amount of business transacted by some of is remarkable are of course a A 1 mi TO MtfetiSd W Poms tho J v weak ftU fcadT sickly wen to doctor and which added fto toy weak condition kept mo i mo- to try It- I a little 1 and V W can at J cr Health and Yea I hotli now J Woanoimi North Taylor Street Philadelphia Pa The majority of woman nowadays mere are bo demands tneijr time and strength the Is invariahl7 a- weakened nervous condition with headaches ache and soon develop r I ooo SOME PEAT I Mother was out for ho evening so was the son and heir to bed Moreover he was beginning to realize why his wife was ho tired in the evening Now He said sternly when the blankets had been drawn over Utile figure hat I will be very cross if you a hoy when I have dow stairs lie left room reassured by Hie awed silonce which followed words liiit he fid tiardly reached the fool of stairs wlieii a voiei called Come and tuck mo- in Im he this PILGRIM TO MAY BE LONd Thin shows the large Pilgrim painting jireseiHed the Pilgrim Tercentenary Commis sion In the by A a contractor of South Boston it is entitled Pilgrim Fathers Water ing the Mayflower in thought that painting may be the by Alfred Walter number or lhlr a or 11101 ago or It may be a copy heard of the painting was 1U0 more years In presenting the painting explained thai it cam reported hi statement of into his possession a he demolished lie Frederick at I soma wont ami luck yourself in flOO to Parliament next session lliercof Divorce Ids wife at Hit for a 1111 Alice KHxabeth plane on the Province October Itfaynard of the same ground of adultery DATED at Toronto In Of Ontario tills day of Henry William by his Solicitors Royal Bank IJuildlna Toronto Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Office Papers issued at jdehee if You owe has a duty to your to the SO Meets 2nd L given by any Join now- You wont r New Council The announced I hat the of Ihuiieu council will be held Monday Jan Social Mr Osborne permission of the council for the Town Hull for evening which the market Fire to have in near fit lire Mr Keith replied that was not in power of this council to grant but he had ho doubt the new council would do so Stilt Ashes Mr brought to lion of council the fact that citizens were slill dumping ashes en the roads in con avoid ion of Ihe bylaws Mr wauled know what couuoil was going do about it considerable discussion along lines so often heard it the council board the Mayor was requested lo instruct Frank to summons to who against the towns Band Instruments Mr chairman of the Pro perty said- that he hod that the towns band were making excursions parts of Ontario own responsibility ami op i lie strengtli of his information he told Mr Harrison late hand master of tho defunct band that ho would be responsible for all instrtimehts owned by the The result was that all instruments with one ex ception had been relumed to the DAUGHTER CROWN PHI NO RUMANIA Tiie beautiful Princess Helen eldest daughter of exKin of Greece who is to wed Crown Prince of Rumania royal en gagement- was Prince Is years obl was the centre of a In when fie married at Mile daughter of ftIiunionlap general Twice the Prince was reported to have towAfter handed a given for the ported in if tho central company amounted to This will ho doubt show a BUbetanUal in the next statement company has established a- number of branch and additional eeparato de partments at the head office With the increase business and the consequent larger financial trans actions an- Increasing number of have become lncrporated un der Cooperative Section of the Ontario Companies Act During year there have been eighty incorpor ations either an or Cooperative Whore club has reached iho stage when It feels that incorporation will be bene ficial usually Its business is on a fairly aubstantlal basis and promise of being permanently suc cessful One organization for Instance handling live Block feeds grains and other commodities and buying supplies doing a business which averages about day arc organizations in ihe province which do actually carry on business but whose work is one phase of cooperative endeavor Such organizations are Milk Pro ducers Associations Grape Growers Associations Sugar drawers j Association Tobacco Gamers elation and of like nature which endeavor to study con ditions and advise as to prices In some cases the directly with the trade as to the prices to be the grow ers Recent developments would ibai qui of tJiese organizations way grow commercial cooperative companies produce couiroiJiog the output of iiieiiivmbers A great deal- preliminary work been done by tlie during the year in connection with iht production of pure seed more particularly of seed in North- era Ontario work Is lead lug to organisation or commercial seed trend the during the last year or so Is more In the direction of Cooperative Marketing than pre viously Farmers Clubs are usually formed with Idea of combining the purchasing supplies foi Its members line of business is usually the by the clubs The ftmbunt- of Cooperative Marketing business- during last year has however exceeded the sup ply business In the province and bur as to the rela tive importance to the farmer of the Cooperative Marketing- of pro ducts and buying of bis supplies P Cooperation and Brauch Toronto possession years The painting measures seven feet eight laches by eighteen feet Home i ft Valedictory it was not fat in at under nor io escape deluge was going lp hulled by the last year and the prince was then sent a trip around the during which paid an to America THIS HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will do what ve claim for it- cure or Deafness caused by CaUrriL We do to cure any other disease HALLS MEDICINE is a liquid taken end acta through the blood upon mucous surfaces of tile system- time reducing the inflammation storing normal condition A3J Druggists J Cheney Ohio iyiraishs enamels stains to do v Jtivbws there quality Wellr tell L COSt fe f

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