Newmarket Era , January 21, 1921, p. 2

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fill win of lilo right pjirlfor lw ladles Joseph AvcV for corning orUuJRy v Toronto tuny ir I mm mm Ante- on lonMpwh1ipW box twp and wntyt Apply For ftaio- Avenue all Also Apply Bert ffmolliy Virko alirtrNcwjtaiJiHt Wind with fkiteej In good brder mm Alfalfa- Batik JW lFwr imvonhhoc v orW000 oft ftccroWry of and extending Mho platform of or- no dial other M oolyVtrouIilo If rirrdndbniRht mat of- nittiiraHvcboecrncJ flupport JW Willi him ana ta every tf of IrVaof channel ware- teevery baat Aurora- a flnccllrn qyalily or the of oiitrYrii t iWcft Ay to a 5 CflokobiBpitiftti Brown- To Brown Toronto For Jutlglriff wortf -iivSlctt- iwo5 Aral J fa ft 1 1 1 ikf fcji 1 a a the feinliarlurtj- rtro i Dealers Insurance flitivifiijt Walker Mrri CKGanc Hi ifoponloJodl iUylior home riwclhonJ A expert o Wt4 I looking for for you want aril also for solo In ilieiowrianllV fowu ami aorta iota Ileal Newmarket M I Rev a of of fclirisC of Utter Bay will lecture Wcsloy ell Sunday Jan fiarkl ot 10 at in lyrists Death All Question Tim wcr a j m V WILLIS Mens Tailor the employment of women ami they shown very llnea and financial enterprises Most now In constantly teorcaa- and ftpahte never any A report jc1iovh that lp alone women are em only hut la hank So fat ftut few been In wenMvO lmt who have tipoii proved worthy and thus are paving he way for mow of their ulsters In IhoKojr Kponsiblo and wellpaid positions the of War or a wave of has sweeptOK the Mur ders robberies ami areof dally and lliey not con fined to the What Is the Home it in movies others that the Inwatle for on the fields In so in- on look ac tive pari thai they have lost alUenm- for Ilia socreit hf life Til veil 2nd and Tooth if Tooth 2nd 3rd Tooth JaokerllKl 2nd Rossi 2nd arid Ruff 1st and Cockerel 1st I 2nd 1 fat and 2nd Kim- Cook J Mel I 1st J Bell Bradford 2nd jj ltiliillM I- Prater Rid Cock and 2nd At Hen 1st ft King No 2nd A 2nd III isl and films Metsulcy it Hod 2nd tell and 2nd Win 2nd iikharilMon I And Or Horn this Preston UoekArihur s Mr Mrs awl Mr and Mrs Spent- Sunday with Mi and Mrs Pwtl SOH I a Trivclt ft Vs White 2nd Marshall t A Bradford- entitling POM Barred Hock BossTrt- veil 2nd No 3rd J Preach There wio single onirics pens bantams and jiaJrs of pigeons besides pairs of ami I pigeons In the Childrens of Exchanges capaWo and the Mon- iral been for nine months has received be removed to shortly his plane to he filled hy dowp Bast Many In bright for a great real in a m-nf- the year Forftiquaro ml your property with i Good Si nit in Toronto right W 100 loam sol lb and vlliago farms and country for Willi- Good locality for quick holloa on Ml convenience Good Good If you to Invest and lot us toll you how can en SON J you market will Mr da- WW A if I A White Walker 11- 2nd while sllij- others are- under Win llirjIJlnifs 3rd Marshall lion is iW motive Walker lain fa hat many orkeil Mini A Wig ivlitle the war was on that I Walker i who falton- Intjwho aro of Values who to oorrootly what act when having of from our of Importod Woollens Main St Newmarket ii their money lavishly on pleasures of ah kinds and luxuries in when they should have laytafe for a rainy day The eoiulHloiw noW ore exiraordjiinry and call for ihose for must he severely Hint others Inclined Influenced to desist all of Ihe Co Ltd Gttii66dA Vol Lid Co Ltd Albert Ltd Scott Co Ltd Co Ltd to order of Hallway ami Municipal nil and Iheie will he charged on and Monday January Toll for of different Companies Of the York Ifnhin of ft moil rain of Companies mid JO cents the other of different of Ihe Union No more than for further Information leijfdeut fl- DAVIDSON There Is hot more flint of The is war hegnn has a consumption of and far the ronaoptlon of the general It In no wonder thai thinking people ere It is lime for a hale Many a soldier boy never Indulged in tin hahlt of until joined the ranks when the lempialioii of- free smokes and the of he Of the hoys was than he could stand The has strong that now lie dont want to It up The Is that wherever hi a the air Is so with natisriling odor one can Scarcely who Is not nslomed to mat kind an at- a ib anything hut to ynuni people and a hall this direction the rising firrwrotfon will Ilivfiiocdly in the interests Of manhood to shoiUdnot he permitlcri hy of Application for Otirorco NOTICE Is hereby given that John of City of Toronto fnttrfKm and by to the sends a or tin London Times which Ihr- foUowiiiK Is marked ihaCthey share the same It An essentia most iriljtiailiint made Phillips was the one In the extent to which the war fare Ireland Is between not Irish men and englishman between Irishmen and Irishmen Of course we all torn have known ftboul the ani mosities the North and of Ireland and Went and equally quo most of us sine to the conclusion that the two were about equally marked narrowness of mind obstinacy by In the County of York in the Province welfare of the island That conclusion Professor Phillips only eon- but he opened up comparative ly new rotmd when he came to ileal with WW of those Who in year have constituted the ml- ho or governmental class fa Ireland and of the men through whom that bos exerted Its power lie allowed not Ulster ffoulh or Protestants fight log Roman but vago war on race f will apply lo the of at the next ses sion Ihitiof for t hill of dlvnrcr from id wife on the ground of adultery and desertion at Toronto this day of lamifiry A J by his solicitors COliFUKY PURL AN LAWfiON for the iftit ay Street Toronto of Application for hereby given Wil liam Cordon of Ihe City of Toronto In Iffe County of York In thy Provhwe of will apply to the Parliarniut of Canada at the next Tor BUI of Divorce from Ida wife Violet Anne Maud Cordon now known as Violet Anne Maud formerly of the City of Toronto in the of York at the City of Victoria In the Province on the ground Of Adultery City Toronto in the iff of the of of TO fiC UgltiUtleirwIli he sought- at the- Legislature for the creation of a new township in York and make two of The new proposed la that of present township of York and avenue It Is staled in of the township loo much for the 15 a- A the J w Bay- wid fetter iwo would be separitie miinicl- to Marshall A Walker 2nd Mar shall A Walker Plymouth nock While laihei lliown in A Hell 1st James Drown Toronto Walker All Plymouth Uookerel To ronto 2nd and 3rd Mondial A Wal ker 1st Toronto 2nd Am MarHliali A Walker Guff lien k Aurora 1st Aurora fit Wet lv Iiiavltt Aurora Hooka IM Ham ford nd Him and fj valr 3rd Atliuir Saints awl French Ut Arthur Bradford flM 1st SalUl Bradford 2nd Jin I A French G Brown Leghorns 1st tolling Hen ft Brad ford Jsr itdforfl P iVyondoUoi efiik Iht Alnrtley Him and 2nd Arthur Jockerl lsi Arthur Iullet- Arthur 8 alack Minorca I si lose Aurora Hen Con Close Aurora Close Aurora Close Aurora 1st 1st Isaac King Keswick Hen 1st Isaao Keswlftk 1st Klntf Men 1st Cockerel Moody 1st Frank Moody Oliver pi i 1st Leonard Leonard Wyandotte A lien A 1st James liruwn Toron Pullet White Cockered Au rora Pulletis i Black Cochin Crwkend 1st filhney Pullet fat a lilrchen James Toronto Ken James Toronto Cockerel James Toronto James Brown ft black fiknta cCati aliens and ftwri J Toronto Toronto Brown Pullet- James MnftanU Brown Toonto Brown Toronto A Wilson In none of the circle of trade and flnanoe have there been more with the bunkers The formal bank ulinosphcre a yearn has urn replaced by oho of welcomu and odlcllowahip A the privilege of checking Was In the bank of on woman In a are offered to those who would nave regular even the of ahould he mite small drawing accounts banking who under the old ftyfcitiH had but a ha ay Idea of what a or receiving looked like In words effort I being and very ku en wm fully to id bur financial In stitutions The OUT times Wilson the way used tixbe often that Ik Perhaps is just ilk well that they arc not A of who trlftd to keep up with the paid for bur brat bonnet yet wear It for several exson Labor mm sugar and preacher had of Eiiiil oilier of money in whiter men went Into woods and elmpped down liers all day 10 keep age was ntvk ol and family had n house hung full Ml hams and The school around ami spoil the rod Mothers children liberally every After all liv ing hi lis The Womens will present wo plays entiled The Church Mulberry Corn and An at the hnc PJne Orchard on Jan at ft will he provided The grain and chuppluK at the burned with much corn end Dour KIffhl hundred and fifty of have forced the advanced 1 i i those who em ploy us have the that they will receive the de gree of service and We arc to in a thorough man ner Our ser vices are depend able and VALLEY Located About from Vancouver f tfanaillan Despatch Vancauver Den OIL STRIKE DOOM III VALLEY Canadian Press Despatch Vancouver lice by Sidney oil drilling expert of striking of early by ihe Oil Well started a boom in oil- drilling in airfields In the Van Volley The Well struck oil at feet Contracts were lei mil and work start ed on the building of storage to hold huge fjtiantltlea of the crude oil cornea from gusher it in shipped away to the refinery this oil fa Is almost Jn the centre of ihe field of drilling operation This are on the main anticline and by Hie entire field The OH fa as having as good as even chances with this Company This strike proves beyond a doubt our earlier prediction that This i oil field of America TEH A PpOVIDIHQ YOU This may prove opportunity yon ever had of making a uik Oct in now and buy as much ss you can at the present cents go up immediately or stock be withdrawn from The Monarch now down about feet rlontiroh Shares may bo or within We own and offer prior sale of the Suck el Oil and Natural las Limited no pergonal IhorlRfd Capital flO FOR LEBD 1000 fUJf TODAY FOR PROFIT AUO QUI OK buy Monarch Shares at J Or as Atari fit Shares 13C Vancouver 4 Xt KliiloOlioqueAayAbl0itp John Company Adelaide Toronto Phono Pool Office E3f even owl polilleal party En Newmarket Cemetery Co Puflh At Point Jsm to Mr and a Kllxabdh I Mr and Pit veils daiiffhler trn Mr KINO ay Jan Moat Till Mod oimiQt intsetiriK tire plan hi Hall on Monday even ing hi iiiK much ince than years On Mr JS II Mr the report of the Directors width thai there daring the year mak ings total of re also to endow their lots so there may be no trouble about or filling In graves The treasurers shows that lots were purchased last year and persons endowed their loin with a total deposit of The re- for the year amounted to near ly 93000 which amount nearly interest from Investment Ihe Fond All paid hi full to The able ftssrta ys follows Hunk of band Bonds accepted as Total Til The was proceeded with There eleven to elect a ballot taken Cm ami acting scrutlneera The result was as follows Messrs s Stanley Janes Cane and fieo A Instead of electing two of Ihe lot- owner auditors who have been doing the work graluitouiily Mr the had come when the financial interests the bis motion for the of w vale waa inet Elected the President by Mr Win of Ml Albert In Nil- of At on Saturday Jan Widow of bile I It Jn her At his residence Mb Whitchurch on Jan 1021 ficn fiicjd Suddenly oil Jan at Dr Wilbur J beloved son of Mr- and Mrs Out Ihe New market Jan Angus aged year If wind At the Industrial marel Jan years A I New- ijliiricel km ill Don I aged yen is 121 Ada wife of Mr lien Little aged Funeral In fn loving memory of Joloy who parsed away 1010 Ibe loss my nne My heart is sad to day To think the one I loved to so called away wiio lave Uy mU him it dawns finother year In lonely hours of thinking flioiifiht of and mm Mr John Chunks of lhi i- renewing with well Tlier no I about Mm he is as as vf fin of Ml a took phiKf home of Mr and Mr iiihV Iifivshinfiils wen- Mr and ci home ui vMl with in Mrs is ill lb son Mr I ho I- Willi llltle Mr Fid Wtri Mr II and wr in Tnroiilii wrk are all to learn thai Mr Frank of the Mr Albert of Iht bis has been In purchasing for and family a handsome Ave Newmarket A vuchre parly look placr- at j of Mr the Town on night of last A sumptuous supper was served Monday night lo at the home of Mr Mi- n the Town Invited lo the abst Sir and Mr Wood and bEtrradvll also Mr of the Mm 1 j i Kelhby niornlilg Muh lit to It vers of a in nnnilf of Mile ts Ihe Hawaiian In to in it it of the ftp ill is of the violin Hi popular teacher In School thought of by ami pupil alike Mr Joseph the Town Line baa veneered with and modelled his house Kn the an- pcarance of the comfort- uptodate houses hi Township Mr Fred Smith if motored out to the Mr and Mr Walter of the on Sunday last Mr Shanks Of filh a visitor at the hit Mr and Mr Of the on todies of lh Church met at fte borne of Mrs John KtU Id Of at Mr II Ml Ration a day Mrs her in Mr Will i days with Iris iujii- of Mr it Hit- lis him i fciioed ij Mr ami Mr i A Malum alir 1etl of Mr fr4n hi- Mr but if tide to around ijijir to AHi Marie Metropolitan Opera Company of Carnegie Flail in Yorl new perfected Sfce diicct with th instrument of her voice and the audience composed twentyfive hundred critic were unable to ibis great living voice Eu ReCreation Next day the NwYorkTriuwiftidi Edison Snares Soul of Music v v i

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