jutAiovapol of GW A Campbell latter tioiii rural and received now he lo a uniform from ifid bo ftp piled- A rntghl ho lone before the Atfiurlpn be groups oil larger under You Inmls of little iifliHitolloiv A grant he mode to that add All the in Incorporated fro put and Head- on prompt by rural Lettering oy6ry North York Marble Granite Electric Works in their ft did uc l to to 16 the a number for Sick CJiA to eulorlGa of the f Alt to- Att If Ida Tool of BuUdlnQ Order Out to John Moss pox Proprietor Phono Hot the address Huron Hoar ft INCREASE YOUR POWER by taking a tours In Chart Toronto of the two atudontt to commenced weak and flver par month Writ for any J ELLIOTT Principal Furnace Work Our Specialties lo HliotiM of to work Awl of HOiiiftUme IbC tills on Mr fuVliii of iiioliriiH4biH In York hi from 1o Tin Miliary a ihiiIa En find J luViisr In WOO ami lit iriTo v In ittltt to- last year 11m llrvi tin ma tt sin In tills the- report b lis work In arc Outfit Shop TOE LEADING I fi SONS to 1 I IVK A rolloblo for lo toll our fruit and oto PAY Our la valuable under present OF particular to PCCHAF our I be anil occorn- notation vf on Hilt til t York fair of ftttuifciicy no nw n than yfiari towns the population In JnohoiMfl In the tliore was not be from iontfmmlfon mm Mr Multoy arc not full ordinary from lurot county arc to pay for In mso of ftdioolH ijUoatwl Sutton Village While the given fiicouryging the of bi rural In- hptctor tbe In- In urban schools Una been only per cent on of ijlic lo thn salaries of town has to the llberallly of the oho Surely mm of fiibooJs la severely Mulloy hit wring four iuril schools with yn average of from to piipfh But there was never more efficiency rural pupils at arc more than city f I year Ju the miteQc amn Country He You a duty to your to Join the Meets 2nd Tuesday Hell gladly given by any Join now You wont it Hon NEWMARKET ttepretenlattve of MUTUAL OF CAW ADA The Company J la Hie newlyappointed member of the lilghwayi commission reviewed the during the past we are far front which we arc sniffled ejiti bo AaJrl of York said be was to have the over before other Ait amendment was propose 1 Wart of So a June A bylaw for for work under the Ik h ways improvement not for for with for a million the as to si year of the session low food for Ho dtdnot Oil pfVM to rln Wielr hialVere but iiiiofcwt4sivi dotnV of ho pro Wacyiomld UtejCbl la ultJe nti tf In ftBHrnL the evfiry AM fjqjj in marketing produoo The efttb the of Property will den Inspector oftbp ouletyo the inatler further J Childrens Aid- Ihe wis row ti ship munleRlHlflri o Ihln county i Incrciiscd rtie of as by ohsm- TO MAW OF fiTREET WW 0 of iho towns and tlHofuf Kra lie decreiscd from i30W0 ri t iueUlum Of an as by their wverd wij- I would num to the woiilb in Muntined of the eomHyj tftUt an over ftw lie pameri- arc- the Tins of the bylaw vigorous mi P Miller of York sjrip aimed thai the was In dauber Of losing almost tin by of In- York Township Toonto ono In of York Township irKt one hi the west Willi Ibe arwi In left as a township only Wu Irtcreised our assessment two millions Ibis we were he sola Miller ami now we have our whole Increencd If per cent lis Well we have to meet that you do not have In other being the city this moo 111 on nlone we think shouM Why Old you to per cent answered Kellli of the committee Mr Keith explained thai four years It wtt fmmd the assessment was in Mm than la rural Hire of the northern municipalities the and that the matter bed been Ibrasbeii nut to Law When Mr that any muuictpalliy recourse law J of expressed is lhlu we arc to jHm mutlelpulltloH carry the ones do- not We usually pay as we o It hi thiug continues will be done the county too into debt and debentures The time may wiic when the rural may have euriy then You taken new sales Into consider- your increase and nothing else r c I Wallace contended the did not to issue dtbeotures They do not local Improvemenis cons ruction and these are air voted Woodbrtdge for Hydro yearn ff I V BAH IB j SI l Hi BE 1 I J I B B 1 WW pi r In with two- of Greatest Clothiers Ion in we Hydro works but by the Jiavo of the good by Reeve J and Lib over Tills The the to PLUMBING and of a Philips of befog lifs restitution was made by Mr about two years the county and was formerly of King Town- replied feelingly It of St Law- rcneo Market representing the elty properly oners appealed to the this morning for coopera tion in Inducing producers to ill end the market The ma I Iff was referred to the properly commit day J Phillips bas been hlOf of on slue- financed pay our thirtyyear off in six A bylaw was passed for running expenses Amend High Act A resolution was passed appealing In tie lejslslriiuri amendment of the lifgb school requiring the counts pay lis proportion loward he com of rural accommodated In high building ac- eommudatlnu costs as well es thai of and be niter only now considered The following payments lo high wei SG97jr nioml Hill Newmarket 18 Aurora 127l and eaibjo the three associallons in Hie county get tee II Hon for the to be on Roads system York provide no000 for work fliiO for main- Half York County wilt work lenunce and mm 5 The total for con- J more M fli in to numerous it- Stewart we have lo our of study nifty have the option of Ibla subject along with or la the of fculi on W WOMjTC Reeve J a motion Stewart to add a through the of o the good Heave Stewart agreed to leave bis the agenda as a nolle lion of i A PAl In ooholflri in Inspector only 2867 of per cent In Newmarket the fliwe in and in an increase of 55 per cent At Oueenaville the of been reducedf to one The contract for the of 9 new bam ttte Home let Rose by f be price of tho i the fflty took p the County L The passed by council are as follows 294 Gwlliimbury fiwll- King Matkhani 473748g and York 809836i Total township assess ment Aurora Newmarket Holland Landing village Hill Sut ton New Toronto and Total Of towns end villages Messrs Watson Vaughan M Toole and P the stock judging team Which won the Duff Trophy at presented Ihelr elaims for a grant from county it was re ceived and referred to the finance conimHiee to Chick York County wHl a tred car lo combat the crime On Saturday before County adjourned decided to purchase one for county police If It is found motorcar be used to advantage will be A special motor force constating of two or more pien will be engaged with Jxe4ouar- ere in Toronto to the to the country introduced by Reeve Scrivenar Wife a U toft b wW- toned ftf- on tteyifii that a man who will enforce Iho In lowA tfuch cleaning up ODjzu Jollity gamlillng laKlng a drunken man homo Now as a mailer fuel mjwelf went to Ihe of the full and lo give of which he ho covered by ray ing the Man of was bomn friend of and under consideration would be duvulge hi name or give us hi form a I Ion where I be offences One of his liquor into town Any person can send or liquor to Montreal and If la nobodys business You can get us much you like I Ibe law now article says liquor comes us Thai la us the dare nut ship marked books parcel has alaiiijied It who 11 Is fur and What It ho says clean up Itic booze JoiultJ must have been In them or bow does he know dont he give Information lotlio police or lay parlies who these Why advise others lo inform the police when for some he is scared to do so himself Is liu a inan or woman with a double who Is afraid to sign bis name he think he can clean up when ho cannot sub stantiate these things or her- Keif I soy right here I have lived In town for a family ltd ok the lest lit Gambia today About gambling dens How will lie stop them Dow he lite law regarding drunken men on the streets He He In with Ibe bunch or how does be know where from Maybe too might nay ihe only drunken man who has been taken home was a a big family who bad told Mr Harvey It was disgraceful to see men on the streets- at This man was laken home by constables In July of year Bui one business man speak- log of Ihe arlleles by the fan of the the other New market people know be Is telling n- nil lis but be sorry say own might really thhik these tilings and Ire was at such stuff hclng printed by such a townsmen as the of ihe lo he Now In I wish lo state any law breaker will be dealt In a proper manner and made to respect Ibe law Any man no lor who is caught drinking liquor out of a will be arrested on or any drunken men The Con- act on fifty case no mailer If It day or There trifling cases we attend to every that never hears of I would ask Mr Harveys Man of In with- the and not knock we have some very trying eases at times NO matter what lemperameill you arc In It Is a bard Job lo please everyone when lining our duty Your respectfully Kirk County Constable Adelaide Si East Value is we use to attract store Wrens Cashmere Hose pure wool In dark mole and Sale Our direct two of Torontos Leading Clothiers gives us power great- than Other concern in this district One look at the prices below will be evidence of what fchw means to you IS at ot mud fc Young Mens First Longs a llfftit brown mixture 35 only 2250 Sale MENS OVERCOATS A election to choose from In every wanted pattern to J If YOUNG MENS SUITS In rofl Sale Mens Light Weight Overcoats In dark mid colored patterns to Sale J MENS SUITS a plain flood ihe thing for he middle man Sale -fT- Mens Dark Grey i Worsted Suits for a inun any m Sale sew Boys Bloomer Suits ami Sale Mens Work Pants Sale 95 Sale v- BOYS STOCKINGS Those are In a run down con dition will that Catarrh bothers much more than tiioy are to good fact proves that Catarrh Is a local it la Influenced by conditions- MEDICINE is a Tonic atd Purl- ficr and acts the blood upon ihe raucous of the body thus reducing and restor ing dbgteta red Toledo Ohio Af fifty just every worth While they UNDERWEAR Heavy regular 139 wool Sale j i WORK SHIRTS hit 200 Sale Heavy Khaki and Mil itary Flannel Work of Application for la hereby given thai wdoo of the City Toronto In the County of In Ibe frottoco of will apply lo Ihe of Canada at next sea- for Bill of Divorce frets Wa Anne fcfuid now Hand fortoariy of tne City of W0i to tbe of BtdJok City of la ihe of groans of Adultery and at the City of Toronto in the of York the of day Of mi rrl vtW Bay k 1 I VI 1 IT