Newmarket Era , February 18, 1921, p. 1

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It Watsons The I No County of unload ad advance Vt J pat annum lnaiiwoe WWwhin Test 9jrrthmonaptxta Cv v- JACKSON Proprietor T j J- a basas very near future sin I One day o of yea The potato of is NEWMARKET- PItore Electric Appliances and and Saving is a most beneficial bab and on to acquire Place a certain amount of your income Bank at regular marvelous way of growing and in you will a flavinao Account of RAHCII l Cor end 8MI Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc ALSI Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing- Dressing Etc Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket From Chrome heather A Strap ere made lite tat lie Itaown will bardie hill than you May you win harden fiweat or They great and wearing that our selection GOODWIN ftUIITHNtiWMatiKtrr The Champion- Shoe Repair Shop Avk a old o It us us back to life ted In the run In the upper worn t toes fcid tuJ e your loot- id elite el worth while A J bf la Shoe the ball Himself through the smalt jlle never found hut be flofnclldng fn- vcntlonu wo read of brought fortune to but only empty of fame to the of light from a larger distant opening In the to boy fairyland of and vcffclahlc In and white floating II were chum of deep lakes were In Innocent those of that Hie wis soon to transform and the ok of and Into wizard like with ail of Imaginary beings and figures thai arc now ho attractive to Die tourist and so not only to their but to the hordes of colored driven who dally the of a rake off from the visitors to the entrance of one or the other of the two cave companies now doing business In the neighbor hood of Buy a much debated question which of these two wave produce llic greater wonder and delight lo the visitor The has many has the Leamington writer who aw both was to divide the hon ors and a known as to he lbs scene of Tempest Is In ways equal to or better than either of the other two though not so well pa tronized so ho Informed me to Us owner declining to lie a party to the rake off plan just referred to Is famous for the great of Us with their showy entrances and magnificent grounds and gardens and as the own- era and occupants of are not of great wealth the himself how- built and kept In of excellence and richness of appearance I found that the occupants i of those fiftV resi dences were In of annual Incomes ranging or less their homes wore some of them writable palaces that with us would require a yearly outlay of at 910000 to live In and keep up The explanation of this however which may be considered from a five fold view not a difficult one a Material for these building cheap and always at band is the coral rook of Which the island formed here and there arc to be seen the great from which the blocks been sawed out that have gone to construct not only he mansions themselves but the hand some walls and gateways that sur round them and even the roofs that cover them and Incidentally gather the only supply of drinking water the habitants have The question of heating so vexatious and expensive with us hardlycomes In at all An occasional grate fire of cedar in the chilly evenings Is cheerful but by no Means And there no occasion at any for any outlay for warm clothing Taxation on real estate hem Is practically nil pub lic expenditure being entirely met by imports on food and clothing a system by the way that militates against the poor and in favor of I was astonished when the owner of of the best comer business blocks in the oily of- Hamilton told me that his an nual taxes were In one of our targe on a block of this Wad they would have been more like The yearly tax on the best residences Is not more than 510 of Growth both flower and vege table is quick and luxuriant here and does not require the artificial care and encouragement that it does with and last but cot least Labor in side and out plentiful and does not cost onehalf what it does In the north A wealthy known as the Co has lately created much stir in these usually quiet islands by pur chasing large quantities of land in that dullest and most remote part of Ber muda known as situated on the southeast corner of the colony Targe and unheard of prices ero being paid for real estate holdings there today acquired volun tarily or by a of expropriation permitted by the t legislature under which a Jury fixes the compensation What Is in anticipation on the part of these capitalists Is still somewhat in but very great expendi tures in the way of an Immense Already here golf links And tramway round the island are the hinted at company lies slready taken over asd flas hotel at St Georges and from the rapid manner in is acquiring and for the fty its hfindi in the certainty flirts the playing ball now being every I elevated strata scattered where one along the the easterly end the main are to bo seen half a Island when one of them saw his bail negroes op Portugese each disappear down a Hole that would field lliefaraousBertnuda to ueVbt size the anil filling Jhemlpto of a fox or a the New York by disappearance trie hoy three crops of this renowned inland grown hcVoJneldc of every twelve months- are graded as one two size The first grSrfe now 1 informed bringing ttjq per although recently been much higher The iwVsijialler grades are for- homo- con sumption and food took etc The onion fields now planted the growth- oil this favorite vegcloiileJs much slower than the po tato only one crop these in a year being possible out- fcldera to know that famous as muda Is for potatoes and onions she cannot mature her own sell either onion or seed potatoes but has to look to America for her of reproduction of both these Import ant articles of her commerce In recent years the cultivation of lilies here for almost died out but this year there seems to he more of this formerly profitable crop In evidence Bermuda boasts tills l of many representative people ainong Us visit ors the- United and has for some time The Hon J A our Minister of immigration a at the Hotel Mr Glass the Dominion member for Middlesex University London iK to Inquire Into the or tit the charges made by James Young of against Taber at and as and to Investigate Into tiio charges made against Hastings Police Magistrate at Dunn- Ointtted from the list arc the and the Civil Service Commission wore several Parliamentary dno of which the A Committee whoso final report Is and Is causing the Government today owing- to a mbiority report which looks as If will carry In the liouso Those which the Premier remem bered as having finally reported nre the commissioner investigating the- gas the commis sioners on the Knpuakostng Colony and Investigating tho shooting of Ernest Bergeron Those reporting but forgotten Were the commissioners who Investigate and London gram t j AT OF rue YEARS From Feb r here but recently left for Ottawa and Senator Curry of jMoiitreal and his family- are occupying their beautiful villa of Cedar across the Ray at Paget Hamilton Bermuda Jan IBM TO COOT Lieu Twenty flppolnUd In So have the PO Govern ment been appointing commissions during the past year that the Premier himself was unable to give a satis factory answer to V Allan Sim- West in the Legislature when as to the appointed and how many hasp final The coat of these run up to about and this flgiire is veVy at that The Premier to com mission could only recall three of them making final reports Then he he others had put In final reports The twenty by the Premier arc A Commissioner to inquire into the administration management con duct discipline equipment and wel fare of The Ontario Hospital Hamil ton Commissioner to inquire into the administration management con- duel discipline equipment and wel fare Of The Ontario Hospital London A Commission to Into administration etc etc of The Vic toria industrial School A Commission to Inquire Into the Natural Gas Situation A Commission to inquire into and report on Soldiers Settlement Colony at Kapusasing A Commission lo inquire into and report upon by timber licenses or other persons of timber upon Crown lands Succession A Commissioner to inquire- Into and reifort upon the fair market value of assets- of estate of late John Me- Martin re payment of Succession A Commissioner to inquire Into and report upon the fair market value of of of late Johnston re payment of Duties A Commission to coordloato and unify Labor Laws A Commissioner to Inquire Into Hits shooting of Bergeron by certain constables In the County of Essex ii A Commission to inquire into and report upon the wages paid to men employed by the JlydroElectrio Power Commission in the construc tion of the De velopment eto etc A Commissioner to Inquire Into and report upon of ear of whiskey at the oily of Chatham etc A to inquire Into and report upon best method of se lecting appointing- and remunerating sheriffs county court officers olefins of the crown attorneys etc A Commission under the Ath letic commission Act t920 promote and encourage amateur tiport HUM A or Inquiry re Hydro igiA the Province of Ontario to attend held for purpose of promoting uniformity of legislation In the province for Mothers A Connnlseion ioquiraInto and report rag the financial obligations of the towards the University of Frederick Perkins was homeward bound Ills Jibraes at a walk wlowly- were passing through a long stretch of woodland which ended at Ida fathers farm Very well pleased then The nigh horse which he bad purchased an hour previous a fine looking animal mate to the off horse True new horse WW ft bit too having shied no less than three Wmcs that hour but Seth had confidence In and in a vay be was not Jll-pJcas- to find the animal a bit strong on the bit I can get over the ground a little taster now that Ive got a that can stop lively remarked talking to himself Will have to gel out a new schedule for the he chuckled IUget to school before they know It I suppose there will be some who will have an idea that cant handle a span but Im afraid of a good harness I can master them The good strong borne did not own at that lime He had been fiOtDIStt KrasliLskl a veteran of Napo leons Moscow Campaign who told workers that he was bom In and la thus years old planning on getting it for days Iji of the the in Serniuda I Toronto King new but bad put it off day after day and now he had put off the buy ing until later That was big off the doing of tilings which needed lo be done HI buy a new doubleharness within a few he muttered guess this one will be all right for a time The foil owing morning Seth started on bis regular trip picking up the school children here and there along the country roads The time came that he had taken bis last young aenger abroad and now with a full barge he headed his horses for the village school miles distant On roar step stood Jonas Grossman a big boy of the school Slow of wit generally speaking was Jonas Hie backwardness accounted for pres ence in a class of hoys and girls con siderably younger than himself Awk ward loosejointed big of frame he was the laughingstock of the school The new horse acted badly from the start that morning The March wind seemed to make him more fiery than he was at his worst the previous even ing and the more tractable off horse the spirit pulling with un wonted strength at the bit I wish bad that new harness on them muttered Setli gripping the reins a bit more firmly as the barge the crest or Crooked Hill a hill more than a mile long and ending at the river road if one of these reins should break Id be in a fine fix Just as horses reached the top of the last rtse a partridge whirred across the toad directly in front of them Instantly did the new horse leap la harness his mate following a fraction of a second later The next instant they were plunging down the hilt toward the liver There could be no such thing as the frightened animal a with that pair of reins knew only too well that were he to jerk on an he wanted to and heeded to one or both would snap The children were quick to note the danger and their screams of terror still farther fright ened the fyike a panorama opened up before the entire length of the hill crook seemed to come before his eyes In a second he saw the ateep Incline and the sharp turn onto the iyer road He knew that that turn never be made by the fran- tic without an upset He was cognisant of the fast that were the horses to plunge ahead onto ihe river Ice there be but one result a terrible tragedy One other thing came his eyes as the horses galloped down the first A con taining two tons or more of salt hay it stood at Hie foot of the hit on the river road on the rtgtit hand aide when making the turn the left Baag on Jonas yelled over Ills shoulder Hn I let out was not slow to think that day sbouUd to him he the danger resulting a He knew were too to get by broken limbs If not broken necks would be the result I he thundered Hie while the upright bars on either side of the door You dont- get by me I SU down I tell you The score of were massed just within the rear doorway the while pushing and screaming r Some were tugging at Jonas hands In an effort to break their grip while others we re pushing against his breast The while Jonas hung grimly on Meanwhile had stooped and up a halfInch hitch rope widen was coiled at his feet it was a rope a dozen feet long At one end was a steel snap hook Hooking the reins up his head Seth stepped over dasher and down onto the pole An ins later he was making his way out between the two horses barge was then halfway down the with a straight road ahead for a quar ter of a mile The undertaking was hazardous jn the extreme Mho note lumping up end down and swaying from side to side but gave that part no thought The time come that lie got a on the collar of the nigh horse and reaching down be managed to the hitch rope onto the Inside ring lo the nigh horses bit A mo ment later and he was working his way back to the barge Reaching his seat seized the reins In his left hand and gripping the hitch rope with his right he awaited the crucial moment The horses were now plunging down the last sleep In cline A hundred yards or so distant was the turn onto the river There stood lbs big cock of salt hay and there determined to throw one or of bis horses rtnee to Hie bay cock was cut down one hundred feet to fifty to twentyfive Then were the Just at the turn of the road yanked on the rope pulled with all his might He had dropped the and was holding them with one foot which he had set upon hem Just as they were about to slide over the dasher With both hands did he grip the rope and pull The head of the nigh horse shot down ward and as the animal dropped onto farewell was- given A Esq at the Temperance on Friday evening be being about to remoVe to the of and gentlemen were present The chairman was J P Wells Esq P and the vice- chair was occupied by of MCol of Toronto lec tured Mechanics Institute on Friday night on The Duty of to Canada The Municipal Officers for are ftobt inspector and Collector Ceo Market Clerk and Holmes Crawford Pound- Keepers Ed vidgc Martin Coryell J no Pence Viewers Mr John Terry of Sharon died on Fob as a result of accident Mr Terry was a very active and a prominent worker in once S en terprises The members of Co No will parade at HeadQuartets Sharon on Sunday for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late Terry Mrs Jos Carry has opened a dress making establishment on Simcce St Esq A Is the new principal of the Qrninmar School here Miss the popular of place has art engagement at Aurora next week Mr Campbell who has been practising law here for some years removed lo this week gemote Minstrels are to appear here on Nfonday evening Mr J Hughes makes a special announcement of prize paper collars The members friends of the Church at Surprised Vie pastor Rev A Hunt on and made a voluntary donation of accompanied by an address Feb A Cane Howe l as Saturday evening Mi Frank Stewart and daughter are visiting In Toronto Miss Baldwin of Toronto spent over Sunday with her cousin Mrs Cane Mr Stephens who is attending the Ontario Vet College In Toronto home over Sunday Mrs J I from is making a months visit at Alderman Hunters Mr J Green is representing the Royal Templars at this week Mr- Edgar James school teacher at and a graduate of New market High was calling on friends In town last Saturday Mrs Cook of is visiting Mrs Dr Wesley this week- Mrs Geo Moftlroorc of Toronto Is on account of her mothers ill ness A party surprised Mr tad Mrs J Stephens Pine Orchard Wednesday evening Mrs Bolton and son to home to last Friday and only got as far as on account of the roads being blocked with snow In every direction Messrs Brunt on and Cower were stuck In a snow drift his knees the barge swung around hours corning home from and toppled over with force Hie stack of hay- Scarcely had the upset come when leaped to the ground ana an in stant later before the fallen horse could regain his feet Seth had both animals by the bits While he strug gled with them Jonas came to his assistance Poor looked as though he had come Id contact with the business end of a frail His face arms and hands were scratched and bleeding while his clothes were half torn off of him They didnt got by me be chuckled as he helped quiet the hordes They are out now and no broken bones I They fought like wild Indians but they couldnt break hold You did well Jonas and no cried was depending on you and you did not fall me Investigation showed that outside of a fright none of the boys aid girls wie Injured and within twenty minutes the barge had been righted and the trip to the Was resumed found both horses much more tractable sod although he the hitch rope attached to the nigh he had no occasion to pull on it returned after his afternoon he made It a point to the new double the horses thus he found in them he day to The of put ting off the doing of that to be done passed that day never to return And ttuks brought her J private A- got ten leave so up to see the sigh At you finrt 11111 last Friday after a match Aurora Methodist visited Newmarket Wednesday afternoon decorated rigs below zero last Monday mom The Altar At Hill Feb by Rev J Mr Scott from North West to Matil da of Feb id by Rev Wm of East to Miss Annie McNeil of North ff Jerusalems large array of cobblers who have been enjoying an undreamed of prosperity terrible conditions of the streets which his kept them busy repairing shoos are beginning to worry over lean days ahead- With British administra tion and the Zionist on- improving streets of the Holy City the see future of little to do compared to tho golden harvest they arc now reaping accord ing to the Palestine Weekly a new English newspaper published WiUxplans under way for the establishment of shoe factories capable large diily which will bring Sice prices down to a level combined vtith the the streets are now acquiring the present opulent cobblers have to worry over the future CASTORIA V J r r I m

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