I fc TWO A OK FlUbA I I Collin ivcrdo end coboddlUonol word fJ for- each not paid when ordered too will bo oh aimed fop Cooking per barrel- and 100 per bog delivered A Knights j Fop A quantity of seed Micks Phone No Geo peas Notes sudden death of Tom Wallace of vhloh at Si Michaels Hospital In To- w DM Mr Mrs ft Osborne spent Sunday In Toronto op on Sunday from pneumonia and Mrs Geo spent has caused regret Ho was Town member In bo Commons for i For A House on cast side of Prospect Ave north Of St Apply at premises or New market Wanted general Dulles to commence April 1st Wages a month Apply to New market token for all kinds of work drain seplle lanks Sat isfaction guaranteed James Howard Pearson St title date will not he respon sible for contracted by my wife Signed Charles Newmarket Blades We sharpen all Gillette lnijIo edge Blade Shop Power St West York for the past years and wag a genera favorite In House with oil parties This leaves or four vacancies In House and fur ther opportunities to reduce ma jority of the Mclghen Government Toronto iw4 For or Summer House on Lake Shore Hood Now for month sale l Era Office 2tf for Bate One at KarHon One at Springlike Now each Must sell on account of viokneas Box Era Office Man with large family cap able of helping on a Fruit Farm Year ly engagement ft A Goodwin ft St Catharines Englands Grand Old Man of present day Lloyd George hints that It time the colonies considered question of defense and tho Confer ence of Premiers In Irondoii a few weeks hence will have something say In matter Years ago Sir Wilfrid did all ho could risk ing his popularity In Quebec and los ing the premiership over It to Initiate Canadian navy for of our coasts and commerce With each passing year the wisdom of policy has become more manifest Neither nor other far- sighted Canadian has proposed that Canada should become Involved In ex penditures for- Great Britains various complications in the old world But it Is our business as a selfrespecting nation lo pay our own way For Cat roomed house on Ardent furnace electric lights bath oil- conveniences Also adjoining lot Apply Bert Green Timothy Market Newmarket Monday Feb 2 Horse Blankets somewhere between Dykes Mill and of Whitchurch on Town Line Finder will please leave them at Blacksmith Shop Newmarket A navy blue Beaded Hag on Main St on Friday night Feb between the King George Hotel and the Drug Store Small sum of money In bag Finder kindly re turn to King George Hotel Interest is being aroused through out country on corning Refer endum The attitude of Premier towards the Is to temperance forces In Toronto the other day ho Bald Willi the passing of the referendum you will have Die liquor trade where It will be definitely possible con trol It We have legislation on Hie statute hooks which will come Into effect witli the passing of refer endum that will make prohibition ef fective The manufacturer will bo unable to deliver liquor within the bounds of this province and wo devise a system by which all liquor for other than beverage wilt be recognized It Is lime local or ganisations were beginning to move- only a little over six weeks before the vote Is token Our Toronto Letter for 8al In Aurora MHlon pressed brick All conveniences Hardwood floors and finish Seven rootoo Good garden Bargain for quick oale Harrison Ave Aurora CARD OF THAHK8 Mrs Smith wishes la thank many friends for their gen erous help and sympathy during the recent illness and death of her Hus band WANTED Application will be received by the undersigned up to oclock Mon day afternoon Feb for the posi tion of Assessor for the Town of New market By order P J ANDERSON Town Clerk In a silent swift thrust by the Hoe weie trapped by a squad of fifty police In a cook pit arena watching a game cook the building of the National Conduit plant street one oclock Sunday morning was the largest raid carried but by the police in many years and not man Is believed to have escaped the police net The death occurred in the Toronto General Hospital of David of Ontario sheet Deceased suf fered a paralytic stroke one week ago and bad not recovered from the ef fects Born in StouffvJIIc years ago be fanned In Brock Townsblp for years and came to Toronto In Since then he had been em ployed with the Parks Commission for when he retired He was a member of Si Pauls Church and the Holy Name Society Surviv ing are two sons David and and three daughter Mrs Mrs Johnson Mrs Newton Approximately damage was done to Ihe threestorey buildings and contents at 208a Adelaide St west by a fire which broke out about eight oclock Monday night The flames started In the bottom of the elevator shaft Mrs Froscr and Miss Laura Trent of Toronto tho weekend Willi Mrs Mrs Gardner will re ceive at her home Prospect Ave Tuesday March 1st from to Mrs King of Lindsay returned home yesterday after spending a week With her Mrs N A Cornell J Rev Mrs it J I Simpson of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Cornell while In Town this week r Mr end Mrs Roy Storks and two children also Mrs spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Albert Storks Mr Howe of Toronto who was the guest of Mr John Cross over Sun day sang a fine solo In the Methodist Church at the morning service Mr and Mrs A M Baker Ring- wood Ont announce the engagement of their younger daughter Cora Ruth lo Mr Earl Nash Consul marriage lo place In March Miss Wright of Toronto editor of the Friend was in Town last Saturday on her way to attend lite funeral of Mr Clark of who years of age ESTIMATE EXPENDITURE OF HYDRO AT The estimate of capital expenditure power commis sion of Ontario for the fiscal year October 31 Is This Includes for slonChlppawa development for Niagara system Thunder Ray system Cen tral Ontario system St system Port Ar thur Thunder Bay and Superior sy stem Eugenia system and other As regards tho and Rail way Commission the amount of capi tal expenditure is 1433283 making a for Hydro and T and N of A better friend riovcr liven equals were but A cow recently eclipsed all Wo mlas your kind and ling hand Canadian for yield of milk andYour fond and earnest care percentage of butter fat according to The world is not the came to us Report NO Issued by J We everywhere Department of Agriculture This re port gives the records of performance of alt bred dairy cattle from April 1010 to March 31 in fond and loving memory of the standards of every breed a J my dear father Richard Smith who missed by Brother MR J list of bulls qualified for registration The of cows aro given ad also those of and breeder ago at lest dale of calving production required total production percentage of fat he number of days milked and in the majority of cakes the number times milked per day Ohio last mentioned matter having lately been a subject of experiment at College Guclph Col lege Que it Is interesting to note tbot many of the were milked three limes a day and some of the four times Of the Ayrshlrcs the greatest yield for the year Is credited to a mature passed away Fob 6th 1020 J think of you- dear father Hut not with outward show For tho heart that mourns sincerely Mourns silently and low Wife and Daughters Ida and Annie in memory of our dear grandfather who died Feb dear Grandfather but not for gotten Ever remembered by Marjorio and Bertram HAMILTON Bond Dealers Fire son- Insurance Kirk In loving memory of our Victor who passed away Feb Just when his days were brightest owned by the Nova Agricultural College Truro and best percent- when his hopes were best age of butler fat to a cow owned In fit to take our Victor Prince Edward Island Of the Hoi- His Homo of Rest steins the record yield for year Sadly missed by all Is credited to a matron owned by the Colony Columbia and the heal percentage of butler fat to another British Columbian Of the Jerseys the first In point of yield Is hoUe0 ln fofanl parts of buildings orchard Juct good town and to lake and cummer rosoft Wo have a Hot of farmo to from 9 of the flneat In beet f 0 Beautiful I and right fop solo HAMILTON SON fond memory of my dear Noble Garfield Horner who departed this life Feb 92 22nd year an animal owned at Edgefield Ontario Sutton gently sleeping Is at- n not far away Pro the best of rut at- grave not far iribuled to a owned In wo laid our dear brother British Columbia a fouryearold year ago today Shorthorn owned at Buckingham Que claims the record for that breed ln of milk a Iwoyearold v TUB Though his loving voice is silent owned at Waterford the highest fat content In Mary WE NEED OUH LOAD in loving memory of Elizabeth Clarke who passed on Feb Two year have passed away Since one loved departed But still we think from day to day Of her whose smiles sadly missed A Niece TENDERS Tenders will be received up to Mar for the Erection of a Hen House the County of York Industrial Home Plans and specifications may be seen at the Home Tenders to be sealed and marked Tender for Hen House and addressed to Home Commissioners In care of Industrial Newmar ket BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger MARKET Just received a large stock of the LATE8T WALL PAPERS Now a the lime to make your Sections PRICES We the Paper If you us lo Phone P Box NEWMARKET FRIDAY HAY in Alarm Clock Andy He had no more punch than the old office cat but a Paramount Artcraft Picture ELECTED COMEDY CHILD TALKED CURED BY CHIROPRAOTOR Chicago Feb After talking helplessly for Hours In defiance of every remedial effort known to medical science little Miriam Rubin finally lapsed into a pro found slumber Induced by a vertebral adjustment at the hands of Dr Paul Chiropractor A hasty search of records disclos ed no case exactly similar Experts suspected that the weird aliment was a sister malady lo sleeping sickness The Rubin residence in Chicago III became a veritable clinic with spe cialists meeting intermittently in consultation It Is needless lo say that the parents are overjoyed at their childs recovery The above clipping was taken from the Toronto World of Feb and it shows how a chiropractor made this girl well when the best of medicine had failed Perhaps you are suffering from something on which the medicos have failed Why not try Chiropractio and get well Call and sec Dr J Chiro practor at Newmarket or Bradford REV ON TRIAL FOR MANSLAUGHTER A lad who was to take a trip in a freight steamer running on the Great bakes from Milwaukee to Buffalo stood watching as steamer was loaded As the stevedores went back and forth with their loads hour hour the boys face became anxious presently be exclaimed Say if theyre going put much more aboard Id stay at home He was the load would be too much for the steamer a more experienced sailor could have told him that a trip with an empty bold wo be one to be dreaded It is the ballast that steadies ship and enables her to go on- her way though wind and wave resist her- It Is the people without the load who have a hard time in world At first thought the young collegian who lias to earn a large pari of his ex penses is lo be pitied AS a matter of facl really unfortunate youth is the one whose father gives him more than he con spend wisely The young wage earner who has to turn a generous proportion of his earnings over to his mother gets much of the sympathy which should be reserved for the worker who is not so much as asked to pay his board at homeland fritters earnings without knowing exactly what he is getting In return It Is the boy riot the former who Is likely to be by debt oil his days We dread the load but we need the load Just qb the empty ship Is buffeted fibout by Ihe waves so a human being lacking responsibility the plaything of circumstances It is our steadies us It Is through our load that are victori ous Tomllnton In loving memory of our dear husband and father Torn- who departed this life Feb in his year on us thy mercy lighten With thy Jove our sorrows brighten Make our hope of heaven grow clearer Heaven Itself becomes dearer For theloved ones gone before Wife and Family miss bis well known footsteps And the wc used lo grec He was s loving brother A brother kind and true A belter friend never lived And his equals are but few Sadly missed by Velma and wart from to acres In Township of King ham and West o Acre wanted Wo have come exceptionally good bargains on the District In Town Plasty of Cheaper and Terms apply to WM HODGINS Box Horner our Feb In affectionate memory of dear son Noble Garfield who passed peacefully away In his 22nd year son Noble Horner affectionate memory of our dear brother Garfield Horner who passed peacefully In bis D we sisters you were kind In softly Bleeping In a grave for away Where we laid our Just one year ago today In bloom God claimed him Not dead to us love htm still lost but gone before He lives with us in memory And will for ever more Deeply mourned by Father and Mother Iprintino Satisfaction J tenttelIfltotaMi data all CAnspux of practical knowledge and an extensive and plant equipment assure pa trons a service that cannot be surpassed A telephone call No will bring a man to take care of your wants She J8va This is StockTaking Week and we find we are carrying too many goods o We have decided to put the knife into them at once er Mians Ulster and Regular to Out they Go at Black and Heather All Wool English Make Out they Go at I toow SATURDAY for the kiddles JACK The Shephrd of Kingdom a Goldwyn picture in parts that will please the children FATTY COMEDY SNUB POLLARD i woSdav JACK PICK FORD In The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come of The featuring EDDIE POLO -Comedy- Canadian Scenic AND THURSDAY presents BUCK JONES in Forbidden Trails romance of daring and volton MUTT AND JEFF A FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A MARY Windsor Ont Feb Vivid ly dramatic testimony touched wilh human interest character this session of the court at Sandwich presided over by Chief Justic Mulock be fore which Rev J is being arraigned on a of manslaughter in connection with ho death of Beverley on ho morning of Nov Mr was called to be witness stand in his own defence and during his two hours ex amination whipped the fagging interest of jaded spectators to fever In terse lucid sen tences pastorinspector re counted tho various events which culminated in the death of and when he broke down at the moment be told of firing the fatal shot sighs of sympathy swept across crowded court room The testified that held a revolver and one witness swears that he saw Mrs holding dead mans revolviM- riff lit after the This widow denies 40 O The Cradle pain In Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs James a son Evans Newmarket to Mr and Mrs Frank Evans a daughter Young At Feb to Mr end Mrs Leslie Young a daughter Altar On Feb 16th at the Methodist parsonage of Mount Albert Miss Jennie daughter of Mr and Mrs to son of Mr and Mrs Edward In Young Mens Reg up to Out they Go at r Hog In Effects Reg Neat and Chocks Guaranteed Colors Sweater Reg Pullovers and Necks In Good Com bination of Colors Tomb Lovelock In Newmarket Feb Lovelock 37 years Reg Black and Brown In AH Sizes In the lot and J a A Era to Absent Campbell In Toronto Feb daughter of the late and Mrs Campbell aged years Interment Newmarket Cemetery On Sunday Feb at Newmarket George Duff In his year Funeral Tuesday afternoon Hodge On Thursday Feb 1921 at the residence of her daughter Mrs M Brown Lauder Toronto Maria widow of the late of- Newmarket In her year Funeral from above address Satur day Feb at oclock in terment Newmarket Cemetery On Tuesday Feb her home in King township Mrs A widow of Hie late Hdghcs In her year Thursday Cemetery tor interment 1 All Colors and Sizes How Styles wj Reg While they last Caps Heg 3B0 New Shapes and Shades I ii These Lines are Limited so Come Early I OUTFITrfiR Kf OPPOSITE POST i