Newmarket Era , March 4, 1921, p. 4

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I North York garble Electric All lie In and work promptly to Took All of to John Moss Proprietor COX 12 Phono Huron Hoar Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Bee Bathroom Outfit at the TUB LEADING LOME NEXT TO M ITHS WE ft reliable agent for every lot to aell our lknown fruit EXCLUSIVE TORY RIQHT8 Our la valuable under COO OF fiSTABLIBHEb YEARS Write for particular to TORONTO OUT owe a duty to your family to Join S Nevmar- feel Tuesday flatea gladly given by any Join now You won regret It EVANS SO Seoy Box NEWMARKET of THE MUTUAL LIFE CANADA PLUMBING and FURNACES I GET OUR PRICES ASHTON FINNS NKWMARXKT Press nreU that bo oh fttctf really pay whop Wo run I Too dignity and a great deal of loit no doubt In the of officially opening but any In must at hilidnbbry I ho that lt evident on We at thftl of social lights of jiihia capital Whither urn wo Mercury If viiUni a thought hat by ho Hay wore lo a ovorn- that would put he on ho and hi mi era of economy they Jiavo the 02i of Hon Peter Smith to realize thai they were very much A lot of men of thinking that oilier Una or hotter than present work or Sometimes true often Is not Ah a matter of of arc tens thai fifty In our present poslllOHB therefore offer oporiunUlbs for making advances in per- sortal The more what has to of fer for uplift and blessing of will make appeal If it la not taken up commended on pyery occasion and In every than the manufacturer can spool goods will soil In fashion If he does not The advertising lis goods lias boon of the obligations end that iho church has very poorly fulfilled in the pant arid Indeed that fa very poorly fulfilling Wolon This is one of tho of adjustment In iho fluctuation of market values here was an even and general or fair in ibices of all- commodities the waiter of prices would not he ma terial But this is never the case Prices hi some lines Jong be fore other commodities show any sign of a market change This Is true In a rising and a falling market When every fldngelsa soaring In price newspaper advanced very slightly Wow when prices are declining In many other lines newspaper costs continue and there cab be no reduction In rates The Medicine Ontario proposal Is heard In some quarters that flogging as well as Imprisonment should he re sorted to in where a man convicted robbery or attempted robbery violence There ore many people for whom a prison term has no there ore very few who would not shrink the of the lash Many wellmeaning people would object on Hie ground that log ging a barbarous but If he necessary to slop the wave of crime then such an objection might be regarded as overruled The lash Is occasionally resorted to as punish ment for a certain class of offences and hero are the results There Is no doubt that It does appeal to both hardened and hardened con sciences where nothing else seems have any effect mm- reiiwiiiE i iV tie Joy- iUAdiA of tile world a iff oUvo older ft BroieM- No are to are they that others should hundreds letters written proclaim ing the merit of Ihle remedy note io one letter To It mar to certify that I had for over with end vao to try Bronchitis I bottlo after the third jo relief end bottle was perfectly In tho waertton hcsUattoa in saying it the best I ever in with for heavy eoWa Had Mrs Puat- Brush The original of this testimonial may bo seen at Hi St- Toronto This mixture la of ioyeekolde will give you It fail between you arid th to Take no on the bottle tfieSaUftctiea guaranteed money refunded your dmggiit SOLO JNNJ3WMAIIKE3T V lATTKngON OF BUILD CANADA Ottawa Foil the Hie total to Canada from different countries oaQdC entered fay way of lite and from United Slates i During a total arid women landed in Canada ore immigrants Scotland totalled and from THE REAL Stops lent for V w m NEW PHOTOQRAPHIO PLATE la Twentyfhre Times More Rapid Than Anything Known Before re in to numerous we have added K I ft to dur courses of study dents may now have the of taking this subject along with or in the place of Shorthand on request ENROLL ANY DAY Stenographic School Bank of Block Newmarket A for tJcct by fcj fcla ccltiil tijyd a to pltlnj lit y time- V7 fetLIOiY Paris snapshots are now possible by the discovery of a new photographic which Is like ly to revolutionize the medical science This plate Is twentyfive times more rapid than known before and makes possible an Xray photograph of vital organs of the Jiving body whoso- movements have hitherto blurred the images on ordinary plate pictures of the heart lungs and stomach can now be made inventor Dr Leonard A a prominent member of So ciety baa made snapshot photographs of the heart lungs icidneys and minor intricate mechanisms of an alarm All were taken In Hash with the Xrays on the new plate This plate it is make medical diagnosis of internal dis orders an science is work now In the diagnosis of a mans condition due to accident or diseased vital will be sustan- by a perfect knowledge of true condition discovery will also effect the world to a remarkable de gree Xray installations of power are being constructed at present time for flaws in the of machinery end mo tors Wad luslwitly killed Kcppel tLouL five utiles Owen Sound by a Three or four of us made up a little party to go to our ability In the art of tiilkng by kissing Uic stone says Albert It Spun Yarns of a Naval Officer The all lead to Homo applies to Blarney- too but the Irish rtfles cannot now rcconcii with the miles recorded by the Indicator I However we got there stains reached- the top of the lower Two persons were already an old man and one of the loveliest women ever saw We were rather pressed for time and so proceeded to kiss the atone The Blarney stone faces the outside of tower about three feet down if you wish really to kle3 ft you roust he let down the trick and be hauled up All around of the tower Is 0 hanging parapet pro jecting about a foot from the line of the lower wall built to enable the defenders when the- was at- ticked to pour boiling water or melted lead on top of the enemy operating on the front door Having let one another down we under the wondering gaze of the lovely woman gen tlemen she sold bul what nave you been doing We told her With a disdainful look she turned to the old fellow and said There George I told you pointing to a meeklooking stone Inside was not the Blarney stone J have come alt the way from America to go away without doing It I As she said that she looked appealing at us for George did not seem Inclined to rise to the The end of It was that we lashed her dress round her ankles lowered her and pulled her up triumphant There George now I can go back America and say that I have kissed the Blarney stone 1 cried I am bound to say that George who proved to be her did not look nappy or pleased Ills rtlon for telling the troth had suffered and I am sure that be wished we never had come The has already loaded over cars of lee at men are employed Twenty steamers were held up in New York harbor Saturday- due to Inability health Inspectors to ex amine the passengers for typhus fasi as the vessels arrive of Pasture r n Ontario Toronto who la carrying on even a moderate- the question of making economical partloulftrly Important at the present time Any system by tun bo with ft minimum use of high priced Jo of special There In which of or colli supplemented with groin will not gto greater gatrui at Ieia coat than the raised and finished on grain alone Of comparative value of soil ing end pasture It can bo catd that from an economic stand- there fa very dttforence While slightly greater gains are se cured from tho of soiling crops the extra work entailed In cutting and carrying the feed to the balances these gains The Is largely lost under a soiling while in It available In the noil It has been found by Carried en at experiment stations both In Canada and United that it Is seldom advisable to pasture under lbs in weight Boiling crops however can bo fed to le at a mucn earlier period When hofs are fed on pasture atone they barely maintain their weight so to secure rapid gains some grain must be fed It la seldom a good policy to be sparing with grain- to pasture even where it luxuriant The- amount fed will of course depend to a large ex tent on the of forage crop used a relas the at which the hogs are tie finished This amount be Increased as the stage reached About lb of grata is a good allowance to start with improved gradually until to lbs are being fed Of all forage crops alfalfa the where it can be grown a degree It pro early pasture that con tinual tobe succulent throughout the New of alfalfa must be pastured carefully but after is from to may be an acre providing are receiving a fairly full grown ration Next to alfalfa rape la the best green crop for Because of the with which may be grown many aeetions is a more valu able crop than alfalfa It may be sown drills Inches at the rate of I lbs per acre or sown broad- east Pigs should not be turned on rape until about to Inches In height and when It is fairly well eaten pit should -be- given a change to up again having some on which the can turned for a time Next to rape clover ft the beat pasture or soiling crop The growth la not luxuriant as either rape or alfalfa nor It cover as long a feeding period Clover should be used where- several plots are being pastured al ternately Red clover is most com monly recently clover la- rapidly demonstrating Us value a pasture crop for Other pasture crops such as peas rye vetches and turnips are of and dOnot grve good enough results to warrant use except where it Is impossible to use the more highly recommended crops Rye may be advisable in cases where particularly early pasture is de sired A good arrangement of pasture crops Is secured when alfalfa is pas tured first and when It Ie eaten off fairly well a plot of red clover or sweet clover can be pastured The alfalfa may then be allowed to row for hay and a field of rape sown be pastured later when the clover la done Rape sown at different in tervals can- bo used alone but gives slightly interior gains compared to the use of different pasture crops bos been found by experiments car ried oh at widely distributed experi ment stations that the use of pas ture or soiling crops In feeding bogs enables the feeder to secure gains at from JO to per cent less coat than where grain feeding alone to finish the hogs on pasture its use prac ticed When it Is not desired to fin- the hogs on pasture its use still valuable because of the healthy thrifty it induces in the growing hogs thus making them much more likely feeders than when are raised without green feeds in A Review I iiJ A p Sciatica SstYO Good to A vail known forfjltcea years pre- by told by drug- fctfcta a box- Ask our tgta for a trial package King Sold by J eon end In Sutton by 11 Treiuiyne alt broken of jbineiy ecu bo prices by this it tii JlrJS rif of Toronto Poultry Improves Flock Poultry culling demonstrations Edward Island show that the flrat year the number of birds culled was about per cent in the tblrdt year only about 3Q per had to be culled owing to the good effect of grading up It pays to show that you have hens that will lay well The pen winning layers at a recent contest in Ottawa sold for about three the price of Just good laying birds Get really food layers then test and select Wve Stock Promptly remove frota the dairy herd any animal of being la bed health and reject her milk The bauds of milkers should be with soap and and dried on a clean to before bends foul i I Saturday to Friday No butter time your prJnyshopplnu No heller your your solrrtlons lo fiiive these Week mm of winter- hut iu- Unit up Just AND SHAKERS sold season at J m SALE yowl 10 yds RIACK heavy yard SALE In blues arid block stxlpef sold last season at yard ON THIS WEEK yard COTTONS last season yard ON SALE WEEK yard yds 175 LINEN TOWELLINGS yard ON SALE THIS yd yds 375 A NEW GINGHAMS In stripes colors sold last season at ON SALE THIS WEEK yard A LA CORSETS sizes up to regular and pair ON SALE WEEK SLACK STOCKINGS pull- ON SALE THIS WEEK fiOJESBTTE SILK STOCKINGS all wlors and ON TIIIS LADIES SAMPLE BOOTS In kid to worth up to pair ON SALE J1US WEEK pat SAMPLE feTATS regular wtorth up ft pair ON SALE WEEK SOCKS In wool pair SALE WEEK pairs Ma AND BLUE STRIPED made with bibb rind Plastic braces ON WEEK paU BRAND CALF HOOTS pair ON SALE WEFJ 70 SOFT regular each ON SALE THIS 9195 HEAVY AND LIGHT WOOL all garment ON SALE WEEK I BOH MUST The can no more expect that what it baa to offer for toe- uplift ami blessing of tbe world will make a strong appeal If It la not taken up ana commended on every possible oc casion and In every consistent way llic- manufacturer can that I goads will sell la any j fashion If he does not The wholehearted advertising of goods baa been one of the obligations and duties that the Church has very poorly fulfilled in the aet and indeed that It la very poorly today WORDS OF WIS MEN fientaoguea try to Keep feet both Hindoo As each goes way accompanies htm Tarall To him who Is determined It re mains only to act Italian proverb Defer tomorrow to be wise Tomorrows sun to thee may never rise The law that rounds the world the Rounds the frame EVERY FARMER WHO KNOWS To whom he paid money or from whom he re- it what it was for and the amount keep a perfect set of books BECAUSE thai ia all that is quired of farmer who owns Simplified Accounting Farmer tor THE Does the Five Years of Complete Accounting in Providing you with a monthly and yearly com- statement of receipts and expenditures im each department of the form and setting forth at each year farm production the of production each department and the Net Profit or Loss which yielded Books may be purchased at THE ERA OFFICE I CHARLES HAMILTON HAMHTON CO We have for Bala the following Due Int Pay Price Yield of British Columbia 2nd April and Province of Alberta Nov 1st 1922 May and November Ml ft Province of Manitoba June June and December United Countries of and City of Fort William Aug Feb August Wft Village of Deo Annually CHy of Medicine Hat Nov let Half yearly Victory Loan Nov lei May November Ba8 ivmRmiz I Live looking for Houses- for If you want to come In and list your House for la tid live and ficica Wf Dox Notice of for NOTICE hereby 1tch iWiliy of the City of fch County of York the Ontario will apply to the of Canada al for a bill or divorce from her band Thomas Henry Apple ion said City of Toronto on the adultery Dated at Toronto this ey ef December A Lily by GODFREY Bay Si Notice of Application for OB ANY I m mm NO OFFICE NOTICE la hereby fflen Cordon Gordon of the if Toronto la the County of York Provlace of will apply fc Parliament of Canada at elon thereof for BUI of his wife Violet Anne Maud now known aa Violet Anne formerly of the City of En the County of York at at the of te Province of fcc Sreund of and at the City Toronto of York the of Ontario this day of January A Solicitor for the Appllctal 103 Bay St of ftlt NOTICE hereby given Ihsi of the City of liilhe County of Jo lite of Oa- Watchman will apply IM Parliament of Canada at the nut fclon thereof for a bill of his wife Mae Dorothy City of Toronlo on the Dated at Toronto In the Preykif of ibis of AD 120 A for Life Terenta rftSJJ

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