Newmarket Era , March 4, 1921, p. 6

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He Mr and Mm Alva Mount Al bert announce lb of only daughter Mac to Mr Mil Of Mr Samuel of lake In March A of from our iid High School went lo Tuesday night of lnt arid complain they were to against a senior learn score lo fin regular monthly meeting or Ihe imdltnle Will be held at the homo w If Leek on Month Tho report the will he given by oonllully J miter I 10 of Indies these of vine limber and lumber sellable for straw shed or J Albert The Hall was well filled on Monday ewilnguy those who wen to sec of Toms Cabin All who attendee seemed the children There are a number of sick people town suffering from whl considered an attack of the Mr Waller Drapers children are on the to recovery from an attack of diphtheria Another unpopular change of lime on the It Morning papers do not until evening on Tuesdays Thursday and Saturdays very lamb like ft load over to Jig Unfit J Landing to Mrs flail held a on Mtb Edward Andrews a high ly of at in oil Tuesday a illnca Wilfred it in Tor unto anil Mr at Mr a social evening at Mr J Jin and fioud and ftjioruliiiK few titieitrvilj hret farms are hands to now owners Mr Mr A stead arid Mr JhnMnqtoad but lh will slill In our Willi Mann and a and Mrs Barker- of spent the weekend homo of Mr end Mrs Mrs ft Sleeper attended Meeting of the held fit Joronlo and Fri day of last week Mrs on Tuesday for Ifiejr home In Mediator Basic Hayes has been visiting at home of her brother Mr Hayes in Horace Pearson has purchased Mr house Mr tenor of St Church Toronto sany a solo at the Melhodtst night which was greatly appreciated Mr Robert- Davis imported a car load of week drspoasd of LANDING gervicc8 are being hold in the Methodist Church every are the old type ably conduced by Both these men are ex speakers and you will not lie disappointed if you come your cosy for one evening at least arid near the an- the Great Question During the following woA will be continued and cordially invited Will you come THE ftAiLWAV MUNICIPAL In the matttfr of the application of the Albert Telephone Com- Limited for to increase charges for service hearing in the above will be held In the Hal Mount Albert on day of March at thirty In the afternoon All per sons are directed to attend Secretary Brown Hill Quite a number from this vicinity went to Toronto or Monday to hear trial of Mr Thompson who Is up for nonsupport of and fondly htti GcoiScdore of Chatham is paying his a liberal visit who Is very III Our- little teacher Miss Joy Marrili of Keswick Is here Jnaotlve which I believe she Is mak ing progress Willi the little folks There was- a nice crowd at the homo of Mr tondens last evening lo pay tribute Mr Willie was united In marriage to his better half preliminaries wan carded out In gig which you might dance The fiddler In charge was Mr Is ah old hand at the business and of ten Is called on for such affairs The many friends enjoyed themselves Of course I shall not permit myself to eomernoibto the folks who were present However I wish Willie and many yeais of and prosperous life hero on Sunday was taken by local help as our pastor was the dlslHoa services In Toronto Very sorry to hear that Mrs Alex ander Is on the sick list Buffering from an epidemic monster i Mr and Mrs J and family was visiting relatives at Swamp on Sunday Mr Miller went to Toronto last undergo ati for an- you any old Iron brass rubber or rags If so Mr William Johnson Is at your ser vice again to your burden of such- merchandise Will Is certainty a Jolly old Just like St Nicholas Well It Is exceedingly mild just noiv and I am In fine to write but my allotted time la expired and I must go to post my budget Sleeping Beauty Wedding are ring ing I Glad to hear that George much and will soon ho homo again Mrs- Mil ford J in Toronto owing to the of mother Mr and Mrs have after honeymoon March in like a look but for the lion Mrs along with Miss spent a few days last in city- The home of Mrs splendid liiiie Is reported On Wednesday night next the era will he by Wo du not play cards should organize a Progressive Club from I hem lis a splendid way of spend ing evening see Muster Stuart Wal ton- out a sveoKg ill v Mrs I was spending a few days with in Toronto of Thou sand Islands are hero on wedding trip visiting his unci Mr Miss the- week end Toronto- is the maimer with Kes wick All they need is ice WHmbt J wnij of 000 Experienced Man and out children to work Saskatchewan Leaving wages paid to party Apply personally t GEO P HI CORNERS Wife farm In about March STOKE OUT We have nice slock left yet of Mill- lary at LOW Prices coats Tunics Eta Come and get cheap and the high cost of WHCRK AW Phone ft Mr Carbon Pollock and Percy Winch attended the Do minion Alliance Convention at Toronto as delegates for the Christian of the Chris tian Church at Keswick Mr James Peters is steadily recovering and is now able to sit up a greater part of the day We hope this will continue Mr and Mrs Henry have relumed and have taken up their residence or a lime with grooms parents They have our heartiest wishes for a long and happy life and prosperity Mrs Peters visited her sister Mrs Draper at Mrs Frank ville She lias returned from Hospital undergoing a serious operation Wo are glad to say is recovering strength and expects to return to her home at Wolfe about Mar Veda Pollock spent a few days in the city last week visiting relatives Miss Laura Peters of Toronto Spent the weekend with Her cou sin Mr Peters Mrs flalph wo are to report Is laid up with a broken rib Miss Terry of Toronto spent the weekend at her Mrs J AyJward spent last week In the city visiting Bisters and at tended the Provincial Prohibition Convention Wo are lo hear thai Mr Russell St rosier Is getting along- fine since recent operation for appendicitis Mrs J went to City on Monday to sec her son Mr Hoy who underwent a serious Have you got your ticket for the Missionary Banquet tonight Miss Nell Smith of Toronto visited at her homo on Sunday Mr Albert Sedore of visited friends In Wed nesday afternoon Our hockey team have been enjoy ing their sport with the Bradford learn but ft took some of the cream off when the truck In which they were going oyer to Bradford on Monday lost a front and had to trudge about miles on Shanks nags Needless to say they not In the best trim to jutCn the evening The League was enjoyed by a turn out These fine days are making the roads sloppy and it Is certainly not the best travelling to get Into the post office- ask Mr Hunter it would not cost our village much to a cement walk leading to that most public place also a crossing the station The Police Trustees of the village have at last got busy and have pur chased a chemical fire engine and equipment and steps are now under way to organize a fire brigade a new school new library building fire hall community and a larger skating needed certainly have something to look forward to and we would be uptodate and why not on this popular con solidated school seems to be looking better es people think ft over A meeting of the Farmers Club will be held on Monday night basement of the Methodist Church at when a Debate la arranged for together with several speakers Ladles will please provide League topic March The Leader- Mrs Header Miss Bea trice Thompson This evening all members are re- to be present A reception being given to new members so Ihstruoled ar range for the township end adverllsing for current year A bylaw was passed assessor give tlio vior of every dog a to hoop a of number of all lags and to whom delivered The following were or- Mall V- 3277 Hospital- Taplln Paul medical service Comer sheep claim 700 A auditors a Anderson auditors A A bylaw appointing of highways poundkeepers and fence viewers also passed adjourned to meet at Friday April at pm School Reports a I flvdlllmbuhy and King month of Names arranged In order of merit Hoy Jennie West Jr IVylfrank Ward Preach Sylvia Lane equal Morning Jr HI Vio let Hoe Ethel French Iris Smith Jr Morning Dor othy Percy Word Gordon Morning Alfred Smith Mary James Woods absent Jr L Robert A Lane Grace Mary nose Elsie Dorothy Smith C Helen Nora French Foun tain Present West Sylvia Lane Mac- Arthur Kathleen Percy Mary Grace Number roll 33 lleisllp Our Toronto w Montreal head in order of merit Ma rion Margaret Winch Kelson John Davidson Br Scott Vera Hor ner Arva Manor Lloyd Au drey Marin Cameron Jack Thompson Daisy Stevenson Jr Garnet Sheridan J SKelsdnand Mabel Davidson tics Muriel Davidson Stanley Sheridan Sweet Jr If Mildred Alma Kliliel I Cecil Austin Huntley and Alien Mann ties My rile Sweet Delia iPogjr Mary Vera Thompson Helen Paisley teacher of 21000 from the hero on of last In broad day- the police for sthne Toller Wright had In an office beck of his for making up for the clearing house When ho re turned a package of in bills rind In bank only for exchange between banks had Edgar Urowa teller In the Hank was arrested this weak and he that he took the money In cover up certain gold mine slocks which re quired more margin Two armed entered a but cher store owned by at street cast at Saturday end in money from the cash register Mr two young men employed Id the store preparing to close store The days receipts were In the cash register and vdndow Winds had been drawn when the two men revolvers came In They ordered his clerks to stand still The robbers forced them to walk Into- refrigerator and then locked- them the rash regi ster was then rifled and toe money Including the coppers stolen Tiie men In getting out of the and phoned the police but the robbers made good escape An Increase of robberies in- Toronto last year compared with the number In 1019 was reported to the police commissioners- by Chief of Police Dickson who placed the total number of at Alter considerable discussion at the annual meeting of the Ontario Munici pal Electric Attsodalionlast week two hundred delegates present adopted a resolution strongly opposing jhe report of Hie special commit tee of the legist which proposed among other things a tax of per horsepower on nil power developed province to a fund which to- make grants toward cost of building rural power transmission lines Co wholesale grocers of this arc surng the Sugar of Chatham Ontario for which the plain tiffs slate are the profits they have on ions of bought through brokers for and which was not delivered to them The action involves various sugar deals in which If Co of Philadelphia and other concerns were Interested V Moriey was a In the recent action brought before Justice seeking a declaration that the Croc- ere Association of Ontario was an Il legal combine T i 1 Sterling in town is than a for It is the representative of an Institution ore prepared to a personal Interest In your business end to ral5t you every Advice rcardlnS financial or Investment and Information- dealing with farm problems la freely effort la to obtain It yon the benefits personal Banking and flnericlal matters dealing your arm j Aurora I rnslnQj of Canada i MILK AND CREAM SHIPPING alow growing all the is shipped- J Sutton West Dr of Toronto to announce to the citizens of Sutton and the surrounding country that be will opens dental office In the Os borne block of this on School Names in at merit Irwin Clarence- Mildred Hazel Myrtle Lome Lloyd Stephenson Prank Kirby Jr III Mildred Moore Margaret El mer poster Helen Moore Elizabeth Hoover Lome Duncan Class Willie OStley Wasley Muriel Stephenson Ear Dora Gordon George Lloyd fitattio Wal lace Viola Jean Sheridan IhCliffor4i Harry Oakley Dawson Gladys Oakley Smith Jr I Viola Lloyd Edna Primer Hoover- Vera Duncan Verne Earl Ivan Kay Pearl Oakley Fee teacher A aloe punch of young Plymouth fctedtolay Stock Price HARRY Mount Albert dot can East 1 t IN- THE of the of Draper late the villus of Mount Albeit In the county of York Tenders for the following property in the village of Mount Albert will be considered sad particulars given by lite The half of lot numbs the Bill concesiion of the said Town ship of described follows Commencing at a of one hundred and three feet southerly from the south western of the land owned by one Matthew PorlJoyiibte The Ladles Aid Society had meet ing at the last Tuesday There were quite a present Mr Bowes preached a splendid ser mon Sunday evening as usual The solo by Mr tarry Kaleer was by all present Sabbath School at p All Invited to be present Junior League at the church on Fri day at p in Service on Sunday evening at in Special music the welcome The play folk of The Mother were entertained by the Indies Aid Society at the home of Mr and Mrs O J Silver en Monday evening had a very en time Wing Raymond Olive ftae David deus Shanks Waller Wilson Jr Marshall Davis Velma Cook Billy Gordon Davis Jr Lyman liubel Pox George Vincent Fox Nerval Davis Ruth Ramsay Btiaytd from lot cob Est pvrtlliaury bout Nov a Ewe tad two Reward JACOB SMITH Sharon Ml Albert SALE I Pove Cattle end 10 to Hill Oat and on the boundary of the south idoo degree cast feet and six lochea filocirf ald boundary thene easterly two llitace nine vest feet four laches couth four west IvrO eoIuu to the of by seven fortieth of en Administrator 60S Out The ladles Aid and at the heme of Mrs flrat en Wed- atteihoon Council meeting of council was held Pefferlaw on Friday February Member all present Minutes of iVad and adopted report received and and to copies foi A Cobk it Wood Walker Walker Hill Arnold rf Br fioaue Jr Walker Book- P Lunney A Lewis Rank Owens Arnold Walker Newton 1 A I Owens Jr LV Rank Beckett Pr A W Beckett A teacher TO or othcrvJio With to a Invitation to County Court Two Lights In Front of Motor end- Required by Lav The Ontario Motor league has been advised by the police authorities of York County that the law- against placing license markers where bump ers fenders spare tires mudguards splash pans skirting or anything else will interfere with Ihelr visibility will be vigorously enforced The marin ers must be kept clean This is not a new law It has been frequently observed In the breach during- the past few years Cases of deliberate con- change and partial oblitera tion such for smear ing of part of the with dirty oil or grease have become so- numerous that the police county and city have decided to take heroic measures If necessary to discourage such The county police will issue for- all motorists- uot comply with the provisions the motor vehicles act mat requires- two lamps to be lit- on the front oar or truck at night Not a few- cars and trucks have been ted on the highways at night one of the headlights -This- is a manifestly dangerous foe which drivers found guilty here after pay thru the nose via the The York County police authorities are also- determined to prevent- in fraction of the law with approved does not necessarily establish with the law as tenses or de vices wrongly applied In- some cases Increase glares of the headlight bulbs and aligning of- the relleclora are In many oases On the other hand not equipped with approved leases or devices establish In- fraction the law for which their will be required to pay the many times the cost off sp- devices Ihe cars go by you will see that In not a few cases the prisms of the are off horizontal We ho a seen them diagonal perpendicu lar and This la illegal of course the law specHlcally states how the and devices should be installed Proper Its This a neces sary provision If he latent the law glare Is io had But wide that Only thru proper and Its raintep- Is efficient read ttTallable world warm separatorr skimmilk Is a cheap and feed whole milk is sol the fertility of the farmjs constantly With lbs of milk sold vwrthst 3 la loot TO loss should be avoided- by Belling only cream and feeding the to pigs so that the soli Is enriched When cream la Is not only mors- profit but practically no loss of- fertility more profit cream to the GO la Hitch Up the Let Ms Call Pick It Up US A surf on DABBJV AMID Photic I LAMENT- ft me An through be given by lb Educational Tor lubMo School leschH during Ihe last Viiit li Alas and woe is I am a curlers wife Of all the women on this earth I lead saddest life wont curling mad In winters spent our evenings playing cards Or reading John and I But now alas limes have changed At home John will not stay At meals his talk Is oil of wicks And draws and how they lay I went down to watch a game And so surprised was I To find that could use a broom My how tlie snow never saw him sweep at homo alt I see The ice was clean and why they ft weep Is far from plain to me John no female understands The tine points of the game whan he brings Ills home Im pleased Rut all the- same Im Nine thousand dollars damage was to a Port restaurant the explosion of a gasoline torch Fire destroyed business houses hotels aparitoents in the business section of Tex with a loss of glad when summer blow And no mora now only see my man When find oMfcey Health and Insurance liberal and Cver paid la losses opportunities for local agents Royal Bank Oat acres hi township of acre IS acre fall wheal fresh atree fill plowing about acres hardwood soft wood brick clad with furnace and verandah barns Sfl4ft Hay wow and Implement all on cement foundatiozja and in for all of live aloe Water pipes hi main stable Cement Pasture watered by well School Kuril mall owner has faun for nearly years SiiOeO I West I

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