Newmarket Era , March 4, 1921, p. 7

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THE kind of bread wo boko ft boon to When you are tired lire of the fussing and of da loaf Of our bread It will please you family and will you a lot of trouble If you buy our Main Street More on crossings please The to sale fiaUirdny Missionary Of Church will hold their annua Medio the home of Msn Cane on March p l Or Is urged to lie present Intermediate Will mtfCl p The lopio for March Mak ing the Most of will bo taken by and thu meeting will he lead by Slick- wood Com a business roab man In- Whom wan In largo the funeral at Mi manager of the flank of Montreal- at wan at four oclock from Home or tils Mrs wheo die widow and daughter ami yrfdqwwi mother and lite ulster grieved over their Ions many prominent tji all walks of life pay respects i OVER PROGRESSIVE I The Monthly Of the Association will be held In the Club Room over Die Toronto Jobbing on Tues day Murch pm full attendance in Com Owing to fclvangellHllo being held there he no Tuesday of Knight lw will give flulinbie to peopte A good in the our seen many mrikerji vll be found of to lie elabor ate We prepared to rt We a Ho M or Will one already ox you prefer Consult free wthout Cor Queen A Main BERT end MARKET a ls stock of Ihe WALL PAPERS Mow Is time to make at bang the Paper If you wish a to PO Box WflVimepiVagoiu m night March Is to he given on that an is more bcneHllo a VaUngMan Ten fiie live be Mraejio Proctor arid the Mp end Mr Harry Hill The arc lb come with the new name for Ihe Club arid the Club Yell all ready to aire Show Town la id era will be received up to ttb the of a Hen House tits County of York Iuduatrinl Home specifications may be seen the Home Tenders to be sealed Tender for Hen House Addressed to Home Commissioners of Industrial Home id Rev Thomas Baker Church of of Day lecture In PiophoVy and at p REV JAMES iKlgns of All answered MEN WANTED to per Day W8 TRACTOR COURSE WO Special 4 Auto Course Now on at AUTO King at We Toronto Will for or come at once MORTGAGE SALE Of Vutbi In the Township of QwJIIlmbury In the County of York and by virtue of the powers coaled hi a certain mortgage which Witt be produced at the time of sale be offered for safe by by Kavanagh Esq V Wng George Hotel Town in the of Bin S w r at the hour of clock ihe forenoon the property namely Wmiirfitfr one jwcd end twenty the ftrt In the r York liw- i tores more or less situated weliuw house to a reserve bid P cash at the fcaB when conditions of fct Aurora ftolrj Metropolitan at Aurora on locals deferifed very Motohcll scored two An Mo lioah If defence Machell wings Hillings and Baldwin Subs Goal Smith and Thompson centre Hugo and Murray subs Duncan nd Tokteherry ii J Visitors While Convention Delegates of Office Specialty Ltd were visiting the Factories In New market they entertained by flic Office Specially Girls Club a Euchre and Dance held the I Hall on Thursday evening There were about hundred present including the forty The Ladles at Euchre won by ftfiss Mi Stephens of Ottawa winning the Prize Miss Stauntonand Mr Curtis wqre the winners In the Balloon Waltz Prizes were won by Mrs Craig Four Piece music f J tea served at Imperial Tea Rooms i eggs Willi rich cream filling- display Ann weekly Red The Cross Society Torontoare sending on a dipply of patterns their branches Hiey intend In their program to help the Public Health Nurses In the district to meet Immediate need of their emer gency sick coses The branch have received a supply and will make ap peal for renewal of membership and ah Interest the work Miss is as one I of the first Nurses at the beginning the War The Head Office her every success and hope the Cross hero Will be alive behind her ready to supply such things as patterns provide ho day flowers and arrived In until Ill casket wait covered with beautiful and floral The mass of flowers was one of the largest ever seen at a funeral tho Head of and was an ample testimony of tho popularity of HO deceaaed With assemblage of a large of and relatives a short service was conducted at the home by A MonlosTi of St Pauls Church Port after proceed ed to Ihe public ser vice was hid and was attended by upwards of hundred persons organ at the church in cluded while the congregation was as sembling Are Lord Henry Somersets lovely As left the church lie solemn one of Dead March in Saul sounded forth nn I his was followed by Best In ihe Lord The honorary pallbearers were Connolly manager of Port Ar thur branch Bank of Montreal f hi Malt hews Mayor of Port l J Beaver J The pallbearers were W superintendent Canadian Pacific railway Noll of Macienn Dr I Dr Powell and Norman PleVard Following lift of Ihe I the roil congregation k of Ages Cleft for Me favorite hymn of Mr A prayer was said Methodist Church who assisted at seiviee He v A Mcintosh In of sym pathy ami consolation to of the family and other relatives of the deceased tor his a man did shall lie live again ft cry out of the Mcintosh life a narrow veil he lops of two we out our only Answer Is the- emtio It was gen erally surmised he said that Death was end of all but hi real ity It was only an Incident of workings He gave answer comfort the bereaved when ho said that the Masters reply to Jobs was Let not your Heart bo Troubled go to prepare Place for where I am there you may he also Speaking of Mr te- said Yauall FIRST OF ITS KIND l Vi A the It look Henry ten Judgment the moral waa very reach vious year la largely dependent An the Spring Mllllhtthr tlon of tracers has soil gives tho beat Tho tractor la fl Mt f the this day for Out Broken Quartette Mr Edward Manager of the Bank of Montreal at died at his home on Wed nesday Feb Deceased was the son of Mr W en old resident of Newmarket his mother a Miss Andrew of Aurora Tlie following la clipped from the Port Arthur News- Chronicle of Port Arthur A funeral service at Thursday evening previous to ship ment of the body to Port Arthur was by Rev Mr Justice min ister of church assisted by Roy Fleming Anglican There a full choir- service with- Mr the organ The special hymn Good one of Mr favorites- The body was lalwn from the church to Ufa depot for to The Mcintosh J J Guthrie Brown find Mr Outhrta end body to Port Arthur to act as pall of rtcf ami of one Who been univavHy retpscfed slightly that he was trying Of do the Of God not only intiis church but com He worked quietly simpl but strongly Christs life One of the most pathetic Incidents of the funeral service was singing Steal Away to Jesus by the broKen quartette of Messrs James organ and Charles with whom Mr was associated In a popular while a resident of Arthur Mr Mcintosh referred to the anthem as still a quartette because absent was with them In apliit Mr was fond of music and at the time of his death was choirmaster of his church at Following the anthem lie sang Father of Mankind after cortege filed slowly out of the church the organist played Handels Dead in- Saul- the remains wen taken to Riverside- Cemetery and pieced In the wreaths and other floral were placed on the casket From Fori William Port Ar thur Mother and Sister the Mayor of Port Arthur and J pillow wreaths Mr end and Mrs J Bea mish Mr and Mrs K Audrevvs Mr and Mrs Stewart Webb Mr and Mrs H Goddler Mr and J Fisher Mr and Smith Mr and Pollock A Mr and Mrs Mr mid Mr Androws Mr George St Johns- girls auUlfary iiarp with a broken string a Jam Morgan the quartette J From widow and daugh ter pillow Mr and Mrs J p Mr and Mrs spray Mr and Mrs wreathe Mr and and Mrs p Brown Mr end Mrs ft Mr and Mrs J Hastings Mr and Airs J Dillon choral society St Andre Presbyterian church anchor sohreib- Welfare Council i sprays Mr and Simons and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Irvine end Mrs and Mrs Field Dr J Thompson Q A Evans- Ben Tur ner Mrs A Roman Catholic Church Mr and Mrs J Mr In jUcUso of cars ni York Fanners to bo wilh of Iho Robertson took the fpjiialWc a Power Tarmtpg Short the of which was Yorks Progrcsuivfl of the utility ol the Tractor and show the present to get the of their trac tors and keep their repair expense at a minimum On Monday last about farmers and others sat In the of Mr Murdock was tho chief speaker various pitts and how to worK them II lustrated by Moving Pictures TJ10 audience ranged years from a veteran with sliver hair to lads Just getting their experiences of- fanning game a difference between- the early the older mans and the early year of the v The old following In the fool- stopJj father had seen forty years pass before the homestead brought to the state of development in which bo prided on Mon day His father swung In ho primeval forost He had rccollccllonH of rfays Of rooking toil in in contrary and roollnfoted mea dow lots of binding and harvesting all done by hand of dreary miles of rough furrows when the mind became a blank for every weari ness What la the younger ris ing to A thai ploughs acres where a team a man cannot make three against all circumstances of wind weather A tractor that will and harrow and seed and roll A tractor that will cut and rake and load hay A tractor hat will haul a hinder tractor that will do any one of the tusks of the farm do hern for less cost do them with out the horses do them with wear and lear on a man A tractor that will just eat up work take on Rouble the man could under Ihe old way leave the man at Ihe close of The day feel ing as If he ho world In his hand Jbey talk of tractor as might have of his lightning bolts A young man at this fathering who a child plays with toys told his oricnoolqt foil We right on tlie and Mr- and Coombs and A Post m It does not pay to WJWi liquor young roan was fitted fey some who adrift- vAtii a bottle in his He wsa up by fcrd and coals amounted to as lie harvest off l By the way hey all lay strong emphasis getting on Ian trip minute the crop baa been cut- You can do that wllji a tractor- you and you may not do it with horses Then when we came to put the crop wc got on- the land and In four had sixty four acres seeded we Knew that we were going lo get from three four more bushels per acre by big power as wo had done Theres where the lracor docs a title more than her required bit She not only for the farmer but she puis indre money In his poc ket by giving him an- increased area under and on that increas ed area an Inweased crop The farmers talked wisely and well of the comparative costs of the trac tor and the horse Butj in could have been 40 convinc ing as the film How on the There the tractor In picture after picture showed what it any sort of land at any sort of vQtk You to camera and the camera cant He to you as one It Do you think that any Canadian boy willi red blood in his veins would leave home for a job selling if he could he the god the operate the throttle and clutch of a tractor Comparison was made between the cost of running tractor and plough ing five acres per day and ploughing three acres per day with horses The wages of ihe man doing the wort were to be considered as the same in both eases While still discussing the value of ploughing by tractor as against that of ploughing with horses one of the audience volunteered his experience One ploughed after har vest Is worth two acres ploughed at any other tune And was sup plemented by the that the ground In soma sections of York could not be handled except with the tractor after last summers weather ff asked Mr you men who failed to get your fall ploughing done last year bad had a could you have off the work The theme running all the pictures on soil cultivation was the advantage of a soil over a partially one the high eat value to the lago group present was IbatwbJch tte ploughing of a field covered weed by means of a the plough waa a pointer which the route to the best prepared what a furrow would look like jointer were not used Not a farmer who saw agriculturist atcpplng from furrow to furrow stumbling over ik clods end Into big holes but llilzed with him Closeup this method in connection pic ture of the gfrrnihaling coin strug gling for on just auoh as were were a more forceful sermon than a score pamphlets oh the subject A word on those pictures of the corn The Kernels were pictured next the glass wall of con tainers of earth In the one was properly mulched In the the earth lumpy The corn in Ihe- former grow like swelling and seftdingoub4 root and shoot with vigor In the latter the kernel fought a hard for existence made a lardy appearance In world and showed its with its environment lwlsfi my hoys and girls could this remarked one of the large group of older men who formed part of be audience It should be shown in every rural school replied his ijrdghbor You might have the moat expensive tractor in Canada lo useon lop of the soil but If you dont get down underneath do the right thing there well dang It all there no end to his thing 011 experienced farmer running his fing ers through his grizzled hair at the close of elk on drainage Put in a nutshell Mr Murdochs was this Get rid of that stale dead water which lies below the sur face and which devitalizes the roots that descend bdo It Drain your field systematically and scientifically Then go at the surface Give ft systematic and scientific treatment ami nature wJHbeautifully fulfil her obligation by giving the increase Scorns mo a farmer baa got lo use his headpiece about the same as a man days was the ejaculation of a farmer on the con- elusion of Mr Flemings address Go you one hotter returned his neighbor The farmer of today is a college professor and an automobile repair man and a business man with a flavor of worklngmorfor a relish These remarks were outcome of Hie very Illuminating talk In which Mr Fleming explained lheneceBlty for grit dust from the air in order to treat a with hcricncfaf respect which iiy means of a very clear diagram Mr it- ids points and cleared up points of difficulty for those present who are already owners of tractors When he water gets low the quantity of air which can pass through limited Then the mixture Is too rich When spark occurs some of his will be turned back Into liquid kerosene This will run down and Willi lubricant oil and spoil the AVARS To extends to a Hearty to v- POST Of IDE cause wear on spiritual were uue4- Kelly- wreath ilii A lhfl to darW fashion t derly fashion Closeup of the weeds showed bow packed to ope ibis manner balance furrow to provide food for the crop tn connection with Ibis yeel were sbowa of watt pauotruttO fine find islng to the top of Ihe cootslncr In lop of arner in mix lubricant another the tractor For every particle of used there are particles of air by weight but wo are burning twelve gallons of kerosene we will 000 gallons of air cannot be too careful of treatment of your of Modern Business Efficiency brought to farmers was the talk- on belting by Mr J Noble This story of de- velopment of the belting Industry Would have been Interesting enough for an evenings Entertainment Mr Noble went Into the barns and Imple ment houses of the farmers present and showed bow to the of every thread of belting and every- scrap of power He dealt with the waste through belts that run off pulleys waste from pulleys wear through wrong methods of lacing through wrong ap plication of the of his pithy remarks were If you pay for horse power dont be satisfied with ten or fifteen The slower the speed the the belt that you get value for your money out of a belt Keep the pull on the bottom of a bell use dressing on a rubber belt On Tuesday afternoon there were present Mr Iteming on the care end operation of a Tractor assembled before the audience showing how simple a matter to repair a Ford- son The entire two days course went to show that the day of fanning by physical rule of thumb methods has gone forever The farmer like his brother the man the rfacturer the ftndtng that he can save his body by using bis brain and bat the more he brain the fuller will fils into the bargain The farmer who alia easily upon a tractor as he ploughs will jpteugb more acres which will bo pro- a greater average crop which a will or Increase the Ws farm The man who meet success in doe of of by Into it have similar at worse la Vcry After only the fanner himself N TORONTO THE STONE ROAD 4 miles acres workable balance pasture hush 2 acres TO fan ploughed In meadow- acres fresh seeding CJayJoarn 3 wells and a creek Brick house of rooms cellar cistern Bank barn also two other barns tieup horses and 16 cattle on farm Church miles Rural mall telephone Price Terms arranged acres the stone 10 pnora All acres Clay loam soil level well house of 10 rooms cellar Rank barn hordes and IS cattle Hog pen hen house silo School mile robes at Marham mail and telephone Hill 3 miles Possession arranged Priee Terms- arranged IN ON ROAD iRom J acres workable balance buna and pasture acres orchard i aero garden fruit acres fair ploughed acres fall wheat acres In meadow- Clay loam soli well and a pond Stone house of water Inside cellar cistern Bank No 1 bank barn No tieup horses and cattle steel stanchions house hog pen hen house School mile Church miles mall ami Possession arranged Price W5LL0UGHBY VICTORIA TokoiJTO phono Main Cub J Tenj J 1MH1 To Ream not end Quality that Karkci Can 8UHK tit Deed Missing Washington Feb Que naval enlisted man Is dead 15 are missing Oil Alta Feb killed and one seriously injured Is the result of a snow slide on the Canadian two are injured- the result of National Railway forlysix miles of Jasper at Mount Thursday night at 10 oclock The first slide occurred on afternoon and a rotary plow left Jas per to clear The plow had only penetrated the pile of enow a short distance when the second slide occurred the plow and work men under a mass of snow and Ice a collision yesterday between the Slates destroyer and the United States steamer Steel In ventor off the coast of Pana ma The was cut in two at the after tankby the collision and sank at oclock this morning In tow Of the destroyer Aaron Ward which with destroyer Philip Have had of the abroad set the Si Tl TRADE ENQUIRIES CANADIAN The following enquiries have received for Canadian ap ples with a view to business next The names any of firms may he obtained upon application to the Commercial In telligence Branch of Trade Ottawa Four Norwegian apple agents ask to be placed- in touch with of boxed apples apple agents ask to be tn touch with exporters barrelled apples A firm of apple to be placed in of apples A firm wants to cumrnutiicaje- with Canadian ftp- Two firms ask to be in touch with Canadian exporters A firm makes firms of rtk to- bo in of Aft firm to bo paevd in touch threeyearold child of Frank Pickerel was severely wounded while playing with hi Winchester rifle CAMS Sam was a probationer tbe M of bis la rural When be came before the authority of the church for examination as to fitness for admission to all the and privileges of the ho rather hopeless although mere seem ed to a general to for- tret hie poultrythieving past and his wife too looked none too certain of Sams fitness- lie was asked Youve lived the life the past half year Samuel stotn no Samuel l Nor taken for yourself your neigh bors erg or sucklings Sam was accepted Mil catechism but did not Seem relieved until service was over home w Joy thai be bed Au if tad leo but for didnt i bout be soul

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