Newmarket Era , March 4, 1921, p. 8

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J- VV RIGHT 1 WW On wi of iPitffff to bad to four I got no relief Altogether I have of Sooth and tiro of and am well HALL remedies box ft or son on receipt of pries by put up for sixth wayaud Oellft Mr faurwJn have returned after in Toronto Ycuni People of be a social at Hubert ft flip In hauling orb one day Mr C Farms for Sale All under crop but flarcu hardwood Motor plowed In fiUlilAsNCW The above one of the In county hi Head Noted for and clover Price Willi ICO acres under balance pasture land level Pasture All cloy loam for DO head of itoif pen other Iiouh rooms fiinr4 and 4 and In front of above In located on close to and ftrl0aM One of tins finest fatten cud on Prion ifl toons More or less cultivation tUo acres hay wheal lance tali and running with Iyrc rid hush land rolling level House of brick ret bedrooms tfocb llvlded Into parts walls tied celling Cistern water tit door Cedar hedge of lawn row trees on pffla- of and tihcl- tetog liouue acres applet yields Ham horse ftwl Horn require the on the ready for the coming wrj The above Is located bent at miles from from St School rods away Church Mm Mural moll Good gravel to Wow fences and mostly wire The ilatfft property must he told at once frfijefia going weal Price i3- FOR SALE Machine Steel hinge Cook Stove Cutting for hand or light Chopper Oil No p Number of Steam of Tractors Moohine fiSw Mills of wood and belt Tooth Paws Some end 1 p IS In Wale from CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS limn IV tt Prrlif 15t5 Alklnflonln few of this III It Toronto Morley with daughter onto A very enjoyable evening was it l he home of Mf- and on when they entertained Alio choir and a few of their even ing poHed rabidly hi games and music mm Too late for last week weather wc are Mis BaNcy visitor in week and Mrs Welch ft few In the city week Mr Mall Cnrpcnlier has a new driver Mr John laklrig a few doll- and at his Home in Toronto- Mr Welch mother In the city week Mr Harold and visited at Mr Wil liam TaylorVt an Sunday Sir was Iniho lam The only rase that took much time on was tried before Judge and a jury claimed to the inrlount which he paid lo repair motor Iriick alruek by a freight ear on the Metropolitan Hallway car stalled going north on Thnrnhlll hill Green and the enough away from the to allow the freight to Plain- II If claimed Owl stopped lils ear The that the ruck hacked as iii car came tip and caused the col Union The jurymen there Die part of the hut Ihjt the hill for pairn was excessive They gave Judg ment for Wedding bells soon he ringing in M and Grant have recovered from their attack of sickness Mr Joe Is attending Jury tie hearing of the trial in An occurred In town one day last week when Fred Phillips fiou fell off the wagouat the mill and broke his The last report heard was that was doing very favorably A sail Friday when I Km Wilson In helping unload hi organ off- a wagon box slipped and fell bringing Hie organ down on top Of him He sustained terrible frae- lures iihout the skull and when Dr Ml lane was tailed to attend him ft was considered llwt case was almost hopeless and prompt however have I he day ami although suffering greally lie get along fine The bleeding was profuse and was feared thai Oils would and inter- niHy We arc very pleased lo he able to report that the last news received was to the effect that his progress was very satisfactory The carnival under the auspices of school which was held on Wednesday night was a huge success and the big crowd present thoroughly enjoyed it as they skated lo the music of Hand The prize winners were as follows Representative char acter Davis Muriel Woods comic Jean Ferguson Sybil hard thne Fred Atkinson Allen Leonard best lady and Brown and Thompson Velma Rond and Al lan fasteM lady nd gent and Cecil Thomp son and mens Hector Bonnar Karl race ami under I Robert son Geo Ed wards obstacle race and under J ll girls race It and Jean Ferguson The wish to thank Hie mer chants who donated prizes the carnival a dance was given by the girls of the school 1 a years Hi and a lUAttClf would virtues of Oil wltlioilt It for or that the formula anatoxin it if- Adapted fom tAwpY Margaret Foley Bobby defluntlv down atrcet in his tbroajf grew larger until H ftnost big WUo eyes filled tcnr3rui didnt lofyab puckered up Ills mouth wis CI A Jtd PArto on ny ftit we tttmhc a Hut ween forty arid fifty beef eaters met at the home of the of Associa tion on Friday night last their com mon bond of union being the fact that they had cooperated In eating twentyfive beeves during twenty weetH of last summer Mr Mm have kepi open house royally of late and this event one of many and was very enjoyed The member of Hie Association brought their with and enjoyed en evening of games songs and recltatlopa and became belter acquainted Mr John Reeve of King acted sud Mr Walter Wood of St president of the gave Intercfcthig resume of the of the We quote a tew facta of interest So far as know the Beef Association was the of He kind Mr Geo Norman got the idea from a visit Worth Michigan home the rules and regulations We watt meeting tield in the Orange 1UH on March ficew were Mr Jonithsn Mr he was going away from- the house Brother George lied conic home in his new uniform and had cried and Dad had almost wrung his hand off Hobby couldnt why suddenly Bobby for OH yootfjirif8yrmfl pleasant It contains nor decided that he too would bo a i FT Co and bought flags had them on bis hat and on his breast he ami regulating of Votnl I and natural for the Of In Henry Mr the latter was also appointed bulcher at iniiniiL Tile wan on he evening of June thirty- seven years ago and lite aK0Llat1on existed ft break ever and Is likely to curry on Indefinitely In the average price per lb was in price fell to fi and and In an low as from to Go per lb In 1010 prices her to Hoar 7 per and the fee bad gradual ly mounted be princely price of per animal Mr was butcher from beginning of the association till he retired In There nil army of prehldeota but only two Mr Henry II and Fcrguaon his death Now Ihe portions of treasurer and butcher have merged into one capable man Mr Peter who been butcher fnr the greater part of Hie time filnce Mr retirement ihc Fresldenl Mr Walter Wood has led twenty- three beeves to the house and hopes to fake coining summer The heaviest animal Alain provid ed by Mr Calms the of being with Mr James a close second at lbs njiat was In 1000 There was no famine in KveraJey thai year year the mice readied the at per lb and with but two he animals weighed well above the minimum weight Mr Bond the heaviest annual weighing 570 lbs dressed weight There are more ap plicants for share A than can he sup plied SPUnCKMM NOT GUILTY Sandwich After minutes deliberation this af ternoon Ilia jury returned a verdict pronouncing Rev J poplar of Sandwich Methodist ami former special liquor license In spector not guILly of charge of manslaughter arising of the shoot ing of Beverley proprietor of the House here during a raid on November Gill last canto a close he rial wiilch com menced shortly before noon on Tues day before Sir William Mulocxat Hie County Spring Assize Court here The judges charge to he Jury was concluded shortly after two oclock lo their deliberations at They re lumed to the courtroom at exactly 3 oclock and announced their find ing In two words Not comment of any was attached to finling by he fury nor made by Lordship previous to Chief Justice issued an em phatic warning Hint say demon on the part of he spectators would be treated as contempt of court end Hie offenders promptly placed un der arrest As a the Only evidence of the supressed ex citement prevalent were the scarcely audible sighs of relief from Mr sympathizers Mr at once stepped from the prisoners dock free man only to ah site hands his lawyers he the courtroom de scending to the main floor of Win Courthouse he voiced his relief In ha words hank Rod Its alt over u lucg Rod it only a his t Some of our friends the grocers in of our letter to the press on grocers profits have that apparently it has been construed by reader to mean lhat Tea was the on which Hie grocer smaller profit in order to a higher It was not our to convey on Impression we know that most grocers fell well known of other goods at less profit than the could make on some brands equally well known or the same reason At they recommend Red ftoseTea simply to give their customer the best possible value in imp Red Hose Tea because It to our mind and wo knew thai thwi mate on fl Co hud got on Ids Indian null and come down ihe drum crying Im lo a dlur I going to be a and bad laughed laughed oven Mother though oho tried hard net to hod Why be a MuuihIc the ho had but Mumule had only him closely to her breast before Hay ing dont fight for King little man Hun along and play and be a good boy now Hobby wandered on unci on deep In thai ho did not realize Hie din lance he find covered At last he vault lo a white house act far back among An old man a wooden log watering the lawn Tin way he bundled his leg attracted attention and he crowd over lo the old side He watched hum j in fcfleuco Hi en hesitat ingly Wont yon let me do that for you Ive got my legs old man lumen round In sur prise Why my heart boy o you have He gravely talulcd the flag on breast Those are Hie boy would that I were not ho old I Id he there finish Hobbys face clouded The old man saw was the mat lei He laid hose down and turned to Ihe boy WiifllB the trouble Son Tell it to Grandpa Youre a soldier jlr Hobby In The ben 1 old figure fitKdghtencd un consciously eon My fought by my side but old voice trembled Im tbata kit they died on Hie battlefield Hobby My brother is gotn to war and and Im Juh crazy to he a soldier but they alt laughed at me The tears did fall this lime ihe old pourlered for a moment Youre a soldier Kir Hobby AH lie wont go war my lad youre loohrnalf to handle a gun but you can handle Hie hoe Dont you Know King wants all Jim boys to plant garden vege- Sure do Hobby broke in Teacher us all about It but Its not war to for your family to cat in ft The old man pondered for a million of little boys Just like you starving in The King wauls to feed those little and- you help hint do It Km ytblng you for your use leaves just that much more for those hungry children you understand Hobby stood In silence for some minutes Then Id really he a- soldier if I planted a garden all myself and weed ed It an all A real patriot my boy Hobby coked at him eye big with excllement Well Ill have hurry I know Murnsle wilt me money for my seeds and Im to bo a soldier I The old man sainted gravely and Hobby hurried Hie street whirl ing gaily I 1 J I fa thcQtjr of Moulted stands a to landing ittat the year founded the which now of Montreal Facing Wscc Bank of for a short spot over one hundred three years ago From Settlement founded by has to cast and west until today the Dominion of Canada from Halifax to Vancouver Likewise the Montreal has until after over a of steady and progress it today has Branches In all of the cities and larger towns in Canada with offices in the principal financial centres of the world and correspondents in every country j U 1 I fv f 1 of MONTREAL Paid Up 522000000 Total 1 a T2 if he permitted to go Magistrate J It Blake of Gall on Monday sentenced Prank Hartley to four in Kingston Peni tentiary and Mills and Weir to three yearn the three j having pleaded to house- braking and the falter to receiving The eldest of the four Weir Is only and married and has one child flnVU fiod own 12- gave the children A time in which to grow A rid growth that hath no ending Is steady sure and slow nod gave the A time In which to play- paying working In later day find the children childhood A in which to leaner lessons re loo hitter And hard and Ho trowjiijf The becomes Iho man And this is childhoods meaning As pari of Gods great plan Vote and Yes on April Ontario Art var- time measure waa an On 1919 of Ontario voted by an overwhelming majority in favor of the permanent continuance the Ontario Tem perance prohibiting the intoxicating 1- Most Go On iSectnibtr Federal wis a wartime measure prohibiting and export of intoxicating Thus it possible for in prohibi tion provinces to import linuors for in the home thus the bootfetS ft to same for sale thus the people- soviet defeated Moot Cease La vote sale of intoxicating- iithin this province equally to- the and their ion qlo hi prohibited Hence arose necessity another KefetenduuL Shall Die Importation and the bringing of intoxicating Liquors into the Province be Prohibited j r tra President pOliittxl a to a a re commendation of And It was only in he eleventh that he discovered his calibre find then only by had to Washington to and by way ot bis great he telling iho Presi dent about the of others The other day went on a fishing trip he before fitaktng one the made all agree that whoever the first the Nov do know that both the other men biles and iuiled up BumTv So you Die on DeflUTlnjr a Very large the crudes Ot this kind fceen by Would net to daft ID A DIG OP emamimi Of is hereby given that of the city In the County of York and Of lo the Parliament of Canada rihe next session thereof for a of Divorce from her husband Henry of the of Toronto In tie county of the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto this November A Annie Belt J Solicitor for the HoUco of flppltitjenfor is thai of the City of County of York in the Province Mechanic will apply to Par liament of at the thereof for a hill of divorce wife Kropp of the said of Toronto In the County of on the ground of adultery and Dated ibis day of Hovember A J Henry Kropp GIUHAM his of hereby given thai WW ram Wo If a of the City of in the of and of Ontario i- ply to the Parliament of next session thereof foe Divorce from hi a wife May Wells of the Oily of Toronto la the of York on tfibilfii of Dated at Toronto this day of A iM Alfred Wllllsm Welti by JOHN Solicitor for the of IS llist Lily of in Hie Counly of Province of Ontario will Apply the of at the thereof for a Hill of Dim her husband Lome good a of the City of Joronlo ill on the ground of adultery Dated tills day of A A CM AH All for the Temple IOiOA Metres of IS HEREBY that John of Oily of Toronto in County of York In the of Ontario Laborer will apply to the Parliament of Gain at the S- felon thereof for Hill of Divorce Ids wife of the City at In County of York afore said on the of and Dated at Toronto this December 1020 A Solicitors for Ihe Holies of Appllctlon Is hereby given of of in of the of Ontario Musician will apply I ParUaruem of at the thereof far bill of diyoz vdfc Ethel Way on the of and Dted Toronto ihl li a A fiaiiuifci by tee

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