P yen cm quality I end Wat sorts Jewelry Store Leading- County Paper as Oldest No paper out North Yorka paid in if j Vargas when not United In only JACKSON and Proprietor RID AY to dl Wo end to lbs Graduate QUALITY ill S3 r A Til NEWMARKET Dawn rysiij tide Beit Fitters Supplies Electric Appliances and Fitting Olio and VALUE MONEY Money ready an in every line of mercantile or farming fanners up Savings Accounts which them to purchase for A Savings Bank Account with Ihia Bank ready money when needed Interest paid at current rate Of CANADA it A SOUTH END LIMBER YARD he Best Coal Mined NUT AND STOVE COAL ON HAND PRICE Cor Church and dealer Lath Shingles Posts Etc 1LCO Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc fe Iiai9 ft fea Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket M a M a luce Ontario potato tests gave of bushels V of per Station juit a of ir acre for an of tile lime NOW of the food supply on SOIL AND CROP IMPROVEMENT BUREAU Director Arcadi Toronto M a a St mi js upon our ty we art of fihofiiitufcHy the We arc as in icolrInc re- of led a Mid to do Mob j factory tl earth I over Olivet The of pain and death air full of fragrance drawn of the dew- wet Awake I and greet day and all It brings tq crowning triumph full com plete Awake and aids wJlh rapture sweet Thy I earth I the of dawn Maine Oliver tW T 4 r I IsJterrupteli a It is of dry to have plan inicrrupttd A dear whoso arc Wore of other thou and who hold the her taleutH an something to- ho Javlahly went on direct car will us the other She In brightest of fhis a wHI a In he and then hey were going together to listen to birds- VOL No Citizens Want a Town Park Dill- VOTE AGAINST THE 8ELEOTEO mall Public r Jimmy and the Easter Service till day before Krister Jimmy f0dcl whistled a tuneful air as he a slim stick near and green these to support the lily soma hi the Mile greenhouse that opened out from Jimmy whistled wherever lie bad oppor tunity and now Ids mingled with the tho lilies The door opened and a young girls blue eyes answered Jimmy brown for Sooter Hat you were whistling our Easier song he girl answered Vc going to- shig that very one In church i Yes I know sold Jimmy MaUfe Kinging It week long Shes to be in tho singing too at church YouVogoingio sliook his head J to church for oh never most Have you been 111 A llo onto rang in girls voice Jimmy his paint brush In the of paint and shifted uneasily from one fool other it was never his way to under false colore Sec here I havent to because well I havent That la Im sorry And now regretful note caused Jimmy to paint ing to cover oh stated slick was placed In lie sunny window to dry and the painter was about to take another when girl added Mr Wood said you would show me the lilies wish for one the very best you know Its for Easier Wo must give our best Easter A later the stood before the array of and Jimmy said proudly as ho drew forth a plant Shes finest weve got I call her the Queen We could give you one with not so many But this Is the best we have He paused then announced looking a little gingerly at the one by the Illy The Queen will cost you iwo dollars will take it aid the girl and a happy light was in her eyes Bring It to St Peters- You know the street Then she added Jf you should want to come to church tomorrow couldnt you The lad flushed He looked through be door said nothing In the Jimmy carried the Queen to the church He lingered a moment to watch ladles and the young girls among the- fa ho room beyond they were practicing ho Easter anthem He Is risen I He Is risen The words came again and again to the lad by the door- Why was he not there singing as they sang Slowly ho made his way back Easier morning as me purchaser of the Queen passed op the steps of SI Peters found Jimmy standing beside the door a pot or In bis arms Oh youve come and brought us this I just bod to sold the one hug ging the I wanted a chance In you put It in with the others And youll stay to he service asked the girl the boy of his burden Yefim Ive got to Ive Its your He is risen I He risen l that done it Some day Til sing too with hose other boys The lads voice held a world of and the girl law her band on hi Yes come in And who knows have to visit the flni1 said but that wont bike very much It was only about noon while wait log for the return suburban tar that were surprised to find this bright- faced girl in the small stoiion evident ly watching for I ho car what arc you doing here she was- asked Youve changed your quite suddenly havent yon The girl laughed Theyve been changed for me she said f hadnt in Dr Williams office two before he ordered me home isnt It queer how quickly anything cam There wasnt a sign of his particular trouble when I was there a There were only about one hun dred people at meeting In Town Hall last Friday evening called by the Mayor to discuss the purchase o property for a Town Park Mayor presided hud In Mils Opening remarks referred to ap pointment of a Committee four years ago to consider the location of a Town Park Several suggestions were ado but Inmost It was found on cmpjlry That the property was un attainable A few weeks ago Hoard of Trade took up pro position and secured Options on property adjoining the Howling The Council favored the purchase but as no time submit a by law to the people the option ex pired on he of April it thought advisable- to call this meet ing wblch was now open for anybody express their opinion pro or eon Dr said be was it rcsted In Urn Park question and he thought II was now lime for art Ion was a foregone conclusion thai Newmarket needed a- Park The proposed property was available and price week ago but now Ive been ordered 8 home to keep cracked on my llic the greater part of the day and to re port to him morning If I dont wish to have something more serious dcvolop She ended with another little laugh but here was a suspicious In her breath at the flame time such an Interruption to all plans she said He says I positive ly mustnt use my eyes any close work for two weeks at least and did so wont to finish some Utile gifts for special friends to whom Easter means more than any day Hut they will have to lake the will for the deed this I cant do anything at all only sing to keep up my courage And she has been doing that In the waiting days since shut off though she has been from all her usual bright resources fad spending the greater part of day shaded room Raster morning will not find her friends opening packets containing her lovemade gifts to some or them an Raster message less from her On that day of arlsing from petty and unworthy things they will try harder than fore rise above their own bu- day FAIR MUCH A Plans for what was regarded as the minimum of extra accommodation re- quired for Provincial Fair Which Is held annually at the present laxcdtolheHmlt situa tion to be relieved were tentatively approved at the meeting of the fair board held in Toronto last week A committee was appointed to confer with the City Council a view to ascertaining the views of the be proposals The plan calls for extra accommod ation for and an arena by feel with a seating lion for between and people The estimated la it was out that those would relieve the conges tion In the existing Quarter suffi ciently to allow for needed expansion there V and griefs remembering the friend in darkened room singing to keep up her courage PnC8flTATIUE VISITIUQ Mr P Armstrong representing Steel Consolidated Limited spending some time In Newmarket In an interview with Arm strong said Dyrot Steel is arousing the interest of steel firms throughout be country Our process of converting soft wrought iron and mild steel into loot steel after the work of has completed is be revolutionary within the steel Indus try At first bur claims were not taken seriously Hut four months of operating In has tone of public opinion I am prepar ed to make demonstrations for firms and individuals in Newmarket who will give me a piece soft to be by this process Speaking of the advantage of process Mr Armstrong said Uy manufacturing steel the soft slate and hardening them wo produce these steel pro ducts for a third of the cost required to work bard steel In concluding he added The Com pany disposing of another worth of stock Tills amount will be quickly sold Newmarket folks who wish jo avail themselves of this op portunity may do so until the last Is sold by seeing rue or by leaving a mes sage at King George Hole pay BY ORDER Ottawa March A reduction in the wages to be paid to the returning officers deputy returning officers and poll clerks who will work in the big referendum on the question on April IS has been made by the Dominion Government through order in Council issued by the Cabinet The old schedule provided for pay ment of per poll to the per day to the deputy re turning officer and per diem for the poll cleft Under the new tariff the returning officer is to receive only per poll the deputy returning officers per day and the foil clerks 1 per day The payment for polling booths re mains at Two on the farm of Hastings near were de stroyed by lire caused by lightning Manufacturers of report recordbreaking sales a good sign that folks ore beginning to gel up and hustle- farm home of John Logan southwest of Moose Jaw filrcyedbyffre to a dog upsetting a had been hung up This bo ft wandng to coni- purchase The question was How will It be paid for He was In favor of buying properly this years taxes and leave the develop ment to spirited many of whom leave bequest In their Wills towards this public enter prise Mr W Hunter Introduced a boy from the street who wanted a place to play In and he thought fhere was no belter argument for a Town Park than to meet the wonts of the child ren He referred to the properties selected four ago but were un available thought this should be secured when wo a chance and also other small plots He also called attention to the need of people iholr own places as It Is surprising what an Influence for good it has In the minds of visitors We have a splendid Town but the citizens want to up Mr J said he bad been a resident of Newmarket for a good many years and thinks a great deal of the Town but was not in of the purchase of the property selectee A Park should bo more In the heart of the Town such as the Specially which the Town should never have given away It will lake a lot of money to fix up a Park We have Just placed a heavy debt for the Sewer System and we should go loo deep until we gel some of the debt wiped off The Mayor explained thai the Plata were not given In Specially Co without consideration It meant an expansion of business from which the whole Town benefitted Mr P Pearson Chairman of the Committee appointed by the Council to rcporl oh the proposition slated the of the- Commit tee In a growing Town like New market It Is necessary that we should have a Park for the women and children who all their time at home with swings and slides for tho children and shady for their The Board of Trade urged the Council to secure this property which Is at present available at a reasonable price It fronts Avenue has a fit ft entrance front the Good Roads on Eagle Street and a right of way along the north side comprising in all about five acres The Committee recommended the purchase of this properly for and the ap pointment of a Citizens of the Council for the de velopment of the Park A year ago Mr Pearson said the Churches col lected thousands and thousands of dollars not for themselves but to send out of Town to benefit others and he was absolutely confident that ample funds would be forthcoming from citizens to Park The proposition of the of Trade Is to raise by debentures ex tended over a period of years but he was opposed to paying Interest He would like to see the property bought and paid for at once and real community spirit Ho was firmly convinced that Ihe nex years will see a wonderful development In Can ada The eyes of the world are upon us Emigrants will come to us by hundreds of thousands filling up our free lands and requiring supplies from the factory towns In the He would not be surprised to see our factory plants doubled This will mean Increase In population snd va cant property made more valuable He hoped the citizens would do some thing now for the future of the Town In order to bring the matter to a definite Issue Jackson moved That this meeting approves of the purchase of the proposed properly for a Town Park Hey seconded the motion with a few observations Mr Stephens moved that no be taken without a vote of the ratepayers Mr Tim the mo tion He that wo a Park now of acres which Is quite sufficient and the money would be better spent on roads sidewalks Mr Tench was In favor of a Town Park portion of the Meeting but Warm proposed property was undesirable The property acres on Water street was much better but the Office Specially at the South of tho pond was heller sllll Before we comrnltt ourselves he would like this property considered Another dam could be built further south and water for fire protection to Works by on extension of the flume TUe bed of me as it Is at present could then be level led for games extra earth on Hie used for grading and at the snide lime make the walks while there would be the advantage of the water for bathing and boating This would make ah Ideal Park and would be something worth while ap proachable by both railways I on the line of the Good Roads convenient the business centre of Town The Mayor stated that the Specially would only loan this property for Park purposes until such tunc as they bad use for ft and felt that the Town would not sanction spending money on property that might he token out of their hands Mr observed that Park had been discussed for years the and Specialty were not avail able it was time to act on the present proposition Mr manager of the of Ids Surprise to find that such enterprising people as Newmarket bad was without a Park He spoke of what other Towns had and advised the people to gel Mr Howard Cane was disappointed at the small and he con sidered at all representative He would like to see a system of Parks and the Public grounds put to belter use outside of school hours In view ot the small attendance he thought would wlso to defer ac tion Mr was not convinced thai the Specially Co was unapproachable it was to to make Town to their employees He would like to sec another effort made this property before taking action on Lome Ave Park if It can be secured lift fell assured lhat Town would endorse it Mr Pearson thought the coat would be not less than to satisfy Specialty Co and make necessary Im provements and It might reach The Jackson motion was then put declared lost by a vote of to 41 Mr J Harvey observed we have now reached a point of doubt whether the citizens want a park or not lie did not the meeting was a proper Indication of the feel ing of the citizens Many women had expressed a longing for a Park but the opportunity of procuring only available property had been turned down He did not know whether the Office Specialty would be kindly disposed towards the proposition or not but the people should not look at the matter from a purely selfish standpoint We should sacrifice for the general good He would like to have an expression on the motion Prom Era Mar vote at the election In North last Tuesday resulted in favor Of by a majority of of Aurora If Os ier Holland Landing and Jack son of Newmarket are the census enumerator Got Armstrong Com missioner for iho Biding Oul of of Govt in last assembly only have been re turned following That this meeting approves of a Town Park being purchased this year Mr was in favor of a Town Park but observed that got off to a bad He was not Just satisfied with Mr Harveys motion The property should be suitable as to location With It plans should be submitted The playgrounds should also be properly supervised The Harvey motion was then put and carried almost unanimously signifying that people want a Town Park but will not have anything hat does not completely fill the bill LAWS MEANS London March 17 Tile prediction is freely made by politicians tonight that Mr Laws resignation from government means dissolution and a general election In the near future The belief Is based on the theory that Mr Law Is only Conserva tive able hold party together behind Hie leadership of Mr Lloyd George There been much to some of Mr Lloyd Georges policies among the old guard and many think that only Mr Laws personality and diplomacy held them hi line The have the largest of any party In the house of commons Some of the cabinet is considered Decenary it will not be upon until after the meet neat week and elect a new leader A little girl who attends the church In a nearby city one and to mother Mother did you know lhal J was a Jew The mother plied Yes of knew that didnt you And the answer came back quite decidedly No I didnt Of course God was a Presbyterian but I didnt know that Jesus was a Slouffer has returned and Miss Bert Is here to In on From Era Mar 1C00 Miss Nellie of Queenavllte has been spending a few days with Miss Mela Prosscr Miss Stouffyllle her place Master Geo Thompson a birthday party to a number of young friends on Wednesday evening Mr Arthur Belfry of spent over Sunday in town on his way attend College In Pennsylvania Mrs McMurcby of Vatighsn Is spending a week her daughter Mrs Lloyd The Misses Porter entertained their Sunday School Classes at Mrs A on Friday evening Mr and Mra John Manning have moved on the farm beside their daugh ter on SI Mr A Davidson Public School Inspector was one of the eight who were storm stayed at Ml Albert from Thursday Sunday A party of young people drove to Bradford on Tuesday night for a and skate One of the worst storms ever known In rivalling the big storm of years ago came Thursday last Trains were suspend ed for days and snow to feet high on Main atreet after shovelling off sidewalks Friday was a very quiet day In town No trains and blocked in every direction Mar ket on Saturday was the smallest estt known Not a people were able to get to market A man from Pine Orchard reported it counted men shovell ing snow In a stance of A bill by Incorporate the Huron and Ontario Railway to run from Port Perry to Kincardine via New market passed by Committee of the House of Commons on Tuesday Ten below on Monday morning Between and people went to the home of Mr Geo street and gave them eral surprise on Wednesday evening they being about to remove to a farm east of The Co announce an Emergency Sale on account of the snow blockade Altar On March by Rev Mr Jaa Hall of Whitchurch to Miss Mary of Newmarket At Toronto Mar by lie v Adams Mr to Miss Eva daughter of Alderman all of Toronto At Bradford Mar by Rev Mr Arthur Saint lo Miss Mary Alice Smith of King Township At Pine Orchard Mar Mr Lemon of Miss Sophia Brown daughter of Brown The Sutton Mar Betsy wife of Brown aged At Newmarket Mar 1st Geo Mc Donald father of Mc Donald In his year At Sharon Mar Hannah of Christopher aged year Market Wheal peas 50c eggs ICc po tatoes 23o bag chickens pair Ste Marie March Pour children were smothered to death In a fire which partially des troyed the residence of a family nam ed Andrews at Charles oclock The mother and father had gone out to spend evening leaving the four children locked In the house and In bed The alarm was sent Into the Central sta tion at 918 p by neighbors who noticed the and who feared the little one were in the burn ing building As soon as the fire men forced an entrance they across the body of boy aged about down stairs and the bodies of three Utile girls aged from to up stairs The bodies were untouched by the flames and the victims were evidently overcome by the dense smoke Saskatoon March One child burned to death and a woman and Injured when fire destroyed the home of Martin track foreman- Wednesday night A advertiser says In behalf of Ida that millions In this country who have never the supreme delight of on dripping with real maple syrup One sip of this genuine from mountain foraW would a and drown la despair Soma syrup