1 V a North York Marble Granite Electric Works All the Latest In Monument endHead Stones All Cemetery Work promptly attended to Lettering by Tool All Kind of Building Out to John 0 Meigs Proprietor Phono w Hot address Huron flt wmK Con Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties the Outfit at the THE OSBORNE ft TO from Ottawa w 1 I mem r v jjr CANADA IINSMITHINO PLUMBIPW and FURNACES GUT Easter Term Tuesday March Wo added BOOKKEEP I to our courses of study Stu dents may now have the of taking this subject along with or In the place of Shorthand Pull paHlcufara on request ANY DAY Stenographic School of Toronto Block Newmarket Success by attending and Oh ait Toronto Tills School reputation for superior work and for placing Graduates quickly In position Own all year Enter any IV ELLIOTT Principal March- of Railways fil- ask for advice and lo Have the Canadian National altogether or Paying wca and ool National of every dollar Willi which to pa bills to on the dollar and thereby a Hie ojru a ale of woo declared lie won not downhearted an In Home manner as unseen the railway system would some thing of which Canada would he proud In tit was over up that or his fixed charges In of of dollars which of nearly 2f over moat frnrftlnK the operation of the Iho government get out deficit of sixty millions The edge taken off the ftloierncnl litlflt In the railway estimates a week placed House on Thursday given serious consider Hoping that the management and the men will gel together and out some decreases In end costs of fuel awl- maintenance will a tumhlo within the next year seemed to be limit of the Ministers optimism quoted figures show House that the situation Canada was not any worse comparatively hen WAD in the States and hut at the same time he admitted thai unless a solution were found the de velopment of Canada woM he hindered- a of the difficulty welcome give he fin certainly the needs only solution of problem apparent In of ho government after Minister had completed his doleful presentation wan lo pay the hills and hop for hot ter things developing in the future is templed to wonder what announcement of Sir Herbert Ames resignation from the Commons means It has freely been stated for months past that the resignation the mem ber from St was In he hands of the government he used at any time government saw fit but far It had laid In a dark and apparent ly forgotten pigeonhole of the Prime Ministers desk Now however It lias been dug out and accepted and political gossips ore wondering whether that acceptance means he government Intends trying Its luck filling a cabinet position from Que bec within hoxt few months Kllhir J hat or ho preparation for election seems to he mind as- the explanation The two foregoing were main features of the week A little battle was staged on the rigtit of the government to ask lie House lo proceed with Estimates before Auditor Generals was down The Prime Minister in an- Mackenzie King to Justify the governments action by admitting that his government had transgressed the law but Justifying hat by arguing that preceding gov ernments had been just as bad worse The net result of thing was that Hie government whips kept their benches full of member during one afternoon fearing a divi sion and then the Liberals consented to go ahead with the estimates cover- by the three volumes of the Audi tor report which are already down Patronage Is an Interesting subject among any group of members of Par liament and when a resolution on thai subject is on the tapis one can almost count on a fulldress debate This session was Sir Sam Hughes who en gineered the thing when he moved to appointments- to the Civil Service out of the hands of the present commission and let the members have a say In making them He claimed and probably correctly that the ap pointments were no worse when they were made by Hie members than at the The members of the Ontario jfneUmcntol Union pleased to state that for 92 they ore prepared dbuto varIou3 localities throughout Ontario iif high quality fof experi ments with Grains Fodder Crops Alfalfa Sweet Clover and fertilizers follows Number Grain Crops- J- Wot a two varieties of j A tf No Barley and Kmmor two Varieties two varieties of Spring ft Testing two varieties of Testing three at Field Pens Testing two varieties of Spring i Testing three vailctles of Soy or Japanese Deans Tcsllng eight varieties of Flint and Hushing Cora i i B Root three varieties of Mangels resting two varieties of Mangels t 2 Testing three of Swedish Turnips J 3 Testing two varieties of Fall Turnips two varieties of Carrots Fodder and Hay planting of Corn at six distances In the row 0 Sudan Gross and two varieties of Millet 3 Sunflower Sorghum and for Fodder 16 Testing Crass Peas and two varieties of Vetches 3 Testing Kale and Field Cabbage Testing two variation of Sweet Clover Testing two varieties of Alfalfa 2 hulled ami scarified SweetClover Seed Crops Testing three varieties of Field SI Sweet Corn for table use from different dates of Planting Experiments Low and High trade Fertilizers and Manure Willi Oats and if Clover A Testing Low and High Grade Fertilizers and Manure with and Sweet Clover Testing different of vyltti Sweet Clover EKperlmcnls grain mixtures for Grain production HO Testing throe mixtures far Fodder production 3 For Experiment No Union wilt furnish the Sweet Clover Seed and the the as required Any person in Ontario who grows field crops may apply for any one of the experiments for applicant make second choice as the material for tho first choice might tic exhausted the application Is received The material will be forwarded jn order In which the applications ore received while the supply lasts No charge Is made for the experimental material and the produce becomes the properly of the experimenter A report Is requested after harvest person applying should carefully write his name address and county Ontario Agricultural College A March hi Hi to specialize in Hie Province of Quebec and only or two in Ontario Then the mcui- at three oclock instead of two dispensing with the usual licrs from Western Ontario demanded night off Moat of the hcrs wilt be hi favor of that change it la believed and a lot of them wilt support Mr Fieldings motion to make oclock the deadline unless there is special reasons for sitting later a the or whole on explanation which when given did not satisfy them As a result of passing of the estimates wa held up almost as much by questions from ho government members as from the Opposition- Cannon of Dor chester paid the minister the warmer compliment of the debate on his work and the work of the depart ment since he had taken I over and a lot of Hie faultfinding come from Western Ontario members who waul ed money spent In their constituencies which was now being spent on the upkeep of the Central Experimental farm at Ottawa As a of It all the estimates arc going very slowly at present Deep schemes and the Hudson Day Hallway have to bo Us annuals as hardy us Frank Glass resolution to assist the f taxgrowing industry of Canada Mr Glass has not yet brought on his resolution hut the House has already hud Innings on both of the In Hie ease of Hie on nor it was a resolution introduced by Keefcr Port Arthur asking for the appointment of a special committee to consider the advisability of ahead such a project Mr Keefcr argued long and learnedly oil the advantages which would accrue and after a few other members had taken a fling at It withdrew the mo tion The whole question Is being considered by the International Jolul Commission very was gained S Jacobs Ihougnt somebody was suffering from paresis which Is a form of insanity who tins victim thinks he Is possessed of Immense sums of money There was no money the pro- at the present time and therefore even an academic discussion of would not lead anywhere in regard to the Hudson rail way somewhat the same situation pre vailed J A Campbell Nelson Man resurrected his hardy annual and told the House of the wondrous he present time and he ot a mi P had been made In the from the speakers his toward putting this Hoe through side of the House with an TI0D aoveroment had spent future many of them would welcome a return to something the old o MEN WANTED to per Day COURSE Auto Muihanlos Now on at fit Write for particulars or come at once u wr iter of things where the promise of a government lob hero and there might do much to bolster up their support at election time On the support of things the gov ernment frowns down all such sug gestions but sway down In the heart many of the ministers there Live client looking for Houses tot earing If you want to in your House I have several for sale In the Town Hex Hi fsTi of growing doubts as to the the present plan It la providing the appointing of wisdom of more than outside civil servants on thenorotaa- of of Parliament rather by the present competitive sy stem which according to many of the voiced at the present hoe means nothing at all When the members of both sides of the House get together and talk the thing over their Own rooms those who are against the govern ment protest that la the present system of appointments to the Public Service there is a great deal of poli tical Juggling and those who are sup porting the government admitt ing that there a great of blun dering As they talk more freely Mere than they do in the Chamber one can judge there is a fairly small percentage In pre system which has been roundly condemned a too bulky clumsy apart from any On egtieuUural deparimenta the toad a time found meet coining- ftom on own of appears that there are soma in lite on it and parently had forgotten that there was a project In existences The resolution Is still alive but breathing faintly since Hon J Informed the House that if they had the money this year he wouldnt spend on- the Hudson Hay Hallway but would put ft into extensions of some west ern lines where Hie people were ac tually suffering for want of roads Add to the above discussions a lengthy harangue on the cattle em bargo befog maintained by the British Government and you have an Idea of the doings of Parliament for a week The cattle embargo talk resulted In the House supporting the fetand of the present and previous governments and asking the British Government to show that the embargo was not being maintained because of disease among Canadian cattle since here a clean bill of A few of the goveroraeute Ideas the way of legislation are beginning to draw breath Ab In other years Hie most Important part of the legisla tion of the session was not even hinted at in the speech front the and only now is It to crop out in the orders of the Pay Now Hie government has given notice of bill to provide for nickel coinage la Canada 10 continue control under the Hallway Commis sion to extend the Act relat ing to retirement of aged civil ser vants and other to conic- The wilt probably on Wednesday next and with he following Wednes day the government lias hopes of the rujes a toe House and i of Oant Afford Sun Canadas railway deficit now amounts over JC- jOOOOO or more than for every man woman and child In this country Last year It was In the neighborhood of so this year ft Is over twenty millions higher In the fac of this showing there are public men and many newspapers In the Province who advocate Hie wholesale building of radial railways the light of this enormous deficit such talk bor ders on Insanity Had Good Excuse Simeon The Ottawa Journal and other newspapers that support the present Ottawa govern ment render no good service their cause by seeking to make capital out of Mackenzie Kings failure to go to Mr King is vulnerable enough without attacking him In respect a matter in which he sinned In such very- good company Including we suppose even Hie Premier himself They must be much of an age one la married the other not has nothing to do with It The law catted neither one and Kings family obligations were as pressing as When Prohibition Prevailed SI Marys JournalArgus When three years ago to help win the war all Canada was put under Prohibition by order-in- council every one was pleased except the few who cant be happy without their dope and the many who were making money out of It The Prohibition wasnt total but Il was so effective that crime almost ceased and a great boom was given to Industry and business It was a sample for a couple of years of what Total prohibition could do It was so good that most would like to see 11 back to slay Farm Hot Now Arnprlor Chronicle It Is hard to reconcile Mr J J Morrisons gloomy word picture of farm life with the appearance of prosperity and pleasure which the very many farmers auto mobiles that are parked on the busi ness streets of In the sum mer evening seem Indicate J J was thinking of the dear dead days beyond recall he was doing chorea Times have changed since and the majority of our farmers are prosperous en J contented PftJHB Spring fs coining I The editor has ordered the Janitor to uncage the first robin The are sil ting on year hats to give them this angle Best are squealing Please Cut that out according to their social status Daring and Impossible peas flaunt on Catalogue The eat her winter coat and March contribution to the popula tion Runners are scarce lafcor and aellin horse to buy trac tors The buds are Er rand boys are The pass ing auto the pedestrian Hope apt mud spring I at the Of BOOTS mm Tim goes oh Kfow in your opportunity to Boot whole family at LADIES AND IM AND PAIRS FINE PATENT- VICI KU AM CALF AND BOOTS worth up lo a pair ON SALE THIS puir all sizes regular ON pair BLACK Kill BOOTS sizes to ON BOOTS newest spring fitylra ON BALE THIS pair WOMENS KID ROOTS cushion soles and KK lasts 70 pair ON SALE THIS WEEK pair WOMENS BLACK sizes M regular ON SALE Tins WEEK pair BROWN AND OXTOHOS oil sizes 050 pair ON SALE WEEK pair MISSES HID AND SLIPPERS sizes to worth pair ON SALE THIS WEEK pair i IJKVS HEAVY WORK AND WORK of h beat kip in tan and black nit mid last oo ON SALE WEEK pal HEAVY BOOTS tows at slugged all sizes regular pair ON SALE TJD8 495 pair MENS SPLIT BOOTS north ON MLB WEEK BLACK AND made of Davis heavy calf common souse taste ON SALE WEEK recede and round lasts atl sizes regular tip to pair ON SALE THIS WEEK BOYS BOOTS BOYS HEAVY CALFSKIN In and black sizes i to regular pair ON THIS WEEK 455 BOYS FINE BLACK CALF BOOTS all fSxm nice dress boot sizes ON SALE piir BOYS WEIGHT BOOTS sizes lo ON WEEK pair A A I 4 Hit It flay Concern THE Parliament of Canada has recently passed a bill regulating the taking of the vote on the Referendum in Ontario on April The points to remember are as follows Every by birth or naturalization or woman resident in Dominion of Canada one year previous to February and in for two month previous to tame date entitled to vote disqualified Voter Lists used in the last provincial referendum are the to be used in this Referendum subject to revision Every voter In an urban polling divi sion roust be on the list and will presumably be on list only In the division In he resides In incorporated and towns 1000 or over arrangements be for receiv ing applications from any who are not not on list on March to April Inclusive except Sun day when for six clear days officers will alt to receive such applications A In rural polling divisions the voter be either on the lilt or be put upon It as resident and bo vouched for such by another resident Both affirmative and sides have the right to select scrutineers g Women have the right to vote wm te- YES Ontario From Chrome Leather A Hame Strap OR These two front the faaovn They swt or water great strength shut will more than you May we show fine election of and A iTHiiwiatAfmrf wH05 I l hn THE DOUBLE TRACK MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT I A Unexcelled Car on HiJit and Parlor en and Day Trains Full InformaUon from any Trunk Ticket ftatnt District Toronto J Y DOWN Phone 14 HEREBY GIVEN rtai of the City of In the Province of Ontario married woman will apply to tlie of Canada at the next Session date for a bill of divert from her husband Richard Drillhand on the adultery and desertion DATED at Toronto In the Provide Of Ontario this let day of February A SLAGHT Royal Bank Toronto Ontar Solicitor for said of Application NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Mauds MoOormaok of the Toronto in the County of York province of Ontario will apply It Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a Bill of Divorce her Lome mack of the City of Toronto on ground of adultery Dated Ihls day of January A GRAHAM for the Applicant Temple Bulldlo of ApptfoaUon for Divorce is hereby giver that Gordon of Toronto In the of York la she Province of apply to Parliament of Canada at next sion thereof for a Bill of Divorce Violet Anne Maud now known as Violet Anne Maud of Tlj1 In the County of York at at City la Province of ground of AdulUfryandDeierllbB the of Toronto lo of York in r Ontario Ihls day of January A BOfeWOftTl A for KM Bar