Newmarket Era , March 25, 1921, p. 8

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mm An footer Social will be held J ton Church on Friday evening March W be tfin Sp rier the auspices of Ihe P add ficfiooL An enjoyable mftVWvWe Aurora of off the piaster awl I In a love pipe down tin heavy thunder anil Ibflitbiu liml rain her Kith a bo times to get up without medicines I saw and treated doctors in Amherst also In my homo town but IfliQuuiatttm In law I advertisement and took and got relief j then f took thorn right along for about six months and tho all yooo and I fltver fitt Anyone would car lo write regards KruHaUvc to tell iUtax tlw for mo 0a a box for trial aiao 26o At all dealers or sent postpaid xuUfttlrta Ottawa Orchard Beach a will by oil next riraaori Mr bun Hold ills ami In Mr former hfLjior ftV Mr Grant bnproveinililK ho Mr rind Mllllffiin will he inhued they look Inlermt In 111011 well I he fidijls nil I In shine iHrrlulty on art Byniboltc of carJy iittiili lo Ho po- ul the in Jo an e power over I ho world often- an The lime of as lain century a good counlpHH driving through he of her village children egg taken up by Ihc who lfd eggs in the straw and under bushes for til eggs were to THAI FROM Farms for Sale All under crop hut hiixlwood all motor plowed Hani Water In stables New liOUjV The above one of the iHdi f4tis hi Simeon In Head for and clover peine icria 1G0 acres balance bush aipi pasture land level Pasture land inning AH cloy loam tor head of Hog pen and other out- building Brick rooms turn lion Orchard and beautiful of along jane and In rent of above is located on and to school and church One of the finest and buildings on si Price and lsrnid More or lens Choice clay loam the very best acres hay fall viiicat balance and lis- with running water with Pasture and land rolling Cut- land level House of bilck bedrooms gOtd divided Into 3 walls aafl plastered also hard water a l doer Cedar hedge Id of lawn row spruce trees on cast ride of orchard and garden house Orchard acres apples yields axiOuUly Barn horse stable 24x70- Imple ment shed Barn requires ftifljic foundation the material on Hie greuad for doing the coming The Is located mites from si miles from city limits J miles from St Lawrence 70 rods away i raili Telephone Rural mall gravel road at New and mostly wire The property must he at once vtir Is going Price will made Tanunry J lud rrllred In light days Inter leaving persona I ly a farm in valued an of which may he to hi of or other requiring more to his widow Mr who Is to be provided suitable home by the cm tat fliid o his son To his son left bis farm and JmplrimenlH and the right a haso the farm for five years a a year and I axes Should be not do sire In Iinixp bin Thomas Is to thv- ml on of buying It at hut he be unwilling o buy the properly Is to be diilhof IalrlOhs if are be paid to the daughters nod Delia iOO0 to if the farm and the ivsidiic to his I wo daughters and Annul of glass were deslroyed In Daniel Muttons green house her on Saturday by the heavy The streets were cover ed Wilier Mrs Noble was bad ly sborKiil when lightning entered her Fin use A serious In Which I ho lives of two people were en dangered was averted on Saturday night on be Trunk line near through furuOf Henry a middleaged farmer of JJradford who Mood be tween a lantern and waving a in tlie face of he oncoming train Ilirillliig Ihrd was wrong Engineer Ik Iraln sudden stop when he learn irrl tlm nature of llu- ltvubh lie sincere hanks to for Initia tive A left a g the falls about forty fori In depth and extend ing for a Of nt feet The about I wo miles of QliT CATCH EL With you will have trade bo Having Mint fi relaying vflped out beverage you will a of young people growing know not will trouble few of ho old last but liquor will be out of as the Wo through- a critical of the liquor has meant lo country in this period of The reason we have money available the Province today la thai Is not being It might hove been on liquor 1 to the 1 hellevo II Ik a Aviso and Bound jolfry as WON a righteous Premier 1 V orofarritaoiapvai if TO Ditelttbronto day January i 7ohu8amuerBaIn IJillfiil Three armed bandits iudd up two women employees of the United of Maintenance of Way and Hallway Shop and with In cash The holdup occurred In fjtml of brotherhood headquarters here Miss Heal Newman master al the brotherhood offices en route from a down town hank with money was in Hie face by one of the Ij-ju- who the she car ried md eseaped Willi Ids In on SWALLOWED at Induatrlal School If you are watching progress of humanity If you are noting the signs Ihe you know that every year aye very worldwide movement for the overthrow of llt Ihpior power growa and wins new Steadily I he iforut in breaking down Hie power ami of the terrible curse The Traffic is doom ed Science social reform moral purpose religious principle are all arrayed and pulled against their enemy against greatest hindrance every effort for the up- lift of our race TheHc forces arc fighting a battle In they are agalnsf heart let a avarice appetite blind prejudice and unreasonable Ihe- of every and have ever wrong ami oppressed There ran he only one Issue hat Issue waits I he aid of your Will and your action In loyal use of the liust of your civic do your whole nationally provincial ly personally now son of the formers visited FOR SALE at Machine Stove Cutting for liSiidVOr grower Plate Chopper 1 Oil Tractor No fi p if Portables or Steam praetors of Machines Mills of wood In la I use vied Tooth Saws over son the Mr a p i in Pi and from liUYUEOQE- fihaning St poiUble Mik McLean vlslbsd a couple of toys In week Mr loyce of Toronto spent tho with Father He v rather Wedlock of Newmarket Coleman Mrs Tuik at Ihe mother ATri Mrs Davis Weekend a I the homo of her Davis Jo Hamilton James John of spent a few last week at home of heir Mrs Skinner Tin- branch of the Wo- monthly meeting the home of Mrs rioffiry An excellent on Jon and was- given by Rev Mefollum and was enjoyed all After a pleasant afternoon and dainty lunch meeting adjourn ed Off CAKE filMCOK navigation Lake from I8fif to following vessels were running regular trips from lo Ojlfila and Point ftidewheei steam er J May Lady of Lakes was sunk at He lie and for her boil was at he ilnk sidewheel hit tug arrlei la tug lug Victoria ami one sailing schooner of Itama changed Into a he the ran through to all these vessels rcplhig lv Lady of liio Lakes end I III oil of J Morrison was hurried llariie in the of to have Week previous aged of Jil a mar- Gilbert Johns Industrial school coed on March 2 after a fit of coughing the thority Of Phis head of Ihe school body to the Morguo for Inquiry Plus that hoy had complained him thai be had swal lowed a marble The hoy was tat en to Dr Cdn fitrcet but on of his faffed to lo- the Ihe hoy still iflm- 1 to SI Xray of lie throat was I a ken here as no of anything foreign there however lad playing with some companions was seized with a fit of coughing lie was given water not ease or stop he coughing and ten minutes after commencement of lie died The larls parents at Times cooo FAMINE A OF ami was removed liospllal- an W1FK ftbxoach trouble for After her buckthorn bait glycerine etc- as mixed In Ao her Ijusband says My wife fejlfi now and has gained weight alomach medltitie U acts on upper aJid bowel removing foul mailer poisoned and which you thought was your system iKWLKKT for on the stomach or against The files ill will Newmarket Water- Sewerage fieivools paotoHw MAt EXIT cow farmer will see the day when tin horse and cow arc done away said Ford hi a recent ftpccUl to the Now York Tribune Tin horde will go IiULSe at the concentrated of and tractors It Is a mailer to lake same cer eals that the cows eat and make a milk which Is superior lo Ihe awl cleaner The cow is the crudest the world Our laboratories have already that cows milk can be done away that by the of elements milk Can be In to seUlltlfie food by machinists far cleaner than the cows ami not istfiiect l what the meat wlilch the cow also provides he was Meat not he declared A food such as I have declined will only take the place of milk but As for Abe horse he a pound moo- power A machine half of Jits will equal twenty of him Mr Mi China Is now face lo face with one of ihr worst famine in her history Approximately people ore In Imminent danger of starvation The area affected Is some square miles extent pid as only the primitive of transport exist 11 is Impossible for millions of the miser able inhabitants to get out of he stricken districts In spile of front Iu efforts to do so In addition to the scarcity of food there Is equally scarcity of fuel The poorer classes have always to rely on grass and stubble keep their Utile fires alight nod this Is no Ah a vigorous climate of Northwestern China Is tak ing its loll and thousands are perish ing from the cold Tim immediate causes of the were disastrous floods followed by a long period of drought resulted in complete failure of three crops calamines turn were hi large part hy a reckless wastage of natural resources Chinese have extremely sclentifio and wasteful In Hie handling of their forests ileh ibral Jamds of the lower plateaus were si ripped Of tree growth probably cen turies ago lull until even a hundred years ago great forests the mountain plateaus and slopes of China These have been utterly destroyed over areas and no attempt made at reforestation ell her by natural or artificial meaos As a result the slopes have been eroded by heavy rains as to he verit able deserts Moreover the lack of forest cover on uplands lias made possible alternate floods and droughts the very thai have brought disaster lo so many millions of people In China Ibis year An area about the size of Ontario fer tile enough to maintain a population of over people has become as result of human and a place where men must ever he haunted by fear of III GRAIN ELGVATon AT Ok Million Chicago March An explosion or grain dust rocked the entire erii of Clileago Saturday one of the worlds grain elevators and broke every window a of a mile Of Urn watchmen who wore trapped hi the structure by Ihc blast two known be dead and four are The elevator which consisted Of a series of and concrete tower was bo Hi at a cost of more than ten million dollars and was operated by Ihe Armour Company In Loading The explosion was due ft was said by official who an early fire thai started In a load ing The set fire to ifiisifjllerj tilr and Hit rcsullhig blast rout asunder the big lower releasing thousands of bushels of grain explosion hurled great con crete blocks for hundreds of feel and derailed a freight train which- ffi standing on a track the lor The properly loss is estimated al ilx million dollar Heavy damage was caused hi towns by be explosion Windows were shattered In Hammond Whiting and East Chicago The heaviest suf ferer was Whiting where was im ported every window In the down town business district was broken The properly losa there according orchards will reach OF To the youth of Canada Tito following message was read at Knox Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening attainment possible save In pursuit of some Ideal The Holy Criil was a vision hut Its quest led Sir Galahad past all dangers to ulti mate victory To have lofty Ideals and to strive to be true lo Ihem In all the relations of life the path to the commanding vision To live right Irulh and honor and to seek ever to uphold hem the foundation alike of patriotism and of character In Mo Tiverton March One of lb mojji violent windstorms which this part of Iho count swept over and the surround ing for a radius of five or eight miles on Saturday forenoon and left in lis wake Hie destruction might have been caused a tornado The attack of Ihe wind came with suddenness and was followed by a severe hailstorm when pieces of Ice running as high as two and a half Inches in diameter bombarded village and left great destruction be hind It While the tornado and hah look their loll of properly windstorm fee In death Of one man and fatal Injuries to an other ASTH m azSah J to bxMlbUx vijf mac bi the fclm of ial4 drat Sow in by JPUer- ton and in utMi I by K a businc33 a bank Account Bv can keep accurate account alt arid paying account and bills by you record of- all moneys paid out If you open a savings account in The Bank of your banking- service will not only coat you nothing but you will receive Interest on your balances Talk- the matter over vUh our Manager His experience in financial matters should be useful to you Capital Eeaerves p A by A SoJieltorafor iho Plaintiff Bay Street of flppiloation for hereby given tpal of the City of Toronto County la the Province will apply to Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a bill of divorce from her bus i band Thomas Henry Apple ton of the I said City of Toronto on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto December A Lily by her solicitors GODFliEV St Toronto hundred and ninety thousand in loday K ROBERTSON Limited Flat Oil Faint For Kitorioi Decoration in iluilu ocjiiUiseJcj AMI eU fcreah a dull fialti will any fccfuliy iih Ml lie you full Newmarket 1C5 a For and Li if Kim It and a r and Ireautic fend Oil and leum one fiui the

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