Newmarket Era , March 25, 1921, p. 9

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arid- CouOcHr I Jeweljgf works if W charily v flios re Hoard of i iUit A A Co A rX transformer Mi 24 ifilsa f I of V 3025 Health So Ami it referred lo the im 1 Johnson cuaYJty Jtyilal for light from Kerry II granted- Jivrii Hell pule at tm in A Coin asking for do- lii Gardens to A- I Com frjlii Co ashing for price or of Town l fVkphono Co re Office corner ii for now factory from ilio Com Jlllaxanl JSl Cofiai of on a tree I the matter not a tie train was thord of fJouiii Ho thatll a matter contractor owner e to the iiOiiIion frorn the Special fiHtep County re Inn luring the Avar asking for Informallon fteferrt4 to the Mayor Coin A Co enclosing contract of ires payment of From A on in favor AtOta Co for to Com iLctkr from on ho Jack Wright asking for hollar of tt cream on Sun- staled that the County Jlready to serve re- no A Corn reported on Were strong enough to thai they were lunger lie thought a jo put on the Queen St as a loads what was the 4c- Committee of ashes on the In favor of anyone on the soft hut permission the Committee who they are to the sewer end had been vTiTTiUat the matter tiled and thought that e a Court of Revision to en I on Superior and In connection wlUi passed appointing temporary salary of him power lo cheques passed authorizing of by of Montreal for the axes are Interest being Jaw was passed to trotn the of he ports flf lommJUee on Fire ltd In favor of the Ipn Dickie Motor MOO and not so costing from 1 ensiled as par Is ran b nee of other out the he to that th iit Committees of the con- such a by d vantage and Hi HAY- for Ifiwa fipbondcd by- flab6rho the he In the ilio aiiwiira jshd sold Ma In this of be of of the opinion the residents- should The Mayor hat if could oona ctthor by nifljoriiy of dr by petition from the Tridents decided about the lop Ho would like to a road ftooyb that wan and thru they would ho ready ahortly- adjourned at f r 4 Personal Liberty Mr I for space In your paper In lo express a thoughts upon subject has beep upon tin and donbttoHa before the vole Is taken on the eighteenth of next month more will bo aatd years ago there Utile said about the great evil of al cohol in my grind father homo there was sitting a place a containing al cohol 1 have seen my grandfather Ho to bollle ami lake a Or two he felt ho needed Iho eon- tents of the bottle would Joel a year one of bin sons slcfil a from the bottle mm of pergonal liberty not like Hit liberty culled more until enough at one Ihnc for a nice sponge bath but this was not all ho with his personal liberty became a nuisance had laiifiirtge wanting to fight in bis family as well as wast ing his money his personal liberty Wis a great to those wth whom be was connected Thin man not atone for If you will go to some of the homes and ask the wives If they enjoy the personal of their I think they will lift their hands and atfy mo a thousand limes no This sour one great hi Ihe family and 1jci If will go down cellar on out to Ihe barn or soma other place and see empty bottles you will have some conception of the pen possesses to west north and south has spread mir it has filled asylums our Jails and our many Infants have to their graves leaving a brokenhearted mother behind all of liberty say War took from us the of our country but this thing called liberty has taken thousands more than the war ever took for this liberty pas become master and wo must pay the price he demands He a he has no conscience bis work is death and ruin and Is en tirely without sympathy This Is why wc must fight bun is wiry we must put him down Let me give you a few quotations What Is personal liberty it Is the right lo act without interfer ence within the the law There arc two freedoms the false where one is free to do what ho likes and the true where he Is free to do what he ought Which liberty do you want to Ontario virtue alone can bestow liberty and Is no liberty to a man or to a nation which Is not liberty under law think our friends who cry so for freedouiand liberty are want ing a natural liberty where man becomes a law unto himself To do what we will Is natural liberty To do what we may con sistently with the interest of the community lo which we belong civil liberty the only liberty to be desired In a state of civil society The world Is large The shines every I wonder sometimes why these people who love liberty so do not form a and go to country where they may enjoy this a law unto them selves freed from the Church and Us from the temperance whom bey dislike free from the law of civil society and thus enjoy lo their hearts content the thing so much love What want Canada to be This is the question which we must answer on the day of voting Shall wheels of process turn or forward It be a commercial country or a back This we must answer me say a few more things about personal liberty and the kind we want In Canada The whole trouble with these loving people is that they want license to do as they live thinking only of themselves hope these people Are far hi the minority in our Province On man Ins said that perfect he will of God Is the sole sovereign and complete liberty Oh to have a country with this as our foundation how we would grow what a joy ft would be to be a Canadian to a quotation from P False notions of liberty strangely common People talk of It as if it meant the of doing whatever one likes whereas the only liberty Ibat a man ought to ask for oiif ftiat only whit vie ill Iheiceore our partto tflfi- v There la much more Uce to nay but must consider- Mr Editor I thank you for this opportun ity of flipreaaloii INISPING- I fteWce Workers at the Crucial Od- Arc Well for Pout the Wings Making and Controlling Increase Coatrlbutd by Ontario Department of Toronto Unless beekeeper gave each colony an nbundanco of feed In tho fall not leas than pounds per colony the manipulation in early April should bo to feed all col onics which do not at least of loft In colonics In spring and many remain weak there food In the to allow ho to lay to One frame of honey in re- quired to produce one frame of brood and to bo in condition to a good surplus honey crop should bo not less than ton frames of brood by Judo The syrup for spring feeding should bo two porta and one part sugar must bo taken against robbing when feeding syrup The entrances of all colonics should so that only a Tow bees the colony at tends lo from robbed and keeps colonics warmer which an expanded broodnest and colonies which do not cover two should bo united with strong col onies- The simplest method or unit ing colonies In early spring is 10 place very weak or oueenless col onics on top of strong colonies with of newspaper between two brood chambers This should ho completed In the evening bees will quickly gnaw through the newspaper and unite peacefully If American Is present 111 the apiary colonies must not bo united unless to other colonies having American foulbrood When the colonies been unit ed and food they need no further manipulation until the period dandelions end fruit trees bloom This Is a vory important time and a little attention given to the bees will result In increased profit later three manipulations which should be completed during dan delion arid fruit bloom period CUP the wings of Ksam- every colony for foulbrood strong colonics extra room Wo clip queens wings to control the swarm that the of queen may bo known A part of two wings on one side removed with aid of a small pair of scts- reasons for clipping the wings of queens during this per iod are as follows easily found like- of clipping virgin queen During a honey flow queens liable to be killed me operation Is completed before life swarming season commences The broodchamber of every colony is examined for American and Euro pean foulbrood If thecolonies infected the previous fall or secured infected honey through rob bing or otherwise In early spring American foulbrood will most likely bo found at examination and preparations can bo made for treat ing- the diseased colonies either at once or at the main flow in Juno If foulbrood is present It can be easily detected at this time end preparations completed so that It cannot do serious damage While American foulbrood Is apparently only contagious European foulbrood Is highly infectious and endemic where black or hybrid kept Resistant of Italian bees strong colonies end an abundance of stores rob European foulbrood of menace to beekeeping The third manipulation at this time Is to add an extra lo every reasonably strong colony No is used and the queen has the use of the double broodchamber until the clo ver honey flow hap nicely commenced In seasons when the weather is favorable the colonies may even need a third hivebody above an excluder as ft super for surplus honey from fruit blossoms and dandelions While swarming does not usually occur until late June and early July the swarming fever commences In many colonics during the fruit bloom and dandelion period because they are crowded and have not sufficient room to store surplus honey and en large the broodnest When the begin to yield it is time for the beekeeper to crowd the queen Into lower brood- chamber Take enough frames of youngest brood unsealed and and place the upper brood- chamber Then place the remaining combs and queen in the bottom broodchamber and place a queen- excluder on top Next place on an empty super and the full hivebody of brood on top of the if the beekeeper wishes to make Increase body of brood can bo removed to a new ten days it placed on top of the super Unless- the honey flow has stopped queenceils will be found and all the brood will be sealed so that when the fieldbees have returned the parent hive there will be dan ger of chilling the brood The in crease should be examined la three weeks to be the queen Is laying If the beekeeper does not wish to make Increase alt queen celts should be destroyed within a week after the brood was placed on top and the will all the combs with honey as bees Much honey Is lost to the bee keeper of lack of room and colonies should be examined at least a honey flow and ever the last one to filled Eric A College YOUNG MENS SUIT J In Newest Styles bought to sell at Easter- Special Spring Stock we have picked out SPECIALS for this 4jrfLpefc Drown and Worsteds bought lo cell at Easter Special Reg Black Whit or Easter Special r3fij Pelt In Brown and Now Styles Special ricg 3oo Wow Nov Easter Special All Easter Reg Arrow Colors Easter Special v- Now In Drown or Easter Special J i are on for THIS WEEK ONLY and are NEW SPRING GOODS all MENS OUTFITTER r I I fca-3- JUST people always Just what they mostly to have LGOKINO niggardliness or incompetency from But the surest witness to the Dont worry about clothes wrote on of husband and children is the to a Who planning for that need not Edith with utile wrytwin of home after some years interval loves will he greatly P jsure to look happy and thats main thing saw Elinor tripping downj of old school and college friends the watt five minutes laughed imw HI Helen She has been paying you a visit and exercising what she consid ers her special privilege of saying Just ON which summer months bring emphasize the if the woman of slender nurse has ever been tempted doubt if that looking happy what she main thing Watch the expressions and thoughts would ho in regard to short- gestures in any such gathering notice how the comings she never thinks of things interest of a group centers a brightfaced ihat are to ones credit its a whose gown may he more than one way of those who have a but of date see how attention is they think attracted by the most correct costume worn murmured Kdith she conned with an air of indifference or discontent and over ait the things I ought not to will he enforced in your belief that it is the done ihe had let slip things not easy lighthearted merely and she made feel such steadfast courage and cheer and serenity of ground that count Women sometimes speak of dressing to do their husbands credit no doubt sensitive souls do suffer from a misgiv ing that thoughtless acquaintances may infer Nonsense dear cried Helen dont let Ihat worry only Cousin Elinors way She her self saying Just what she thinks She always picks out llie flaws and thinks about them I notice The Ides of Cousin Elinor making you with your busy useful days feel like a of me ground scolded Helen I cansee thai Unas taken a lot of sun shine out of your half holiday It Is all very well to say dont mind what Cousin thinks and says one does mind and the and in justice of false estimate hurts al most as much as if the criticism had been merited Persons who pride themselves upon saying Just what they think should give a mighty lot of care and heart- searching the messages the ace always ready lo deliver lI fourteen years I have not had real health I have wakened sick and bed weary and I have done my have written in bed and of it written in hemorrhages written in written torn by coughing written my head swam for Weakness and for if seems to mo I won my wager covered my glove I am better now been rightly speaking since first I came Pacific and still few are the days when not in some physical distress And goes on ill or well is a trifle as it was made for a contest and the Powen so willed that my battlefield should inglorious one of the bed arid the- bottle By Robert Louis Stevenson Si f to have alt restriction Inward nd J outward prevent his doing what he ought If with law is fire on the hearth liberty without on the floor ifljfirly cannot ho out nor without faith the of YORK OF TAX The Corporation of the County of York hereby announces Us Hat of Lands for Sale for arrears of Taxes baa been prepared and that copies thereof lie had in the office of the County Treasurer No Adelaide St East In Ihe City of Ihdt the list with of Is being In the- Gazette un der March and and In default of of taxes the lends the Hat will be for Taxes at the tones and place tneotloned la lha published notice TbU notice la to of aepUon of The Assessment Act J County of York this day of Mar mi a propeh SUCH AG WILL AMY SANK If ho Accounting for In connection with tile fawn operation II provides you with a monthly or yearly statement of In each department of your farm for five And at the end of your year sets forth the total farm production The of production in each department and the Net Profit and which each has yielded The last word In simplicity la GO any men who can or write any school hoy or jji follow that It Fa by and fliil Men fiwtia of la the only Farmers Accounting Sjstem provides forms a statement of every branch ef your fsrm month by month for five years Is covered WE his consented to act as Agent and Call end tie the Book sod have hem explained

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