Newmarket Era , April 1, 1921, p. 3

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J -w- i Church The Choir of Church will fen Mb Vie evening service A or Mr lo hold ft Off in imp April and Wh it I he A 004at- iom Window it Oil Slwteft ivnifii evening ftVack fw April f lflfc and Monthly llie of IJ Hi WMlW ftPr irfsl- l Was fliasfld hHUlCa day iawn J this every page In la- fon WW ointlctcly To It Will town Is pumped from ar- Kslan by air A valve worked loose on one and lie done Iho wa llie plant la so IHe nt water not Intorhrriil vWh In Iho New Official Map or the of Ontario at the tfrybffltoflkmxiWn- Wiethe- wplefip to bo voto OTy withouVTOww DM not- Wtie We your liniHtv tills feoto In lpIiov what winning Miss Farrow ot a tew apeiil Hip if Mr Milton la bis horn ft ij Misti a trio Toronto c Affss Hall arid wore wepk their aletcf boo Mr- Stephcnadn spent- Sunday Willi Mr a few and Mr David Sunilay with their ancle MK Ft J MR ANDREW Tho who will ofcpear at the cert- In Town Hull Newmarket April III THE THE in pocket yerhund The For a Ileal Concept Well tell ye UH hlip on Arid pay yer hit fee Tar help the kirk hear an see Church Sunday March 3rd topic Purpose of the object of Church Membership of Church Covenant Svnl new members will bo tfcoctved find Hie Supper will be fi ill 10 for all The Place of Bap tism in life Is la aae grand In hie ami kill Will aliiK a if an And will he heard at hop heal alio like a birdie Us The plan Monday a eight At Hob Drug Store ho he late The preference well he who have ho light So look at the plan an be April will and what he Uto v Wo it that victory won thuja far Una merely been a though a lo- the total of the liquor traffic The a long way in Iho liquor within and a victory for prey- will atop tbo lm- info tbo province from itjll prohibits Urn transportation of In toxicating -Ikiuofa- between within truiy well be aaked Vbat in brief Urn prohibition of Jw of except for fltidtrialpurpose3 pro hibition ihroufihoul Dominion From tiio past to believe thai both of tKcflC questions many involve a Referen dum It is important that be an flvcrwhehnlng victory or Pro hibition in order to pave the way for progress along the tinea indicat ed that every person en titled to voto flhould ace that or her the fhiaweek and that on the of April they are on the Job to pile up the targes majority which tiaa ever been recorded for Pro- FOR week at end at his- homo here Mr J family- a few Mr J- The Mualcal Concert held under trie of the League waa a auccesa Those who were not present a treat I think it bo a good plan for a certain young an extra along whennc going to a party as apt to get idev acme wilt this too Wonder the Kettlcby Eras went last week Tim Club and number their frtenria met at the home of Mr and Mr on Friday mat and Sir and Mrs Wllllamn with a beautiful Rooking Chair A very enjoyable evening was spent by all fiL Masa was celebrated at ft SO Sunday and the altars beautifully decorated for the rendered Wolganda the being taken by and Mrs McCaffrey and In Iho Choir sang SalutarJa and Harmnorlla also usual Master Anthem ItCglua Cecil Therewere John Tampons Calms Well a be that The raflcra will ring- Wo are truly PnhliQlly Newmarket flCliOOt OF like veatiicr these An well sing our For Church With Urn object of developing the social and educational life of men of the congregation a Mens of St Pauls Anglican was formed on Tuesday night J newly formed association eityilly to build a memorial boll In of the boys who felt overseas will contain a Sunday in a gymnasium presided at the KiiliSf Tile officers were J Wilson Vlce- J smith Reg J Dayman Secretary freagurr Harvey Executive Joseph Arthur Jharlea and Cameron Carry aguld Concert Wilt suit Juki fine Its nloht For Jang syne from MIbs If Marshall A If Oilman and Osborne School Reports floport for King Class Verna Marshall Pox David Walter Wilson Junior Third Marshall VcU Cook Senior Second IMIly ffcaeock Junior Second Lyman Rao First Class el George Howard Primer Pox Ramsay Weddell The of Muaio under llio direction of Mr J Francis and Gladys Carter announce the opening of their branch In Newmarket This news should be received with congratula tions by both parents and citizens this progressive city and will add greatly to the uplift Influence to Music AH many advantages to bo had in the City will be offered the music student here Piano Vocd ami Violin will he taught includ ing a free course In Theory sight reading and car training Recitals and At Homes will he held periodi cally by both faculty and students A review of the students progress will monthly at which time a written report will he Issued each pupil thus enabl ing the student to successfully pas examination AH exams Will be held locally at regular In order organize and get started quickly a special will be offered to a limited number of pupils only The regular full school term will be offered at practically one half the regular price payable on time paying basis weekly or monthly In stallments Teaching will commence I the first week April The Registrar will be In the city shortly at which time pupils may enroll Suit able studies ore now being arranged and location of same will be announc ed In near future Quite spring Wedding hells are ringing this week Miss Dermis spent in Prlnglc spent the weekend Bradford Mr and Mra Frank spent Easier at Miss Muphys Mra Make and Fred Skinner pent Tuesday in Toronto Is vJaiUng her daughter Mrs Skinner Mrs If Thornton has returned after visiting her parents near Bradford Voiron of Toronto her holidays at her homo here Why Smith Left Home will bo given In on Friday night Jessie Thompson of Toronto spent over Sunday under the parental roof end fpto of Trinity College Port Hope are holidaying at their home here Mra Williamson has returned after spending a week with tier daughter Mrs Adair whoso baby has been very sick 1 The Ladles Aid held a very apron sale and supper on Thursday evening last They act for- mod and ancient tables It would be hard to aay which was the belter- both were very appetizing Print Floor Oil Window Curtain Hut uid Drapery PHONE parsonage on- Lee when Violet daughter of Mr and of the Township of Whitchurch united by marriage to James son of Mr ami Mrs Town ship of Mark horn The bridesmaid was Afiaa Delia of the bride while the groom waa supported by hie brother Mr Trios a The many friends of Mr and Mrs firown them a and much happiness Mra Johnson passed on Thursday March f7at the ripe old ago of fit years Deceased was bora township of Whitchurch tier maiden name being Conner She and her husband farmed In Pickering for many After his death twentyfive years ago came to to reside but for the past seven years until recently she had lived with her Mrs of Mra Johnston waa Methodist and took an active part Jn church work She no children Of eleven of a family a brother residing at Chatham Is the only mem ber St Day always has a more than ordinary significance to the people of for It waa on that day years ago that Its Parker born Is for Mr Parker lo try to celebrate his birthday quietly his many friends will not have it so and his year was no exception as his homo welcomed a constant stream of well- wJahers throughout he day many of congratulations came from a distance and he made the re cipient of a large and handsome bou quet of roses from the Ladies Liberal Club to allow the appreciation of his services lifelong advocate of Liberalism Mr spile of hie In enjoying splendid health an mind and he still keeps in touch with current event On Tues day be gave the Tribune a call and ex pressed big keen appreciation of the expression of oongratulatlonB of the rosea sent by the Ladles Liberal Club Tribune bright Rugs Japan mo Rugs Sew hd Hew Oxford I our of Spring and In all Mow All Wool Reindeer Inohes fon Cleaning fopCo yd iw la a TOE a I Bradford Main Street North ooo LIWOEIJCE VI ICE phm Is now open for the Chil ean club on Monday Atril h you already your do nol hesitate to fa now as there will be than l usual rush his year TIN in Newmarket of Hiss Jesse Alexander Is sure to draw a iHJte Mwd Miss Lilian M Torontos popular will provide an excellent treat people whose I delighted Newmarket in former yeara will also he excellent givtiir 1 Persian nance been exercised In of plays which will be Ihe has been St Paul Que March 29 The Misses Marie and and Napoleon Provost had a narrow escape on the St Lawrence yesterday when attempting to cross from this village to where they live When half way over the broke away from the banks ami commenced to move down the riser Their cries for help at- Irackd attention of the villagers and the inhabitants followed them along shore but were unable to aid them At last put out a boat which at times lie was forced 10 push over great blocks of lee and succeeded In taking ihem off- lie made he shore with danger from be Ice above DKOWUEDWJtEN AUTO oven ferry book Kingston March Edward aged years of Kingston Mills went over lite la his car on Saturday night about at the foot of Princess city The car was located and efforts are being made to recover the body which Is believed to be wedged In be tween the steering wheel and the seat The made a record by opening the season with a game Good Friday Geo Kemp formerly had the misfortune about two weeks ago of contracting blood poisoning In his left hand as a result of a wound made by a meat nook He has been In a very serious condition and it was necessary- to amputate a finger save Tfis life Though not out of danger he Is on the way to recovery Mrs A S received from her brother Jeff Davis of Brant- ford telling Ihe misfortune that be fell his son Harry last Monday March while operating a punch press in a machine shop be had three fingers off He was In the hospital for a- week and la getting along as welt as can bo expected Miss Sadie daughter Mr and John Hutchinson the concession of Whitchurch died on Tuesday March at the age of years following an Illness ex- tending over several months sickness started with the grippe which resulted in a complication of diseases which gradually became worse and she had been confined to her bed for about eleven A quiet wedding was solemnized at The Lacrosse Club was reorganize on Friday evening three teams to be entered In the A A A dozen of Bradford took in a big day In Newmarket on Good Friday J Watson a former in Bradford died in Barrio last week aged years Robert Stewart property did not reach the reserved bid at the auc tion aale on Saturday was highest bid Witness J clothing store at was entered by robbers and raincoats suits and Ilea stolen Sidney Bedford arrested In Walk- on a charge of forging a cheque for bag confessed Ham whole half and per lb Puro pall for lb pail for fl lb pall Wow at lb Apilooto lb l 8 for 8csr Soap for Ho P for B Corn Deal Ibo for B for How Colony Loituco Parsnip Hand i far nl play of famous IJt Sir John Milton Co- play by fiangs entitled 11 It oilier is a Joan K 1 Message- of the dances costume are Court Musl- tt nance of the Ours Another Item on the program will be by the Honolulu Sextette hoys which has been Jhrwid under the supervision of the Club for tins excellent concert fd it PittrftioAs Store March p Hi kUOLI Windsor Acting for today a firm of Windsor ault ihe of and Dr Public School dentist claims damages alleging that fir extracted four perman ent teeth from the mouth of his sea Lawrence A old a pupil at Wyandotte Street School The case will be heard at sitting of ihe Ontario Supreme Court en fia asc and will be donated to the fund of the ft Bros Auto Gloss win mVe old car loot cod a fel bte CAN YOU READ FINE TYPE With ease and without strain If the type dim or Is afjjb you need giasrfeti- We the per lenses that you are fitted Come In and talk over son Co ana for People HALL PROS fiVJdio Office Live Stock Markets paid In Toronto this week Extra Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Cows Choice Springer Milkers Spring Lambs Choice Calves Sheep Hogs cars Markets Toronto Fall Wheat Wheal Wheat iS5 Peas Buckwheat i05 Rye Hay mixed Rugs per Butter per lb Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb 40 60 5U Fall Wheat Oats Hay ptr ton Sutler fc fc J 1 00 CO SO S3 ROBERTSON r -L-

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