Newmarket Era , April 8, 1921, p. 1

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Tea Meat Fork Klov-S- forn 09 to AT TCSirprWJ annumta when iflfl may lie of train JACKSON APRIL QUALITY IP or Paints NEW MARK JET litis lots Fitters Supplies- 6nd Fittings Accessories Olio and it Legislature OVER TO wilt I 9000 aiuIWhm already to any did any he lit to Parking Wlien 1Jirtof punda the Amounts of -regiKla- Friday oiio amazing lii la rt year a direct llYCa Hon llio a to a nan and en dealer the par kin llie ideate of how lib in commission on of to the Highway TIio of dial If only mat- on xatiiHiaOoithy First wo f i hadbcen Parkins nut JIjo In Dp you aay- Hint was to pay Works for giving the to parkin Is it That what pressed for a more direct they bolli f iheio wan corning Single v- Wif Lambs York in to have a new Mr Wat- AJro4p pbelalrepriBenta of the Imperial Company to ho Ihralr Jamba In Canada a For he lias hundted- farm adjoining bo La Salle Col- lege- on street ltd alart a and In the and to have everything fry Hie beginning of In dlapumdng matter today Mr to Mr admitted lib that the industry la en willing to he a to paying JiN share a to the MrBraokln of patronage worn strange enough j get an admission htm that- the of but yesterday the mem- proposal from hut BUSINESS UJ complete banking facilities provided at all our branches enable give Business Accounts and attention they need deserve the Maufaeturorll find the services rendered in conducting their OB PA NAP A flHANCIt A told of Jn profit on the deal lie and Parkin were to up Minister J with amazing frankness that he had the whole deal crook ed and told of discussions he and Parkin had as to vliat Frank gel the one suggestion llie gift of a- new ear worth and the other a payment of car might arouse comment in view of the already given the contract In the press t A told the thai Hon Mr Biggs had never approached ahout gulling anything hut ho him that Parkin had first ho Minister a and that the tsUfOO- been Tie alternative tie hod told that would took to give Mini ster a new car There would bo In words iwbuld this ho a fair way of putting It ho trouble because it would be crook ed asked Mr I meant if- it got down here to these Parliament Buildings would be TWorcaspnrydu didnt want to the car didnt want thing would a crooked thing to do I swore that on one occasion had visited the Minister home to get him to his Influence to make Par kin pay the follow ing remark Frank whatever Is com ing yon out of this I willing to mine I went on talking mid he didnt say thing On- another occasion Hoy no hi swore on the day action against Parkin was coining Up In the Minister Had the office of his lawyer and acrid will you lake to settle this thing cony of Judgment my steriously by Mr allowing that tho court re fused to allow salesmens claim a on alt Parkins garage In the contract cy- was not aware that Judgment had been given him new In Canada A fnr as lliq only place on the American where Persian lambs ore rained Is In Now- York Stale Mr Watson Is a clone friend of ft W Burrtjhy of yie P his predecessor With the poril Life fttJ QUO hear Mr Editor Id renewing my fiubacripttbn for the Kra must Bay how welcome read with ver great all the Tho old family names and he old homo town are a Joy to me I among the oldest of Bra was a welcome japcr in my falhera home and is also In mine I am now In my 82nd year and in good health I read Willi much Mrs Idler In onswpr to Liberty In the week before Bay let him out and give his name as he has already Ida colore We are also have a letter from Mr I have always been a temperance and what I could for the cause and we arc all working for vic tory next month which we arc ultra have J Mrs Louis Bolton C01V8 AGO ylo Apr welling of Mr Alfred rnar on the 2nd coo of bury was burned on Tuesday noon Mr professional oloou- appeared before the Friday evening The anniversary of the- Sunday School which was hold In Mechanics Hall on Wednesday was a great WHY 0T LIFE A PAin Hi THE was Lumber Doors Sash Flooring and Turning Sawing Dressing I7tti Moulding Etc factory Wards Huron St Newmarket a Complete tide of HouseCleaning Necessities PAIR Worried uneasiness felt by the Govern ment regarding coming revelations strikingly indicated by the fact that practically the whole Cabinet- was on hand Planked on Of J the chairman the Hon Mr and lion Smith while on the other were Hon Mr Hon Mr Biggs and Hon Mr At one time or nearly all of ihenj look questioning Reynolds or in the hot arguments thai developed in committee from time to time as Mr Price who was conducting the ex amination forced the pace the outset it appeared that the Govern ment was going restrict V by insisting upon the strict of evidence being followed but there was so much protest against this that Premier with better judgment Hum some of his overzealous col- leagues declared that ho was in favor of allowing the witness to ell every thing he knew Supporting the Government was of West Kent who though a Liberal member was toniS acting counsel for the Govern ment for it was he who carried on the crossexamination of the witness his effort being directed to showing hat Reynolds statement that he knew he was proposing something crooked anil dishonest in his talk of giving Mr his share stamped him as dishonest and there fore discredited his whole story of the most serious statements made by Reynolds came in the first few minutes he was on stand when he told of the first discussion between Biggs Parkin and himself about the contract This was on the of December three days before the contract signed ond witnessed was in Parkins possession and the commission assured Witness said that Parkin had re marked that they could not give any thing to Mr then because of the trouble In the papers They would have to wall for some time to approach him Reynolds got nothing at time hut later tie got a fop for commissions on ears sold and just a lip for being a good fellow- had refused this on the advice of ids lawyer He was then claiming Reynolds told of suing Parkin and of serving tiiggs He had tried to servo the Minister himself to expense hut Mr bod refused to accopt and He had bad to get the chief of police and his tvvyer to go to Ids house and Jiluj On ihe of the to Mr Biggs fismi Jits lawyers of He through and asked what lake to Incash Mr ypui lawyer Was there and Mr Biggs was there f Crooked knew the thing crooked witness for some line trying to gel an admis sion that the proposal that Mr get three thousand dollars arose out of the fool that ho expected to get out of it Reynolds final answer alter much retracing of ground was lhat If he had not been going to get something out of it he would never have been consulted by la the matter at all Reynolds could not say who first the suggestion the Minister should get though in referred to Parkin had oar Rut hud discussed Ihcnialter be fore that In a general way Sam Clarke Of Northumberland asked witness if Minister Mod ever approached Parkin or himself as to gelling a commission He never approached mo said Reynolds adding that the idea of giv ing something- to the Minister grew on them He thought more than fair that since they were making or the Minister should get bis share You donl know that ever approached Parkin or yourself He never approached me Mr Dohcrty suggested to Ihe witness that Parkins talk of giving the Minister something might be just a move lo save him from paying over so much to him Reynolds Reynolds In of the vrisrilion with Mr Biggs at his home be could remember haying told the Minister of the talk with Parkin about giving him In cash All he remembered was the Minister that lie would pay his If here was anything coming him Ho sad lhat was not for him to take the matter up wllh Frank At the close of examina tion motions were put in calling for the appearance at the next meeting of Mr McLean Deputy Minister of High ways and Hogarth the en gineer Parkin will also be recalled Mall recent issue of the fanners Sun contained an editorial which should bo brought to llie attention of mov ing picture firms Here it Is and it Is worth reading and considering wfiyfiioglvo farm life fair show In the moving picture city man is exhorted to go back to the laod II goes to a moving picture show in which ho farm Is pictured as a pace where a party of Joyriders take refuge when something Happens oar Hie farmer Is a ridicu lous figure with chin whiskers and one suspender The general tone one of contempt for country of Ignorance and flippancy To help movement- for better pictures we present the authors with a plot Take a boy out of the Into the country and describe his experience In learning how lo farm The need not be too serious There is plenty of room for fun Jn the mistakes which a city boy will naturally make in learning the caro of Animals and the From Miss Era April gave a i numerous oilier things that arc lo be done on A Hon Manning Dohcrty lias preci pitated another new Issue into Ontario politics is likely to create even more than the exclusion of steers from Rrlllsh grass lands The Accounts Committee of the Legislature has been Inquiring Into some of the expendi tures of the new FarmerLabor Gov ernment The Items for furnishing a room buildings for the minister of agriculture included the following mahogany bed and irtaltress GO chair mahogany rocker mahogany chiffonier mahogany dresser rocker walnut table I upholstered chair 1 mahogany chesterfield- screens pslr curjalus i farm Show the plowing the seed ing the harvest the threshing the pruning and spraying of fruit trees and the gathering of the fruit Hie form their care and use Is on opportunity for displaying many beautiful and Interesting pic tures Do not waste Ingenuity of freaks but tell the story naturally ring In lhecountry school and the various recreations of country life arc sure thai city women and children would be charmed by such pictures Some would recog nize scenes their childhood Others would receive a real knowledge of a life which Ihey were not ac- The fault of many of the authors of films Is thai they ore al ways after something freakish and ab normal and the things- that arc and simple If they want lo point a moral they depict lurid scene of crime some household blasted by the father or mother after some other woman or man They call these problems neglecting the problem of making a living and furnishing house and buying boots for the children to wear school The best way to teach morlity is to show the better way lire domestic life the every day Joys and sorrows of the home Other industries besides that of farming could be depicted Take the build ing of a house all the stages of digging out cellar laying the foun dation the work of the bricklayers carpenters plasterers Weave these things a story plenty of human Interest Scenery is usual ly shown In too hurried a way Time should be allowed for the eye to rest on the picture and drink in beauty At present most the shows arc ex citing and much a glass of whiskey They might be made restful stimulating thought and no emotion alone It spot a censor that Is required so much as a con structive Intelligent applied to the moving picture business tfe- The Keillor of The Sentinel- Re vie has received a polite invitation to fur nish some points for use In a debate on the absorbing that thy horse Is more valuable than the cow It Is scarcely a fair to submit to an editor He may know horse by sight and he may be fami liar with pictures of cows but IhY average editor has neither the time nor the opportunity a close ac quaintance with either animal The editor know that the has reputation being a very useful ani mal especially when he runs away and furnishes an Item for- the news paper The cow has Its practi cal uses from the point of view of the editor Without the cow there would probably be no discussions In the papers about sediment testa end bac teria counts and the relative values of the different cutis of beef the rest the average editor takes both the cow and the horse for granted He Is not Inclined to become Involved in a controversy between them Why should he take aides When has either a cow or a horse Mopped Its paper In a huff or written a saucy letter to the telling him he has no brains Wo the editor will will ingly give points on ought to run on which party ought to be in power on how the League of Nations ought to revised and other lllfle matters of that kind but as relative value of cow and horse lhat Is a problem beyond the scope of an editors genius Woodstock Sen- OAR OVER KiLtlHQ AIRMAN AT I 6WWrt He said What wlH ffAigfi shade Slip covers for couch and Mi fills Free Press phtns comes of Hon Peter treasury deficit Then the paper proceeds Imagine a nwhpgaoy chair and a rocker By the whst a latest filettonsry throws no light on the subject Can ft a some number of can en- on editorial Ignorance tonibiji and will tV your The whole community was painfully shocked to hear fatal accident which took place hi our midst last Saturday afternoon and which resulted in the death of one of our respected citizens Mr He was engaged hi some wood at Mr ttslis line when the belt became disengaged from the pulley of the saw- and was Itself around wheel of the engine when he made an at tempt to doing so and was lip the slack- of the belt and before aid could reach him- was where at such a that never regained- World On Tuesday night a fatal motor accident occurred at Camp Borden victim being Daniel Murray fialbrallh Almonte The accident happened about visiting the Gamp movies took a car and was driv ing Miss Jackson to the home of her sister Mrs Tudhope who lives in- one of he cottages In the Gamp grounds Being in somewhat of a hurry they were travelling at a live ly pace when they reached the sharp curve which the concrete road takes a quartermile east of the guardhouse Apparently Gal- i3A forgotten this curve as he did speed till lie was al most up to soon ha he noticed the bend he gave wheel a sharp lurh Tile care was an old one wllh lefthand drive The steering gear being loose the car swung around too far and the speed caused the right wheel to buckle under the car which swung around almost across the road Miss Jackson was thrown feet clear of the car and did not gel even a scratch Her companion was thrown with force to the pavement lighting on bis head and being partly pinned under was turned clear over Ap parently he had been caught by steering wheel as tho car went over Jackson succeeded in gelling him from beneath car and then ran to the for aid The unfor tunate man was taken to the hospital at oclock and breathed his test at was on the perman ent staff of and was one of best flyers He saw two years service overseas and was one of the most expert aerial gunners In the Marjory parly yesterday afternoon Miss Rachel Bolton of Toronto spent Easter Sunday with Mrs spent Kasier days at Miss of Aurora was the guest of Miss Partridge over Sunday Miss Webb of Toronto was the guest of Miss Flo Player over Sun- day Mr and Mrs Poster arid Miss Wil kin spent Easter holidays with friends la town fflcv Amos of Aurora was the guest of A Davidson on Fri day Mrs mother of To ronto Junction a couple of weeks In town Mrs of Toronto spent Easter holidays with her sister Mrs Mrs of Toronto spent the Easter holidays friends In town Miss Penrose left for the city on Tuesday and Hie family expect lo move shortly Miss Madge Ironsides was home from for over Easier Miss of spent Caster holidays at home Montgomery Geo Hodge left this week to accept situations In the city vMlfiS May was from Easter holptays Mr McDougalt entertained his employees I bis residence on Wednesday evening Mr Angus McCrlmmon from Nor folk County spent Easter holidays Id Miss Clara Kelmaa from Toronto spent Easter holidays with her slater and sang In SI Johns Choir J It- of of and Prank of were hero during Easter holidays Mr opened a paint shop over Mr Mannings blacksmiths this week Hodge A Co sold out yesterday lo J A Allan a Co Mrs Wallace president of the Womens Auxiliary of the Meth odist Church was the recipient of a handsome rocking chair prior removal to Ixbriilge 27 tramps received corporation lodging last month Those who took part In the Gospel Temperance Meeting last Sunday were Mr Mrs Gone Mrs Jackson Mr Oliver Mrs Watt of Fergus Alice and Robertson kerne Hendry and Rev Yeoman Marriei At Christ Church Hol land Landing Apr by Little Mr John A Wallace of Brad ford to Elizabeth Ann 3rd daughter of Mr Martin Taylor of Holland Land- In Newmarket Apr by Elder Mr Leslie of North Miss of The Tomb In Newmarket Apr Isaac Scott In hie year- 17 force He had been at Borden months and his death has cast a ploom over the Camp as be was on- of the most popular men there Ills wife and one child live at Al monte his parents reside in California He was years of a Examiner Breton row nor TAX J The Cut tons under city bachelor rime tiff for the James Clarke a iM Ml costs to pay for hi fats had In for ISpiv liiJnfc- the Sloulfvllle By a Of votes to for a municipal rink defeated here today There was projecl and for II It J a will be by the to build a Kin the day and or two fice-lor- were averted Is a FROM DEATH Owen Sound April By collapse of a bridge over the Syden ham only a few feet above Palls a high rugged water fall two and a half miles south of this city shortly alter noon loday a of horses with a wagon loaded with flour on which were Mor- lis and Were thrown lulu the rushing waters by fall was from a hor rible death on the rugged by heroism and quick of Mia com panion who at person ilsk rushed Ids a sdslnce and literally pulled him from the brink The walcrwas swirling through a channel at a very speed ami fooling was of the most In secure tils rocks being worn The two to Hie shore aid of a rope and wore little the worse for their The and wagon saved Wltli difficulty the wagon containing pounds of flour went lb full wis a Mi J fs tu WiljiivJi lot how Oil Urn ibfioiu sJErfBfe T

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