PtoioAn arid ftttiiijrtk f btfJuWfte Phono v lh oolite Wiyifttt- rt of Surgeon Knff- ana I Coroner fir I T W W to of ftoioji w about a v atrial Hie pew PWiHf liy loao J lor lc Will p MAIN or Main DR tiuccuHfior late Dp of Pyrrliooa Hours of Oft J St Main St Phono to l0 on Tuesday and by plnul and LIFE CO P Co of Bank of Toronto opitOBlto ftOH A Vouchor of Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of MualcalitiBtrumMita and tor Olios and Prompt 1 mohtf wHionjn ih bill luil llycd Jim WfH I to ti vy ycaVti- ago ih was an for wart a aoftvy from Homo for Hill or- at on Irjrfiiy IoJkoh Infie were Wall ntl trains from Aurora Hill a iiinif iiaiinar dOiiatfid Stiver whlnli of tioiiri of aatftitcd by- a ureal by providing a In r day lc licrei1 as a Keller Day for in ivjpol I tan iriivkii las it drop hi Big for butler and I bo koiijiH Slmeoa In jirlco a Following arc jmjfl KK Jor J niter lb j jO44 j if lb PtaerKiH iIr per iiuic lb J if flea r J 40o 9100 Mae 2rjoo 40 ISO Go 5200 3 eitr and iltealYokrea ianofeiiopIefiaV Doctor Favorite by or Bend package- vhat this vbnian my early lltft was very and tifta weak and wieerablol motjtakoo bottlo of Prctcrlptloa Urn vary J felt now ana vJtnJty I rawful for Jr AVvvorlto PrescrlpUoa has dona for mo andviH to rwowmiend fl vhisti of tin north divleion organ istatJoji look in of Nowinarkat on aflernoon- Teams from ami and final of wvm a Mr flhaTillars if The of running rare Jump elo most finish hoys or raining in fine of skill was in of and ha had him Iho following Mayor Mi 11 Mr Mr My J Mann Mr II and Mr fihaidlor- I i lodaxf faWe aSI- la- riy claim Ihftt If a Hi la now and aa- to from of authoHiyV drlujtlnj a a is not body low aiitjj a of dad jlandUd v6t as la rfgJlt laWy to 4t cft 1 r J jv as I I I V J -r- si Tic 1 if 1 BSSf VS A J L i I f J Tl f J J r J J 5 4- V J i j bo f v I Una fog an of kind ilocs lay a 113 prove a la inn a are a hook of And cbnUhllon j A Ho 1 mo lb a d j tip Of par only per iinrlcr Iwo ycjrs of I -lofti- 1 ran Inprnaao AlcohoHzallon nf Of of er 23 per Of f10 of drJnk- per enl dofoallya If Heavy llam yvmU cent Of children of per cool Anl I him and St VniiH and In bund Of a fttmU infancy had SI backward not Were deformed normal in In M lfl l had Si wpre fl were Jo only normal ion know one Insane pr-r- fion every four owns Ids insanity lo I it costs to Alcolot every year And hall not lay a bunt triifjstaxpmsion hi our and tfaclrpna of Is ftvciyi you new and must THE SAVINGS WITHOUT OF- We have entire Mock ktmurkfdnvery as to WITH lAY VALUKSJ Slaptcs from are tiny tlicsc I GOODS t given hays pflcr S J Wc public in in Church way you can say filllin Oxfords drills last wasan at fiOnnd ON HHS yuarnntewl fcaffieriirpof wide hist season yard Wj I yd fa and void ON BALK MASH AM TOWIvLLlXO hi cheeks and yard ON In plain and stripes eefjuloi yard ON THIS WEEK yd in and iililfe ail dozen ON dozen I1A1H In assarted Imxcw pins to vnw aScilwv ON box pail ON SAM- THIS 25c pair ITALIAN la tan and white all sizes ON SAMS pair In white and all Izcs ON SALE pair all sixes several differ ent styles ON THIS WJiKIC pair nicely all aims to ON Optician in conned on Javoor Part Ave I GoIloHop In Bank of Toronto nexl Office In very Office Phono funds to on VdEItCHAHTa in Health sad Accident liberal ami Over paid in losses for local agents nanjE Toronto fit week Mr Of bis furui of tin Dim West of the of OwlMtmbnry to Mr Andrew of 9eoll Vownsblp for ft good figure Jos of luis purchased Mr I the farm on the eorxwr of lite Town and the frd Con of mid Mr Davis will 0ivt the Joshua Davis farm on Hie I he Town Line Both of Ibc above soles were marie through Mr or Newmarket who has siveral for farms In he vicinity of Newmar ket Anybody who wards should sec him Mr Draper has sold his on Ontario St roe lo llannaf as Iho house he is occupying on Main Street has sold to a fanner Mrs Cunningham of solo her house to formerly Me house Easier Term Wo added- BOOKKEEP I lo our courses of study may now have the option iruklinr Mile Or In the place of Shorthand rail particulars on request ENROLL ANY DAY Stenographic School tock of Toronto A Prill U4 A GoodluYGStment be by having your next to order of our How Fancy strlpo Worsted op tciyfcs WILUS Mens Tailor lag la Indlponeablo Thai advertising in lo inoilorn business is now ad mitted Just as Is one of iho Iruaorhnl components of air o one of vital thai sustains slhHiiks first o he when prod Ion deinundiid inoro and thins of Widening perfection Dig printers art aod reading habit have branch to its present slate of high It Is a somolhlnfa sees Its day go past in times of plenty It is needed to gel more business while In times of Is essential as without It Ihe or mer chant Is sure to find II hard to with and gel business tie man who believes his light 11 and on of two of hoM llto ladiiis a most WOra voted a of thanks 0 head labia and with Mayor KvcvOaht Mr Parry and Mr Mann The shields Mr of Annua ami apt Aubrey worn given winning fa ho of Mr Mayor- ineoiitcii ho floury to Pathfinders of the Cant of Davis made to Hustlers of Ihe Christian Church winners of I be Davis shield spnUa la the hays and hoped thai they would multiline h worthily uphold the honors rimy had won from of who were builders Mr of Hoys work a and Mr through fail ure the Toronto Railway lo in limetablo arrived la I a und had but a before jrht in which to the hoys hilt he in Iho brief lime at his disposal a wonder ful lo the and left a deep and on minds dial eannot be measured in winds Tlia VaUonal An- hem rinsed a and a most sueressful nut lln from under public a and lliinH April Ibis lid your lawn mower over to Keep your liens at trine IfiKiie sport he Ihe eellar Lets Shut Off the images again lo lln buds am swelling Time lo for Spring planting Hi Clean Up ami Up ilays ore drying up The Of May is the nesi holi day it comes In about six weeks unit- people have commenced gar- say la to say mm Itia liquor is not upon true of far principle of liherly Orlnk ami more liable lo One of companies says- A whose nerves trim been made by ft op by be bnbllud se of to or us only life but lues of olb comity Company Need wo saymore He for hlerfy and W are hn whrn f a burden upon the needlrss n must go from bar from cellar J on g seaman at mis pair HOW all pair ON THIS OWiiUM and smocks best blue and last pair SALE THIS WEEK 5 pair made hi the newest ON THIS 520 THIS 1145 MIvVS AM fifTfTS ON THIS i32 SUITS and ON THIS HOYS SUITS made of OX THIS HOYS SUITS of regular SALE I a liiii r- A FINE Manilla thousand IK per0us April ITfteen wea rendered homeless by fire last most destructive here la twenty Jems destroyed three homes In he northern section of Ihe ibv known as the San bodies were in Ihe HOW TOLD IV The street ear your business Iho a who think enough of It to ask for It through the eo lorn as of Iresli 1uk parsnips ar enjoyed Rhu barb will lip along syrup Is now was swaying from side to side and a passenger who had even a strap to ling was suf fer Off as a Three Dines he landed on be I up of a stout wW finally lost her a are you What you call yourself Will came the reply think now myself as a lender The appealed- to the matron who not only forgive him but decided to his humor tried it first Oil her Yes dear she said limes he landed my lap and when I him what he was he an YIHY Aavh iromirt ieheme Is one man in things whojji gaiety to see lose bis job Ihe hoy be kepi mm I rough the of he world is temporarily lo up shop of he highest lm POHiinee that the eupallon should he as consist ently as It is possible for policy human to II To slhillze railing this is lake a long toward the of world Industry I be supreme need today of sadly IJievhle I Potatoes sold as low as cents per buy wholesale J on Saturday after noon so largo wis Ihe offering They sold at CO cents by the bag The owner a worth Jess old horse Joel Turner had boon in the habit of feeding the animal from the cribs of his mora enter prising neighbors un til of his victims was exhausted had him in the act of helping Irimsol lo aorn a number of arid so hare was plenty of evidence to Convict hint hut account of his family and his vindictive disposition no one day when JoeTs neigh hois were discussing situa tion soma one suggested Oh at it would be an 16 f would also solve- their if Miry bought ha horse and pul it out of its misery This be conference subscribed a of dollars and soil a of one to buy Hie horsed Here lh plan was llirealeiied with fall urn The that did not want sell After a few days in field who thought some- of a diplomat undertook to sale and to liis surprise found Joel not only will ing hut anxious to sell the horse That said Jesse in a con gratulatory lone he handed over the ten dollars was a fcaod or you You will get lols more out of the ten dollars than you would out of old horse leafs JoeK know where can buy a team for ran I who are working to get ahead are invited to make l free use of our banking facilities- for theif business A deposit Account will enable you to pay accounts by cheque avoiding the necessity of carry ing large sums of money at the risk loss or theft The paid cheques also form valuable re ceipts for payments Give Loas are freely made to them production of cropland live A Manager y P our local Manager- His experience in financial matters may be of value to you tikis Capital Reserves Cold in tide Head an lie attack of frequent reside la bead will fludihat will buna the iai3 them colds a Acuta Catarrh lead to Catarrh MlnTQJKE la loWniftlly on lie MBccus ffHUtfa rtsd I 0 Jmitr memory Js thai for Is its flKahj an st At flPfJEUpioiYlS shown more to appendicitis although many cases occur prevailing The In testinal acts BOTH upper and lower bowel all foul decaying matter which might cause it matter you never thought was la your and whJlh have you for for gas J Patterson have for Houses for opting If you waul all la ait4 ItotyoUr also have several for la la five i0 and tots iloal J LIVE HSU A MINE fish have fcuoa hi he bottom of gold mine hi a shaft feet deep They were from lo 12 la ami up to of a pound In and must have beta merely fell fa exceptioaxi- dry sjaail fieen to anrt deliberately jama shaft In aeareh of How they ever replied Ihe bottom alive is a mystery- like a prims auother of true storks about eoU lege grail V6a look Kited aiy dear Mr Gray Vila lo I am tired wld Mrs Gray 1 heard you say lhU you itbbll so I went to Mil got oa I- mtnt la surprise you with Ive at work it Ihr I eat more Ihan half Jcl J- POULTRY SUPPLIES Buckeye Incubators Oyster Shell Chicken Grit Leg Bands Thermometers Incubator Buckeye Brooders Fountains Feed Boxes Grit Boxes Egg Crates Phone i