Newmarket Era , April 15, 1921, p. 4

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t aBifaJi j rUrfrpjv-xr-x-fVjr- f Woman Should Compound a Trial First a and four Retort did mo anygood I have to Lava oper ation A told barns Compound and I of that wall I tied octa vo to It again I well I have a six room flat wad do all my My two are taking npon sy recommendation and my latter ft Is gospel troth end I will writ to an if ho If St Ave Chicago III A Vermont woman nddn her testimony to line of those fortunate women who been restored to health by I Vegetable ita of tor It ltda woo i I end had a of who that I would fca aay tatter until I bad an operation I bid walk floor could net do a Induced try table Compound It fcis no boas do my work I Compound ton lira Feint Vt la t tiro Ibtro for and a Giatsa inora than of and of and It fa It trouble J may reach a 4rAUoa la but Moatof the commoner aoteaoaadby may aupear flrat ftpMar VgttablO tto latent ts beta roatoicd- by Vcctelja CoMniuud tor by dftiE3 Atlwcat to wtU to yea request to fill Go blfii rfitaxomlos defying taw lUo wldoh was placed by over whelming bo people only What By feipoafitol in the around watara of by early flpanlan hope not for thai would mean bat you ware tfetUna llrcd of diriloorocy tired of being rites fin those witnessed by tbe Euro- to long ago raedjums do not employ rap- tabletipping or the dark from Constipation Liver and All Asked to as to What cabinet to call up dead but their of Ihe Irafflo weird and Cot of Bxchangesa It Old Ibe Trick tjtftftw Mercury A farmer oil ford averted a wreck off red and Ibb eitKlucer The on the Iruln raised a purse of ftgureu out cents per human life Comparisons are odious hut Just think of he of a pair of socks Liberty Ac Ion Free crowd of over outside of big hull to the front doors with clones bricks anil bottles at Hie same Ihne shouting loudly lu a vain drown out Ihc voices of the Speakers at ijna4 of police In and mob which was rapidly he- fbCjiinbtniylnA Ijeen slatted on run were not al lowed any opportunity to return to hall Three men were arrested on a charge of io riot THE MAN AtlE TO With a Press The action the IJherly League In Issuing a writ applying for an Injunction to prevent flumes of voters being placed on the Ibis In Toronto for the iRefcrendum except by voters person will likely prove a boomerang Any way Its a fine spirit Of liberty tils League Is manifesting Times irresponsible parlies are making some very wild statements diiut dime nor being or largely Influenced by iHpior The facts however speak for and be example County there were mltmtits iu the County Jail in year lief ore Ibe A came into force in ion after it fiffiieiVvt theitj were only Good Advice Jiowmaiivnio News A father wants If time for a mother lo begin teaching tier to Iron sweep set WiLsh clean silverware darn blockings wild ah Ibe other duties In not in her early years say soon as she is able to do some mentioned Yes by all means Every gbl and boy loo huuhj be assigned duties and to Ihein regularly horn to of age We ioiii wish to hurl any feel ings but fur too many young girls are too many and not duties for their own good ti boy fells a peculiar In I ores I In the man he Is going to be He seems a personality quite distinct from his own and yet one for whom he feels a curious finds hard Lu believe he is ever going to ruin Into that dignified grownup Individual in lei able to resist the allurements of swim ming hole and with a singular weak ness for Clean collars And that strange Inexplicable being Is be knows closer to him than his twin brother It Is a good thing lo give consider able thought lo the man you are going I be for It Is In your power to help him as no one else can or to injure hint seriously that nothing you van ever do will retrieve the blunder There lb many a middleaged man day who thinks resentfully of the boy he used to be on account of the hand caps due that youngster He would not learn his lessons and so the man unable to write a respectable busi ness tetter without the help of a stenographer dropped out of school early and so mail has never been able to lake the place that might have been his had ho been better prepared Is no wonder he sometimes feels like going back through the years and finding his boy self long give him a good thrashing Then there Is the man of forty who Would not dare to run a block oe- count of his which a hoy strained more than twenty In bis craze for athletics here Is another broken middle age because a ago thought nothing him Most of That leads me to ask What Is a vote any bow la only a piece of paper a marked on ill a or opposite noma A vole Is air opinion of one of expressed In tho ballot box which in the first step In lite process of making laws are the wishes and opinions of Iho majority of the citizens formed into a workable code oil any given public Wo have laws without we first have If I gel tired of voting speaks loudly that J am tired of having and no democ racy can live without voles if if people want a given bellied In a certain way but vote for that measure and If the per cent vollnghave nil the weight and the per cent who refused lo vole dont count then democracy rjomes useless persons gel con I ml liberty Is then What Is it vote It Is a prayer to make new demands that even IhoUgh Ho knows what wo need be fore wo ask Him we shall ask for What wo desire So a vote Is a prayer to Government to do certain tilings which we want to have done What about Ibe rumrunning The last over whelming vote be measures of the Ontario Temperance Act That set- lies It whul Ontario wants no more liquors sold over the controlled no sate ef beer or light wines etc even un der agencies Why this the Irovhire of Ontario has no power to pans laws to prohibit people from bringing liquor Into the Province the Dominion Government has thai power and Ibis Referendum for Apr is iho Dominion Govern ment giving the people of this Prov ince of Ontario a chance to say he Dominion shall liquor from being shipped Into the Province Now File in I what do you want Do you after voting to prohibit the sale of strong drink within the Prov ince want the people of other Prov inces to ship it Into this Province lo undo Iho work your vote months ago If you want slopped ask for It Iu slop by voting Yes on April IS This will he your prayer to to slop it The need of voter Asking for Uohiblllnn at the border Is great vote comes on April when roads arc generally bad the rural vole is liable lo ho rail down and the vole has always given us a great ma jority ruling that every voter whose name Is not on the list must appear In person will prevent thou- In extreme When a member of the to talk a de ceased or friend ho visits the medium his wish at making advance pay ment In the form of fruit and various Jungle delicacies medium him to return at a certain Hour next night aft many guests ho to Invito In honor departed spirit noon on man goto medium a flro of woods over which bo a decoc tion of green Many of herbs are deadly poison but are o skilfully mixed measured quanti ties that acta as an antidote to tho other At appointed spirlt- and bin Invited gucste and neat In a circle around Are but at a distance from It Absolute alienee reigns for regular lap of a drum sounded Interval by a man stationed in the deep shadows- beyond Iho Arc medium appears bearing aloft a shell filled with brer of herbs Ho scatters the glowing lire to form a ring and steps Into the mid dle of first laving fragrant green on the live Soon clouds of rise and envelop htm the men around the flro break into a wild Incantation drum la furiously beaten and in midst of uproar tho medium drfnka poison and empty shell among spectators Immediately chant the drum Is and ovary Is fixed on llie medium dimly visible through the smoke The at bis eyes roll his mouth twitches his body writhes and unintelligible cries Issue from bis lips These cries arc to voice of the departed man who has thus caused dead to bo summoned pro ceeds to of spirits consulted about everything that happens In vil lage tribal or family con- Journeys stolen property even tho planting of cud frensled afel utterances of the medium grovelling on the ground In the throes of pain aro interpreted by eager listeners as replica When the medium finally suc- cum La to exhaustion and Ilea motion- Ices In embers of sacred pre the disperses Those mediums are regarded with great fear and respect and wield more influence In the tribe than the chief himself but the time always comes when there is loo much of one herb or too little of another in the brew find then the medium revives from bin stupor The fallowing from well known or Hew market and Aurora what they think of are gcnulno and can stand a thorough Investigation If yon will J Toll Newmarket a wellknow wife refcommeatf4 as ho best medicine ever put on sale to the for makes following statement For years was photograph on very of flonulno prepared only from ticrbs Roots and It con- tslnono tjruri or it billets nature ti should bo It lo a It purillcft takes away that tired and feeling and rnakeo you that Jlfo Is ivorlh living REWARD TO prom Mrs Youngs Iroulitc and sufferer from stomach troubla and all ailments caused through same doctored and tried everything I thought would help me without relief til I was recommended try gave mo relief at once have used samo a Medicine for years It falls to give results My advice to Is try you will regret name Mrs Timothy St Newmarket slates gives rtlt pleasure lo recommend Youngs the general public have t a great sufferer In my time with acute indigestion- 1 cannot express hot grateful am for what has done for me I always keep hand would not be without In Ibc house for a great deal For think It has no equal Mr Burling Niagara St employed Tannery slates Wast Youngs has done for me for troubles I positive it wd for anyone who gives It a fair trial I have recommended ft to many they have found It as I have a medicine never falls lo do all that Is of II think for the working mans home as a Family Medicine It PROM At the age of this well known and respected citizen of vcw- mends Youngs Mrs 1 Palmer Aurora states I have been troubled with for Home lime Youngs wan recommended to inc tried found good results from the first bottle I have taken a few if It bus done me more good than anything yet Owing lo my elwicj als expect to he cured but Youngs relieves me of tli- that worth a great deal lo me also find It a good tonic and for J ion It Is splendid Mrs slabs J have suffered great deal in the past years have doctored deal and tried everything thought would help me without any good beard of Youngs ITigcKlii and derided to same The first bottle gave me relief and after lislng It for a I a valuable medicine lo keep on hand I noj been without it In the house for years every now and again and it keeps me in good health I can highly recommend Youngs for to Mr I Cole Aurora slates hove used Youngs lilgeslu for inillgsllon and which with for two years and can highly recommend it for same Elgin years ago my Wife suffered will roubles She and tiled everything Nothing done her so much good as Youngs lllgesta GOLD J ABLE sands list The Liberty lovers of fret speech League years And down before silly boy years would ever hurl Our Toronto Letter Rev of Hie Mothers Commission today that over wnlows with hi Ontario have now pensioned Many applications -r- being received A Jury In the Count Court assessed Hie 300 In action of against Toronto and Hail way for el dam- for the injuries she received In a OliUiun between two Metropolitan Mount Cemetery A County Court Jury found that ibe of car was for the collision between a street car and a truck owned by the Motor Freight as a result of which Hie was thrown against Or A Howards auto which was standing at the curb Dr Howard wis allowed for damage done to auto and the Freight Co for the damage done to their truck The Jury found the street ear W4i loo arid that the had not bis gong because they were abut out of prohibition iobss meeting In Hall wbrii Johnsm the ipfiakM a of mux in a You JO have a high ideal the man you are going to be take it for granted he will be able in every way successful distin guished But sometimes you fall take Into account that he will Very little except what you will patheUoslly impel the boy lh to have d dependent on you are of voters being placed on the of small group of In dinging Iho right The fact that would bring into Ibe country an who was and is a preacher a rabid Eng land hater a proGerhian during the war whose own aper Is continually trying to stir up hatred between the United Slates and people all going show the biased methods we have to face renders it doubly important Dial every citizen in town and country factory or on the farm should allow no hindrance to prevent him or her from easting bis vote larmer country folks people of small towns like our own dear New market this Is a time for you to shine ao dont fail to let your light shine clear to Ottawa by your ballot on April IS Country lads arc bring ruined by the imported drink and nothing but your vole Yes next Monday will slop it He that to do good and it nut shall be beaten with many stripes aid may be own loved ones wholl wear the stripes of disobedience Vote Yes Vote early lie not intimidated Make your Yes vote a prayer to and to Govern ment for and good will to men Publicity Committee No man with grit grace ami gumption will ever be heard com plaining that be is not appreciated Should inch a feeling ever take pos session him lie will smother and double his effort lo make himself worth something to the world A paper is in favor of women voting If ihey vant to A western paper would like to see the man who could nuke them vote if they ibe lit of Perhaps in the entire range of In- anatomy there Is no point more truly marvellous than the manner in which tho respiratory system Is modi- fled in order to unit ft lo the peculiar requirements of its In many ways the structure of Insects Is won derful enough They gifted with muscles of extraordinary strength and are yet destitute of bones to which those muscles can be attached they possets a circulatory system and are without a heart they per form acts involving the exercise of certain mental and are without a brain But more remark able they breathe atmospheric sir without the aid of lungs If we take any moderately large Insect say a wasp or a hornet we can flee even With the naked that a of small spotlike marks run along eith er side of the body These apparent spots which are generally eighteen or twenty in number are In fact the apertures through which the air is admitted into the system and are generally formed in such a manner that no extraneous manor can by any possibility find entrance Two rookies were indulging In the soldiers privilege growling about troubles and Ihc high cost of enjoying life while on leave ordered a chicken dinner a and they charged mo a dollar and six hits said one A overheard mister said 1 know where you can get a chicken dinner for two bits A good big one loo The soldiers looked skeptical but Hie newsboy insisted that he was tell ing Urn truth and told sheet and number of the place too A few later according lo the Argonaut the two soldiers went to the city and determined to visit the cheap restaurant They found Ihc address It was a feed store J AY was a Fish It Is not known that ell caught the coasts of the Isles belong under an Act of Edward to the sovereign they are royal fish and the stur geon Is included under Iho term whales Titles King George has received under the terms of the act which also empowers the lo cal to hold an inquiry Into any such capture for the purpose of fatlsfactority deciding Its Royal character There la however one im portant exception any or stur geon which ventures up the Thames and Is unlucky enough to be captured vest of ceases to be and belongs as a Munici pal flsh to the Lord Mayor An American on a visit lo London took a bus city every morning where he had business to do an AngloAmerican firm says an ex change He always eat behind the driver On first Journey he no ticed that on arriving al a certain cor ner the driver took out Ids big silver watch dangled II to and fro a few limes and winked Jovially at an Indivi dual who stood he door of a shop Why do you do that the Ameri can asked Well Mid the taking pipe from his mouth thats a little Joke we as between us as wc arc old friends You see his father was A fellow who has actually tried It says that though there are three scruples in a dram the more drams you lake the less sciuptes you Will have 7 J J J J JL Bid lVcdUC3 r I SSNOttfS FOR V a V Wet stand talk- sore today THE TftAWOklt One of Hie Canadian bench Journals following ft was raining hard and the sentry was standing Inside hfs box sandwich halfway through it a man approached remarking sentry Yes aint Hi but dont to me the corpora Is and hell report me I am No Im General Holy sinote 1 Hold w exclaimed astonished stiitiy ran firrewtks didnt want friend h who Joy Ihi Rheumatism tfUeit tid fvf years pit tlUritl told by uOa jaunts AffO lit WTfirojilo In by VA ton end hi Why Motors Better by Night Here Is of the prluclpil why an automobile motor does run better air Is almost day air at night the engine can get a heavier charge and so produce a more power ful Impulse at each explosion Not only Is the sir taken Into the engine cooler and so heavier but the pies- of a cooler atmosphere means that the water cooling will be more effective that motor will in Itself cooler iliKAd From A glass found extensively Iu Japanese waters yields a fibre which when mixed with cotton both and cheapens thread latter alone made of from to a seen THE l home hool found bis lady whom be had never before dear said his mot I fa your Yes taking in her ample it Is agiilji With us With It Jays InevlUlilfi In Is the to suit our wc kill PiUiviS us from iu be i Nov is the you can greatly improve the appear ance of home with a touch of paint iieie and there neglect your and coat of protection will Save the sdrface and you save all a J paints Mm TSS O finUb that toll not fade or A off tints suggestions for for the enamel da in a ful for bid- etc It fifcKOUHa a a MARBLE The the A hard finish that icratcb be with and miny ihliv tie to lnexp4MTS of mtie la a 18 4 maw 1 it Vft i LLitU you lvii Va be slid to Wo a foil fcadViiuUtUuUrJ Newmarket mi S -Ms- V

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