Newmarket Era , April 22, 1921, p. 3

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a piviuyiVJpiL fvxvv Wr In J under auspices of tho Friday a lady in IT from Toronto control Ml Will durable ami I J on Friday by Al io KWJletn Suction on Saturday lo paying Big is are and Church Sunday April Class Meeting ISO of the I irM W J for Church J School worship will parade Theme Christian it pasVor Endeavor I Tuesday night T Win paper on We Improve Our Irene Penrose I- Willi a nolo After served ami hour spent next Tuesday In charge of Walter Collins Mr Win will a paper on A Cood How Jo Obtain It Com rlothotflst In connection with the night the Junior League to give tin audience a demonstration of work lit announcement made at of tin employees of the Co on Monday night that Company Intended Co a large Of in filling up tin flats to the factory for howling lentils as well as erecting House At athletic fomnil with the following It Smith will be ill Pauls Jiff 1 Services a in Communion in and Sermon p in- Sunday School p in Mr A Alibi A will preach on Church organization Canon Hector IVcdncsdoy A week from Wednesday May the the Wednesday for the clerks begins when the atorcs clone noon It would he Just as well for the to make a of for fear of disappointment In or dering something required Club evening Club meeting April In and bad A program Met on the very of limbic ami moving plotures was given after which every one enjoyed a social hour together in dancing The will meet with the Club on Saturday night April hear the to be given than the Friday night At four oclock Wednesday of last week the marriage took ti of Miss Dorothy Walts of the late Edward Mm to Mr J Jr son the Hon tolw A ceremony Y by the Vtfb at home of the road Toronto It- who was given away by Albert wore a grey Milt i fir georgette bat flowers and taupe fox bouquet of bridal Street lo bo AC Council Meeting last Monday evening It was decided that Water Street and hot Street no more Street wjll commence at the foot of Main Street on and on the Wept side Millard Avenue will commence at Main Street and with the jog to the West side of the Town This renamlng of streets will vlale ii lot of In the minds of strangers when directing them in future Street Signs remind people of tlm change Harbour attended the ray Miss I navy blue taffeta with Wl Won hat Later In the- day Wiai Mrs for their wed- ond in Newmarket ajJ of Newmarket were llio guests the wedding Park urgent sollelUtlon in gelling an op- wis Ciovc at the end of for Town Park ilie will bo mad I a special meeting of lath is Monday expected thai a to purchase of the pro- a reading it the Council to ash 0il ti for lire will clv f n On Thursday evening of last week the Office Specialty Co entertained their employees and a number of In vited guests In Town Hall which was fairly weir filled The program consisted of music songs and li lies by five Toronto entertainers and series of Moving The lat ter showed the saving of lime when the Office Filing System is In use also value of their fire proof vaults Mr con tributed a solo The whole pro gram was very much enjoyed The employees are fortunate to be with a firm that seeks lo social welfare contribute of Mr A very prominent nun In the busi ness life of the Town years ago paused away at noon on Wednesday In the person of Mr Hud be lived two more days he would been years of age Of hie years he hud been a great sufferer from rheumatism and for more than four mouths lie lias been confined to his bed i Mr Jundy was born In the Town ship of Whltchunoh and when he mar ried Miss Catharine Walks of he bought a portion of the Homestead and for himself on was afterwards known as- the Mordeeal faun years ago he bought the farm on the Line adjoining me Town of Newmarket now owned by Mr Wal ker After a few years he went into the Dairying mid supplied the greater portion Of the inhabitants with lacteal fluid A short time- after Am added machinery repairs on the farm In the coulee of another year or two there was a suspicion among the farm ers that grain buyers here at thai Messrs Marsdcn Sutherland and Lukes had formed a ring to keep prices down and Mr to buy grain He certainly made a stir on the grain market and a couple of years bought the Sutherland Storehouse on Huron street Mr Sutherland still operating the grist mill run entirely by water on the present site of the Specialty Works Mr seemed to be singularly in the grain trade and after a few years built his brick residence on Huron street sold bis farm and moved into Town He then added the mercantile trade to his many oc cupations doing business in the premises now occupied by Pattersons Drug Store At that lime there were four big In Town Masters in the store now occupied by MrS M Harrison A Davisons next door North Sutherland the next door North and Robert door North again were dry goods and groceries and the latter dry goods only Mr was strong opposition for two or three years In dry goods and boots after i are favorable we Park that will be a l i a Jrvn on Ihe Kast all cut down bid ihe ugh the ie tin Louneiitors at Price excessive is not accepted chances are that necessity of a they will not turn lion Missionary Day and church great the financial A The lunlor Leaders of the County in M A work were the of the County the King Hotel on Wednesday evening The hostess put up one of her best dinners which was enjoyed to the fullest extent Aubrey Davis presided during afterdinner speeches Mr J Harris of the National Council of V M A Toronto gave the principal address which was great ly appreciated Other speakers were exMayor Pearson of Newmarket Mr 1 P Forester of Mark ham P of Aurora and- of Newmarket The thanks of the Leaders were ex pressed by Mr Frank of Kes wick and Mr of Rich mond Hill It was a very evening and strengthened the work of Bytes In the In King of Cat feed An Dyed rod of Fox flomp Stiver Vox KAch require ments of women ac count for vol- urao of worlds fur Irado a merchant day fair to lamentably ig norant about their vnrlouo kinds origins value and possibili ties It would woman to get on this subject oven though may no prospect of purchasing OX attract the Oral and every woman longafor seal or mink but It Is tho common larger amount of trade Including seal mink otter and more of fur known to commerco leopard of Africa tho of goat China and Thibet and vallaby of Australia arc of course Imported but Canada has a thriv ing Industry all her Canadian lynx is the king of cat furs as to and quality cougar as to sice In this family thoro also the bay lynx the bobcat tho wildcat and dont domestic pussy Hud- con Hay used to produce Canadian lynx a year but the catch has been falling oh on account no doubt of slaughter of hares In Reasons of rabbit scarcity the lynx is poor which to prove what bis stnplo food must be Tho hair Is deep and color la a pepperandsalt grey or else a creamyfawn boat are found further south than Minnesota but most Quebec and north The raccoon recently Into high animal Is easily domesticated ho now farmed Full grovn ho and measures two to three feet The trou ble Is that much of the fur Is taken a sheer of life and profits Is the small striped coon aleo very popular tho peltiy soft thick The when taken In prime mid winter coat can be dyed sliver fox and red fox The fur of shaggy timber Is much deopor than Reynards however and tall noils for best neckpieces fur Is more durable than fox The northern wolf has a silkier coat than the timber wolf and the fur can be bleached to Imitate vhttVfox or dyed to personate blue fox grizzly bear weighs pounds polar and the brown and silvertip slightly less The black bear makes the choicest fur There Is a smaller white bear not a polar but a fresh water inland cousin of Ills The Alaskan J feet long the polar to feet For and America the spring sold nearly 10000 skins The badger in In high favor This Is ycllowlshgrey fur with darker white at the tip The depth of the fur Is a great beauty point The world output of fox runs to nearly two million and of these threequarters are red Canada uses poldr foxes a year When the white fox change to bis spring coat ho la called stone fox Aleutian fox farmers slaughter off Arctic foxes to prevent their blood marring the blue fox To science all are but color phases varied by habitat and climate The kit is small grey animal of south In silver fox sold high as Skunk Is one of the best furs in tho trade The demand exceeds the Simpson the next supply There species of Tin- first three which the Jet black grades highest From Inches to foot Is the bestgrade size and the bushy tall will bo as long as the body Squirrel Is one of the fragile furs large dark ones came from Aus tria and Germany in the past but we HOLLAND LAUDING DRY FOLLOWING Holland Landing April Holland Landing revived referendum returns indicate a dry majority The vote was No Yes of the Holland Landing district attribute the dry majority to the recent re vival services held In the villages when nearly persona were con verted PRINTED Four Wide on per Yard N I f rtOOOi tUNDY I children TO LEARN GARDENING Aurora April At a meeting of i the of the Horticultural So ciety tonight It was decided to give prizes to the children of the town for the best kept borne gardens The society vylll supply to Pie youngsters the gardens will be judged early In August There will be special prizes for the boys girls at Horticultural In the fall ITALY Rome April Fourteen persons were killed and wounded In fight ing between and in province of Tuscany Live Stuck Markets prices paid in Toronto this week Choice Steers and Heifers 5 Choice Butcher Cows Choice Springers Milkers Spring Lambs Choice Calves Sheep off cars NEW CURTAIN NEWS AND SCRIMS S3 Inches Coo and White or Ecru In yd Oatmeal Cloth for Colore In for Two Pieces Pancy and Green Reg for only Fancy Cretonne for yd THE Toronto Markets Main Street North Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Wiical Oats Ihirley A tUU Hay mixed Egg per doz nutter per lb Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb llomollado Peanut 50 2500 30 C0 50 45 05 per lb Hollo lb Mild Wiltshire lb do fop J15 Garden for co Dutch ooo 113 Tea for i Newmarket Markets for em- s wsponsiNltty to lie danger of slern Canada AT Ill We way recent War work along Mr the afi- which he built larger premises op posite tils Storehouse and moved there grow our own now to a greater the arm trade from the The number told is practically of grain Continuing In business a These are v 1 on this continent the range number of a pae Forlda be finally met with a inverse In the can be used grain trail- Accidentally breaking i imitate chinchilla his leg hortly afterwards did not help ermine has fallen from Its and In health he onetime estate as miniver of disposal of both tho storehouse am royally and cannot command the More The lerths of both children a century ago It la brown and both of whom l married deeply affected the parents who died five years ago was a very bib dug woman a helpmate For years she was Incident of the Ladles Aid in the Methodist Church and a strong worker in the W since her hath Mr Lundy has been falling In health and even the relatives have MM last Mid with blacktipped tall and can be dis tinguished from cat because the fur cannot be the wrong way It belongs lo the weasel and stoat family cat Is now a factor In the fur trade Over used an nually and Just bear the birds sing ing their happy In the prices ran cents up to Fall Wheal Spring Wheal Oats per hush Barley Hay per ton per nutter Carrots Onions On Hand 50 80 30 CO H KNOWU6S US YOUR j58ond lira to Absent t or at bis longevity been Was a very active and a genial friend Though he never served in the Council his name will go down In history as one of the maker of Newmarket The genealogy of the Lundy fwmlly with of land He had a son Robert muskox ii robe only It is protected by Canadian law Opossum to the number of are used In one to two seasons The fur is warm but not durable Wol verine Is dark brown saddle of lighter fur Chinchilla Is a grey- of bun owing mouse blue color Otter is very popular at present Of mole world catch is six million or more Tin fur Is like who came Rucks County and mauled Jam Lyon Their plush and Richard born Large and had a Lundy III He married vanl son married son Ami Will Among father of Lane Canada in was lathi- of Newmarket on and leu children in was Samuel Charles Lundy of son William of settled Newmarket and Ids son Samuel of late Charles The four brothers of YOU READ FINE TYPE se and without strain if tbe type or blurs It Is a sure etgu you We prescribe the lenses you are fitted Come In end talk It over William moved to Virginia Their names were John Richard Amos and All with two Is belong to this family Urge family deceased Is only one brother sod one Joseph of Williamson and hare defy calculation yet the market Is never swamped nearly ninety million and Australia llllon a- year Canada can sell a and resell twelve millions from the Antipodes Rabbit brings more money than seal and combined and the supply la It got3 Into the dye pot and emerges as seal mine or fox but the dye can be TOURING beauty spots hop choicest hunting grounds far removed from the away from Only a car of light weight and unusual power bad roads and marshy lands In safety The lord sur mounts all road difficulties and takes you where you want to Ford Touring car Is with modern refine- mont oneman top sloping double ventilating windshield de mountable rims tire carrier and leather door grips horn button Is mounted on top of the steering column and the head lights aro equipped with approved nonglare lens start ing and lighting equipment Is furnished If desired at a slight ad ditional coat Out of a survived by market and of Aurora The funeral will take on Sat urday afternoon at Service at his late and at Newmarket yz

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