Newmarket Era , April 22, 1921, p. 7

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Soto by J Patterson North York Marble Electric Works All AH AH Latest In Monument and Hoed work promptly done by of Out to Order John 0 Moss- Proprietor r Phono lie address Huron Hoi St CUT funeral Flowers BULBS Kg Order than Delivered Crunch of Wow- market Olaco Sunday- evening to Church occupying front centre body When Rev W Lawrence wilt on Special lift by the Tim invit High The presented a night when of and Wrrouno llftrcd hi number In a- enjoyable Excellent music VMM provided by fllfalhilton Or chestra or Toronto and the party broke up oclock g of hold in- A rooms on Thursday A mi I 7 wan ho toitfu Of buys who ranged ii ruin fourteen of n for liOiior I wen i In jrot to loniti ho glory of WELDING broken parts of Ma chinery can be at reasonable prices by Process Try ROGERS Newmarket- of Toronto Shop Kwt of Lyman Issuer of- Marriage Licenses lie Office Private issued at if desired Work Plumbing I i vet roughing Our Specialties the Outfit at the fiboji SOBS TO SMITHS QHOOEKY iHexr T BERT GREEN Hanger MARKET Ji revived stock LATE8T WALL PAPERS Kw a make Selections PRI0E8 the Paper if you wish us to H W Il0i v wore n of who in of itrrosofv a for Mil not oven Wy In Ibis lo Ibn wu brief loiisrfj liny In loci well fil ed Willi Ill fool one of I be largest of sottovina a sbndowof a doubt Inerossp si III holds I In- bears of omnv of our citi zens ho flowers huh In 1 sorluv lion so liie hint to over 1110 of lure Mr Dovirs prnorfllv inicbrlorik be nolo oneowben recalled lie davs fofoonnd a of in Hie Leonard of was lie He iiiU wan a pleasure lo insist in I lie of lacrosse 1nd ho offered Club cause Ontario moment slux- rtnrl nasi foiir lacrosse officials lipve re sults year loams would lie a least Ibnf Ibn is anxious lo nul laoiosso It be vfo liotifl of Summer Mr outlined scbomo for Asso ciation bad in mind Hits year Tl wo seejiiro from IboworiklyiiVreRS wilji laerooiif news and give in doil- ioi The object is in lot know day is do in in world said lo be prreol and a word of pnnrl and lacrnse a loan voniiRoi in and be was to vounx on to take no aroo in Mr bis slipporl to Tbe TV a online receollon when bo forward M speak Man- bardlv own eyes when bo of boys and Hip old days would go see a and lacrosse players wore known to walk miles play a a bard days work In the and Mr Manning believed same would happen again if lacrosse was no again fo Had be a dozen sons Manning would have bad Hiejn all out lo Ibis meeting Mr Mr Andrew Davis Mr Harry Mr Slerl- Cody and all famous players in bygone spoke along lines and pledged in dividual support io new All expressed pleas ure presence of many and slated of the undertaking upon development in tije game of lacrosse Mr Harvey assur ed meeting Hie local press would lend every assistance to the game In Mr Held Fergus acted secretary pro tern anil the meeting elected officers J A Armslrong MP Hon Mackenzie King Hon J Davis It K and Mr A J Davis Hon president- His Worship Mayor President Manning VicePrcsi A Doyle Doyle Harry Vernon meeting decided to the name which made Newmarket famous in past years It was also decided lo bob a big Field Day on July 1st The mealing Mr Smith a beady voteof thanks for bis in coining to help assist of lacrosse J The meeting adjourned meet in of rooms on evening April Hotel 10 tlrfd nil I Toronto to bo wnHion to any piece In not ftUvip and a I on advised to It inc I am quite able- to do all- own work and I advice every woman to Pink Vogutablo a trial St Toronto The makers of Twdia E Vegetable Compound as tell the try lb ot I have been ob tained for love or money stood iKetent for more than forty yea If there you do not understand write Pink horn Medicine Co City in iho The Town bhall as a Irfiosiiortatton and firmed Qh fcfiUoa Council went Into cototaUteoi of Uic oh jffillowliiKbillKwero and ravcl90l ckanlri out pit Henry Kerr- In f Johnson to culvert J- Keboc to road- MQ J Harry filling washout 3000 re moving Joaepti bill John Wade nWS yds grtivol 3750 Henry of my Chan Cecil yds gravel- WSa Jacob Gould cutting brush Win pulling Hi Sllb stationery and vcrllstfw World sOl- McLean reps lo culvert Skinner lock lockup P V Laird Officer I V Murphy Poll Clerk P V grayer and work Joseph gravelling hill John per J Us gravel Joseph Kit- hardware Harry Palmer ft gravel J Hums Ia con an In full 810320 P K Hand on con 200a0 on 6 on no 11 v con Win Marctmnl on Bit con I Wo our In to to present day vnluc Tins our the ore from to per Were Doubtless you have buying until w DOWN WEVE GOT TOEH DOWN and occortllnn to the best authorities In- the prices HOCK BOTTOM over the prices listed THIS WEEKS SELLING- IS A FOR r ttzjzziz trlliutltig rail ood writer meet descriptive of the the town nilhddtsbint from Urn operated as part of lic I terminus id end of Inc steel bridge Peace Stern wheel nnvfgatc of westward to John J Columbia of North warl Port Vermllloii Vermilion w calling at Hlver Carcajou Keg other ficUlcrneiit 15 and la At VorrnlHon Chutes connection la ftleainers for Ald or he Kortoge again at that point with the route Including all points on Creiil SJaVe Lake The Smiths Portage coreof alt travellers to the now northern OH Fields Point and Point Great Slave Lake of Hie new province the portal OH slier on ftlvc westward lb If jo district taps the greatest groin and stock producing area Millie of the Canada Hallway from Peace liver on Great Slave Lake will be a long way the shortest railway and other of the of have already made plans fly aeroplanes aei planes and Peace ofit Norman The lieadquarter Canada will be at Ibis year For the past l0 years ever since the world war closed llvllte have not ceased in peace imtr early and till midnight to summerlime as- there is no night then music of the hammer and gnawing of the saw can be heard In Peace even in winter have not ceased grelt has been Hie demand for of- ffees and homos AFTER WILD fine bundled cases of fine old rye whiskey a ruck an auto and four prisoners was the reward the Loudon police received at the end of a chose through Mid dlesex County afternoon after oclock Wednesday afternoon a speed wagon carrying- a that attracted Unusual altentlon went rough London Out Down inspector Lucas WillUun Mlddavgh P bonis P Monahan Into the Jdg police car started in fugi tives had several miles stall on them Once flu police got Into Hie county Detective Down stepped on the gas hard The speedometer began lo to so miles an hour being the ale told by the Instru ment I Twenlyolgbt west of London on the road the Cadillac ear was overtaken Shots were fired in tin air by the police The two In the pursued car fearing thai their tires would be punctured and Ihey hurried to death the ditch slopped the ear jnd fpd on foot A few more shots brought thorn to a stop They arrested and with their car which was loaded with cases of liquor were placed charge of fifrgt And Monalua Detective Down and oilier the chase So a pace did he police auto that Constable McCaujihey who was in he rear scat had HI on the floor of to prevent being pitched through the top Through Melbourne Ihey their speed Increasing every mile At its and Its were cap- hired On the return trip Tie tee live Down drove he truck which was loaded eases of whiskey at Hie rite of hour Clerk bo Instructed lo wiib and inform him of our reason for non payment of of account and set forth our counter claim Iherowjtu Ho rtlsobe ttulliorlztd to thai no action will he taken until the Of Council and that he he specially requested to meet our or to he our next April at VlHdeWalIsThat Hie Auditors paid each for their services Thai tic Clerk he authorized for Cement Tile Inch snd that alt lenders be In lue hands In time for J A ho empowered to make ar- for building and to build the Hell Cook and f and bridges other culverts that be necessary to he built LeggcWJlldeThal Messrs Walls and Dolson hi a committee to look after on 3rd line opposite ceo arid adjacent the accept from lav old lumber to Ash be appointed Commissioner Heaver Hill lieu of Dove removed and that he be requested to lie work complcled as toon as possible Thai the Auditors Iteport of the for year be Is hereby received adopted and that the Clerk be authorized to have the usual number printed That the be authorised to purchase Dog Tags and necessary Book for recording of earner That Hunt be to place a Hulling along North side of road Hilt east of it on Aurora Sideroad and on That the Cornmls- of King City be advanced and that the same to bb charged against their rates for That Ihos be paid dog tax refund Tint the Clerk be authorized to purchase Hoad Boss for one man and one learn Thai the Trcasnr receive from Wide gold Inst at yard v ON TOWKLL1NG In plain gciLioh yard SALE THIS WEEK yard AND GINGHAM cloths at yard ON SALE THIS WEKK yard In blue and brown fast colors sold iON HALE n6 49c yard In and also plain lust season at ON THIS WEEK yard LIGHT raiNTS fast colors sold Just THIS dyes reason ntiOc yard ON RALE THIS yard ood colurfl old lust at each ON SALE THIS WEEK each LAMES NEW HOSE sizes Mi to ON SALE THIS WEKK WHITE AND HOSE to 10refiMlar to pair ON SALE THIS pair LA GRACE to regular 2A5 end ON Tins pair SWEATIlH all the new 2o- balls ball trzbniH ball LADIES TWEED AND COATS regular 750 ON THIS each LADIES NEW HATS very latest shapes In our own worlt worth tip to ON WIJEK each WEAR DEPARTMENT i Mans and Hoys Suit- In the re duced per tost years prices MENS BLACKS AND all sizes pair ON SALE 155 palp J AND WHITE WORK sizes regular each ON GALE WEEK each MENS SILK FOURINHAND TIES regular ON THIS WEEK 75c cadi NEGLIGEE SHIRTS oil colors THIS WEEK each MENS AND MORENO shirts drawers and combinations all sizes each ON SALE T1US WEEK garment AND BOYS SAMPLE FELT all sizes colors worth up to ON SALE each MENS AND SPRING TUTCED CAPS nil sizes ON SALE THIS WEKK each BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT LADIES SAMPLE BOOTS sizes W to worth up to JftfjO pair ON THIS WEEK pair LADIES SAMPLE OXFORDS AND In Inown regular and ON KALE THIS WEEK pair MENS CLASS HOOTS In brown and Oomlyenr welts regular ON SALE THIS WEEK pair BOYS BOX CALF BOOTS sizes to regular pair ON SALE THIS WEEK our Fecial sale of wall papers all this week drastic IN WATSON FOSTER LINES OF PAPERS AS WE ARE- DISCONTINUING THIS LINK SPECIAL PRICED ON ALL OF jHI8 PAPERS matt i my NORTH VORttS tvi it in of report on m i and from Win Storey for trees sold Thai K he to Chase 80 rods of NO slandered slays to rod from Kuan as per prleo quoted lo replace rail was got from Henry Kerr That Lewis Mount be appointed a commissioner to after of and that lids Council guarantee their for one month he to at next meeting That oa Burns be paid amount due hlrn over and above amount due biro Road Dlv con Henry Oilman he Instructed to have culvert on Pel- hit Sldi roid Just east of line paired as soon as possible That the Clerk be Instructed to Grand Trunk and ask them to have their under their right of way Lot Con P Wells property re paired so as to remove water that Is now backing up on rosdway propprly adjacent Jamas Stewart be paid the sum of iRlO being amount due one re er ror of account on grant on of A V between cons 2 and one half this to he chawed Vdugban Towniblp On Council adjourned to meet at Music Hall Noble ton on Sat urday April 1921 re- CASTOR iVr ft ad to When you stop to realise that a Ivqcoat film of paint is than of an inch in thickness and that this thin stands your house and the weather you can see the vitalness of buying the right kind of paint Lowe Brothers High Standard Paint forms a tougher film than any other paint to know of It is elastic It will not crack with the weathers changes It is both weatherproof and waterproof It costs a little mole than moat paints but it always covers more surface therefore less paint is re quired and you actually save money at the very start This fact coupled with its long makes it really an investment paint If you want to prevent future trouble- come in and talk over your paint problems with us 4v

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