Newmarket Era , May 6, 1921, p. 1

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Watsons jewelry Store No paper pg In advance Editor and K NEWMARKET Plpo Fitters Supplies Oils and Party Days Jri When was Warden r Editor in I Had and Career In Life of On- Gamier County anil Participated In Many Political V i Toronto J- politics of North pother Artful twciilyfirsi days when Returning In Warden of or more fleers arid poll clerks were not man ii conspicuous to vole the parly In power saw lo pari In lo that oponenty given lie and Proprietor of jess jobs In the Bra flip Lib- belter known the Gum era I paper of the riding and Mr ami found he primp of Conserve I troubled political that we loen In flgroultiro a man- Mr Jackuon wis well posted aBrl- for SO Norm York He waa In- teeming the for Vewinarket ribd with Hie erection of exhlblHon ibulluingH He took an active pua- in file Institute in market and elected to what would now be he Provincial Board his many was appointed a ilurJng time that Judge Attorn was In the Sand- field Macdonald continued to act Coroner lie voluntarily resigned- In In the year the newsboy Appeared on Newmarket Mr IN Offered or a year v r to Who Proposal Pgalnet to Call to Oar Pro I VOL From Era fiay Water RIAL AH branches of tins Bank are in a position to give Banking Government and Seourhico dealt in Foreign Exchange bought and cold Money Letters of Credit issued Collections made all in Ganadd or CANADA Gvntcy It A fctwuyu toE irr SOUTH END LUMBER YARD J Are You Going to Build WE HAVE- kin rr Hemlock W Pine LATH PEAR and FhV SHINGLES JACKSON iwentyrirat Warden of York County iHVponinif To being notices they hid for Hircc room of one of curly hotels through oil bitter polllcnl fllrugglc old riding- both irltsi remained friend Candidate who had left no unturned to defeat each older would In private life be on the fit On one Mr left Hie of his patty for a little fell that there had linen loo much yirepulllng at the Libera convention and accord called another filtering of Lib At this meeting Mr Jackson was chosen as an independent candi date In the there was no and Mr counted on polling a large Conservative vote hit rather than a man who had many times attacked their parly in the columns of his paper of alayed at home on polling day and Hie Independent defeated Jackson was a vcrycntarprlalng edi tor and for Fenian Bald- As these arrived he iwrnvd extras which were told on the hirers tjv each Friend- of ilit- Newmarket has been or many years recounted one of On- leading weekly Its editor one of the bestknown newspapermen Canada For many years he occupied a portion on he executive of the Canadian Press ftoclallon was Us Secretary for a pro longed period and at one time filled the President chair When he died he was the oldest newspaperman Jn Canada He was a great personal friend as well as a supporter of Hon Drown and when he visited Toronto failed to call around at The Globe office In Mr Jackson handed over The Newmarket lo his son Jackson reserving a financial Interest son Is running pic paper When the Prince of Wales visited Newmarket In Mr Jackson wrote From Toronto Star Following lengthy probe in the bribery charges alleged to have been made by It Ketllcby on June 23 ill the committee on privilege and elections of the legislature appointed a consisting of fl If Lennox J J M Webster F Freeborn to In a report The later decided that action can be taken against but it is inclined to think that he should have divulged the name of the man who offered him the bribe Mr upon being called asked for a ruling as the commit tees right to call him I have said and done nothing affecting a member of parliament whatever he said Chairman thought the committee should have the opin ion of Counsel J Ferguson You now to being examined with respect to matter asked the chairman Mr No I log that stand I want The dwelling- of J Aurora was almost totally destroyed by fire on evening The loyal Inhabitants of Sutton arranged to celebrate the Queens birthday Miss Morton mantle and dress making business la removing to the premises two doors north of the Davi son hotel have dissolve partnership and Mr Geo will continue the business am not know the to call me SON Cor Church and ate of Though he never sat hi Parliament Mr long represented the me when William market In the County Council IP Mackenzie was elected to the Upper was of those who strongly Parliament as member for the Incorporation or Yoik County right down to the a and ine when his grandson William Ital contest was io Mackenzie King Is candidate for the Council He in lion in the riding of North York and held office never It Is been an for years In inw ho was right of committee here Replying to a further he fcald he objected on the ground that the committee had no Jurisdiction- Mr You are willing to waive that objection In the public Interest am willing waive that Hie address that wan presented ft Wrn l on behalf of the citizens and when Lord laid the Christian Church the address cornerstone of Jackson to rule on I CANE ft SINS LI I DEALER Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Sash flooring mid Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Ion In that district York ttldlng In a riding Willi Liberal tendencies Jackson wan very much at home North In those days al most always elected a Liberal candi date The Conservatives were slight ly In the minority and as a result hud In use their Ingenuity to a greater ex tent than their Liberal opponents Hut In the numerous elections that preceded Confederation and hi Hie ones that followed for some years the odds were more even and close contests with of three six ten or twenty votes were fre quent Under such conditions every vote counted The result was thai every Imaginable trick was used to win a decision at the polls- In the political and social rendez vous of Newmarket where members of all parties gather the old when voters were kidnapped arc still discussed Of all the old- timers of the riding Mr J Woodcock on of York and an active poli tical opponent of Jackson Iks the most ales to fell of the days when Own Swamp figured In every clecllon and votes were bought per gallon of whiskey OF Hi of the factory Yards St Newmarket TO- An Old Campaigner Mr has campaigned in every contest since Confederation The favorite of keeping an from voting In the early days months he told The was lo get Mm to pay drunk and then carry him so fur away Ibat political friend could not rescue him- Occasionally a man would be found who would not drink Then other means had to he used Archie of elected to the Mr Jackson was so well posted in municipal law that lie was Known as the of the County Council For oyer half a century he was Identified with every progressive movement In the county It was mainly through his efforts thai the Industrial Home was located New market For long time he advocat ed the forming of North York a separate count and If plans had been successful have been a county town with coun ty buildings court house and all the other perquisites that go with the headquarters of authority Mr Jackson lived to about years of age He was born village of coun ty in 1820 and died In Newmarket Event of The events which he remembered In his early days hud to do with his politics in later life He dis tinctly recalled the rebellion of 37 The burning of the parliament Build ings at Montreal In the days of made a strong Impression upon Ids youthful mind j When years of age doing pioneer service at home he started out in life for himself As an appren tice In the office The Canadian Christian at lie learned the trade of a printer For the first few It look a whole days wages the postage on a letter sent home to his parents From Cobourg he went and spent two years Us a Journeyman printer on the staff of The and- Mercury Then he moved to To ronto and worked on The Am- by Hon William a year hi Toronto creep yon hush evening hour When the shadows fro the west of Hie twilight aaiig And boy you lulled to rest The wee little boy with the head That long long ago was thine I wonder- if sometime you long for that hoy little mother of mine citato And now he has com mans Grown stalwart In body and strong And youd hardly know that he was the lad Whom you lulled your slumber song The have altered the form and the life his heart is unchanged by time he Is only the hoy of old tittle mother of mine DAY The chairman refused academic questions Mr Ferguson was later appealed to and gave the opinion that the com mittee had Jurisdiction to investigate the charge because It related in Ids opinion to the members of the house and may be reflection upon lliem The lhaj Mr said was offered him was hi his opinion noth ing lo do with the house or the mem bers but the oilier statement attribut ed to Mr did concern the house The latter was as follows I know nothing about the famous bribery charge that has been delight ing the house lately but want to tell you ladles and gentlemen that this thing has been going on for yeurs- dont think that part is a correct report From Era May Miss Kelly left on Salurday to spend the summer In Manitoba Dr Patterson of called on friends on Monday Mrs Millard Is visiting in Buffalo Homer and wife of were the guests of J C this Montgomery and Jas Hodge wheeled from the city on Saturday and spent Sunday here Mr A Lundy of In town on Wednesday Lloyd Dunn lias left for Mon treal where he- has accepted a situa tion Miss Maud and Miss Bertha Wallace are visiting friends In Aurora The family are moving to next week Mrs Smith of sister of Mrs Dr Rogers Mrs Chas Belfry of Toronto were here over Sunday Mr P Caldwell of Rochester spent Friday in town Ml3s Is home for a couple of weeks previous lo accept ing a in Brooklyn Hospital Dr and Mr Hugh McDon ald of Sutton called on here on Tuesday Mr McDonald was boobkeeper a number of years for Mr Wm when the store- foot Street The Town Band under the leader ship of McDonald Is playing i these May days mother Is buys woman what with house keeping and maybe moving We have moving days for we arc yet nomadic people We compelled from time to lime to change quarters and pull up stakes as if we were dwellers In tents may he all whiter the house rented was Imperfectly heated and we decide hen another season will us more comfortably and more economically situated and the Mother boys were notices too business ought to OWN a staunch Liberal was one of these conducted All attempts lo get him intoxicated After fulled The election was hi he early he iinl a comrade printer decided to winter So Archies boots were lildjlUrchae The New Era whh had ami the Reeve of Guorgtna failed shortly before been founded hi New- for this reason to mate an appear- market and which was then offered the Another teetotaler sale had trousers both Ids everyday pair and his Sunday socials remov ed the night before the polling An election that furnished extreme Interesting copy Newmar ket Lra was the famous Booster contest One of the candidates a few years earlier had been a town of that fattier away from ye nearer the so she quietly to the opinion discussed and was the result Mothers how it there Days of the fitsao oath- When Mr Jackson went to liuelph was by boat to Hamilton and from to the Royal City by We have added Efll OK lo our and now prepared to lJ of If In trouble with your us look over for you When he- finally removed to Mmar- lie travelled on Ltffeiiger in the Province which ran on a lime Isble Tills the Flyer of the Ontario J filmroe A Huron The train wenl on lo a high Town council ho had little plot A friend as far us tin Holland Biver a Wednesday Saturday night Bradford or A Bold io secure his election on tin iJinned a fprlukhd Hie blood freely over the candidates face and from Holland Land I It on the ground Then Aurora to Hie hue and was raised lhat an On Monday the attempt had been by tho other for side kill Hie candidate Tin way worked well but the At Hal wa told 1h whole story By villigO In Hie line on wis there In tilt- He the Hip on On the following the g and was W to the by ii ROBERTSON Ford Dealer iii- I lie learly evtryoue had forgotten Holland Ltidlng roster so it was bopld and were towns oof The candidate Aurora- and largelyattended In Landing was the head of navigation He received an eulhuilasllc the from hero reception Suddenly In the the of gallery a rooster Bart a Newmarket to forgo fell flying to tbe ahead and ifr lived see log the it turned the link hamlet of less than eevVoii4feoeW grow to a of nearly office and shop and brought them round ways and means a removal this spring Ail days in home life are days How many steps she takes many she sets In for the wee ones In and furbelows for the daughter growing up and re novating making over the hand-me- downs lhat go far In the good of Income Everywhere In the big elites men and women who In background of thtlr minds always have a picture tin mother at home are splendidly ahead They came from the country f7r and service site them brave honest during do not hilly understand mothers until childhood Is over the formative period they simply accept Mother as he central In the home and under her brooding develop their Individuality and be nil what she means to be ought to have ft Pother Day If ever we determine to have one ft come to us In Indian hummer when there a hint of frost In the ale and the yellow beginn ing to drowsily down ftinl th fields are reaped and bare flower In be the and ivmembering bis with fortune And the low lie the and their we are souga in his praise be and fi lnlon waiters not handle new of Offered a Mr declared lhat that he had been offered i bribe of per year to use his Influence have a certain man ap pointed as purchasing agent at per year when Hie government for one was correct The was to be paid as long as the Individual held the ap pointment Witness said he time the government advertised for a agent a man went Into his fire and made him a direct that if ho would use his Influence to get him the Job and he got ft here would be a year In it for him so long as the man held the Job was In the office alone when man came In I told him would my Influence to see that he did not the Job and as he was going down steps he was mad and somewhat flushed Mr Morri son What the matter with that fellow V said Take a loot at film but all he could see was his back I told Mr Morrison Juai what happened Iiy you know of any Instance wher a bribe has been offered or accepted by arty member of the No Ho you know of any specific which a has ever been lo member of the legislature asked Mr one replied Mr However the Is no new thing no reflection upon any of the legislature was In tended know the name of Ihe man who me lh money hut I object to divulging If since as there were only two of us In the office at Ihe link I cannot prove my statement and so would be exposing myself a for libel However continued Mr I gave the attorneygeneral Information to make that lids man was not one of the sppll- for position of agent It transpired that the loformallcv thus of three initials and the last letter of the name of If in who made the offer to him Correspondence ndlted as jisowcd that the Mitels of be faltecd to the bribe were J of committee Mr give II of Itils man well and will be a credit lo the town the coming They will glvo open air concerts every Saturday night Mr John caught a carp feet long In Heeiors pond on Monday Charter has been obtained for the proposed Electric Hallway to run through Newmarket to The Tomb At Holland Landing year Ann May 2nd John Little In On Yonge Street April widow of J Phillips Near on May 1st Mary Ann wife of John of East Gwilllmbury In her year At PL May 1st In 59th year WIFE QLYCIinilHt She stomach trouble for years After giving her simple buckthorn bark glycerine etc as mixed In her husband says My wife feels fine now an1 has gained weight It Is wonderful medicine acts on BOTH upper and tower bowel removing foul matter which poisoned stomach and which you never thought in your system EXCELLENT for gas on the stomach or chronic constipation against appendicitis The Impurities It brings out will surprise you J Druggist Newmarket- KINO death of 5ST James Ferguson on Thursday evening- after a few days ill- The which occurred at his residence from pneumonia cast a gloom over the v Jem Ely The deceased pre vious lo coming reside here soma eight years ago farmed and In com- wili his brother John operated a saw and chopping mill at JCversley known a the saw mill In 1893 Mr mtrrled Miss Flem ing of who predeceased him six years ago whose demise ho deeply mourned He was In his 1 year and known for his and was a faithful member of the Methodist Church He Is sur vived by five brothers George and Thomas of King Alexaader and Hugh of Toronto and John of Aurora Hire a slaters and one adopted Sarah Margaret Mary and Catherine of Marys He was laid rest In the family burial plot at King cemetery followed by a large concourse of sor rowing friends Rev con ducted me funeral service -coto- May Found guilty of the seduction of a local 16 years of ace- James aged wai this ticulsuccd by Hall to two years Kingston Penitentiary with Hpon the yeas and the twelve to committer overruled the decUSvn veil of wBm0

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