or word cent not paid when for booking for sate Sn W for good Apply VOVK Lake Convenient to Metropolitan Hallway Apply Tim on the cow with weeks old tor Hell Tor flooring I Office Apply ox Cans for Black Newmarket Good Strain of Apply iVrmtcd Main Street suit able for an office Apply to at the King Hotel Newmarket row Credo a few bade for A Keswick official count of vote hi the North Hid ing of York on April J announced herewith and Aurora went about three to one dry and the of Whitchurch Ewt and King went about dry There Is only one hi Hie anil Vivian which a majority of The majority of fa very gra- ilfylng he temperance worker Hollowing hi ho vole according to Municipalities No BAST- Shop Sharon the by IVyJi J Hinge of which the new civil of Optometry Sunday with wart met III the till Sow McKcwon flymen controversy You Mo flail Ml Albert in Toronto are ripendlng a with Hop lovAn been the Mr Mr JiVl axi the not at Ms to purpose of the bill a Of the wop Wednesday pianf Wednesday John Gibbons 44- 1 of hi Toronto wTtfi Ihelr eon Dr Hoy p Mr Brown attended wedtllng In and ibWeclcd today nto hrdy April to Honiu -itA- J Mann TJiO Of Induced to a measure whoso i For barn take eullie or IiOMuh In Ap ply Virginia Iefoilaw wl Mora ft- All for W high Willi and granary floors Seed for fiale WOK 27 For Calc roomed house on Avenue lights nil adjoining lot Apply Timothy Street Wanted housework plain cooking flood home and wages Home with every vciilencc be Box lime off Of flee con trustworthy Apply by Council Cham her KINO Corner- Oily King Crevk 10 138 IfumiuVridoWfi to no 30 n5 Tola J Indepcntbnl In your and county Introducing 25 line Helling rubberized household Make a day up Write Wellington West Fop Cote room wilh attic All conveniences furnace under Whole House lot ilie properly Is very conveniently being only one block from Main St close to Met Station Reason for lulling owner going farming For all particular apply to Newmarket St Ward Patricks Ward 100 37 300 to away a pity of Cape Breton to sec a good Liberal bark In mills of When Mr Spinney entered Government ho explained that ho did so to In IVoo Election Opposition measure will bo based not ho much upon conviction that patronage Is ah evil which remain but the fins boasted of its abolition and now with an election to revive It In certain of The was brief the Is not Inclined to commit itself as llio exact purpose of bill and would prefer apparently lo leave the of making recommendations a on which all par ties are represented Inasmuch as the Is a poll Ural II Is probable that the may not unanimity Liberal members today characterized the skeleton an a frank and admission on the part of Hie that It has to the flesh pots and the barrel- To charges Hon Hugh Guthrie minister of mllltfa made the pious re tort that fir afraid there was as to the Intentions However the not been allayed will receive on Tuesday from until oclock l We arc pleased to see HIM Is able to he out confined in house for three of Toronto Is spending a of weeks with her Dr and Jackson and Juuglncr Toronto motored oil ami the at Misj It Jackson a lew tea muuU Jmilauy I Mr Jus returned from Wednesday has been lor the past two weeks look ing after his sawmill Mr It A Hamilton took of the In Churches Church Hill and liioonlnglou a week ago Sunday MA Manning number of ladles at oclock tea p hi order that they might meet Miss Maud of who vltithig her a few If the way to be narrow It not Jong and If bo opens Into endless life We forget what Is behind if wc cease to originate we are lost We can keep what we have ont by new activity Patience will find Its perfect work vhen It has learned grace of being patient with the of- others arc too fond of our own will want to be doing what we fancy to be mighty things but the great point Is to things when called them in a right fiplrlt When a rich man doesnt give be is called miserly and when he docs lie Is accused of seeking notoriety GOV COOVCH A man sneaked Into a In the said In an aside to tiie waiter Got Scotch replied the waiter wen out brought iifrn a howl of oat meal It certainly is hue that you can get if you have money all on cast of v lot terms brick en Joseph Good lot Also a long HA from CO ceres to Town day coll mllo from CO In Good loam tlrct Wcfl fenced A In Clay coll Ho to railway right and terms to cult purchaser i SON I2i Keswick J No j Z end Hotn l Milk Lot Jill con Whitchurch Total STouiFvnii liloomliigton Orchard Vivian Rev rhomas of he organ zed Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Hay Saints will In Wesley Hall May at p nl Unknown God To Total Majority HO 13 it HI 120 J Two alleged opium and gambling house wore raided at Moose Jaw Sunday by mounted police and thirty men Seven thousand dollar of drugs vern selxed with over fifty pipes used for opium Al one of the dens a drawer containing over was discovered NOTICE Mr in Geo llawllo of fine Orchard was in Town on Tuesday the first time for months CD years ago the next luorilli he hit the office and bought two Ibe paper to send to from country he hud only arrived a few Ho reminded editor of his ffml on the public platform when he was but three years of age radio In Manitoba April 1021 to Mr and Mrs Levi formerly of Newmarket a daughter In Newmarket May lo St and Mrs William i j At to Mr and Mrs Frank Cunningham nee Miss of New market twins 2 boys At Ontario on May 1st Mr and Mrs J It a son and grandson Mr and Mrs J Mutr New market BEST OF VALUES mahi Y Note at p by REV Subicct Which Is the True welcome Questions answered Many print shops Ihroughoiil Dominion arc experiencing the of a strike Union are demanding an Increase In wages and shorter bonis At a lime like this when hero so many thou sands of men out of employment others on short time and a downward tendency In of living there Is no Justification an Increase in go THY YOUR Over Smiths A General Work tlfibkis a Given year minion bushels of wheal were produced in Canada hut only 00 millions were consumed This shows necessity of a foreign roar- for the farmers and without free or reciprocity of some kind the for he largest product of Dominion cannot be obtained That is why tbo protection policy of Tie docs not suit Die farmers NOTICE THAT The Corporation of the Town of Newmarket intends to construct as a local Improvement a sewer upon the following streets and Intends to specially assess a pari of cost upon the laud directly on the work that Is to nay a On Cedar Avenue from Timothy Street- lo a point three hundred and eightyseven feel north On Ontario from the Trunk Hallway to Superior St J On Superior from Huron lo Ontario SI On Huron from a poini one and feet of Main Street to Superior Street The estimated of the wort Is r07500 of which 3250 Is to be paid by the Corporation esti mated special annual rate per frontage Is ten and a half cents special assessment is to be paid In twentyfive annual instalments A against the work will Avail prevent Ms construction Clerk Major liruntoh arrived in Toronto last morning after a I rip of six weeks to the and West indies to leaving home he underwent ail operation In London Hospital for facial trouble from be has been suffering for some years His health much improved and he entered upon tils duties In the County Court on Monday At Hill by Hay on April JO Mr Walter of to Miss of Hill Won been received from Mr J Morrltju that be arrived at his mining hi the latter part of March and found that his shark had broke into and all outfit Moled This makes the four Hi lime his shack has been robbed in the last two years He reported the matter to Ibe Provincial Police at North Hay but got no is mile south of North Hay and Is rich in feldspar and mica The difficulty Is to get it shipped If to to Hid Gauntry on At the Presbyterian Manse on Wednesday April 27 1021 by A J Mann Miss to Mr Ceo Alex Scott both of North Cwilllmhuiy- At the Presby terian Manse Newmarket on Apul by A J Mann Kcrahaw of Newmarket to Mr Anderson of Ke- call up At Church Newmarket 1021 by Win Vernon Walker the on May 3rd Lawrence Mr of Newmarket lorohto Letter m he Ml a distance of six lowtfthe hoist sliaft of the King building John Llcwellan was Instantly killed just a minutes after starting work ji VTlvp The Corporation of the Town ol Newmarket Intends to construct as a local improvement a sewer upon the following reels and Intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon Miss of Leeds us you In on A Prop- l on Promptly to Vote At Toronto April Waller son of Mr and Mrs An drew Yule of Aurora Timothy St One brick house on Church St One clad house on Art one house on One double bouse on One rough east house on One fume house one aero of land Just of Corporation liihtclasb toll One house and five tots on Court Street farm In ficotl Township acres farm In CHAV8 Hi A meat scrap is essential hi the laying ration of Plymouth Hock pul lets Is by results of an experiment at the Purdue Experi ment Station In which pounds Ot meat scrap added to a basal ration In creased the average egg production Horn eggs per bird per year eggs and decreased feed cost per eggs id cents per One hundred fifty White Plymouth Hock pullets were divided Into live floks of thirty birds each and were fed a basal ration of pounds 10 pounds wheat ft pounds oats pounds bran and pounds shorts Hie work lauds that a on the ttet Pantry lbs for of tcJ Bikes Mill Huron tt To dale there has been towards the Monument Fund the sum of This rep resent the voluntary fiuLscilptlons of of thousands of people for largest amount accepted from any one Person Is and In hundreds of eases sums of and less have been sent in without names or ad- The work Is now well un der way and anybody- desiring to sub- may do so by forwarding an mount to the Treasurer Mr P Toronto tteghu and district were swept last Monday by the fiercest gate in Ihf air was thick with dust and Hying debris In cases were compelled to stop feccd lug operations A Children w ID I abutting directly Is to suy On Prospect Avenue from arson St to Huron SI reel On Queen Street front the Grand Trunk Hallway on Lot Sour Plan CO being a point feet East Avenue On Second Queen SI Wellington Street On Wellington Street from Second street to Prospect St Milled Avenue from Lome Avenue lo Church Street On Part Avenue from Main to the Cor poration limits On Street from Lome Avenue to the To ronto A York Rait- Way On Timothy- from Lome Avenue to Ihe To ronto York Radial Rail way On Victoria Street from Street 10 lard Avenue On Street from Timothy Street Avenue On Lome Avenue from few wan years of age and Is rived by his wife now hi England This is the first fatal accident since the began John 1 Morrow former of the Sportsmens passed away this week In California pernicious anemia He con tracted Ihe disease while Overseas One of the most unique and kindly in Toronto John row was at one time a famous athlete and although he later entered the bis Interest in sport and ath letics remained undiminished While working his way through Uni versity he won the Canadian sprint ing championship at and yards and held the Canadian record for the After being ordained became wellknown In Toronto for his energetic work In Hie slums He built Hale Church prac tically despite stren uous opposition- from the Presbytery and collected the money by personal appeals Ten minutes before five oclock Saturday morning second session of the Ontario Legislature came to an In Newunrkel May Infant son of Mr and Mrs J Lloyd On Sunday May 1st at hit late residence Brock ave Toronto Emerson Lloyd In his year on Wednesday to Cemetery i I 1 i Li 1 quarter mile- Hev Johnny ipi formal proroga te Lieutenant- motor Avenue Street to Millard The estimated cost of the wort 19 of which 12300 is lo bo paid by the Corporation The estimated special Annual rate per frontage I ten and a half cents special assessment Is to be paid In twentyfive annual Instalments 3 A petition against the work will not avail to prevent Its construction Dated May 3rd J ANDERSON end except for the Hon ceremonies by Governor over vehicles In City Hon Manning Minister Of In the Ontario has refused an offer of a la leave his pest and of the newly- organised Peninsula Growers Ihe Minister has refused the enticing and will re- at the head of Provincial agrl- affiles salary as a Cabinet Minister Is plus ses sional Indemnity of Two fttteinpta to escape from Jail by convicted and others waiting were discover er Tuesday night and frustrated ifjiiiiti the vigilance of Ihe Guard examined bars of one of windows a section of a bar about OHO foot In length out with the pull of his band Soap was hold bars hi place The officii count make Toronto by majority Clarke vhu fa In loving memory of my dear cousin Leslie Smith who passed away April Gone to hi- rest and so fair Cone to his rest In the Saviours care Passed from trials of earth away Cone to rejoice In endless day A life to exchange for treasures rare Joys awaits him there lips have kissed the pallid brow fond hearts are aching breaking now With wound that only Cod heal With grief thar only those can feel Whove looked upon some cherished face And traced the signs of deaths em brace kill Dont put off the purchase of a New Edison for money reasons I hough are no- an instalment house we ready to meet you hair way We glad to arrange payments to your convenience Why do Jlie living weep and mourn On wlogs of light his spirits borne To pearly gates that open wide- An angel gathering either side And wailing there an ntel band down to grasp his outstretched hand sees shining sounds a heavenly And looking be angel faces And hark there strain A Joyous welcome refrain His spirit decked with heavenly charms I nestled la bis Fathers arms cousin A Smith Rose A SOUL The art of the New Edison much too to you to Mr Edicon and to to allow money matters to interfere with your civ joyment of it Come in and tell whut hi on your mind about