Of the Mot won by Joseph church was a c the Talent Sale The proceeds LOW wot tor ero only OH rd April sur vived by til widow and Infant children Ma- ftiiL Victor Alexander who inherit no of worker who Sunday Mr Thou 7y who were over loaded vlth lie Vigilance of the police at the north id fthbiil Tuesday Aurora iOKfii and it good attend HIP Church St Is 7tJfIciii and Contribute Department Toronto Melons in the class of tabic whlchrcq6irc warm tomPpr- for UnJlr Icoctli of Unto that they require to than our period of freedom from front For reason wo ho need In a faulted iiiydvlv a at leant one pelting In field two Mr at J Cults iSOaaS Sunday with- relatives the ivIHkq Mr Til Bon the weekend in the Kdgir- up from helping to put In Ida brothers tedloff KHa of Toronto spent Hits week at Mr report Anijlngwho- has been 111 forborne Vard weeks Is able to ho seeetc fcporllpa horse Four on psp Nig crowd town IftSf Saturday of Is used night and tin- street Willi a iiiqcblno oijt f J The fining Hall was well on email or Rocky Ford of inelonn other for tnrco Montreal art tho in either The reed ho about Wednesday odd ft very en- of Muy in small to In- given 111 time Is reported Mr J A of Inch of top A St McKay presided during the program with mellow loam plnco jtiI eight oolockjof and need on thin and cover with A an the Young Taylor of Aurora- waa nch of rind them will be ml dog with welcome Day fencJ rt rite bo as -Enl- I lie of followed HI midnight game they outgrown flinnll pot bo to 6Inch polo two of Ford In a pot i i i only of Montreal typo waft a great fiueorss four Jtcct The dig out at each fill Issued a booklet giving n Choir did well alho the eojn- It nearly to top with homo and various scion- Ward of Messrs ftwlUer prepared If for a hotbed thil may bo used I on cover with nix of doll In Any who baa Vreparalriry soivleo fast evening wo act young planln write to Address by of Toronto and when danger la over wo a AII Many feUcruo at A The annual Methodhtl Sunday chord Meeting was- held on Thursday officers elected A Worry names Treasurer Miss Mr Mrs Mrs film Orchard Miss Mr J I in pupils a il irlUMMl ropy si and aftcurc one Conctrt of Toronto and tin I lit wJII remember playing on the led y fa I ft Sacramental Sunday After or four act It la well to nip off of growing ilila all of food into fruit and makes them grow Sunday May more rapidly melons bo tin playing on There will a sperhl service In placed on a board or berry box to by Mr lien The honor of our Mothers In the morning thcni oh earth and turned in the Town Hall we hop to see every mother in to alio them ripen more pupils Of Mr- and A presents atl together some 0 the M Vr will lift the musical event Sunday nt2aO for all grades ftH About p The reserved The nvehhiK sermon will bo the the of May we dig out a fin iUvl picked out at sermon on The of where the row la to be about and If would like to en in n wide and Inchotf deep live dont delay hi securing us and will do Mb of Home Department Walter Mr William Walter flupt of Cradle llrum- Mrnnil Inrvla spent a couple rehUvesin Vic toria Square- Mr and Mrs visited his sister Mr and Mrs of guests at Mr on Sun day nanus has We are glad to report that Is Improving In health 0 Lillian and Miss Nellie jtoluits of Toronto were the gueats of Mfrf Frank over the week end Mr John Hope la sporting a new ear are glad to hear that Jo Woodcock Is Improving Sir Nelson Widdifield has moved into Ms new boost Orchard miner of Fort Francis Is vlslltng at Austin NEWMARKET Aurora A McCtoskey of Aurora announce hie engagement an Mr card UdirilLy Course by Hie faparlmnt of and conducted at last winter was that iirrjiigeiuenrs arc way for a similar one during two weeks of February next may be obtained he Of University Union Tint annua of Hie ladles of the Midhodlsl took plane In the room on Wednesday There was a large Tin- wni very gratifying The treasurer stated that the receipts during the year length of patch This wo near top with manure prepared It bo for a hotbed cove with Indies of aoil and over with frames and plants set In about every two feet In row frames are over danger of frost Is past day If the weather Is fit they ho carefully aired After a time he glass Is left off entirely during the day but held close at hand to bo replaced If needed The plants at Toronto who the course n York were Mix Alma Curtis Aurora King V Alice King King I King Clara King Sirs A J King Hare Ruth Hill Aurora Mr A Marshall King King Mi JiIji Ietih Fred I Wallace Jefferson t Wright Newmarket las 1 School Kotos Or Tin to nearly 000 ami a Iter jIIiihi bo kept carefully as settling Ml liabilities there a balance Is very necessary to produce on hand of Melons and eucum- way of should bo grown close gave ft rending aim Master Willie are planted feel apart Some or the ihcleon of icsnltd as bole filled with follows well rolled three or four lliuiiriSMrs I I Lawrence Inches of soil are placed the ma- Mr has moved Into Mr new Mrn George Skinner and daughter Mabel spent Saturday in the city Mrs lias returned after spending a few days her sister in Toronto Ferguson Is very busy fixing and decorating bis house In town and will soon be moving Mrs Goo who underwent an opera lion in the Ifosplttl Is getting along nicely J Mra Lawrence Stephenson who- family are quarantined with scarlet fever slowly Improving Mrs Thompson has returned home after spending few days her daughter Mrs Thornton Mr was away a few list week owing to Hie serious Illness of his mother near Windsor Mm to her third daughter Malllda Mr James Huffman son of Mr and Mrs John II Huffman Lanark Ontario Marriage to take place latter part of May annual meeting of the Aurora Howling Club held in the council room on Thursday evening when the following officers were elected Hon Fleury and Williams VheHresf J Webster fc A A number of the Society members attended the recep tion at Sir Edmund In Toron to on Wednesday After visiting the greenhouses and where t moat wonderful display of Gloxinias and were arranged the guests spent considerable lime view ing Hie numerous valuable in Sir home very dainty luncheon was served A Great Special Selling of Serges Tricotiiie Cloths Inches French for Pino Irish ill Brown Tan ndAmythot for Armour Cloth In All for yd Oh Only Than All Wool and Colore V Irehidenl- Vice President eeivtary- Mis t Mrs Hlchfiidson Mr Atkinson Lyons and couth side Committee- Mir- Man- Mrs It MisS Audllois Mrs Cam- Miss seed planted on seed may be In many sections by May as danger of freezing will In most sea sons be over before It is up fiofcduln a hill and thin tho plants down to tin after danger from encumber beetle hi oyer We may start some seed In pots as we did our melons and transplant them Into the Held after danger of frost Is past If wo care to spend the time we may trim the plants as Is done In greenhouse Thisi Is very simple A wry prylty May wedding wa in the Chinch once the fruiting of the at two oclock her Is understood The encumber ha when Miss JHoklusoii of L cds ale and female parts In was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr William Walker brother of Mrs Norman William if blossoms the male lowers being borne much more freely Female flowers are generally borne In the leaf Joints near the end of the main stern or In the hist leaf Joint of bride who just a rived from aide shoots The leaf Joints nearest two days previous given them bear clusters of male flower away by Mr Illgsou brotherinlaw If we nip off the end of the shoot liy the High iniJ prettily gowned past these male at QETTLIM1IIT An increased demand by the public for Information regarding land nienl Is repot led by the Department of the Interior at Ottawa This In crased Interest attributed partly I he fact thai Crown lands In Wes tern Canada within fifteen miles of a railway which heretofore have been reserved for rebutted men become available for civilian entry on the of May The fine farmer to work on the SL Milk cream Is down to lie- a quail a halfpint at Wood- Colilaler man was week fur running a still to he a case of a man gelling into hot water firewater at rested last It appears In Coldwaler for distilling has enabled the land I wonder If the boys that went tubing met wllh very good success Lena Fair visited with Mrs Allln last Saturday I A few of the young people attend ed Literary Society and Debate at the Sixth They report having Spent a good lime Miss Dorothy Hood was the guest of Feme Tuesday and Wed nesday Mr Darkey has hern tearing down bis barn He Intends It a new one j The boys reorganised their base- ball organization We hope they have good success We need something to amuse us I Miss Olive Anderson with her cousin Jean Raker last week Mr and Mr Sinclair and Arlbur were guests of A Scott one day last week Wo bearMiss M K Cook Is home from the West We welcome her our burg once more Colds have come Into fashion again- Mayflower Right Turn Quick March TOMcmy all tin School Of showed the lnl lot of pictures Hall Tile Knputi coins at Wot Two more look the tliroub Hi cities of lirti and Halifax showing in lt k I iiportud and followed by a reallsllo f p a and an Octopus in native Instil captured and shipped- inalion the alligator and Octopus to the ijiii I white silk with tunic of J Joints new side appear hi i hearing cucumbers continuous trimmings with hat to If done will She of pink llany and less ami white valuations The grooms vine niece little Meeta Williams Squash seed is planted In the tame made an Ideal flower girl dressed In way as cucumber We must how- sill a basket of sweet ever give more space hills peas while Master Vernon Williams Pi stronger growth as ringbearer W offiriatid and Mrs Mason presided at the pipe organ Mr Walker and Mr and Mrs Williams Six feet will be We seldom trim squash Hut If we wish larger specimens it Is well to stop all growth after a few have set re hut member of the v Interested i rt- delighted by tf preparation and Add Cas were a fanciful a- it on of the old The with Got- The Conpe with the le the near future hat these meetings illioUlliiuei till next tvr have a of pleasure ami lftf llii machine which Hoard made cllaig- t machine and energy has done these in- School were phrased to have noil a lay and Mis in audience and extend lu till Invitation to conic again wvre issued to Hie I l aiid the boys rp t annual niton which Monday Church Choir liaising not gen- easiest way to slau a rhubarb known hence the attendance of buy roots and if they are spectators was small too large to split in sections with a After ceremony Mr and Mrs being sure thai each section Walker motored to the of the has a bud In It These then plant grooms on Ontario St where d three feet apart in the row with fl the bud Just below the surface the a laluli Hur was ground should be In liny ieie on Owen St Now- before pllutlng This the groom recently spring if the I purchased and Hie Hotter plant giow well this Hist summer We may maEc a few small the second season but not before third season you can pull as A disastrous day he town Is on the fax several fire broke out Mon- which miles from Hall- One hotel five stores and dwellings wen- burned The In vacated Dr damage done was estimated at 9irt0- THE or or WtDDIiQ A MALL Phono Ono rtoor West of How Pott Olftco Live Stock Markets Lindsay May hard ware store was entered by thieves last night and a large amount of goods stolen J LOOK SIGN CALL mm f III May at CAN YOU ten as required us long as you do not completely strip the plant ihe plants be well manured each fall with wellrotted manure and lu the this Is worked into soil If the roofs after a few years begin to throw up many seed stalks they should be lifted split In sections and replanted You can brag about your garden J all winter l you have your evidence on the dinner table Iteally there Is nothing to canning fruit and vegetables except care cleanliness products and beat HEAL The housewife looked at the lump My man she what puces paid In Toronto this week Steers Heifers Choice Cow Choice Springer Milkers Splint Lambs Choice Calves Hogs off ear 1000 0 10000 12 vim Toronto Markets I St With and without not If the type dims or blurs It a tore you ylssis We prescribe the lenses and toe that you are lilted accordingly Come In and oven Atkinson Co Jcwiier iod Optician you lifting ii Hie belong to a bunt Ah lipped his cap club Indeed And are yon hunting Kali Wheat Spring Wheat Coos Wheat Oats Peas Hay mixed IvtfUS per do Butler per lb Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb Natures lovollGit beauty spots her choicest far from tho away from highways Only a car of and unusual power can bad roads and marshy lands In Pord sur mounts all road and takes you you want to jo l car Is modern oneman top sloping ventilating wlncIhlohJ motinlablo rims llro carrier and leather door grips- horn button Is mounted on top of steering column and head lights equipped with approved Ions lileotrlo slat log and lighting Is furnished If desired at a slight ad ditional coot Im lb Of rfltittf Wheat OaL per Hay per per I per lb k a Jv