O progressive farmer heeds to be urged to produce to the limit of His problem to find the the capital it more stock more housing feed seed grain implements or new land to be cleared or broken The Bank of Toronto is ready to assist farmers for these or any purpose which will enable them to increase their production profits May Premier tho conference of PripiO fX London In June by tlio of parliament- erected to ho will BO without AM Mob In Jug IipH or hip tongue lied Incorporated Capital 5000000 over 100000000 behind this Improvement which of his nam he Is no irvuwbacV IVftlcl I Sudbury The tolls fl molorJM fined and ihc other day for driving wllli hand other Says a contemporary driver Not at alb Some waist I- Temp Liberate Him Toronto Globe Mr Dcwafl fur of J P til Manager NEW GEOOND and Other W from to In of King Mark- ham and West near Corners Clay loam cores Pall Wheat seeded Wow barn for Pig Wow Dairy of Collar of on road I ACRE acres at loam In ood condition Yolo- pheno Rural mall Convenient to Church and School Prlco POtt SALE 3 and at PL on flvo Wevvmarkot In Plenty of and Yormo apply to Box Newmarket V7 Our A Deal for Doth and Seller for forbidding the flale Of native wJncn of high alcoholic content for purposed Temperance should ho behind him to a man Whig There arc imiiilclpnlltlcK which have had debenture floating debts being among the places near at hand is a very had prac tice to maintain a municipal floating Pay an yon go be the of In regard general expenditure A be to meet the and Council should keep within the money ap propriation at their Anorchlete In Acton Thai was a deserved lap which Premier administered he leader of Iho Leaguer and follower The leader announced that standing big majority Importation of lhiuorH the League will lafcc every possible the law and anyway the people would find It could not be en forced Premier promptly staled thai Who took lioslllon were guilty of an irchlsm Hack to The New to Hie lint of depllly for that town and remiirKs upon of Liberal from the Hat The same remark would apply to the list of deputy In It la the National Liberal ami Conservative parly when voles Wonted the good old Conserva tive parly when Jobs are to he hand ed out Signal Same else where In list Ms reported to been prepared In one office endorsed In another ap proved In another and given effect by friend of Ihe old old parly lo which I of mo very great wIue No It no fiftyfifty game I day AY OF I Ill Sun brought out before the timber probe the Spanish Pulp A Paper Com pany got a special In coniiectlon with proiectlou dues was also Intimated thai Ihey got Special favors regard lo tendering for limits would think that a con cern which received all the conces sions that they did In way of limits ami waler power ami was Mien per mitted by authorities to waterlog their securities would be able lo pay the Government dues Is enough In lite Spanish River Pulp A Paper Companys slock float MOTHER hi which ro to On filven the House of of the conference would appear been worry Jn till regard for Hon Arthur the House on various that coming conference wai to bo piercly a sort of preliminary canter In- for the Con ference proper The Canadian gov ernment view problem ah defenpe like- should be left for the real Conference flnd the thai conveyed was ibat would bo followed However David Lloyd and Winston who ore usually given credit for knowing they lit such conveyed more an Intimation thai the June con ference would-be- the real thing and iiiatllio decisions reached there be binding With the exception of those govern ment who attended the caucus In he week the House was inclined accept the view of and to make cure that Mr would not tie Canada down to anything while he was on Ida little Jaunt overseas Mr King and his follower did not favor being over to any conslltu- lloual without full consulta tion of the people and their rcprcscnt- and the Liberal leader there fit moved an to the mo tion to go Into supply contained necessary safeguards It was Day when Im perial affairs were discussed mid the debate was somewhat elevated above the plans of parochial matter There was iiothlng partisan about It unless It was it the fact thai an amendment supported by the opposition and farmers and opposed by the gov ernment but was less of than Pile res I a of Canada at stake The amendment was negatived for government still has It working majority on call Sixty- four members voted in favor Of the safeguards proposed by Mr King ami were against them and for giving the Prime Minister and his companions In London a free band and a free voice The Premier bad followed usual of submitting to a caucus of parly followers early lb week and sounding bis support When matter came up In the House he hud the additional speaking support and Hon Howell both whom arc eager for a debate on as affairs sir led off and traced constitutional history back Into dim and shady days of Hie past Canadas pro- Kress and development fp the future according former Premier was bound up with her remaining as of sister of The Progressives were led Michael Clark who held the absence of Hon A who has gone out on ihe York rib Dr Clark why the conference held at the present time were so many things for Minister to loofe after In I and Young Mens Colored Suits and Com- YOUNG MENS SUITS In Dark Drown and Berk Croon A special tlio not Hoot Quality that tlio Market Can Mr Wm a well known of Mr liVl agent CONTRACTS WITH who or by tor tho of Ha to with him Ho for It may not La known llttro A good In Iho growing of when up It vHi pay to Icok Into this milter APPLY TO William NEWMARKET Seed of I V had the funniest story In our paper tother rial a mule and buggy That scared and run away Id like lo die And did pa and Josh mother couldnt stop to hear was busy with wash Last week we had a Meelanlcbville I went with Fergus And pa took ten and Hill The If me we had a Would heal a Hill mother couldnt go along She had preserves to cook On Monday was the circus had a time and serpents And birds of every clime We went hi bright ami early To sec Ihe show go round Hut mother stayed at home lo sew On Jens Last fall when all the Came down to slay a week We went one day for walnuts Way out on Sugar Creek We took our dinner with us And stayed the whole day through Hut mother couldnt gel away The was to do Tomorrow nights concert I said Id go with Jen And Dill and LUy Fergus And True bur then After Id done and It The thought of mother came She never gets a holiday halfway worth the name Shes worn and weary And Its occurred me To send to the If only agree Ill slay and do the An odds If Jen dors For mother needs a Utile fun The same as other folks An All Wool and White by Dr reins In stump In could not be when the Prime their own I- by or pay- road tired one protested Important to gov- back to have made THAT A gentleman made a rockery In frohl of bouse lo which lie planted some fcmi and up following notice found more efficient lobs than spring and man The vrcB be ware SrolopecdriuiOK are here countries Mr Lloyd he bad enough troubles on bands taking days week ends off attend a conference and of them he belter off fining own housecleaning Another has been taken Trunk aihlUallon The lime for award to be made expired will mil l hearings being and the government applied screws to the company directors refusing allow any extension meet any further Grand Trunk men Is unless the control of the was handed over to the government Mailers stood at that stage until the government Introduced a hill giving it power extend Hie lime Of the award If necessary on agreement with the company The bill came before House tot third reading after mid night one night has become a sort of governmental habit Intro duce Important measures at any lime between midnight and dawn when there Is a small House and Mackenzie King railroading of legislation and pointed out eminent thai It necessary during the last two or three session for the government to come the House lime again corrected errors which It had v legislation that was being rushed through as Trunk bill was being rushed through The of course was unavail ing but It was followed by protested from J A llobb Huntingdon ana Hon It both of whom recorded themselves as op posed ownership of the roads For a time It looked as House would be hours protests were all re corded and the bill canted In half an hour There was one altnight sluing dur ing week and this also arose from an attempt on Important after midnight and them through a slim House Minister of Work brought down his and attempted Horn drill hall ere at Amherst S The Opposition wanted Information and first they protested against bringing down during the morning hours A deadlock developed when the Minister that ho would alt until ihe Items through and Hie Opposition kept Win silting morning when ho finally gave the That the expenditures would not he made un less were nectary and items though going for re all on division crowd Hon Public slide through an of about for lo Until Wo Invito and Mens Fine Hosiery to iale Hie BLUE SUITS If at trlco vo would thorn In and Cheviot All Wool i V JT MENS FINE SHOES Pointed or Square or Reg an WORK BOOTS Special at 00 MENS SHIRTS WORK SHIRTS BOYS SUITS and Dark dray All Wool special at Spring Overcoats A row Sizes Loft Neat Patterns or Young I Rep to clear NEW SPRING HATS Reasons Latent All a r SUMMER UNDERWEAR Underwear of Every Description and at all Prices will bo found hem In Abundance Where Crowds Go the Value Must Be