Newmarket Era , May 13, 1921, p. 8

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of i SWf6r Infinite or formula proven Ha v it Id a for It I to pleasant It Opium nor other Narcotic nubntanco For dO It In constant two lor relief of CoiiACTfttfonatuUiiicytlVftid mid and by Healthy natural fur ma company city PLUMBING a I FURNACE GUT it mm YpK Kay- fchdnAJsobiWoar Jail by to bo most vrfort Jntlio fast ten year flight and Iralcr In outlying snapping electric and property estimated al morn jutting out Into hnnUiil hit raff- over Alontf tho north forced to remain Trees uprooted iiirl of airgraph broken ff bottom block a of wires men on- a off Ulo In llio of fool In t School Reports fl Kino for April liii iik lack a Wood Hob limit III- 111 Alma Hur ling Iliron hjinlc Aubrey lot Violet Wont How flavin Jr Hon Marlow loor- Olive Cordon j I Murray McDonald Hunt Lewis Hoy- Hen lr Mount Horolby MarKnl llcarock Roll the fit Niton- RaiioyiVoir feinllh Warren fir at home on Monday of Mr Oco waft born in Kng- ycnra Ho Aurora for a number of yearn io ho ricxip li ViUHGuUy by Departments from jno different of Individual bo It thai for reports iho tchobja of this be fitroneiy urged to at once to the communication lurking fOFthefie reports lo tho not to tho Secretary or President of Association tin of Tuesday Apr Girls clans of at the manne to upend a with tlielr Mailer before Alio left for bet new home Aurora During- the proftonlcd to Mra Mailer a picture of the class Hie ad- read by Miss Alice and by 9 1 of Application for hereby lven that WH- Qofdaii Gordon of of In Hie County of York In the Of Ontario will apply to of Canada if next ses- thereof for a Hill of Divorce mm bin Vlolrl Anno Maud Jordan I now known as Vloht Amu Maude fonm of llic ily of To- In the County of York at proa- residing at of Victoria In of loluinbln on the of Adultery Dated at the City of Toronto in County Of York In the of Ontario Ibis day of January A I mi for ret readier Farrow Master the eight year aid son of Mr Howard who Wis operated upon for appendicitis two ago has made rapid recovery ami la around The fjhth met Thursday evening nrlmjpj Item on the program was a debate the sub ject being that Immigration Into Canada should not he restricted The Affirmative was ably captained by assisted by Rev Mr The negative was led by Miss assisted by- Welts subject was most spiritedly the numerous points being well chosen vigorously In fended and as vigorously slaught ered The Judges decided was a lie commended splendid way In which Hie subject was handled iooo vHK Hie Hay St Toronto ncprcstnUtlvo of OF fho said tin hat I Insist dear protested her compan ion whose bat was nearly as great as a a round- you mustnt Please let mo the change right here Lei me see I wonder Hut you paid for me last time I nave the money all ready Conductor can you a ten dollar bill Now I shall permit you to have that I have souk change all ready if I can only find It Dear me wonder what I Its all right I want to tii tills bill changed anyway I put No HO really you mustnt I thought I had the change all ready I must have a nickel of somehow Hut have a five dollar bill that Did you sny you had a nickel Yes Well l have one too pay for you next lime No yon shant do so I shall Insist Then handed out nickel saying to herself plea of her pretending- to have a bill never bad more than cents at one time Id her llfi Holland- Landing Mr and Mis Mr Brown iiavc the- of the village In their sad be reavement of their daughter and wife Mr and Wilfred Glover spent the weekend In town Miss Verna Stevenson was home for the weekend Mr and Wife spent with Mr Thompson A very large attendance Church on Sunday when a very Inspiring sermon on Mother Had to hear thai Mrs Atkinson is recovering Had to see that the autliorltles arc taking steps to stop the fishing on Sunday which consist mostly of sldefH Another family In from lo- ronlo on Tuesday filling the last vacant there is town Mrs Aylward was In town on Sun day Manli f Toronto was ip her summer last week SIXTH LINK WHITOIUHICH While Sunday tichooi we rejoice In iho victory won by vote recently token In our province regarding the prohibition of he Importation of Ontario we feet there isstlM peed for leachhig of the Reboots and children of our homes rcgardlnK the nature and effect all beverages that Ihey may be thorough ly forllfled their In fluence and power of Toronto gave a most inspiring and on graded lessons In Sun day Schools Tor Hie younger pupils llfiseri many Illustrations from his own school showing how much more lutarcsling they are lo the boys and girls the International lessons He also emphasised the of order Jn schools before at tempting lo also that parents should bring to church and leach them revere Hie church and what stands for A vote Of thanks was tendered to Mr for his Instruellvr The member of the Newmar ket and Aurora Sunday School Con vention to express their foe the splendid hospital ity received from the ladles of Au rora also to the pastor ami members of Hip Methodist- Church for the use of Ihelr building Hoy- easy If Is for poo benevolent being to pleasure around him Arid how truly Is a heart a foun tain of gladness everything In Ha lo freshen into have seen much Hon and much learning met The sun rising and declining makes and midday when he Is none at all It lb only necessary to grow old to become more I nee no fimlt that not com muted myself The learning and knowledge we have Is at but little compared will that of which we arc Ignorant fanijuagQ not only the vehicle of thought It Is a great and efficient Instrument In thinking A man has generally llio good ori bad qualities which he attributes to mankind t Leisure Is a garment but It will not do for constant wear Man Is unjust but God is just and finally justice triumphs iff to dig- a arid Knb in as amy and whether you desire to open an account arrange for a loan remit money or to obtain information p or advice our cervices arc equal- disposal over 5100000000 Safety Deposit to If THE Villi Mr On Hie of March the Ontario Legislator unanimously referred to the on Privileges and lions o number of statements which bo of the decided are reflections on tile In dependence and honor of the and that the dignity of House ifid the safety of the liubllc intercuts demand hat al- fully and thoroughly and luoper iiunlshmcnt be out to anyone who may he guilty of any of the act J you require a roof the be in squares 100 square feet A basis for the costs of Asphalt Slates is given below liiiu i jc I iir to La A HO OfJK Ij it 1 i teats to litu I- liutlfd la iiuKtS tLilt tic a 10 In i COhT VfePJJaSyiu tfay IU tie IvjtttJ those- of any other looting material it in your you we spending and you vtjit valuo for it then buy under by out dottier your district Co Limited Mr and Mrs I the weekend Mr I Clarke Mr Hendersons have Isey of at his Toronto fathers moved into s houses spending a one of Mr Hold Mrs IlioWn Is few days al her home Mr 1 Nicely Is improving Ills place by up new lawn fence Mr Sleek Icy has a new firay rJort car Mr a new piano Mr Is building a parage Quite iniinhr of our sports were mil playing ball Monday evening- al Mr executive of the frrcrnhoifiK for business the Presidents home on Friday night to arrange he program for the meeting to be held on May The meet ing will consist of a Mont Trial The accused are of young men hern ffhlng In the creek found leged in the slatemenls referred to the Committee on Iges and one of York of the Co- Op era live and candidate made it on the of June l Hie Ontario Government referred to the Com mil- having made by Mr Rum- was In part as follows Thank find I am not I he bill have been nrlho anil I can hack up my statement When the Ooveinmeil advertised for a agent at a salary of a year I was offered year If I would have use my influence to l the to continue as long us he Moid Mm that would use m the Job Mr was Ihc nafne person to who pike and Paisley go have fences Is all on our line A few from attended the of the Win Slicnick at the of be he Chairman Kent in no action jc him of any made by him Willi the giving name and that against re In connection eVfiJcnce from the of in me of lie Committer notwithstanding lids Mr to give the name of the hereon person in upon a vote i the ruling of offecd rtithu the bribe ihe thec fcvt tin was not suslaliKd tint Hon Mr voted Hie ol the The mixer whole report of the will he found at of the Vole on The social at Mr Clarices week The Aurora and Newmarket Holl and of House w was submitted to the Mr if Leader moved lo motion for Hewart the amendment iouventioii was in ii ji odit Cbiiieb by Mi Thar in I vilgh be not now J day School Convention was held In Aurora May President Mr In Hie chair and reports given extremely helpful and Interesting addresses V- to were delivered by the county secie- with Instructions J P Parry J V Hall and P Sonnes Hie Bar of the to explain Tne committee present- j to answer any question or ed the following as officers 0 Mat to which the for year actions county Whether Hie witness K Conn j summoned to and executive which was adopted Aurora Wilkinson A Manning Voionto Mi For- Sale by R I J Vice IVchldenl Newmarket Miss Aurora Childrens liviion Mrs Newmarket Assistant Mr It Age Girls Miss Newmarket Teen Age New market Adult J Clarke Aurora Mrs rjane Home J Aurora Teacher Ml M Aurora era Missionary JifSaW Itctt Aurora of said Commute the said should that the to hit luring access It whs ihe last the Session Many membes bad paired and away but upon Hie vote that follow ed due amendment wan lost a ma ll Of six The iwentysix who vottd for ihesmcndmem wer Black Cooke To ronto Crawford Curry Ferguson Fowler day Hall Hay Henry bang Lennox Lewis Marsbbll Murdoch ONeill Plover Thompson The members of House who vottd the the Premier raid the nine menSjers of the The Roll of he p and Labor Coverumfut which fcuctoed In ventlritf the from iho Moor i r It mm vara end pa- Oil Cloth Line urn the tiiirTOUK j tretauituy Flat Oil for Decor ation a properly that arc net protected ore to at li clean injured fit era tttM trd cava all Floor perfect of ell It th hi c gusrAntej ctttched to an In 2i hard iht not mart It a high yet tough enough to stand Cay of without injury It rttb and it not mar atr tciitcH Vc invito to cell of floora can give you full details rardm this or any paiming or varniihiji have a ccapUte of end Verf every prpeei Newmarket Out U IMG A beauty spots hep choicest far from hlfjhwaye Only a of and unusual can tiavoiao bad roads and lando In safety l ur- all icad and you you want to no i ho car 13 with every ment- oneman tops iloublo vcntllaUnrj windshield de mountable tiro cairki and leather door horn button la mounted on top of btoerlng column and llio equipped with and equipment lo furnished If at a ad ditional afln

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