Newmarket Era , May 27, 1921, p. 4

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Suffering Ended By John If It with pleasure that I to of IU groat benefit I received ties of from fruit I a great sufferer for year from Nervous tried everything consulted doctors tut nothing to help mo until I tried boxes I was completely and have unusually well ever WARD a box trial else At fill or cent postpaid by Limited Ottawa tt North York Marble Granite Electric Works All the Designs In Monument and Head flit Cemetery work promptly attended to Lettering by Tool All of Building Cut to Order John 0 Moss Proprietor Huron tit Hear Q l St CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers Ho Order leas then W Phono 1315 One brick house on Church St One brick clad house on Ave One double house on Pocumseh One double house on Timothy St One cast house on One frame house one Of land of Corporation si class garden and five lols on Court Street acres farm in Srolt Township aires farm In ip heal Estate Box Newmarket NOTICE SALE high Will for Good for colling 8UIUon and enrolled this Good for purchaser Apply to Tlioe Blizzard How- market FITS homo treatment for epilepsy Twenty success of Ho case bo considered hope- less booklet Win Co of Street Toronto On tario Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties the Itathroorn Outfit lit Hi THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS ITUS of Exchanges What Acton Free Prone Apparently leant a few United Slatcra think wo do regarding that republics place In the ih it form a paper as the Brooklyn Knglo There can bo nothing more to our llomil nothing to our of than the an Tire tiiusmyrr J at U- Pasture a Boon Some CO of Water Pay at Milk Flow Fly Woo on by Ontario or f During extremely hot of this group frequently outfer aloof while the of aloof while or ruropp from thrco questions ftrtshfg from a high temperature war which we helped to win Wore torment no moral Involved wrmeui cited ficlMntereHl would atill Ihc of every means to dis cover ft way difficulty out of the fllca A great In older of Ontario practi cally all cut down thoo leaving no and ifiurn other to la WHBfl to extent by planting along roadoldcB lanes and arc some kinds of forgetful- lino fences trees will not neoa lUul arc nccuueary to our crops But It takes The that Hated in to a long for to Into a our depths la better will provide much abode Some of our own which j when Prof Brown was In the our checks every- farm and lliuo we recall belter bo put ho planted small groves of out of mind is trees on parts of Collcgo limes not only wise but necessary l farm and no more pleasant sight WO are make- the most of our Uvea I may bo aeon than that of tho College Hut then again herd lying In the cowardice There arc some ftolJu located rAtiicr who make the effort to to work but Hie ftweetoHl and most among mil of their lives On a live Block and dairy farm memory brings a pang A It may not bo advisable to plant girl who lost a trees In tbo mlddlo of a field It devoted astonished will pay to them in as her acquaintance by plunging info many places as possible- will associates and y0UnKi i by stock but this can bo without too much ox On BO In meantime on dairy farms no Is available in regular field sometimes a woodlot can bo utilized for tho during heat of day though may damage the young trees to extent Another plan is to filially a friend uttered this rem on- think would how you weroj am Bo be happy If spending your lime The girl turned upon her and flashed Dont dare speak of Edna Im trying to forget her In spite of her for her she a coward Because brought a pang was keep a darkened etablo to drown It folly and excite- for part of day means a good deal of extra labor cleaning the memory of the friends who atablb and keeping the cows clean tell may bring ft but is P it ii on many where there Is But this is not the ease labor available hurt heals parllally pi cows arc receiving The remembrance of past or silage feed to supplement no longer brings anguish Indeed old feeding In the may ago finds one of Its chief comforts in v ako during the day and recalling friends that have crossed the river and with which they were associated if bereavement has Ms shade over your life do not meet It with spirit Do not away from if to evade Think of loved ones thought brings a pang Iliiin try to run even If he Speak of the cows bo kept Inside while It I very hot This plan reduces worry from files when windows covered to make stable dark Cows frequently Buffer from lack of water As a boy the writer remembers driving to Big Crick In Brant County dry spells cows nearly famished when they reached the vin if Crick and would drink until they lie dear name The friends on reached homo after Ajue or ihe curiam deserve ft for a over a duaty in our a place In our road wero nearly an thirsty as ever 9 If lights a place In our daily speech we arc willing to give up wipe of our lives save a cowards and not true friends t a When we use the word success wo too often mean a fortune But tliu bet ter kind of wealth Is not wealth of dollars houses lands and vested In Uresis If Is the wealth of a good name and tho essential quality in mm or woman that makes such a name and stands behind it Some who maintain a very respec table character in the community think they are better than others who fell when the truth Is that they were never similarly They were cushioned on all sides against a shock They sheltered from the tempeil others had face II takes extremes either of or of prosperity to bring out the real character We find men who have Inherited preposterously large sums of money going all to pieces morally with sight of power falling to realize their stew ardship nolle us bad as gal Is to be niggardly picture of a dissolute flinging his advisable The only safe of surd water supply Is a deep veil drlvou or bored and having the water pumped by windmill or other of with a storage tank for There no pari of Ontario in which an abundance of water cannot bo obtained If we go deep enough to tap hidden sources of supply In some districts particularly In natural gas regions the water may bo salt or sulphur In which largo tanks or cisterns for storing rainwater may bo necessary but this Is unusual No matter how it Is obtained the owner of dairy stock more especially of milking must supply a largo amount of water else the stock will suffer which means lessoned milk supply small cheques from creamery or city dealer Milk consists of about per cent water and this water must come from drink and feed of cow A cow giving lbs gallons of milk dairy will drink over lbs gallons of water in a day Cows giving less milk will drink In proportion Give the plenty of water Young and hogs also need plenty of clean water in hot weather There several good reme dies on market Where there Is be not time to make one the fact of a patent or repellent Is These usually applied a mean old miser pile of money and money away is rather more attractive than ihe Mew of siding on top of loving ft to death Character Is not he simulated Now and again one encounters the man who thinks he can go to the Mores and buy the makings of i gentleman The swagger outfit of ex will not do remains an outfit merely the external raiment entirely separable from tho substance and tho spirit of a man HOW amazing is the difference be tween that arc fashioned originally nods image and of same One breathes WC malign One Is spiritual the other is of the earth earthly One has only commonplace ideas and a agination other abounds in bright and delicate fancies and a quick ami humorous sympathy so as is a pleasure all too brief and rare To keep a character worthy of own respect Implies selfcontrol Nor will the respect of others be we have reason despise won ourselves daily or twice a day with a small hand aprayor The expense is not great and the freedom from worry by both cow and milker worth tho money A homemade remedy may consist of onehalf gallon oil or any old grease onehalf pint coal oil and four tablespoonfuls of crude carbolic acid etc Mix thoroughly This will bo sufficient for cows and may be applied with a brush or cloth If there Is no rain it will keep the flies off for several days Milkers be careful not to get this on the hands nor allow hairs to drop Into the milk pail as It will taint the milk apply after milking O A College Is safer to Dean TAKE Take some tilings for granted Do not think necessary to take temperature and feel your pulse every morning before concluding you equal to a work Take your health for granted unless there something out of the ordinary under- mining your confidence Bo not liqulre your friends to rcllerale their assur ances of affection every week or so Take their good will for grtnled unless you have to the contrary view Is foolish lo spend much energy proving over again that whir- already has been proved Take some things for granted to Absent Add Cost of Production According lo tests made by United States Department of Agri culture at Beltville Bee add a cent a pound to the cost of pork pro duction Two lols hogs of ten each as nearly equal as to the quality of the animals as possible were used in tests Tho two lotsVere man aged and fed In the same way that was treated for pre vention of lice In the other the lice allowed to their way At the end of fattening period It was found that the nogs Infested with llco cost a cent a pound to fatten than those which wero not Catarrh Catarrh is a local disease greatly iuQuouccd by constitutional con ditions HALLS is a and Blood Purifier cleansing the Mood ami building up the System CATARRH restores normal conditions allows Na ture to do it work All Druggist Circulars J Cheney Co Toledo National Crop improvement Service It difficult lo understand why grain la not moro frequently cleaned In country ground and fed at homo In years In scarcoly a car of No or No grata received whlto car after car of No and No no grain la sent Into market This always era price A Foeo welghmaster Chicago Board of Trade Besides freight must bo paid upon contained In theso and moreover the dockago must bo back against the shippers It would seem that farmers or ganizations should to ship nothing but tho very finest grain available and upon high price for it feeding poorer grades at home Millers will pay a pre mium for clean grain and It may readily bo that lower grades cannot fall to cheapen the whole crop If the market If nothing but clean grain shipped thousands of could be released for other duty attention of societies Is urgently called to this of marketing National Crop Improvement By Barron Most women think that bread- making Is too hard work That is only because they make It so What ever their recipe may bo they should not laboriously knead air out of dough with vigorous punching and poking because it is better to fold air into the dough which Is a simple process occupying but a few minutes quality of bread depends largely upon quality of the flour Canadian spring wheal flour has long been a favorite because It excels In tho proper kind of gluten Kofi wheat contains gluten which la not elastic and rubbery and while such flours may absorb water the gluten cells do not relnin Die moisture most of which Is driven out by baking Do not waste your lime kneading your bread Fold It over Mix your sponge Into dough folding in dry flour and air until you gel of the right consistency gently The dough beautiful rolls the loaf Treat It will National Crop Sit vice It Is a pity so much of our good country produce goes to waste after It is grown Mr It Rider president Canadian Steel Wire Co It would be safe to say that there are more vegetables wasted In small gardens than are eaten The waste Is especially noticeable In hay Therefore It Is very Im portant that every locality look after baling and marketing Intelligently and systematically There will be thousands of dol- lais In profits wasted this year be cause the crop poorly managed There ought to be a tegular baling crew In every neighborhood conduct ed either as a or by the owner of the rig making a popular price either in hay or cash for doing ihe Generally five men constitute the crew but usually there are two extras One standi up on the press using I is fork to direct the hay to the feed box Two men pitch the hay on to the platform At the back of the machine two one on either side feed ihe bate tics clamping be fore the compulsion is released A sixth man Is often used to weigh the bale and roll It to the barn Straw should not be wasted There Is good market for It tiled and baling can be at odd times should not be In any event If baled It should bo returned lo ihe land Guaranteed to restore fathering In tube of no drug J 00 our drug- tyoi or Toronto Sold in Newmarket by J Patter son end In Weal by The cbuooH Corporation the of ft to a hurt gutter street a On Timothy Street from Main Strcf A York way Co On from- Main Street to in Tight of way of thro Toronto A York Radiol Hallway Company The estimated cost of work Is of which is to bo by Corporation The estimated annual special rate per foot frontage Is thirty- two The as- sesimenl Is lo be paid In fifteen an nual A petition against the work will not avail to prevent Its construction Dated day of May P J ANDKFIS0N Clerk r HI Is I here nothing like leather Because It Is support of a man I went Into wood and It I sat down to look for It because I could not find It brought It home In my hand What Is it A thorn Why does Irving a slow horse Im prove Its pace If him fast When may a chair he flald to dis like yon When II hear you Why Ihc letter A like Ihc honeysuckle Me cause It Is followed Why Is a coachman like Ihe clouds he hold Ihc reins What the lightest hats made of Of material that It not felt do Suspended above the desk of a bank president Is his invito Do the Hard Thing First Ten years ago he was discount clerk In lids name bank How did you climb so fast I live up text he replied There Is not much else to tell I had long been conscious thai I was getting on as fust as should was not keeping with my work J was distasteful to me When opened my desk in the morning and found It covered with reminder of work to be done during the day I be came discouraged There were al ways plenty of comparatively easy to do and these did putting off duties as long as possIbleTSlehuir I berime In tellectually lazy I fell an Increasing Incapacity for my work One morn ing I woke up look stock of myself to find trouble Memoranda of several matters that hod long needed Attention me from my cal endar Suddenly thought came lo me I have been doing only the easy things postponing Ihe disagree able tasks the mean annoying Utile things my mental have been allowed grow flabby They gel some exercise I look off my coal and proceeded to clean house It wasnt half as had as expected Then took a card and wrote on It l0 Hard filing and put where I could see every morning Iyc been doing the hard thing ever since put off the purchase of a New Edison for money reasons Though we are not an instalment house we are iready to meet you half way We are glad to arrange payments to your convenience i PHONOGRAPH IViiH A The ait of the New Edison is A too important to you to Mr Edison and to to allow money matters to interfere with your en joyment of it Come in and tell on your mind about termo i J TO THROW EM Are young people thrown together much out here asked nntron with a marriageable daughter You bet replied the proprietor of summer bote Were extra well provided with hammocks The InvtktrrKMi In every the yield ft the at theft vlll return to PROVINCE OF ALDEHTA Due Feb 15 Principal pay able In New York Funds Price and Profit t In addition to Interest and premium en York fundi PROVINCE OF Due April 1000 Price and accrued Intereit In addition to the earned vail a profit of en principal at maturity OF ALOERTA GUARANTEED COUPON BEARER Due Jan 1 DenomlnatIcm and accrued Interest PrcRt In addition to annual Interest about This la an ex opportunity nut CITY OF EDMONTON BONDS Maturing In Price to yield In addition to the annual Interest the holder will have an additional profit about Yield at maturity We recommend the purchase of securities at prices They are really may te purchased on our partial payment pl enables Investors to full advantage of special si the above- Ian This opportunist A CO King St MM CAR e t L iT i beauty spots her choicest grounds far removed from railroads away from hlfjhvays Only a car of light weight and unusual power can traverse bad roads and marshy lands In safety Ford all road difficulties and takos you where you want to go Ford Touring car Is equipped with modern refine ment oneman top sloping double ventilating windshield do- rims tiro carrier and leather door grips- The horn button Is mounted on top of the steering column and head- lights equipped with approved Ions start ing and lighting equipment Is furnished If desired at a slight ad ditional cost K Limited

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