Newmarket Era , May 27, 1921, p. 9

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I I i a bod builder our breed cannot bo 11 roal food to eat Its a celled pteaturo to your lo of It And cay do favor Will you Toll them the of this bread and theyll order It too Thank you I all of the good traits of those loved and lost vho gone before You ill often stood before the of sonic great man and inked li our monuments admired W Cor Queen A Muln Sis Newmarket ad- are Best Pastry Flour for All Kinds of Mill Food Hay and Straw Dikes Grist Mill Huron J THY FOR Over Smiths Hardware General Repair Work a Specially Phono 3461 NEWMARKET of THE MUTUAL OF CANADA The I Lyman of- Marriage Licenses Office Private issued if desired MAKE MONEY AT HOME lo paid weekly for your JParc time willing canvassing we nl supply you with i work WestAngus Service Sis Toronto Urge iu Insurance Newmarket Towns for agents n apply- Write Room Confedera ls Ajfj 10 iL8CAtNEWS -LT- in new Electric Pump for protection is now on a cement at Water the When thin la completed The Canadian la System Society witU Piodotc and equalled hanks a AAnirihuiinti o only In the lrflcsi rile a contribution 32fl0 from Newmarket Young peoples Pat riotic through Mr J i i fiALli m1 ttot K MK a Industrial Homo- death occurred hero on Satur day of mm In year fcceaMdwa- a resident of gardener were taken to StoiifrvWu burial being by A of baptist Church of Date T Af a meeting of the lorrf of dm Newmarket Agricultural Society on night it waa decided to change the dates of the annual ex- Next Sunday Is to be National Goto Your own sun- School extend lo you a hearty to pay it a vlsll by way of re- an old acquaintance You will It and helpful Go to Sunday School next 1 from Sept and to A SopL and Oct wan appointed to arrange new feature for fair An addi tional authorized lo bo prize Hut T The meeting of the W will be held on Tuesday the Slot of May one week earlier on of the W Con von Hon In Aurora on the and of hme The a full of nil the and she for all reporta to be brought The will bo In the Tem perance Hull a commencing at in If I the election of officers Motor Aocldont- Sunday mornng Mr Cheater Oilman oak young ladles with for motor ride and when driving on Town Line east of the old car skidded on ac count of Ihc previous and turned turtle All the were llirown under car but every one escaped broken bones though alt were badly bruised The young ladles were Miss Shirley Oilman and voting friend from down In New and Mis Marjory Lloyd After for two or three days Ihcy are all around usual The general public will regret to btarii Hint Mr If Mortlmore about he transferred lo lo lake position of Chief of Local Plant his residence In market covering the last eleven yeJrsj he has been Identified with all movements especially with Hoard of Trade and Chautauqua At the time he is a member of Town Council Mr Morllmore came bore from in Nov the office was located In what was previous to that the John son Hotel In Mr enlisted for Overseas service In the Great War After several very narrow escapes he arrived home safe ly In March having served four yours in the field telephone corps He ha been wllh Hell Telephone Co for Ihe past 22 years Mr of North Hay takes his place here on 1st of June he annual District Meeting of the Womens will hold Its meet- In he Temperance Newmarket on Friday June at p standard speakers are expected Co apeak on Federated lunches fori WHIM THE MENS J also on Hot Town League Schedule May fi Co va Town June vs School ft vs Town CaneDavis vs M Co Town vs CaneDavis vs M Co Town vs M Co N vs CaneDavis Town vs 30 M Co CaneDavis July Cane- Davis vs Town S M Co vs If Co vs Town Davis vs 18 VS Town anelavls vs M Co Town vs CaneDavis II vs M Co August Town vs Co vs CaneDavis Town vs M Co vs CaneDavis vs Town M Co vs Itgames to Marl at p stand ard First named teams to have choice of Innings Produce There was a very good market Saturday Butter sold all the way from to 3Qc the most being bought at The Toronto buyers paid for eggs and Townspeople paid from lo Empire Day Day duly eel eh rated on Monday at both nubile schools of Town with be enthusiasm Dur ing the the and leacbers marched out the school lawns where Ihe singing of Patriotic songs was engaged In Under Ihe leadership of Mrs Mason music lit- of Ihc schools choruses were sung by the vailons classes after the flag while 0 Canada and The Maple Leaf Forever were ren dered by the school as a whole senior classes then assembled in groups third and fourth classes In one and second hook classes In another At the King School hi addi tion to patriotic program by the pupils these groups were addressed by Rev Canon and Mr J McKay pupils of the Alexander School gave a short program of selections after which Hey A J and lie v- spoke the pupils In a most manner on topics suited to the occasion Junior Classes were addressed by the Principal and held In their own class rooms The proceedings of were mos successfully out youy lowers yard and a fitting selling for wellkept home will also he provided All Sfrf iHoso In feK livery Help Arc you proud of your town you think It Is a fine place In which to live and do business Do you fcol a sense of satisfaction when from other lowis and cities drive pas your own holm and Willi shrubbery ami lawn fiat make your you know that one swallow does not make a summer one single clean and attractive home will not Impress visi tors except show he hideous con trast of surrounding Neighborhood Jl Is lie whole neighborhood and whole town which furnish visitors and estimates of the conditions at spirit of the and property values and pros- peels of your neighborhood your town The cleaner yon keep your premises the more Interested you should be In seeing that the whole town is kept clean to match your own standards That is not only a proper civic pride hut It Is your right ex pect cleanliness and all around you for protection of boll your health and your properly Every In Town should lend his slstancc and cooperation In and belter Newmarket f S hi Vfill i3 ji a A all S of of a Popular Young Lady Sad sad Indeed was message that came here by wire on an nouncing the sudden death Mrs following an operation for appendicitis which took place at the Hospital at few York Mrs Jlfnman was the daughter Mr Frank of Newmarket and was familiarly known here as Miss Dene She was married on the of June last year to Mr Jtaherl who for some lime was an to Mr J In the of Agriculture at Newmarket The wedding was a particularly happy one and pros pects for a bright future hope ful She was girl of lovely dis position a great favorite with her associates and prior her Wage look an active part in I and also the Choir Christian Church The remains were brought to New market for Interment The funeral service took In Hie Church OH Wednesday afternoon and saried edifice was crowded with a sympathetic audience Hall the pastor conducted vice and preached a comforting ser mon A male quartette composed Messrs Waller and an appropriate The casket was more than covered with most beautiful flowers In loVn of sor row ami respect The pa 1 1 hearer wen Messrs Mont Craig Mor ton Win and Win McCaf frey During service Hall read two from deeply regret- ring her demise and sallng how they appreciated her church activities The sympathy of Ihc community goes bereaved family for their very great The remains by Savage the Animal Husbandry Cornell University The following Iowu people also tended the funeral Mrs and daughter Cin cinnati I Unman Mr ami Mrs- P Mr and Mrs Sfitli Miss of Mr and Mr and Mrs Mrs Howe Ed Darker Miss Lumly and Mr lint oil Toronto We can fill more orders for Mens Strong Work Boots We per strongly advise you to buy NOW as our Boots is limited -SB- supply of these a I IT Si i i r We- are Clearing Out some all Goodyear welts regular odd lines of up to MEN for FINE BOOTS Dont Fail to Inspect Our Stock of This Store be open Every Night until oclock PHONE NO r t IS f Evening The of the Methodist were entertained hi the Gym Ladles Union on Wednesday and a very enjoyable time i Church by Ihe evening Is reported the Wm accompanied to her husband and Dr K J TAX The new budget having imposed a Sates Tax of 1 tea Ihe onus Is placed upon Tea Com pany of charging this oh their Invoices to the grocers and after collection lo pay It to the Inland Depart ment This is Ihc only tax Ihe con sumer of need pay the grocer There Is a further tax of on Importations of tea which the Tea Company are paying themselves and this Is nor being passed along the grocers or the consumers WHAT TO LOU EH A GOOD 61IVEH A The prizes a chest of table above almost anything even above of personal charm and adorn men I Give your woman friend ii box or chest of Volvos forks teaspoons spoons tablespoons etc and how pleased she be We have a wonderful both and plate Co Jeweler A good loser Is just as valuable an asset to a working as noisy possibly more because the noisy winner on another and less fortunate might prove a poor loser In any and alt matters we must lake into consideration the will of the majority and greatest good for the greatest number We may boost our pel propositions on which we hope for a favorite vole in business session Just is hard as wf please but If a majority of the mem bers vole against If adopt an other plan then as good losers we turn wholeheartedly to the support of winning proposition because It Is for class The candidate we loudly and eloquently acclaim for elec tion may fall to win Very well we will not growl or complain not If we are good losers Hut we will give wholehearted support to the winner because he Is for the class The good loser never holds a grouch After a thing Is settled by a fair vote or by an honest decision Nor does he carry his difference of opinion to outsiders If things do not go to suit us we should keep the mailer solely to ourselves No out sider can manifest anything hut a curious Interest In our affairs In our disputes and disagree ments IN MY PRICES THE FOLLOWING GOODS f JO Mm Compare My Prices You will be Satisfied and Buy Mens Work Sale Price Shirts Cut Price Mens Heavy Work Shirts 119 Mens House i IVOHDS WITH A To some young peoplQ the word economy means very much the same thing as simglneBs There are few modern young Canadians who have any liking for the word thrift Their Ideal to earn tf good salary and spend It they earn It and then make a fortune by some lucky strike Economy would be as to your ear If you real lied what It meant Is a proof of self- control of No one ftives money who has not earned to say no himself No one who- has not to look beyond the present Economy Is Ihe founda tion of prosperity Thrift and econ omy ore not unpleasant words If you understand them They are words with a backbone ttftfftfcg at tho a

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