Newmarket Era , June 3, 1921, p. 1

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A I7lf v Sums with proper We fit them 1 r The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance I TERMS annum In when not to only CHINA Vry for Wedding Gift Some that to our window Wagons Jewelry Store 3fcfi JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET 0 3RD- VOL So Single Copies each T Dominion I Parliament NEWMARKET For I Oils Stains Varnishes Blacksmiths Machinists Pipe Fitters Supplies Electric Appliances and Fittings Automobile Accessories Oils Grease and PHONE When You Go Away When you go away in the holiday season dont invite serious loss by leaving imjortant papers silver and other valuables in the house And dont burden friends with the responsi bility of housing them Rent a Safety Deposit Box at a branch of this bank The charge is trifling and the security is absolute BRANCH AURORA BRANCH OF CANADA acy H A MURRAY FRESH CAR JUST RECEIVED PEARSON Cor Church LIBERALS PUT BLAME FOR DOMINION UNREST ON Charges of inconsistency and poll Heal immorality- levelled against Liberal ami Progress ives parties by Premier were thrown back in his teeth by Duncan Ross of West Middlesex and M Gordon of West the debate on the budget The member for West Middle sex declared at outset that the instead of making efforts to maintain and the only real market that Canada had at time namely with the States contented itself with talk of reprisals- The emer gency bill of the United States which has now passed both Houses constituted a menace to many of the natural industries of Dominion in particular the cnltlo- industry It was not yet loo late said Mr loss for tho Government to make represents- the Government of the United States not cap in hand or in any servile attitude with a view toward maintaining amicable relations as to mutual trade The Prime Minister had accus ed opponents of inconsist ency It would be welt toe him lo look among his own political followers for the commission of that particular sia Mr loss proceeded lo set forth the political history of Hon Hugh Guthrie minister of militia Ho showed how the latter while a follower of Sir Wilfrid had in and llually in advocated tariff reduction and the placing on the free list of agricultural implements Has Forgotten Them At that time said- Mr loss minister of militia was the champion of the consumer tie laborer and Hie farmer Today he has forgotten thorn that time he was the antagonist of the principle of protection to day he is one of its chief advo cates What is he reason In the old days ho was the tribune of the people today he is a cabinet minister With Mr Guthrie in the cabinet it illbecame the prime minister in the opinion of Mr loss to ac cuse the Opposition of inconsist ency How- he asked can there be harmony in a cabinet so constituted as the present cabi net is tot of a big concern half a mil- dollars causes discon tent and unrest is not the war which has paused this discon tent it is the men who have amassed fortunes through war v- Out Bonus There is another cause of said the member for West During present session the postmans bonus was cut by per cent A postman is a the public irrespective of the position which members of the public hold He is a man who in many cases has a limited leae of life because he id oil I iii nil kinds of weather Bui his miserable bonus has been cut by And two days after this was announced the Government brings in a bill whereby Inc chief justice of the shall have a salary of ft thousand a year as admin istrator in his ten thousand as salary ami that tie shall be exempted- on the latter from income lax That said he is another cause for unrest ami It is the re- turned men who arc to blame It is men in places who under LETTER I drawing to a close but not so as some of the members had been hoping In fact they liau entertain fake to do for what they have no right to do We need big business in this coun try but we want big business to be fair and to share honestly with those who are entitled to share TRAIN HEROIC FARMER Waded Through Water to To Warn Crew of Danger WashOut Between Gilford Bradford and CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALER Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket An Excellent Speech The speech of the new member for West was one of the best in the House on the tariff debate He pointed out that ho sales tax imposed the minister of would have the effect of Increasing the cost of living and the cost of produc tion It was provided iii the new taxation that milled products such as flour rolled oats etc were subject to Wie sales lax when inclosed in packages under pounds in weight Yet the incis ure of such packages was in tho best interests of sanitation and the best protection against adult eration The poor man could not afford lo buy in large quantities the rich man could The new lax was a direct burden upon Hie la boring men throughout Corn flour was taxable un der packages of pounds corn meal was taxable in any- quantity lorn flour was only purchased by Hie rich and well-to-do- corn- meal was a staple of tho laboring man If the food of the people has to- be taxed said Mr Gordon how are you going to reduce the cost of labor The manufacturer cannot reduce cost of production if we tax the food of the working man For three years of the war the Gov- eminent talked of giving be last dollar and yet they permitted I hose who were amassing wealth to go free Instead of mak ing Hie income lax apply hack to those three years they now tax food of the workingman Wo are back lo the days of the corn laws in For the second time within a few months courageous work on the pari of farmers has saved the T trains from possible dis aster the latest be ing last Saturday afternoon when there was an unusually bad flood over racks The lo cation of the flood was between Gilford and Bradford and it was regular which was in danger heavy rains which passengers on the train think must have been a cloudburst portions of the track became badly flooded and the en gineer was surprised to sec a farmer on the track flagging the Irtftn When the train was stop ped became evident that the farmer had spared no rouble to warn he crew as he had waded through water along the track which reached up to his should ers So far as could be judged big portions the track had been washed out so that tie danger lo the train Following the warning the train backed Inwards ami only- a short distance from the scene of washout tley came to another dangerous spot behind them Iters fences had been washeuVaway but the Train by going slowly was to get back to and was to Toronto by way of Georgetown will he remembered that thero was a similar washout at ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Water Street Newmarket Gives the Figures The Government had talked of unrest and discontent To what was that unrest and discontent due The soldier had gone hack to his forge his lathe his bench or his profession It was not the returned man who was causing the discontent and unrest Mr Gordon quoted from the Toronto Telegram show that last the Canadian General Company of had opposed wage in creases for men had granted to Sir Frederick Nichols presi dent stock to tho value of annuity of That ho said Is thing which is causing unrest and un- in country When men say pay enough to keen their employees and families in decent liveli hood and got in high to take from Iho hissamc place a short lime ago when the train crew were warned by a farmer The worst break on the line was at 4mile post north of Bradford- Here a oak Ircd was carried with tremendous force gainst down Scan Ions crook anil rammed the bridge It gave way and feel of track went with it The rails and ties were lifted and de posited on some marshy ground feel away The washout was fully feel deep It is eat mated thai half the bridges in he townships of and washed away The Council of was meeting at when storm on and had to slay there over night All bridges were down and they tried in vain gel home At Newtown ap proaches lo the bridge were washed away the steeple of the Methodist was lightning and a blacksmith shop raised by the flood and placed In centre of the roadway only barn reported burned by lightning was that of Clarence Wood who lives near Bradford II is said that all his buildings and implements were destroyed Several cows wore killed in Ileitis by lightning and a number of chickens were drowned The highway is im passable and fences in many places are tangled mass vision of getting out of the trenches before result of the In and- York- were known but the lions are thai iho work will fur i few days yet There are many things on the order yet to be disposed of include bills On the report the special lit lees on Civil Ser vice am DUE has been given a long last farewell and la Its stead there will be amend ments to Hie Civil Service Act will give Hie Government supporters about what they wanted anyway Amendments to Criminal Code are with us every year have been put through with many changes from the manner In which they were brought into the House Many of drew lines along the edge of Ihe straight ami narrow path and were la the line of legislating ifeople Heaven Jf possible Not all of them goi through however for there was a protest from sides of the House ugalnst some of the more straight laced ones White Parliament has a number of enactments through during the week there Is yet a lot of legislation left on the Order paper which should he dealt with and though the word had gone forth that prorogation was lo take place on May it seems more like the cad of week before the estimates and other business can be finally disposed of The spectacle of members talking one way a government mea sure and then turning lo support bill was furnished this week when the Minister of Agriculture introduced a measure to the continuation for an unlimited period of manufac ture Importation and sale of margin The Government was satis fied from the tryout given to the Im portation of oleo was detri mental to Ihe Interests of the country at large and therefore proposed lhat the use of In Canada should be con tinued They placed no limit on Ihe lime when Hon S saw a constantly growing opposition spring ing from his own benches he offered to place a oneyear limit on the bill Opposition to the measure came just as strongly from the government benches as from among llon members Government sup porters from dairying constituencies such as Dr J Front- Donald Sutherland Oxford Frank Glass Middlesex and John Hear forth were so strong In support of the rights of their dairymen constituencies one had not previously seen such debates might have expected them break away from the government benches on the Issue and atari a Utile party of their own However they nearly all voted for the measure when It was put before thorn and the party whip was cracked From lis own benches govern ment was criticized for bringing down this measure by Or John Best Donald Sutherland George Several members on tho opposition side opposed the bill James declared that the manufacture and importation of had been allowed as a wartime meas ure and thai conditions now were such wad no longer In this country t was in hurling the Industry without helping anyone to any great extent Supporters of the bill on both sides of the House declared lhat the Impor tation of was no hurting the dairy Industry and that could a with certainly whal the prices of Duller was cheap enough they argued in substance but was no predic tion had Seen made ttiat of would ruin the dairy Industry developments had not borne out that claim Members of the Progressives ted by Dr Clark and Hon A supported the measure on the ground lhat If was fit for food as ap parently the Government considered It was there was no for barring it off the Canadian market people had a right to buy l they thought fit J J Denis of moved the six months hoist and thus precipitated the fencevaulting There half of the Government candidates There arc hopes In government camp Ihelr man will bo able to bring Ihe Bacon there on Sat urday but thus fur there have been no outbursts of cheering As for the government la leav ing it practically alone und lelliog Mandou fight his own batllc Gen erally speaking he Is given chance here unless ihe Farmer can didate succeeds In getting a large vote II Is claimed he will lake chief ly from the Liberal The fight has been somewhat spiced up from this end by the famous Venlot correspondence A merles of loiters were produced deal ing with Hie In made clear thill a St John man acting as he hoped in the best interests of Ihe government sought to induce Hon P J VentOt Minister or Public Works In New Brunswick to consider no of fer of a portfolio in the Borden ami governments His efforts were not looked upon loo kindly and he was given a great deal nf couragment It was apparent from the correspondence tabled by Premier but the friend of the government succeeded In getting rather a bad mess for a little while There Is a very natural Interest In the developments regarding the Young i i Emergency Legislation passed In United Slates and now awaiting signa ture by President I larding measure is practically that which was Introduced as Hie Forduey Bill and vetoed by President as one of his last official acts It places a heavy against practi cally all farm produces Imported hi to the Untied States and while It Is only operative for six months with the hope of preserving the American market for American producer with the Idea of letting htm unload all his surplus stocks without competition It will cut very heavily Into Canadas exports to the United States Last year wc sen over something like of farm to the Americans and with Ibis bill In operation there Is bound to be a big reduction In the amount of produce shipped Whether or not It will have the effect of fur ther reducing prices at home remains to be seen but certainly It will cut off many Canadian Farmers from their best and most market par ticularly this time when the Am erican dollar Is worth so much more than the Canadian There In places demands for re taliation but Is not expected that anything along that line could now be done The Budget and Tariff pro posals are before the House and re taliation It Is felt- would Jiol get us anywhere In long run Predictions arc also freely made that the measure hurt the Ameri can producer eventually but for the present It seems more likely make Canadian suffer who cannot get his grain or other produce Into the markets which formerly paid most of It YEARS AGO Prom Era 2nd The market was opened for the first lime at oclock yesterday morn log The first seller Edgar i basket of first buyer was Mr Andrew Hender son Eggs butter bus wool a lb Tho market J counted a great success previous to this produce was taken the stores and exchanged for goods Hoi fund Landing Cricket Club W Thome Osier J Thome Thus Bled In King May Amos hi his Bind In King May aged years 25 YEARS AGO dune Mr Well of Toronto was in town over Sunday Miss Kelly nurse In a Buffalo in Mr for Philadel phia yesterday on behalf of hclrafor some fortune Miss Perkins nurse at SI Catharines hospital wis home on her holidays Mr Phil for the on Thursday lo spend the summer with her daughter Political meetings connection with- the general elections are being hed alt oyer ttie Riding is candidate for North York and J Edgar for West Ontario Morion Park Summer Resort Is ad vertised as open to the public MURDERER GARFIELD SOON CAPTURED Georgetown May Norman Garfield loe Woodstock murderer who broke jail in that city Wed nesday night was captured at two and a half miles from here shortly after midday today Garfield tried to put up a fight but two huge men A and Waller irnipiiio i hint and easily I brew him to ground The third and leader of the selfappointed posse was A who clapped a pair of handcuffs on Ihe fugi tive and Garfield was once more in the hands of the law to J English of Midland died as the result of an accident when he fell with bag of oats and struck his neck against a box est Ox were only A3 votes In favor of the hoist which would have meant the end of bill and of lliese only three from Government side where the bill had previously been bitterly Ineked Evan Wetland Donald Sutherland Oxford and Thompson were only memhers who voted against Ihe measure The resolution passed by to with most of the Liberals and Parmer members with the Government continue the of manufacture- This week has been like most weeks wlh a lack of continuity about the developments The Com mons spent Monday and half of Wed nesday in somewhat listless debate and then the balance of Ihe day on the resolution and hill Amende meats to the Criminal wore dis cussed by design apparently there were no ladles In Ihe gallery and put through the arc I urn In to things la the House The Premier has just where he on Town Council Special meeting of Council on Mon day evening Members all present except Councillors Moss- and Council went into Committee of the whole to open fenders for Town Sewers Mr In the chair Eleven tenders were opened rang ing In price from down to The next tender was higher The next four tenders were about of each oilier Engineers James and were present The fteeve thought thai perhaps lenders might be referred Hie En gineer to report at meeting but as there was a marked cheque along with the tender for per of the the Council were of opinion that ihe lowest tender should be accepted motion was then passed accepting tender of a Toronto Contractor ami the Engineer was instructed notify him also the was Instructed to return the cheques of the other tenderers Enquiries Mr Cane asked If the of the properly from Dank of Mon treal had been effected i The Mayor replied that he had re ceived no word from his commu nication Mr Intimated that he was about leaving Newmarket and took the opportunity to express his of tho courtesy extended to him by the other members of the Council He asked Hie wish Of Hie Council to pul in his resignation or let the scat go vacant by default Mr Pearson Ihoughl thai as he was not moving his family from Newmar ket he would be home from time lime and could attend the meeting of Council occasionally he had belter resign Mr Osborne asked about daylight saving The Mayor said nothing would be done till the of June as per resolu tion of Council ft being a special meeting of Coun cil ordinary business would not he taken up and the Council adjourned at A few minute in surly he was on his way Georgetown jail Two Women Give Information Mrs J A and Miss gave which led to the capture of Nor man were waiting for the 140 Grand Trunk at when a stranger accosted Ilium and asked for the time of the train going north AI Ihe time their suspicions were not aroused but on the way home they talked matter over and thai the stranger might be Garfield Description Tallied Mrs told her who immedalely telephoned Chief of Police at Georgetown and ask ed for a full description of escaped murderer The descrip tion tallied closely with stranger his wife had seen Though he is a man over sixty years of age Mr went out alone- to find and rapture murderer With pair of hand cuffs in his pocket he set out for the station Though it was nearly an hour after ho woman had met stranger was lying on Iho bench resting when Mr Tracey- arrived Tracey asked A a big husky man and Walter Law- son to help him approached by who to go to Georgetown with them Outside little station made a break for striking However he was overpowered- and felled by three men Tracey put tho handcuffs on him and mur derer was subdued Mr Tracey who so went after the escaped murderer is the Township Clerk of M DO YOU REMEMBER Do right and your recompense Ihe Joy and power to do more right The shortest and surest way to llvo with honor in world is to bo In reality what we would appear to be- i When women wore Ions skirls And big white underskirts and all hard coal was four dollars a ton And pork chops were ten cents a And you could get a fine suit of clothes for twenty bucks Ami sugar was five cents a pound And men wore high hats ami a cane And you could rent a house for fifteen a month And shoes were three dollars a pair And overcoats about the price you now pay for A lunch And we had no strikes And everybody was happy You do Gee but you must

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