Newmarket Era , June 3, 1921, p. 5

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v of betokens the perfection of the leaf Famous for years varies the excellence of its i North York Marble Granite Electric Works All In and Head All CemeWr work promptly attinded to Lettering done by Pneumatic Tool Comments of Exchanges Or fed fSf nothing what Altitude is go ing W 4rtt jailor ha a been the of railways hettairte such if Mr acouninlal- profits for the Trunk as as he did when he was in the paofc- j Uncle remembering the house business country l was full of sympathy will have cause rejoice He hie the fldme public whom deal hut whether that public is in as it was when piohts j and one may Mr scratch Explained intends ttf give up the western office at the end and everything the New York Moo 6roorte not be any of us but it means that- will iiii hay to and scramble for positions at a lho when the Is pot very good Ho looked anil discouraged AH Kindt of Building Order Cut to a I John 0 Moss Proprietor Box Phone Wots the address Huron St Hew Newmarket p NEWMARKET ft THE MUTUAL UPC OF CANADA T1 WAKE MONEY AT HOME to paid weekly for your spare lime writing for us No canvassing We and supply you with steady work J Service Church Cot borne 8t Toronto Ownership Not Success Kincardine Reporter Public- ownership up to now in Canada has not been a success The ntorcolonial and at present make us a little doubtful of too mpch public ownership from a government standpoint Political pull ami placing of iu competent will always handicap any government owned Another Direct Tax Free Press Under an enactment passed by the session of the legislature just closed alt real properly transferred becomes subject to a provincial tax of two he dollar according to the value of the properly in ques tion This tax be paid by the purchaser when registering his deed cannot otherwise be accepted by the registrar This new into operation on June I This will mean a lax of 2 per on sale price of the property being trans ferred Make the Slacker Pay Piclon Gazette While all must inevitably bear some of the bur dens left by the war there is a reel Justice in making the slacker care for disabled and took af ter the dependents of the slain In fact slacker ought to pay all the costs of the war for in most cases at least in Canada the Slacker knew nothing St wars sacrifices The man who en listed gave his time his energy his health his opportunities and In many cases even his life Why should the slacker escape all thia and no other special sacrifice be demanded Leas Talk More Peat Almonte Gazette For many years this country has been del- with literature from govern ment sources telling of the value of peat as a fuel and some ex periments been carried out with a plant at Alfred This plant was allowed to rail into dis repair in the midst of shout to use peat and much of Plenty of Sand in the PC One of hard grades that every body conies lonbwsnoT Mien ob served bpt front what seen of you Wallace Im you carry sind to yoer fiaadbolMo lake you up this grade and others that may lie beyond a rhomept jVallBoe stared at in hie straightened his hope youre right and try prove to you thai you are looking for right away and shall find j4i- AND STRONGER each week grows our WEEK in then powerful price and grow the values given and and bionics the low price records MORE and the eager buyers where in the savings week followers come to every bringing with them REGULAR GET HIE AT THIS STORE AND WW WISELY THIS WEEK HE ATTENTION TO AND BOYS WEARABLES BY SELECTING GENUINE ALL THROUGH OUR AND DEPARTMENT i Well well whats IhWtVHjfiomelhlqg -by- lime looks to as thought the baek to the land fever Is it you Wallace Uncle pausing In doorway of Wallaces cozy room looked Willi interest at he per iodicals that strewed the table la were turned Was right in saying that It was be thrown out of answered and advertised himself but- for weeks there were no results His share of the household expenses made the radiance of lie pa his precious savings lamp he Miles showed up a slight The Amateur Beekeeper The had to be a hospital Journal The Guide I gave film a feeling of sick as This is certainly a surprise the reduced total hankj went on Jovially turned book It began to took as though the out because some neighbor farm wduld beIn the dim very wants to talk over some church bus i distant future as he had Jokingly said GREENHOUSES CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS No Order lets than 8 Phone NOTICE I FOR SALE First high grade Bullion Buchez Will for Immediate sale Good for selling Stallion registered and enrolled for this season prospect for purchaser pply to the owner Box wi horns for epilepsy Twenty years Thousand of testimonials No eaaa should bs considered lass of Canada Street Furnace Work Plumbing Our Bee the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING NEXT TO SMITHS was stolen great effort to the who made away with the copper fittings The output of plant sold so quickly that the demand always far exceeded the supply and it as If vast sttiiVe rea son or another always some individuals con nee tod with the government of both parties who look care that this would not carry on and people did not get the peat they wanted Til first thing to be wo should say is to get that peat plant En full blast Give us less talk and more peat Sabbath Desecration Herald The appear ance of three commercial trucks on the streets of last Sunday was a surprise to all and a shock to some townspeople To hear big vehicles of commerce go roaring through a town a quiet Sunday brings to the fore the case with which- Lite spirit of commandment is being violated by the greed of the big corporations in the These trucks were all moving vans two of them southbound af ter having west of here went through Satur day The third truck was gravel ling- westward Us contents being hidden from view by the enclosed box Judging however from the labor of the engine this truck was very heavily loaded and was in all probability engaged In a pursuit which should bo suspend ed on the Sabbath Having once started to do such work on Sun day these will fight to con tinue a ad iW fashioned specters of he sanctity of garages run wide open all day who stand idly by while Sunday road houses do the big gest business in days and the amusement features in public parks are running at capacity will one day waken up to find that God is no longer a day of rest the Sabbath the thy and worship but one of pleasure V The Same Man Herald A financier by the name of Joseph has been the Dominion Government as a director of Grand Trunk He named of five di rectors which doubtless means that he will bo chairman vcle Where have we heard tfcal name before I Is this the same who the few years ago cunrbored on bacon it not this same who Bald with ftts The is Hon may have been too busy framing war men- I euros to take noticoMhe pub licity attracted by one ylavelle a father and- mother I come upstairs thinking Inform self business affairs by a chat our young insurance man and I find you absorbed in The Amateur Bee keepers the explanation Tell your old uncle Wallace laughed he laid aside his- magazine and drew another chair up to the table The fact Is Uncle that youve stumbled onto my pet secret Oh no as his uncle made a hasty Theres no harm done The secret- Is pretty nearly ripe fw disclosure any way You see Uncle happen know that theres father and mother would like so well as a and chicken farm across the lake Theyre neither of them very strom and since father- had he has aged perceptibly He earns only a bare living now and even that uncertain In these times Im never as well when Im shut up In an office so a place where we work outdoors would bo good for us all But these hiagaztnes dont your father and mother guess from these what you arc planning Wallace shook his head They know that Im Interested but they think thy farm Is In the dim and dis tant very distant future What they dont know Is that by next spring If luck stays with me shall have saved to a substantial first payment oh place and leave a margin to carry us along for a few weeks Im looking forward to the day when can give them a Joyful surprise by to step up and pick out farm Hcally Wallace Uncle fade Was aglow With Im mlghly to hear that think it Is a Wise move Dont let anything sidetrack you as a railroad man still colored his speech limes I dont mean to Wallace answer ed quietly but his tone was slgnillr cant lie had not forgotten what It had meant Jn hard work and self- denial to save the sum that lay slowly Increasing In tfie savings bank in sayng however lie had not counted on the wllh which the wheel of often turns over Only a few days later he came home one night with a face that bad grown weary and haggard In a day THE REORGANIZED OF CHRIST OF LATTER DAY BAINTO Hall ever Bank of Toronto SERVICES SUNDAY a Prayer Meeting a Preaching p Sunday p preaching Prayer AM WELCOME Properties for Sale One brick house on Church house on Ave pneloubls house on St One double house on Timothy rough cast house on Sr One frame house and one acre land Just outside of Corporation Firstclass garden soil On house and five Jots on Court Street acres fann QScoli Township acres farm In BURROWS Estate Box Newmarket to Uncle hunt for work- j was rewarded- and Uncle was going on to spend winter with a brother Ihcre with a lighter heart He gave Wallace a firm handclasp Til be back early In Ihe spring and I hope everything will be all right again I Know you can make grade If you try Uncle on his return found Wallace In the best of spirits lie had brought his bank account back to the figure he f eft was necessary and was ready to Joyful surprise He had made no mistake In saying that his father and mother would rather have the little Ontario fruit farm titan anything else he could give them and their surprise and happiness when he told Ida plana was enough repay him for all the hard work and sacrifice Iliac bad made his comfort able Bank account possible Ob Wallace I his mother said with shining eyes His father found It hard to realize that he was soon to be set free from Ihe office drudgery that wore down lils strength and was lo spend his days In the beautiful outofdoors kind of work tic best We have our farmi picked out Uncle Wallace said happily I heard last summer when we were In Ontario that owners were thinking of giving it up and now It la for- sale ItaxacWy what we want I have an option on it and pro bably the in a couple of weeks was called away from home a few days ago He had reason to feeL happy that for everything was carrying him forward smoothly toward goal for which be had been working and saving breakfast next morn ing he mentioned that he was going transfer two hundred dollars the first his savings from the local bank where it was deposited to the national bank down town where lie carried principal account He had heard a rumor that the local bank was not as strong as It might be 1 dont think Is anything to lightly but wc dont want anything lo happen now But when he homo night It was evident mat something had happened Yes my two hundred dollars Is all gone he said heavily in answer to his others alarmed Inquiry The bonk was closed when I got there at noon Its evidently in serious con dition for they say that the depositors wilt be lucky If they get back ten per cent of their accounts I called up the agent bill they take a cent less thou five hundred for the first payment Oh mother afraid we will lose out on If after all and Ive worked so hard I There was little his mother could say to comfort him and she left the room with a face from which all- the brightness had fled Ills father fol lowed her but Uncle crossed to where Wallace sat beside the fable with his head sunk upon his folded arms Another hard to climb when you thought you had struck u nice level strctoh But youll make 11 that you have the Im sure of that You know not good railroading to empty your sand box on Ihe first grade Wallace raised a wan face oh which Ihe shadow of a smile flickered Ill try Uncle but youll lo give me nil tomorrow morning to up and readjust myself Though ho was and the morning he had got back regular Me each ON SALE AT for SOFT COLLARS all sixes regular each ON SAMS Tins WEEK rath MENS LFSIK SOCKS brown blue and Kami rcoulur ON SALE THIS WEEK pair MENS SILK in also flowing end style regular ON SALE nilS WEEK MENS rollers nil sizes In while and colored regular and each ON SALE THIS WEEK MENS WORK In wool mill cotton regular 50c pair ON SAKE THIS WEEK pairs fur ROYS NEGLIGEE SHIRTS sizes colors regular ON SALE HIIS WEEK inch small sizes ami drawers regular each ON SALE BOYS COMBINATION sizes 2fi yo ON SALE WEEK suit NEGLIGEE SHIRTS assorted patterns nil regular J2 end ON SALE WEEK each SUMMER HATS in duck mid pique ON SALE THIS WEEK AT and each JERSEYS blue with red all sizes regular ON SALE WEEK each ANU BLACK FELT WATS worth up to ON SALE WEEK each BOYS TWEED KNICKERS all sizes up lo regular ON SALE THIS WEEK pair MENS CHECKED WORSTED SUITS sizes ifi to this line of suits old at year ON SALE THIS MENS CLAY WORSTED SUITS sizes to well made ami trim od last season at ON SALE THIS WEEK 3500 YOUNG IJLUE WORSTED in the lutes styles regular OX THIS WEEK w NORTH YORKS BEST STORE grade but youre handicapped now by of lime and In an emergency like a helping engine comes la pretty- handy So Im send- you this check to mane euro thai you go the farm youve all set you hearts upon There were other things In the let ter that were good to read and when Wallace had tucked the precious check away In Ids he slipped Ihe loiter Into breasl Where It will be handy If Im ever In danger of toeing my sand Wallace said to himself with a smile Let us be thankful that we lived In lie old days when you could kiss a girl and not taste any tilling but Hamilton May Loss of ap proximately was inflicted upon the harness factory and store of James Sons by lire on Saturday afternoon Damage to extent of was done by burglars who set fire to the topi floor of a largo on St Catharine St Mont- real on Sunday in an attempt lo open a Why send your Dying Cleaning away hen you can get It done just as well and quicker Reasonable Prices In your own Town I AGCORDEON PLEATING and KNIFE PLEATING Ladies Own Materials Made Up Entrance through W BASSET Store BEAVER MILLS i Best Pastry 241bs for some Ills courage see It there possible arrangement I fan the j ATI Klndaof Willi Feed and Straw Dikes Grist Mill St cant ami wont give It up He reported at night mat hehad ticcured an extension of tbo option for another month and also was night work at the office I dont Just see how Im two hundred dollar In the course Of the next month but thing to do Is to try bad found Uncle up Had letter from your cousin Charles ho explained He Ive been away from home long enough and guess likely so Im tomorrow A week later there was a letter for Wallace from Uncle It told of his safe arrival and It contained a chock for two hundred dollars I didnt spend as much on my trip as expected wrote and as shall want to visit you when you get comfortably on the farm Id like to have a little stake In It- I know that youve sand enough loft hi your sandbox to up Ihla URING CA loveliest her hunting Grounds far removed from the away from the Only a car of light and power can bad roads and In safety mounts all road and takes you where you want to go The Ford Touring Is equipped with refine ment sloping double ventilating windshield de mountable rims tire carrier and leather door The horn button Is top of the steering and the head lights are equipped with approved nonglare tens Electric start ing and lighting equipment Is furnished If desired at si slight ad ditional cost ROBERTSON Newmarket OnU or CAHApAUmitsd m i

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