Newmarket Era , June 3, 1921, p. 7

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AS AflRliT seven J aaJ v LfiAUE The Summer Time Table on The Is welcome In 0 the circle fain to the most people- by day y year around It contin ently food Order a OKy flt By reference to our advertising will bo Mr who carried on business lu dor voir ha opened a store in Toronto and would be pleased to his old frionda am customers ARTISTIC and individual are nwny vee rfiow you or Memorial you are planning among this arrea variety of you ml just what you want we will up designs ami submit lo you Alter your selection is we irill put the work into execution and erect soon possible Cer Main Sis Newmarket into effect im Thursday the of Jim Mr sold Mr Pax- tons property on Queen St lo Mr Joseph of Newmarket this opening game League wan Cardan Party p Garden Party a I eon Of evening June Full later P how a Bros on Friday Decoration Day At a meeting of the Directors of the Cemetery on Monday even ing II was decided to hold flay earlier than for toe past two or three the complaint being thai there were not so many flowers In July The date set was Sunday the of June and Itie public are re- take their making the Town Usual lu of lite Methodist Church Sunday June 10 a Meeting by Ihe Pastor It a ml Public worship recep tion service Theme and Wilderness p in Sunday School p ju Baptismal p ni Public worship Theme A Cold AY Lawrence pastor of the Town Mon day evening Alt Town who could be located turned out all the at- n Arrtvctl ground Murphy- Truck a Utile the worse Jfl and a Course of Mayor game a right over the pad wliltf- served urjc that lis been come Mr of Ihe Office Special tried the Major up for the but the lenua were too high and the doaI Jet ihrougb The opting icanla were Specially and tho The score about prvseut of Ihe two team The only a few days Id jamc praellc got a aeuod they to their guns up well as Cop before THE MENS STORE j- U iaJi2t It all ho and measured likely contenders for the A Seat Every Night night tbc New your twodollar scat at the musical ownedy opera wherever your kadi NEW EDISON rot blare forth in tinny imitation what bear It perfect CreationVotf theliiriogartiaCU voice or performance there so difference between the i it been test before toUlUog AuUiooa J on the Boaed Owing to the death of the former President Mr Philip II Office to has nude the following change and auditions the Board of Directors The Officers of the Company are President Mr Geo Held Secretary Mr Geo D Managing Director and Treasurer Mr Harry Sleiiiln The Mr GeoSM Tftos Mr Geo Mr Harry season la much idvauced was In good form but poor support proved his downfall being Ihe Chief offender In this re- by muffling several easy ones the first inning hould have the Specialty wluiout a score If was they garnered J runs and from that time on It wad nothing but crepe ami flowers for the Town team they are not In the least courted and with a little more prac tice will give a good account of them selves game Mas too one side and is yet a little early In sea son to Judge the Specialty team but they appear to be well I at We can fill more orders for Mens Strong Work Boots at We strongly advise you to per pair buy NOW as our supply of these Boots is limited iY taint Is rained only by using products Lowo Bros In Paints Stains or can be relied upon Agency at Dions The Good Roada Keith of Good Roads Commission on on a tour of inspection over of County ami reports the County Roads are In good repair Contractors are now constructing Hennery Road both North and South at Hill Sutton road at Sharon ami Jaok- besides Main and Huron Streets In Newmarket Work has also commenced on the eonslruetlon of two largo bridges one nver the Don near Toronto and one over the Black Creek at each of will about 920000 It Is that work will com mence on the lop dressing of Main street In Newmarket well balanced full of pep work together and should give a good count of throughout season the real workout on the new diamond and It stood the test admirably there Is still a be done on It before It will be In Ihe desired condition This will be completed before the end of die week end there will be little excuse after that for Hie teams falling to furnish ft good brand of ball to the public There was a fairly good attendance as the have spared no expense to make this diamond the best that could be obtained we trust the lovers of good clean sport show their appreciation by turning out in tamper volume at each succeeding game wer Parkins behind the plate and on bases and of gave entire satis faction SI of to date Office 1 We are Clearing Out some all Goodyear welts regular odd lines of MENS up to 00 for FINE BOOTS Dont Fail to inspect Our Stock of f m This Store will be open Every Night until oclock PHONE NO Ba As a result of the heavy Wfeon Siturday tooriJ On in j font at by J was struck lightning ind lo the There were cattle in bain at the time it was iPtatlieaily empty of any of the BC is although rain flooded lift i- through wjji to overflowing liJiii aged died Moil- t three weeks illness Ha About five Dental Reporjt The dentists of Towu have Urn survey of the teeth of the child at King George Alexander Schools W has requested that there be explanation of the terms used on the charts sent home to the parents the conditions found Tins cavities are classified under three ID In deciduous teeth cavities In In leuUi by deciduous la meant the temporary teeth will be replaced by ones later These should be saved by filling until time for them to be replaced Simple cavities lu mean small ones that only filling cavities in perman ent arc larger ones that may re quire treatment in addition to filling Abscesses are are known as gum bolls or ulcerated teeth They are very dangerous lo the general health and need attention York a County League Tuesday evening the Newmarket team of the above League Journeyed lo Aurora to lake part In the first scheduled game of season The game was exciting and close all the way through Those who witnessed It got more than their moneys and who did not missed a game worth seeing The first inning With Newmarket up to to 0 and remained that way until the half of the third when Aurora took the lead to I In the first of the fourth lied the score lo foiling to score In their half In the last half of me Aurora again took the lead 3 to In tho half of the- sixth Newmarket apparcnly had the game on by putting over four counters making score Aurora failing to In their half Newmarket failed to score In their little of seventh and last Inning Aurora came to life and put two counters across giving renters a mighty they railed to get sufficient counter turn Ihelde and the game closed In Newmarkets favor to The of Aurora threw initial pill and opened what should bo- a very successful season this League feature of Ihe game was a one handed slab of a decidedly hot liner by Galhraltli with bases choked runners retiring the side sSJaa Spcavy 1 I I Sprayers and Mixtures at rr Strotit Janu fol lowing recent visitors- here from a distance Mrs A Anderson Cochrane Mr Stanley Ghesshire Ku Mr Morgan Port Arthur Mr A Johnston Ottawa Mr Los Angeleo Gal Mr Geo Mason Out Mr Long Mr Morgan Allislou Mr A P Alberta The local representative Mr closed sales four propertle and two others pending He also re ports enquiries from Nova Scotia and New ALEXANDER SMITH A CO and 248 Confederation Life Building if Queen 8lrot Canada Phone Adelaide Jr J Act tot I- sain came here from Glare- He attended the Presbyterian son Buffalo two Mrs Stooffvllle and J a at Kftive Mm New Hebrides I A of York County hold and social in Brleflets The Mothers Hoard for this met in Newmarket yesterday The home on St been sold to a man from The census enumerators are at work Public School pupils gel a holiday today on account of It being the Kings of Newmarket won first money on his trotter at Ihe on J hbte o Tuesday evening May that Mo should bo Umaiiv was uphold by Mr iu ma gtonehouse of YeBt York 3onncr aod Judges decided in tart the de- fctti was a good turnout and tt if enjoyable evening Wed by all Dont worry about trouble an appointment yet at once They euro themselves Malocclusion means that the leelh out of their proper relation with each other crooked teeth means the of the teeth as a measure of prevention of decay and other troubles Extraction explains Itself thing needs to be bar In mind In connection with this examination It was of course Impossible to make thorough examination of each case and so It may bo that when a child Is taken to a dentist for treatment may bo found ncoossary to change the find ings This should not bo taken as any reflection on the dentist who examination In school dentists of the town this at request of the School Board and their only hope la that it may be helpful to the children of com munity Wo would wish In closing to of the benefits observed from the work of our Public Health Nurse Al most without exception the children have been taking At least some of their teeth and the credit for thU should largely go the Nurse through her educational talks and examination and encouragement of children Com District Deputy J J Shelly or To ronto accompanied by other high paid an official visit Tuscan Lodge Newmarket on Wed nesday evening A very pleasant was spent RepaVcd Men employed by the Good Roads Commission have been fixing up Street with the liberal use of stone gravel sand and so that It Is now good wheeling again on this Pro vincial thoroughfare Tho road be tween Industrial Home and Hol land Landing is also undergoing thorough treatment Try Tea Fruit Sundae Anns Chocolates weekly Fresh Mothodlat 8 about at Sunday School in attendance last Sunday after noon program provided by the Provincial Association was carried out by Superintendent Dr Wilkinson assisted by Rev collection for Provincial work amount ed lo of picnic to Island Grove Is July not June as was announced last week Missionary Sunday next Lords Day Special program AH welcome of Or Rankin Tuesday mornings Globe gives the following particulars about the death of llr nankin who married a New market young lady Miss Grace Pep- plat Montreal June i Two men two women were being this morn- by the police for the coroners in- In connection with the death last night from wounds of Dr of Stratford From Information gathered by police appears that party took place at an apartment at St Cath erine street west Around oclock occupants In other apartments heard front door bell ring The door Opened and almost Immediately a quarrel ensued A sound of crash ing glass was heard and when an in vestigation was made Dr Rankin was found lying on the stairs In a pool of his own blood Ho was In his underclothes Is thought Hank In was first stabbed with a and then thrown through a door the glass In which cur him In several places When the police examined the SI Catharine street premises they found glasses and two bottles of Tho furniture knocked over as if a struggle had taken place there iand the floor was found a large bread It was learned by police that Dr Rankin was staying In apart ment with a chum Or Rankin was the son of Dr James Palmer form or of Straf ford and for several years Liberal member for North Perth He receiv ed his preliminary education at Strat ford niatrloulatlng from the school In that city In Ho en tered the University of Toronto but after two study Ihero came to McGllI University to complete his medi cal studies- During his student days at ho probably the moat prominent and popular undergraduate In the wholo Institution An athleta of outstanding prowess he was largely responsible for great victories gained by hockey team during the ho a mem ber of the Red and Seven He enlisted In Joining an On tario battalion as medical officer On bis return from overseas ho went out to Saskatchewan and set up In practise In western province He arrived In Montreal from west two days ago and had to leave the city last night for Toronto where he plan ned to sit for tho Dominion medical examination which scheduled to commence- here OFFER Subject to Prior Sale HEW TIRE AND RUBBER GOODS LIMITED Incorporated under the Ontario Companies First FifteenYear Sinking Fund Bonds Dated November Duo lat Denomination Interact payable semiannually on the 1st of November and May Principal and interest payable In New York Funds at the City Offices of the Royal Bank of Canada Toronto Montreal and Winnipeg and at tha Agency of the Royal of Canada In New York City may be Registered as to Principal of aster A Toronto will be furnished TRUSTEE Chartered Trust A Co Toronto CAPITALIZATION I v k a Cumulative Preferred Shares par value Common Stock par value Authorized 2000000 Issued ID- IE p Ltd J SHKPPARD Georgian Bay Lumber Co Ltd Pre Royal Bank of Canada J DALY Toronto Playfalr Home Bank of Canada Great J Daly Co Ltd Ottawa MurrayKay Ltd Pres J P Toronto Proa Porcupine Mines Ltd Regent Theatres Limited DJtNKSRS ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The following information is summarized from a letter from Mr J Managing aW Treasurer of Company I considered to be one of the most successful greoohre operating Canada and are the Druggists i business has had a most J Ont Carriage Factories L WHITE Midland White Midland Lakes Transportation Co Ltd Canadian Dredging Co Ltd T SHEPPARD Toronto J Toronto fc by the i pro- only manufao- Molded Rubber Sundries remarkable growth as shown l Gross sales Gross soles Liabilities are more thai three 1918 Gross sales Gross sales The and Tangible Assets over and onehalf times face value of this Bond Issue In Units of BOND PAR VALUE THREE SHARES PAR VALUE FOR ACCRUED INTEREST Local Representatives Representing Alex Smith A Co A A HAMILTON week For further Information cut this out and limit in HAMILTON CO Name i If

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