r j 7 North York Marble Granite Electric Works All Latest nd HMd Stones of i Cot y Brussels apiece to lh Senators for a pay for This Is surely when It submit to uh affairs Prefer Highway to Renfrew Mercury to thousands of auto and horse drawn whirl owner Ontario money will bo spent for the Improve ment of highway ranter than for the of new racial lines t THE Wrong- Party In As If the Gov t Cemetery lettering All Kindt of haj enough answer for at the emergency tariff Comes to word promptly increase the burden Canadian by PnsAimacie east west north or will not fall to perceive how easily a condition could been avoided but Tor the In and Easier to than Work While em ployment Is scare In the Tool Building Order Slon Cut to Boa John Moss Proprietor Phona address Huron St Wear Newmarket yet the lent of a city hugger Toronto dally A Cells mat Is illustrative and A man nor miles out of line are cor re spoil of case the city on an a couple of weeks ago for un skilled labor offering coats an hour men to work In a nursery among plant and flowers fare out paid lie had only two applications and advanc ed the In both eases One of the men never showed up hut kept In a fare The other came worked a day and a half and quit declaring the village too lonely lo live In Could I lell yon some strange laic Wiilyea I could For wo a of A DIM bat not good Wo ifafti- know Of the darker Of Of crime and It Of quarrel and human strife Yes In my long term of duty some Some of them me thoughtful Whilst been ita iiuuns Of leaching many a lesson That lias helped me on my way And formed the steps by will oh gained position hold Nearly alt the men that Join force to make a name And a or superintendents l the goal Well Ive been one Thai by steadily plodding on Have risen from I he ranks sir An Inspectors braid lo don flft JJlgHl ftndimami And feel If iH if lrl rtell never e onto the The magistrate marts reply wrolA her a led her To the by Youll wur him io She put her upon the Then hinted head And I vwv thai face was pater Iter eycii with Ofsrf with both her And trembled like a leaf Pay iv which ihVy aim one of I I MAKE MONEY AT HOME FAKES ON JULY Rates Then to Figures of Lost But still I hold to the notion And I dont ihtnk Im far wrong Vim one of the lessons That has helped me through along Is one that Ive learnt from experience That he who would bo a man Can do no wiser or better thing Than follow the temperance plan For throughout my long career sir Ive had good cause to think That a deal of the and sorrow Is caused by the demon drink Its been startling lo notice reading my records through What terrible deeds of wickedness think has led men to do The pentup Of anguish down her like rain And she looked across her erring boy And exclaimed In a voice of pain I I swear against more than can bear I my I Its I Oh Johnny quick She tried to stagger towards him Hut fell down in a heap And he sprang over the rail of the doe With one tremendous leap Stooping down he gently raised her And lifted her drooping head He saw that her face was an ashen grey Was It possible she was dead rule bid will do It will fairly trream hi Ik Id mod irvlttuidlso And plenty fir In thr been hi a poods than riflht nov ARK TO THAN MOT weanling lo iho of In prices oa low now h they be fur wJtoa the drink Mother I mother I Ill quit God helping me I will ilio answered him never a word Her vain he- were closed and still called her by her name And listened Her throbbing beat to hear her heart had breath ceased lo She had entered the Valley of Death We hay a selected a good list for the weeks selling Saturday June 11th Friday June 17th A Evz ITS- white to paid weekly for your spare time writing for us No canvassing We instruct and supply you with steady work Shovvcard Service Church Toronto itflircx LUOTT Passenger rate on railways down Dominion Day to what they who before I he increase au thorized Dominion Hoard of last ember My the order of l0 passenger tales were raised per cent The said however that on December lliere was to lie a reduction so as lo make lite rates an increase of per cent of per cent On July I the rales wore lo revert to what they were before the order was made- The docs not reduc tions in sleeping or parlor ear rates But most of Comes Who Indulge That pain and suffering to thy men alone In the terrible craving leads them from hearth and home For the anguish and bitter heart sor row If often most keenly felt Heart disease the said Thai was summoned her aid Then lie whispered 10 the Justice And he his turn looked grave You discharged he said to the wretched lad He answered with simply a moan An ambulance was called for And they bore his dead mother home and Toronto Is noted for high grade training We have positions to fill now at to pee month- We one lately at per month and another per annum open all year enter at any time W J ELLIOTT SETTING- A CREEK TO WORK GREENHOUSES Newmarket CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS One In the No Order less than Delivered Porrlrt Phone of the most Interesting farms United Stales Is to be found in New York This farm attracts much attention because of the way In which much of the work on It Is done by One by old crankhandles familiar em blems of drudgery to every country boy have been thrown away to day churn separator and grindstone whir merrily without the labor of- a hand upon them It was some time ago that one of the sons of the owner of the farm persuaded his father to begin harnessing the little creek plunged merrily down through their farm to Its Junction with the Mohawk A dam was then begun con crete wings and foundation and lead ing to a concrete wheelpit A fall of four and a half feet was obtained with a constant flow of four thousand gallons a minute A upright waterwheel was Installed which developed seven teen and a half horse power and to this was attached a twelveandahalf kilowatt generator Fifteen hundred feel of hare aluminum cable led a loving and patient mother Who perhaps has often knelt Beseeching the blessing of heaven To rest on her darling boy Thai he In the years of manhood Might become her lifes best Joy But bow often li has happened That Just In the flower of youth He has turned a deaf ear to entreaty And strayed from the path of truth They have loved the social glass sir And allowed the love to grow Until It has led them Into crime And filled many a heart with woe You asked me for a story sir That will bear out whal Ive been spy ing Concerning the called drink Died of a broken heart sir Crushed by the cruel pain That tho lad had brought upon her By his drunkenness aud shame One victim amongst the many That by drink been cruelly slain Can you wonder that made the solve sir Throughout life from strong drink to abstain ALL HAND In and stripes Me THlSWKEKi yard PILLOW and yard ON nilS AN CLOTH otto of the for regular ON THIS CURTAIN In ecru plain ami law worth yard ON SALE THIS 19o AA newest for and Iduutlers with black stripes while ON SALE all the now wide the Very for over and skirts I ON THIS VOILKS floral no two the same only ON WEEK lennUi ENGLISH la stripes sold ON SALE THIS LIGHT LOLOUKD PRINTS In Inches wide sold season at WkEK pink yellow mauve and ON SALE THIS L SILK four Mild In many stores at ON SALE I ill SILK pair ON llllS or tlllJJNrJtV Wud Hats rtthuxtl to to 295 Hats to 195 to BOOT AND LADIES AN Sites Mi ON SALE TinS WKKK 3Ai LADIES AND CALFSKIN all sizes ON SALE THIS pair LADIES SOLE HEEL sizes to and width ON BALK THIS WKKK i DECLARES MEIGHEN IS SACRIFIC ING ONTARIO TO MANITOBA J N 0 FOR SALE class high grade tuition Will for Immediate sale for selling roglsterad and enrolled for this season Good prospocla for purchasor Apply to tho owner Box FITS home treatment for epilepsy years success Thousand of testimonials No case shoutd be considered hope less Free booklet Remedy Co of Canada Street Toronto On tario Lyman lasuer of Marriage Licenses Era Of floe Office Private Papers leaned at private res- llenoe if desired r Enroll Any Time NEWMARKET f Stenographic School A Bank of Toronto Block 1 Jfewmarkct the to house where twenty- five lamps were Installed and to the ham whore more were placed Two months after the was Hie water was sent through Hie wheel the lurned on Since then powerplant his run con- llnuoiisy and day with no at tention whatever except supervision ami oiling two or throe times a week Fuel In tlie Mohawk Valley in mid winter Is of course expensive both In money and In required for main taining fires Tin son Installed a thousamlwati healer which heats two rooms about cubic feel to a temperature of seventyfive when it Is zero That put old coal slove out Of business In the creamery where the milk from twentyfive rows Is manufactur ed Into butter there a separator which must bo turned 1400 revolu- a minute morning and evening 1111 the milk of the Whole heed gone through A small motor half horse power was mounted so as to he convenient to this and connected to It by a belt It did the work to perfection and first crank- hand la was discarded To make the action more complete a of water was tipped over the separator rind a float arranged to break the circuit when the last of the milk ran out Now when Hie separat ing process ends the motor matlrally stud off the water dumped In the motor started again for a mo ment the rinsed and emptied all without a hand being put to If The churn a big barrel affair was mounted on a swivel platform and brought Into line with the same motor and then a grindstone the terror of the fana was added The band pump which furnished water to house lank In was discarded anil the little motor took over the task Wood was still i burned In the kitchen A larger motor was acquired coupled to a saw And of sawing wood was enlighten ed labor flat Irons were provided for the kitchen electric fans a freexor and an cooker were added for summer It happened one morning last wlnter On a day that was bitterly That one of my men brought Into court A lad some twenty years old a face 1 knew full well sir For he had been convicted before And always for the selfsame thing Drunkenness nothing more That morning his face was a sight lo behold Just tike large dark blotch That told you a great deal plainer than words Of a long and heavy debauch lie was closely followed into court By a woman quite decently clad And thought not old she had silvery hair And a countenance pale and sad In a very ho il lime the lads turn came on In itio dock ho took his place The policeman stepped to Iho witness- box And began to slate his case worship the before you Is John by name lies become habitual drunkard Hut to give him a again Pardee of West sub jected Premier To scotching criticism in the House during the de bate on the Lake of the Woods bill Mr Pardee look a firm stand for the rights of the people of Ontario and the bill moved by Pre mier as vicious In every sense of the word was brought In for Hie purpose of enriching another prov ince at tho expense of Ontario sought nominally to satisfy the prov ince of Manitoba but really to further a number of private interests It was without doubt nothing but a side wind to take from Ontario that which right fully belonged lo her to deprive her of her natural resources to wafer- power It ought not lo be allowed for people of Ontario would resent it In the strongest possible way Mr Pardee appealed to Govern ment to wall further a few mouths and get together with Ontario on some arrangement A STATUTE NORTH YORKS BEST STOE An amount slightly in excess of was raised for Iho Alexander Memorial as a result of the tag day Willi the al ready on hand tho committee has approximately to expend on the erection of the memorial which according to a recent decision is lo the form of bronze slightly larger titan life size to be placed if possible hi Queens Park to northeast of the statue of Sir John MacdonaUl To a subcom mittee with Sir Walker chairman has been left the ar rangements for a competition for designs amicable Port Arthur and Ken- also condemned the bill as un fair and unjust irrespective of pro vincial Hon A leader of Pro gressives supported declaring there was no Intention of Interfering with the rights of Ontario Following committee stage Fred Pardee Of West lamblon moved six hoist His motion was to no lor A school girl was required write about words about a Our She submitted the following My uncle bought a motor car He was out riding In the country when It busted going up a hill The other are what my uncle said when ho was walking back to town but I kuow you wouldnt want me to repeat them T BANK of MONTREAL ESTABLISHED OVER YEARS Savings Department is a Savings Department in every Branch iti Canada of the Bank of Montreal hi which interest is allowed at the highest current rates Amounts of and upwards may be deposited BANK of MONTREAL up la of NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS defeated majority by of to a government face Weve brought his mother to sign a complaint And wo thought sir If you would You might give him a month at the drunkards home possibly do him good The magistrate to mother turned But even lie wassRirtled to co The expression on womans The deep lines of agony You can do nothing with him your self He sympathetically said No sir I cannot although Ive tried lo drink hes easily led IPS not been all my Johnnys fault hes been tempted soro There are four taverns to beguile hlm Within a few yards of our door Five years ago he took to drink Ho was a kind As good a boy as noble As ever mother hod Hes good and kind to me now sir When from drink hes free lint when hes drunk hes nearly mad And a dreadful trouble to me loving lad a son Musics ReCreation O to murder her to He has tried sir I The officer sternly sd Its a mercy someone was help Or shed long ago been dead magistrate nodded to the clerk To glvo her a complaint to sign He handed her a printed form Saying- Write your name on that line She took the pen In her fingers And began her name to trace Then stopped and lurned Ihe Justice Her thin and bloodless face Sir hes the only child Ive have let him go If sign this theyll take him And never forgive mc I away know Ive been fighting for years him litis fivo of April Marie Rappold of the Metropolitan Opera Company stood of Carnegie Hall in New York new Invention lately perfected by A Edison She sang in direct comparison with this new instruments reproduc tion of her voice and the audience composed of twentyfive hundred music critics Were unable to dis tinguish this great prima donaas living voice from its ReCreation on the New Edison Next day the New York Tribune said Edison Snares the Soul of Music Call and let us demonstrate to you the superiority of the NEW EDISON J We never had flood value In Cars to offer you before USED CARS FROM 200 to 500 And every one In good shape and worth more to you than what we are asking WE HAVE 20 ON HAND and see them soon are very Special FORD DEALER K ROBERTSON Newmarket