Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 1

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GLASSES Vl pfopiy ah sty TCWatson Graduate Optician iAttm Is The Leading County Paper as well Oldest- No paper sent out York unless paid in advance TERMS per annum In advance j when not to paid- to United Slates In advance only Editor and Proprietor Jolly Berry Spoons Butter Knives Tea Spoon Sugar Shell From Jewelry Store NT PR ID AY J i I Hiiiiif I I II Copies Soeach SERVICE J NEWMARKET For Is IN- Paints Oils Stains Varnishes Blacksmiths machinists Pipe Fitters Electric Appliances and Fittings Automobile Accessories Oils Grease and PHONE I I Farm Sale Notes What do you intend to do with your Bale notes Bring them to this Bank for discount or safe keeping You- will find prompt cour teous and complete banking service at our nearest branch BRANCH AURORA OF CANADA at A MURRAY SOUTH END LUMBER YARD SCRANT0N NUT COAL COKE fa Brick Cement- Lumber P W PEARSON Cop Church and CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALER IN Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc ALSO- ft Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Is tat Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket f -TO- CAR OWN We have added a BATTERY REPAIR to our Garage and are now prepared to repair kinds of If In trouble with your Bat- lei look It over for you REASONABLE i fewu for W tiatlerle ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Water Street i Newmarket OUR LETTER June ended and the Prime on way to londoa Willi hi in Hon TolmK who hope to impress authorities life need of embargo from Ulan Stare cattle Sir George Fos ter at lie helm while lite shipper absent ami things are likely to along quietly the next couple of months- Of course cables will be freely exchanged d arias Premiers absence whenever any arises on which necessary have his final authority that can ho arranged Before going the Premier faithful and Warned them to be on the alert and begin building up their organization la readiness for appeal to the country Not that there was any real sugges tion that such an appeal was likely in near future but ft was as well to build up fences which had fallen somewhat into disrepair dur ing recent years Unless the coming by- elections prove unkind and further re duce Ihc governmental majority be fore the opening of another session there Is not believed to be any real likelihood of an appeal the country before the constitutional term has been slrotcnVd its fullest That would mean an election in fall of next after a redistribution bill had been parsed and during the farmers busy harvest period that while the farmer him self might get out and vote there would ool be so much likelihood of letting the hired man off for the day to exercise his franchise Hon Howell and J A out of Ihe fed eral political arena The former goes back lo a presumably lucrative law practise without having had his chance this year to make many speeches on the League of Nations and the latter Is now a Minister of Ihc Cabinet of Hon William Martin Saskatchewan These two resigna tions which were announced just be fore closing of the house make live vacancies in addition to Medicine Hat where byelections Writs have al ready been issued and where the vot ing lakes place this month The government Is not likely to be In any hurry In Issuing the writs for the five seats now vacant In fact It Is generally accepted that they will stand over until the Prime Minister returns as wil probably most mailers of which come up- The recent session has done more than anything rise to bring to light Ihe one man na ture of present administration Tin Prime Minister In the House and out of It hail he not only the Com mander in hut also the and the whole army When a question came up which re quired any skilful handling from Ihe government point of view It was the Prime Minister who begun and ended Hie governments argument and ex cept for lite lifts he occasionally got from hack on his side he practically without support On one or two occasions It was neces sary for the former leader Sir Robert lo step In an explanation or a defensive argument It was obvious early in session that such was Ihe ease and long be fore the end ll was made clear that Ihe Housemust be prorogued early in June or Ihe Prime Minister would not lake the chance of going over to Lon don and leaving his Partys affairs to tike care of themselves with IhO Op position on the watch at oil limes Once the House was up there was no further ho Mr Mclghen was able to get away had the session continued to Inly Instead of a month earlier the Prime Ministers would have been compelled to get along In their deliberations without him The fur letting the Prime Mini ster away brought about a great rush of business at Ihe end of the session Hems which bad previously stood over on the ground that limy were tigious went through like lightning except when here and then an Opposition member Insisted on an explanation and Hon Fielding was one of the leaders in protest against the Indecent hast with which legislation was being through during the few days but Ihelr drew nothing hut re bukes from government beaches One Item which did not succeed In through however despite the pressure lhat was put behind It and grease on before was a vole for for payment lo Park St Charles Co of Quebec an arbitration award Hon declared It was a piece of and that Ihe money was going to men who had worked for the government In election contests promised government If would lei- the Item aland over he would prove that such was the case and Mao that there was collusion be hind It The vote he said should have been In main estimates or In the first Instead though the government knew of It since early In was In brought down and was the last for discussion before the Jlouse prorogued Mr was vote should not go through ami he had the support of a IV Liberals In House so the government accepted and withdrew the item stands now for Mr Lemieuxs during the recess and he lias guaranteed before another session he will prove lhat was graft and collusion or he will make an to men concerned The members are away to their homes now and of hem are wondering how they may be re called There are rumours of a redi stribution session In the fall with appeal to the country lo follow are strictly In category Of rumours Those govern men I who made a fight In caucus and in the House for frights feel lhat Vine amendments Id Civil Service Act gave Iheni least part of what they demanded of government and Ihe government feels that the amendments made- have satisfied a restive Majority for time being However it will prob ably he only a mallet of lime until they are back for some of Itiem are proles ting very strongly high cost of elections since they ran no longer hold out the offer of jobs And but sure- the skids are being put under Civil Service Commission those re sponsible for Its creation CANADA TO RIVAL CALIFORNIA FOR CROP PRODUCTION Town Council Special meeting held on June pursuant to Present- Mayor Reeve Keith Councillors Osborne Cane Moss Klvidge Mr Keith Introduced a bylaw to by debentures for purpose of purchasing land and erect ing a new School building In Andrews Ward The passed Its first second readings Another bylaw was passed to lake a vote of the electors on proposed of properly for new School j Stilt another bylaw introduced provide for Ihe purchase of Ihe Lewis Bush for Park purposes and given two readings A bylaw was then passed to pro vide for taking a vole of electors on of the Lewis for a Town Park The bylaw to for Con of Sewers on certain streets of the Town was finally passed Also the bylaw to provide for construction of Curb and Culler on portions- of and Timothy sts Council adjourned From Several trees were upturned on the farm of Mr Seba last Sat urday by me wind ami two killed Annual of Upper Canada Tract Society the Church Saturday evening Officers elected for next year John Cook Jos P Pearson METHODIST CONFERENCE Rev WJ Hall of Dayton Ohio former Newmarket Christian Church who Is now attending the Centennial Keswick- AGREES TO GUARANTEE YORK RADIAL RAILWAY TimesHerald Dallas Teiis Prince Albert June Western- Canada has become the ag ricultural rival of California Thirty- five families that had engaged in fruit raising in California recently settled in the North district of Saskatchewan who tried California after fanning Was eca has returned to Saskatchewan I am neither a knocker nor a booster so far as California Is con cerned said Mr Randall Cali fornia Is all I prefer Saskatchewan In California I grew fruit Is a luxury In Saskal- grow wheal and livestock- Livestock and wheal are necessaries The world will buy a dollars worth of wheat beef or bacon when It would not Invest five cents In oranges The farmer who raises essential foods in my opinion will be far belter off In the long run than the fanners who grows luxuries Settlement- Is a good barometer of a regions agricultural possibilities By far the heaviest Settlement in Canada it present Is coming to fertile lands along the transcontinental lines of the Canadian National Hallways pome of the best lands In western Canada are in Ibis belt There Ij plenty of land lo be had at 920 and an acreland which gives a greater per acre grain yield limn laud an acre In great reason that this region Is settling so rapidly Is thai html can he purchased here for less thau land of fertility can be rented In the stales The country Is gently rolling lightly timbered and well watered prairie It Is a natural diversified forming region II Is an area of small farms and every former arises not only field crops cattle sheep and hogs In years has become a great dairying country Creameries built Willi financial assistance and operated cooperatively by farmers are responsible for this They furnish local markets and make the production of milk and one of the profitable branches of farm Industry COUNTY COURT of June Strong of approbation of the Government In general and Honey la particular were embodied In a resolution passed here yesterday by Toronto Methodist Conference The resolution which was sent on to the Conference by Laymens Association commends the AttorneyGeneral for the firm stand Toronto June attempt was made and Premier Drury up by numerous up the obstacles A determined by Sir Adam Heck this morning to the way of definite of the Mae Ken- Kirk Smith Cook Howard Isaac Silver Stephen Howard Jacob Johnson and Alexander Every man dead except named the last and final ratification purchase deal Al oclock noon an Important conference was held at the premiers office in Queens Park with the do- that the province guarantee the he has taken for Ihe enforcement of bonds for York purchase as the biggest Obstacle 25 YEARS AGO From Era Juno Tuesday was Nomination Day throughout the Dominion North York nomination look place at Brad ford for the Liberals and Dr Strange for the Conservativea The for West Ontario J D and Mrs J Is visiting In Mark- ham visited at law in connection of the Ontario Temperance Act for his recent on the question of racelrack gambling and for his efforts lb make vice less popular In Canada In the report of the Fund Committee It was recommended the salaries of all married mini sters on circuits be placed at a mini mum of which would Include the keep of a horse that of single men to remain at The Hon of modern methods of finance was urged In Jhe report DAMAGE TO OoneraUng at Badly Flooded HYDRO PLANT Falls la Majors TongueLaahlng Is dont know which disreputable of you Iwh Ihe most You ft j pair of filthy Major Win Mates ami Jack of I will fine of you and bind you over to keep ihe peace and If either of you come here again will send you to Jail Males a highly dor orated face to hack up his evidence charged Chappell with being tho decorator of It Mrs Mary Sutton was hound over to keep Ihe peace and to not use foul language before children Major said when Joseph Miller was charged Willi feeding hogs a license and with city gar bage Dead hogs and cholera been found on your premises You arc a danger lo the community A breeder and sprcaUer disease I ought lo fine you but will let you off this time with olid County Constable Myers In troduced of He was fined for A The Major determined lo stop the use of Ihe conn I roads for dis orderly purposes After We si over explained the actions of Ont June The Kails generating of HydroElectric system was badly damaged by flooding on Saturday night by the bursting of a dam He- port vary to Ihc length of Ihnc It will lake to make repairs Local Hydro officials claim that will be repaired within four days while the local Utilities Commission places Its estimate at a week and from six mile a from the plant are lhat will take a month id least Communication with the flooded power house Is difficult due to Its situation The disablement of the plant has resulted In a loss of horse power lo Ihe Hydros Central system and practically all power In Hie oily was shut Off this morning Early this afternoon however assist ance from the Quaker and Cana dian fleneral Companies own ers of private generating stations enabled the supply to bo partially re sumed The sudden cut off was a serious blow to Industries ami should the present shortage continue fur long many Industries which recovering from the period of Indus trial will suffer a setback Lain reports from damaged sla the Government recently having dis covered objections to that sir Adam and the citys representa tives made clear that keep faith with ratepayers who voted on thv first of January the provincial guaran tee would have be given Definite government approval therefore was conceded today The next point proved to be more troublesome the question whether the province should guarantee the million dollars of Mackenzie Power bonds held in British Trust Company Shortly after conference broke up without A float agreement having been reached The cabinet had not conceded a provincial guarantee of the millions bonds and It was de cided to let matter stand until some lime early next week when it was confidently finality will be reached SAY LARGEST GOLD ORE BODY ON CONTINENT IS FOUND The Man June Addition al Informal received here concerning he gold strike at bake leads to belief that from the surface showings Hie largest gold ore body on the continent has been uncovered The dyke has been stripped of over burden for feet in length and In wtdlti without encountering the walls In which the gold is freely de posited throughout The outcropping near waters edge where he dis covery was made has developed Into a rich pocket of gold which gradually lessens In quantity back the ilia- Vllle Mr Oliver Is back from Wo osier Ohio Mrs Soules gave a five oclock tea Friday afternoon Miss Thompson of was visiting at Rectory over Sunday Mr Lowe Of Almonte was here for a couple of weeks owing to the Illness and death of his father Mr Oakley of South Cali fornia is visiting Mr Cyrus Mr and his three have gone to Hun Is vllle to spend summer Rev of Chatham visited here this week Mr J Wilson and wife left on Saturday for Illinois and Wisconsin where they expect to stay three months i Air ami Mrs Jackson also Mr find Mrs Jackson for by the on Friday to he funeral of Mrs Jacksons brother Mr Jan Rev I W Hairier of Newark J was calling on friends In town on Tuesday He Is leaving on August 1st for a two years trip across the ocean The Tomb At Sutlon June 5lh Mary aged years In Newmarket June 17th Tas Lowe aged years Newmarket June John aged years At Aurora June of Lambert Pearson aged years Interment at Cemetery KILLED IN AUTO Hill June James Park aged Jcffersou was so injured when his collided Willi on automobile Saturday evening lhat he died on his way to the Toronto General Hospital His leg was broken In three places and his arm broken and head Injured Park was driving north on Yonga street to his home without lights on post 350 feet away where his motorcycle Above Elgin Mills Ihe body disappears under a heavier overburden A ease Of dynamite has been sent up to the properly to be used hi blowing open the dyke to learn to what extent this sold Is deposited un derneath Prospectors are staking heavily around Ihe discovery and across ihe Grassy River opposite find where Is claimed the dyke been picked up Hon Indicate Mint while two employees L Richardson and a man named TABLETS CAUSE death were repairing a turbine late Saturday CHATHAM CHILD night the slop loga the darn burst and a deluge of water filled power house through an open manhole a of four men Jumped through raceway and swam the building feet The two a window Into Ihc It Is feared the equipment may be depreciated as a of the flooding DIES OF AFTER June Nettle Sharp aged years died today In Ihe General Hospital of collapse fol lowing mi accident In the harbor on Sunday afternoon The girl was stepping Into a Ihc olher aide of the harbor about ISO yards away when the canoe upset throwing her and Its three- occupants the water The Chatham June Little Cos- three yearOld the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Wil liam street south Is dead as a result of eating a number of tabids containing strychnine and belladonna The child Secured the with out Hie knowledge of her parents and had eaten between and tablets before she was discovered Medical aid was summoned but was avail the Utile girl suffering a series of convulsions death ended her sufferings he noticed an automobile driven by Gordon Shaw street Toron to who was towing another car out lights with Miss V Long High Park Gardens Toronto In charge foremost car Park swerved to the side of Ihe road and apparently not noticing car being towed swerved bark Ihe centre of the roadway striking the mudguard of Ihe second car Park was Hie son of George Park former foreman of Highland Lake Farm Jefferson owned by R Miss Longs ear was a garage because she key being towed had lost her PEAT EXPERIMENTS BE CONTINUED to reach shore a few feet away Willi John defendant was request- difficulty as one of them could not hand over in hearing a case of speeding through the town of Newmarket Major ishl Unless Hie town officials up denoting the town llmlls I will treat cases before me for speeding the town the same treat In country For speeding J Slater and paid each A J Sword and Davis and Dr Amsden Care wllh fire the With the grace first principle with Iii Iho woods Is woodsmen swim After few Sharp was brought up from bot tom In an unconscious elate ley who had dived for her She was revived and by Iho time hospital was reached wan Later she showed of collapse and succumbed twelve after Iho t Da KEBDaiO New York June Coney Island was visited by Ihc largest crowd of year by the ihiW comes to Chautauqua direct police fit of Ihls w Travelogue With number more than the in MeatuW and day in suits Lawrence In AjbU T peat operaltoAS wilt be carried on Alfred this season by the Provincial Government on ap proximately same scale as last year A new step in operation la a test being- laken on one of the largo lype machines which performs all operations from digging lo spread ing for drying Allsummer this ma chine will work away on Iho peat fields and when season Is Ihe department will have actual cos statistics on peat production The machine lurns out approximately Ions of peat per day which Is being marketed hi eastern Ontario and Montreal at a price of i per ton f b Alfred June unusual the scene In Toronto Methodist conference last night when a full two of Pauline John sons j poems and made an Immediate of the crowded A ralnlBterauggeslfd a more practical form appreciation than the formal resolution and in a moment- collec tion plates were being passed around some preachers weroiVseeo to separate Ihemselves from The conference I hanks took- the form of Bra

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