Newmarket Era , June 17, 1921, p. 10

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by -TRUrr-TTVES- on his stand on ram I rack gambling satisfaction with the of the referendum and In League of Nations passed at he annual of Iijo Toronto District Churches hell in the second church ImI week Tho I grvaL Psalm shall never rightly Lords goodness except we rvallao something of Is lib KING CITY John who died on MRS MJ Union St Vancouver I suffered with all symptoms Female Trouble with chronic Con stipation flod constant Headaches hod paint Jo down in the back and tides of the body I tried various remedies without relief and then put myself under a doctors care and ha me to have an operation I refused I started taking Fruit tires and from the outset I felt better and this has completely exlievcd me of alt my misery and My weight was only pounds and now it is pounds and headaches and terrible Constipation and me from misery is the splendid fruit Fruit- a- tires fiOe a box for trial site At all deafens or seut Limited Ottawa PLUMBING and FURNACES GET OUR PRICES HARDWARE NEWMARKET BERT Painter and Paper Hanger MARKET Iloltorl mi eatnle valued at Including hi In township SSOOO cash Vic tory bonds booh debts and produce anil hup to meals Ho his whole es tate to Ills son Wesley Clark- sou Maple Oat who must pas he following legacies to his slater Em ilia and an annuity of a long as she remains Ada Hunter King and Mrs Mary A Watson each FIRE AT VAINDORF i Township Hall I Aurora June village of narrowly escaped complete destruction by fire today The muni cipal halt and Pot Ills blacksmith shop were burned to ground and sur rounding houses damage Prompt assistance from Aurora and fanners of the whole district alone saved old historic hamlet from being wiped out It Is sided that re a hi ess Is unsearchable after most and laborious lie we must eaeialm with Ttu little a portion Is heard of Him Of I he greatness of or the grandeur of we ran have no adequate rone option Is His throne ami is His footstool etmhl na tion art as the itrop A less than nothing vanity His IhmiKhls Ills purples Ills plans are great Ills promises are precious itPays to- Advertise at Chautauqua Vivian Himself and his Players direct from New York to play Greatest Laugh Producer Jcnown in the Theatre thing lie does It tiki ever and Is OH He pardon sin ft I toes He supplies vast as His eternal Ills and varied as due wants Ho save ills popple It Is will a great Salvation from great front great suffering at a great anil by a great Saviour great happiness And glory HOME HEARTS CORRESPONDENCE lilgh wind was The the shop blown and lei few flames the responsible for IIip fin of Uncovered on the roof Burning Shlngtee Spread Fire The wind carried burning shingles to the municipal hah close by and Id a few minutes It ablate William Nelson Powells house and barns were several times on fire but the active bucket brigade cacti lime succeeded in quenching the flames J A Van house and barns were similarly saved William owner of the black smith shop was heavy loser all his equipment Was destroy ed as well as lie building and he had little insurance received a large slock of the WALL Now is the time to mike Selections at LOWEST PRICES We hang ihe Paper If you wish us to The Counotl Is HomolotS Municipal Hall in which for years Whitchurch Township Gouticl has met Was a goodsized building and one of the best township halls hi York county For a long time It was known as the Library Hall and boused township library As Vandorf Is In practically the centre of Whllchurch township is likely that the hall will he rebuilt by Council RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SIZE OF FARM AND EFFICIENT USE OF LABOUR Phono 239 P Box NEWMARKET THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL 1 TORONTO DETROIT A CHICAGO I t Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains Full Information from any Trunk Tickst Agent or Horning Passenger Toronto DOWN TOWN Newmarket NOTICE IS GJVEM that cthorlnB or the City of Toronto la the Province Ontario married will to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof this date for a bill of from her husband Richard Clement Kudd Drillhand on the grounds of Adultery and desertion- DATED at Toronto In the Province of Ontario this 1st day of February A ARTHUR 80S Royal Bank Building Toronto Ontario Solicitor for said applicant For The small area farm does not offer sufficient room for the operation oil Hie larger labour saving and power neither will permit such capi tal cost Many products few machines and much human energy In the for small farm If labour on a he kept fully employed and moving a speed thai will maximum production some hope may he entertained for profit Willi labour not employed to the limit all production wilt be absorbed In there will he little or nothing In either cash or produce that ran he railed profit The largo farm if well organized as a producing business offers greater opportunity of ways and means of keeping la bour employed to the limit The size of a farm to be must be determined by Its location and the energy and ability of the tial operator farm should be so small as not lo keep the operator ami his family fully employed using best tools power during the entire year Individual should a farm of larger size than his managing ability warrants A farm business hot entails too labour for one man ami yet not enough for two men Is out of and hot likely to be an profitable as should be A farm business Jo large enough keep one man 1 fully employed hut on which the la bour of two or three men la being expended can not be profitable since efficient use of labour can only fa cured by adjusting Individual to the farm or tho farm business to Individual Stevenson You blame Cinderella and other of the church for the misery and suffering that today cant If the church Ir respective of creed been 0115 their duty reaching and Christ ft would be Impossible tor sin and miser to as It does today but the same love of money that made Judas sell Christ has gut hold of the Church for long weary year the church has be come an Industry I have seen hoys study for the ministry whose live were a glaring disgrace even when they were In the divinity hall and when their ordination and induction came around their relatives would at sit together In the front pew and make everyone around uncomfortable will their sobs and the minister who per formed the service would give the boy a grand recommendation and tell how the Lord had called him to the mini stry have seen that in both Old country ami new have also seen in Ihe swell churches keepers and brewers sit with their whole families and simply control the church with thole money- And the church took filthy money not earing If It was drenched with the tears and blood of starving children Now the churches are preaching pro hibition because they have Like many more are afraid of the times hut that will never cover tint sin of the blood money that they have for years from starving children of every nation And Sun shine It Is no disgrace to be poor is only Ignorance that makes people look down on poof The world some of her greatest and cleverest men ami women from the poor and you have your children How many people in world of their own dont get irnmJ failure ami mistake you have made In T I CHEATING Florence Jones Oh the is a place where all day long Sun nunc Is selling his wares for Song Someone Is selling and someone will buy Though the goods may be shoddy the price may be high JEWELS days sky so bine hills waters too Emerald days meadows IHJlo field days just at dawn Rosepearl days- sunset gone Opal days of light and mist Twilight of amethyst Diamond ilays Ice ami snow Oh lovely days 1 Know together fair- and dear In the crown of one sweet year DOWN WITH TOBACCO And someone Is selling along with bis wares The hopes of his father mothers prayers Thou rank cigar that numbs my Ills honor and manhood he barters for Thou noxious pipe with reeking pelf howl And If cheating another hes cheating No longer shall I vow In vain himself I thy shaektes from my soul Thou nerve destroying cigarette you bay Or from which I cut Chaw Upon ye all will soon be set Just remember this lad If you sell That hurling a brother will hurt you as well If youre short weight oh honor Short measure in truth Youre robbing your manhood right now in your youth I my EVIL HABITS PROFANE LANGUAGE The stern faced mlnona of Ihe taw fa No Til dull with nicotine My once power though I My left bicuspids Ivory sheen Again shall gleam way It ought more beneath doctors Ill clutch my and Stare and star What time I hear him sternly cry Young man got tobacco heart I from your life alt over again In bringing up J every time first looks guiltily Is the most senseless habit thai any boy ever acquired for you have to acquire Ihe habit you have put on it Is as If- a boy should some filthy garment when there were plenty of new The law shall says mo almost begging things lo be worn No pipe nor cigarette It lakes a long time to til swear Can touch mo when statute flings words to a boy They do not fail About Its protecting net upon him naturally It is forced look whole world In the face unnatural habit a painful process Ill fear no fate not even death A boys conscience says Shame I And there will be no taint nor trace parents lildrcus lives l You wilt be living life all over again In bringing up your children only not making any Strange of mistakes you made In your own feast that Is how I look at It bringing up my children my mistakes all to their benefit Sun shine lake no heed of tire slights of your neighbors I through the same thing every day only I urn on rny own and I look at It that God has given us a great work to do In bring up our children and If we bring up to be good men and women dont you think we are being richly rewarded And Sunshine just think can people who combine to slight a family because they are poor happy themselves What kind of minds can they have In think out such a foolish thing They dont hurl you or me Sunshine so much is hurl themselves Cheer lip Sunshine about there sights Milton One Juno Smith married man fam ily wan arrested on for from member of Toronto hull Irani which visited He was sentenced to How often he to sec that his are not within hearing how hard a few boys wilt work to get out of hie garbage lank of life when there are plenty of go just watting strike hands and share with them Of course a boy gets hardened In time He reaches the care stage when his face gels hard his heart gels bard and which Is pure and good dies and evil has right of way Boys shy away from profane Ian guage as the colored man did from This colored man was walking a companion A saw stood In front of a store that carried machinery Suddenly Jeff shied clear across ihe Of nicotine upon my breath And Ill be glad yes glut indeed I With rapture will my chest expand the instant that the weed Is banished from my native land In the meantime heres a torch A neighbor left the Other night And so well sit hero on the porch And talk and have you got a light six months Ontario Prison MAN GIVES WIFE GLYCERINE MIXTURE BANDITS KILL BANK MESSENGER IN FIGHT FOR MONEY Notice of Application for Divorce hereby given that tut Cameron of City of Toronlo the County of York In the Province Mich June deromc Ontario Cashier will apply to a of Detroit me Parliament of Canada at the next ses- was shot and filled and Ida thereof for a bill of front Thompson another her husband Cameron messenger for the same bank was of Cut Bank bandits who at- She had stomach After giving her trouble for simple said his astonished what Is yon afraid of that bin saw over there said Jeff in tones Why num hot buzz saw aint Kohl said ids friend About one hundred thousand head of slock cattle horses and sheep are gruzed mi Dominion forest reserves in Western Canada and number Is steadily This grazing re duces danger from grass fires and Is of great assistance to the fanners and stockmen In the surrounding rid dlntnlford While hunting near Mills Kills former Preston shot mill kill mid killed his gcdugV said Jeff thals 1 one Ihnugtit and 1 about done another buzz tost two saw Shy away from profanity Give It a wide yes give It all the ami sleep on Urn floor jhvtn have no bedfellow ftnllll who recent ly owned I ho at two who are old hunters were a small Gal lic ranch owned by Travis Stew art of Kills unit shooting wilh rifle Slates of America Printer on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this day of l MARY CAMERON by her Solicitors bay Street Toronto Solicitors for the petitioner The high of living fact that many want at Dragoon avenue Is due It to tacked them noon today One Of the three robbers was hit a bullet when Thompson fired a the bandits car speeded north and John Colli saw the wounded bandit pulled into the back seat by one of his companions robbers escaped wilh a bag cancelled checks but overlooked s second bag containing ha cash Thompson was not The car In which the messengers were riding overturned When Thomp son Us driver swerved suddenly in tending to turn and flee The attack on messengers came without warning no command heard before the bandits fired a shotgun through back of car Jumped out of their own machine grabbed the hi checks ind then their bark glycerine etc as mixed In her husband says My wife feels fine now and has gained weight It la wonderful stomach medicine Adlerlka acta BOTH upper and lower bowel removing foul matter which poisoned stomach and which you never thought was In your system EXCELLENT for gas on The stomach or chronic constipation Guards against appendicitis- The impurities will surprise you Patterson Druggist Newmarket fled Who iU the twain role In It A KING WHO ON HIS TWO WHEELED Nowadayses in the days of old when Kings call for their aeroplane Their motor car or their carriage of stale Very few Kings ever think of generating their own locomotive power put In this picture we have an exception to the rule The King of Sweden Ihe tallest ruler In Pay to Advertise at worW trips gets our his and generating his own power goes around the side THE HALL BROS STUDIO The Hall Bros Studio Newmarket Ont has been taken over by Mr Brown an expert flrapher from Toronto formerly of New York Oily Portraits Enlargements Finishing for Amateurs Framing Photos That Wilt Satisfy You at Moderate Prices Studio open June 1st Call and See and be Convinced etc A PHONE 303 CHARLES R A HAM BOND LTONCO DEALERS Provincial Bonds Maturity Int Pay of Saskatchewan Aug Feb of Ontario Feb Aug A Feb of Alberta Apr Apr A Oct payable In gold at holders Grand Trunk Pacific Guar by of Saskatche wan Feb May A Not Municipal Debentures 1000 Jan Annually Town of Sudbury Odd Amounts June Annually CUV of Medicine Hat 400 July I Jan July West KJIdortan School District July I Jan A July East Kltdonan School District d May Annually Wo buy and sell Victory Bonds at market pries k- i need There Is not a farm anywhere- around Newmarket which doc not a Tractor A big days work In ploughing truck hauling threshing etc is ran Iced by FIAT The FIAT runs smooth Is a powerful but simple Tractor that won many prises for Low Fuel Consumption and Most Work Done in a day The Kind of Tractor you need Is a FIAT Ask for a Demonstration GRAHAM AGENT AURORA Telephone Aurora P Box The Champion Shoe Repair Shop MULTIPLY BY TWO the life of your shoes by J repair them In the modern these days of constantlya shoe prices the cost of JJr a matter of serious dont throw away your old r Let us look at them to sea not nuke sentable again A J Champion Shos St vat

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